Friday, December 29, 2017

964: The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#964: The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace
Comments 96
The Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory is es­pe­cially bound­less, one shortly bound­ary. 30 six Ice Phoenix Palace stand­ing erect in, var­i­ous, here air is es­pe­cially quiet, the ice-cold spirit pres­sure al­most freezes all be­tween world thor­oughly.
The 36 th palace is lo­cated in south the Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory cen­tral area, al­though is the palace, in­te­rior ac­tu­ally if greatly a Lower Realm city.
En­ters, Yun Che feels as be­fore is ice-cold and spirit pres­sure, as well as chill­i­ness of peak.
„This is the 36 th palace that you will be in the fu­ture.” Mu Bingyun was nar­rat­ing to Yun Che: „North-south 300 li (0.5km), 7000 ten feets in height, but its inner space must see you are big­ger.”
Can the inner space com­pare big that sees? These words Yun Che is puz­zled for a while.
„You al­ready were Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, the Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, the Cold Snow City ter­ri­tory and being snow­ing metro all may pass and out now freely, trans­mis­sion may also use at will. How­ever, each Ice Phoenix Palace rel­a­tive in­de­pen­dence, only if has been per­mit­ted, oth­er­wise can­not ar­bi­trar­ily enter.”
„.” Yun Che nods.
„Hello! You are any­thing re­spond!” Mu Xi­aolan dis­con­tented [say / way]: „In our Snow Song Realm, can enter Ice Phoenix Palace, is in­nu­mer­able pro­found prac­ti­tioner has a dream can­not think. Even if the nat­ural tal­ent is ex­tremely high, is qual­i­fied , must through very se­vere in­spec­tion, be spe­cially per­mit­ted into Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple like your this type by Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter first di­rectly, re­ally ultra lit­tle ultra few, is good for­tune that 10,000 life­time can­not re­pair, your un­ex­pect­edly... A nat­ural ap­pear­ance.”
Yun Che looked at her one eyes, nods once more: „, Knew.”
„...” Mu Xi­aolan the one breath has not come up im­me­di­ately, face air/Qi flood red.
Mu Bingyun had al­ready been used to their being in sharp op­po­si­tion, dis­re­gards to say di­rectly: „En­ters Ice Phoenix Palace, then must be­stow to take 'Mu' as the sur­name. You al­ready were Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, then nat­u­rally had this qual­i­fi­ca­tions. 'Mu' sur­name for my Ice Phoenix God Sect is in sole pos­ses­sion of the sur­name, takes Mu to be sur­named, to you from now on Ice Phoenix Realm, and even en­tire Snow Song Realm, will have the enor­mous ad­van­tage and con­ve­nient.”
Mu Bingyun has turned around: „Xi­aolan this named Situ Lan­lan, Mu Xi­aolan for the name of my own be­stow­ing. Then, do I then be­stow the name of your Mu Xi­aoche, how under your opin­ion?”
Wash­ing... Small... clear...
„~! #¥%...” Al­though Yun Che en­dures pa­tiently vig­or­ously, but mus­cle still be­yond con­trol con­tin­ual twitch­ing of frontal em­i­nence and blue vein and cor­ners of the mouth, he low­ered the head, main­tains re­spect­ful, si­mul­ta­ne­ously in­com­pa­ra­bly firm [say / way]: „Thanked Fairy Mu to be­stow the name, but I also cal­cu­late that likes the pre­sent name,......”
„Also good.” Mu Bingyun had not in­sisted , the ac­ci­dent, nods the head the com­pli­ance slightly un­con­sciously.
„Big fool of not know­ing good from bad.” The whis­per that Mu Xi­aolan de­spises said. Can re­sult in be­stows the "Mu" sur­name, in Snow Song Realm, but un­sur­passed glory. Even if a coun­try ruler were granted the "Mu" sur­name, will feel ex­tremely flat­tered, coun­try bump­kin that Yun Che Lower Realm comes... also re­jects un­ex­pect­edly!
Yun Che white Mu Xi­aolan, an in­ner­most feel­ings groan: The Mu Bingyun fe­male ce­les­tial same beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance, ices lotus gen­eral el­e­gantly sim­ple, has the ex­tremely high sta­tus and Di­vine Power in God Realm, but the abil­ity of this name is re­ally... Deeply mov­ing...
How Mu Xi­aolan... Mu Xi­aoche... lis­tens likely is in­fant name Ah!
Aren't here other dis­ci­ple names this moral­ity moral char­ac­ter?
Um? Other dis­ci­ple?
Yun Che has felt one earnestly sur­round­ing aura, doubts to ask: „Fairy Mu, will here so be why peace­ful? Other dis­ci­ple?”
„Where has other dis­ci­ple,” Mu Xi­aolan curl­ing the lip lip: „Be­fore here had Hon­ored Mas­ter and I, now, many your such big vil­lian.”
„Not other dis­ci­ple?” Yun Che is shocked all of a sud­den, thinks of Mu Bingyun these years the con­di­tions, un­der­stands clearly slowly.
„The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace, had Xi­aolan dis­ci­ple for these years, you are sec­ond, but for­merly sev­eral hun­dred years, even once dis­ci­ple did not have.” Mu Bingyun light how­ever sighed: „After my own deadly poi­son, dur­ing the mil­len­ni­ums, the con­di­tion be­comes worse and worse, every day might be killed, was in­ca­pable of sup­port­ing Ice Phoenix Palace rad­i­cally again. But, Great Realm King is not will­ing me to lose in the Ice Phoenix Realm sta­tus, re­tains the po­si­tion of Ice Phoenix 36 th palace Palace Mas­ter for me force­fully, after that time, 36 th palace again not new pro­mote dis­ci­ple. There­fore, these years, al­though as be­fore is ‚the Ice Phoenix 36 palaces’ the name, but reg­u­la­tions only then 35 palaces, re­ceive Xi­aolan are dis­ci­ple, is only an ac­ci­dent.”
„Other Ice Phoenix Palace about 3000 dis­ci­ple, two Vice Palace Mas­ter and sev­eral teach­ers, but, I do not envy them.” The Mu Xi­aolan vi­sion sparkles: „Be­cause I can ac­com­pany fre­quently side Hon­ored Mas­ter, has mo­nop­o­lized Hon­ored Mas­ter one per­son. Other Ice Phoenix Palace Palace Mas­ter are ice anx­iously, looks that is quite scary, Hon­ored Mas­ter for­ever so is good, then gen­tle... Snort, Yun Che, I may warn you, you... You... You can­not snatch Hon­ored Mas­ter with me, I and Hon­ored Mas­ter these many years sen­ti­ments, you can­not snatch me!”
Yun Che: „...”
Mu Bingyun smiles the smile, shook the head.
„Fairy Mu, you got rid of flame poi­son now, soon, pro­found strength and vi­tal­ity fully will also re­store, will re­cruit when the time comes new dis­ci­ple, ral­lies 36 palaces?” Yun Che asked.
Mu Bingyun ac­tu­ally shakes the head: „Tem­porar­ily does not have this plan. These years, my tem­per some­what was also pale, is ac­cus­tomed to the peace. This mat­ter, some years has said again.”
Tem­per ex­tra­or­di­nary light of Mu Bingyun, this point Yun Che al­ready felt. His body has many strange, even the un­read­able place, Heaven Smit­ing Sword that for ex­am­ple his Pro­found Arts, for ex­am­ple his ice hot con­sub­stan­tial­ity, for ex­am­ple he re­veals today, for ex­am­ple ori­gin of his Sky Poi­son Pearl... These, will arouse the av­er­age man greatly strength­ened in­qui­si­tion de­sire. But these, Mu Bingyun never asked that oc­ca­sion­ally asked any­thing, so long as Yun Che dis­played slightly hes­i­tant, she will closely ex­am­ine never.
This is not the dis­po­si­tion that the av­er­age man can have.
Per­haps is these mil­len­ni­ums cir­cum­stances, mak­ing her look pale, has com­pletely un­der­stood.
„Yun Che, about your mat­ter, I al­ready with the Great Realm King ex­pla­na­tion.”
Men­tioned one come the God Realm goal, Yun Che in­stan­ta­neous mind con­cen­trates.
Mu Bingyun said slowly: „Great Realm King agreed that leads you to the Pro­found God Con­fer­ence con­fer­ence site, but she also stated clearly that leads into the con­fer­ence site is the limit. Could see that per­son who you want to see, must think your good for­tune.”
„Good.” Yun Che some­what ex­cited nod: „Thank help­ing of Fairy Mu and Great Realm King.”
„Does not need to thank.” Mu Bingyun jog­ging broad and hand­some fore­head: „You save my life, Great Realm King con­sented that is also nat­ural. At pre­sent started still 30 months from Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, this pe­riod of time, did you have what plan? I re­ceive you to enter Ice Phoenix Palace, mainly helps you for the con­ve­nience, but ex­tremely will not fet­ter you.”
Yun Che thinks that said con­fi­dently: „The spir­i­tual en­ergy of this world is not that world that I am at may com­pare by far, was wait­ing for that Pro­found God Con­fer­ence these 30 months, I will not waste here the op­por­tu­nity of prac­tice. But after that I will leave here. There­fore, this pe­riod of time here, I should meet the con­geal­ing heart prac­tice, does not con­tact with the out­side as far as pos­si­ble, in order to avoid... Re­gen­er­ates any in­ci­dent.”
Mu Xi­aolan opened the yawn, starts to speak but hes­i­tates.
„Also good.” Mu Bingyun nod­ded: „Here al­to­gether has 5000 prac­tice rooms, 5000 liv­ing rooms, ex­cept for Xi­aolan that all for va­cant, you com­pletely may choose at will.”
„Your today's ac­tions, will spread surely im­me­di­ately. At the ap­pointed time has many peo­ple to seek you to find out. You al­ready do not want to con­tact with the by­stander, I for your parry, you freely will be re­lieved the prac­tice then.”
„Yes.” Yun Che com­plies im­me­di­ately.
The Mu Xi­aolan open­ing lip looks at Mu Bingyun, a face is dumb­struck.
„The sev­eral main halls of metro cen­ter, the scrip­ture palace may choose Pro­found Arts that per­ceives through med­i­ta­tion, is ice at­tribute, you should be un­in­ter­est­ing. Saint Weapon Palace may choose a weapon, but Saint Jade Palace, you may get five thou­sand pur­ple stone monthly salaries and re­sources de­pend­ing on your Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade every month.”
„pur­ple stone? What is that?” Yun Che asked.
„En­ergy pro­found stone.” Mu Bingyun ex­plained: „By the en­ergy in­ten­sity and fine, from Low Rank to High Rank re­spec­tively is pur­ple stone, pur­ple crys­tal and pur­ple jade. These en­ergy pro­found stone may through buy­ing to as­sist the prac­tice, but the con­ver­sion rate is very low, and is no use to break­ing through the bot­tle­neck, thus mostly with mak­ing pro­found array, pro­found sym­bol, pro­found ark and pro­found ship and so on en­ergy, in the mean­time, is the God Realm cur­rent money.”
Cur­rent money! Yun Che un­der­stands im­me­di­ately.
„These en­ergy pro­found stone take 12 as a unit. Thou­sand pur­ple stone may fold pur­ple crys­tal, thou­sand pur­ple crys­tal may fold pur­ple jade.” Mu Bingyun looked at Yun Che one: „Per­haps pur­ple jade you do not know, but pur­ple stone and pur­ple crys­tal, you de­cide how­ever have seen.”
„pur­ple stone, is Pur­ple Veined Heaven Crys­tal that Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent called, pur­ple crys­tal, was Pur­ple Veined Di­vine Crys­tal.”
Yun Che fears im­me­di­ately.
Sim­ply may be called di­vine item Pur­ple Veined Heaven Crys­tal in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, in God Realm un­ex­pect­edly is only most low grade en­ergy pro­found stone!!
Ice Phoenix Palace or­di­nary dis­ci­ple, one month can take charge of five thou­sand pur­ple stone... is also 5200... 500 jin (0.5 kg) Pur­ple Veined Heaven Crys­tal!!
One year later, is 6000 jin (0.5 kg) Pur­ple Veined Heaven Crys­tal... folds en­tire six jin (0.5 kg) Pur­ple Veined Di­vine Crys­tal.
If Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent these top sect hear these, it is es­ti­mated that can be star­tled the chin to fall to South­ern Ocean goes.
Looked at a Yun Che's con­di­tion, Mu Bingyun said: „You con­sume today over­sized, as if has hurt the vi­tal­ity, you choose a liv­ing room first, im­me­di­ately the re­cu­per­a­tion con­trols one's breath­ing. If there is any mat­ter, may passes mes­sage to me or Xi­aolan through your in­scrip­tion jade.”
„Good.” After open­ing „Rum­bling Heaven” , the huge load that cre­ates, lets him until now the whole body se­vere pain, more­over es­capes under the strength, has stood such a while, starts some­what to sway.
„More­over, you al­ready en­tered Ice Phoenix Palace, later then to me by ‚Palace Mas­ter’ sym­met­ric. To Xi­aolan, then must be sym­met­ric by Se­nior Sis­ter, can not be im­po­lite.”
„Yes, Palace Mas­ter... Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan.”
Se­nior Sis­ter on Se­nior Sis­ter, shouts not few meat!
„Snort, this also al­most.” Mu Xi­aolan fi­nally small self-sat­is­fied.
Mu Bingyun nods the head gen­tly, the im­mor­tal shade has trans­ferred: „Xi­aolan, ac­com­pa­nies for the mas­ter goes to the first palace.”
Just about to leaves, Mu Bingyun an­chors sud­denly, the broad and hand­some fore­head has leaned: „Yun Che, you today ob­tained Star Pluck­ing Stone is di­vine stone that to bathe the mag­nif­i­cent of Sun Moon be­comes, cul­ti­vates and ther­apy on Star Pluck­ing Stone has the enor­mous ad­van­tage, even if daily 12 dou­ble-hour prac­tice, avail­able ten years. But that ‚Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill’, its ef­fi­cacy is ex­tremely vi­o­lent to you, is far from pre­sent you can with­stand. When your achieve­ment Di­vine Dao, after Di­vine Power is sta­ble, I will help you its to build up.”
„Yes, I took down.” Yun Che re­spect­ful com­ply­ing.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Left 36 palaces, Mu Bingyun has been wash­ing the float­ing snow, bring­ing Mu Xi­aolan to fly to the first palace. But Mu Xi­aolan can­not bear say fi­nally: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, you... Why can you to him that good? Any mat­ter obeys his wish, but must per­son­ally act to keep off these trou­bles that Cold Snow Palace makes for him.”
„More­over you look at his ap­pear­ance, un­ex­pect­edly only wants to prac­tice here, any­thing does not want to do, where does not want to go, any peo­ple do not want to see, where this looks like dis­ci­ple, sim­ply... Is cares for the aged sim­ply likely!!”


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