Friday, December 29, 2017

989: Enormous disaster

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#989: Enormous disaster
Comments 1028
„Oh?” re­gard­ing the Yun Che's chill­ing re­jec­tion, the Mu Huanzhi eye­brow hair moves, but ac­tu­ally re­sem­bled al­ready ex­pected, the sur­prised fa­cial ex­pres­sion did not have: „Why is this? Has Mu Hanyi made you most likely, you feel still in­suf­fi­cient?”
„Has noth­ing to do with this.” The Yun Che sink­ing eye­brow said: „I want to ask that the war of for­merly ice spirit, Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue dis­par­ity was min­i­mal much, was re­lated to the final out­put is the luck, but your no­body pro­posed that must test. But my ice spirit quan­tity wins Mu Hanyi, you an­nounced that force­fully Mu Hanyi wins in first, pro­posed now so-called tests... Why this is!”
„This...” Mu Huanzhi pressed for an an­swer some­what is for a while speech­less.
Vi­sion that col­ors vary cen­tral­ized on Yun Che, are more, ridiculed... Pities.
„Hey, knows that he def­i­nitely does not dare.” Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple said with a smile lowly.
„That also with ask­ing? He linked Heav­enly Lake not to dare to get down be­fore, co­or­di­nates com­pared with Se­nior Brother Hanyi? He def­i­nitely is not will­ing, then dead to nip the be­fore­hand re­sult not to put... Yeah, just en­tered Di­vine Dao, un­ex­pect­edly was vainly hop­ing for be­comes Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, even if the toad wants to eat the day goose­meat, was too laugh­able.”
„Does not have the means that after all can be­come the en­tice­ment of Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple was too big, changed any­one un­able to re­sist.”
Au­di­ences dis­ci­ple was taunt­ing, Mu Hanyi also shook the head, sighed one darkly.
„Lets me most likely? The big bold­ness, big face Ah!” Yun Che com­pletely dis­re­gards the sur­round­ing sound, he has sup­pressed a lot of anger not de­press­ing re­leases: „To give me is fair? But this tests the book is to my un­fair, so-called makes my most likely fair... Rad­i­cally is a joke! Why I must ac­cept!”
„Words said re­li­ably wants fairly fair, kept on pro­claim­ing was shout­ing sect im­por­tant mat­ter, ac­tu­ally force­fully dis­re­garded me to win the Mu Hanyi fact to come many one at the war of ice spirit to test, this was Ice Phoenix God Sect so-called fair!!?”
The Yun Che's words to af­ter­ward clearly had roared... Aims at all el­ders and Palace Mas­ter. The elder and Palace Mas­ter com­plex­ion also changes sud­denly, Mu Bingyun also looks the star­tled color, anx­ious sound track: „Yun Che stops talk­ing!”
An­grily re­bukes, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is in­stan­ta­neous, all ice spirit in pond sur­face such as frozen, com­pletely sta­tic there. Look­ing ashen that the short two char­ac­ters, mak­ing these be smil­ing dis­ci­ple that star­tle in­stan­ta­neously in se­cret lowly, the elder and Palace Mas­ter who also low­er­ing the head like light­ning just about to voices, com­pletely keeps silent.
Be­cause this an­grily re­buk­ing, came from Snow Song Realm King im­pres­sively.
„Yun Che, tests the in­ci­dent, is this king con­sented how to allow you to re­ject! Your small dis­ci­ple, not only dis­obeys or­ders, but also dares to say is de­grad­ing the boast­ful talk of sect, is who gives your courage!”
Ther­mal shock, sta­tic air ice-cold is pierc­ing. Be­fore Snow Song Realm is very long, has a a few words --- Realm King anger, ten thou­sand li (0.5km) not fresh.
Snow Song Realm King lit­tle loses one's tem­per ex­tremely, but she loses one's tem­per each time, the con­se­quence ter­ror --- ter­ror to the de­gree that let­ting the per­son does not dare to re­call. Even if these long time oc­cu­pies the Ice Phoenix Realm high level, sev­eral thou­sand years also rarely see Snow Song Realm King to lose one's tem­per sev­eral times.
But today, be­cause, came from Lower Realm Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, she un­ex­pect­edly... Moved the anger!
Their hearts men­tioned the throat com­pletely ma­li­ciously, whole body each pore com­pletely Beng Jin... They a mo­ment ago also be­cause of the Yun Che's boast­ful talk, but lost one's tem­per, but now, they in alarmed and afraid, to Yun Che only then sym­pa­thizes.
Ended, this boy ended... Only strove for do not bring dis­as­ter to mack­erel shad.
An­grily re­buk­ing from Snow Song Realm King, lets Yun Che such as by ten thou­sand Yue Hongding, whole body bone sev­eral nearly Beng Duan. But he ac­tu­ally raised the head stiffly, slow and firm [say / way]: „You are Snow Song Realm King, words that said when words of enour­mous weight! I won am I win... Why must test!”
„...” All peo­ple are col­lec­tively dumb­founded.
Snow Song Realm King that fac­ing lost one's tem­per, he talked back un­ex­pect­edly... He also dares to talk back un­ex­pect­edly!
This time is thor­ough ended, dying passes thor­oughly.
The ice face of Mu Bingyun changes col­ors thor­oughly, she hur­ries to ar­rive at the Yun Che body side: „Sect Mas­ter, Yun Che his in­di­vid­u­al­ity so, cer­tainly does not have the mean­ing of af­fronting, in­vited Sect Mas­ter...”
„In­di­vid­u­al­ity?” Snow Song Realm King dis­dains sneer­ing: „A tal­ent ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao, weak, if the ig­no­rant ju­nior of ants, the in­di­vid­u­al­ity in front of this king, dares to bar­gain back and forth with this king un­ex­pect­edly un­ex­pect­edly! Frozen Cloud (Bingyun), you come back a per­son from the Lower Realm belt rarely, is this was un­ex­pect­edly bold, idiot of act­ing reck­lessly!”
„Wants this king words of enour­mous weight? Snort, abil­ity that which your comes? this king can on a word guar­an­tee your fam­ily, the next breath then slaugh­ter your whole fam­i­lies, how can you this king? In the this king eye, your might as well small rep­tile, let alone kills you, this king planet that wants de­struc­tion you to come, is in an in­stant. You do not trea­sure your chance here well, dares ‚in­di­vid­u­al­ity’ un­ex­pect­edly in front of this king, this grade of idiot, be­comes Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple is to the tar­nishes of Ice Phoenix 36 palaces, un­ex­pect­edly was also fan­ta­siz­ing be­comes this king dis­ci­ple!”
Mu Bingyun heav­ily sin­gle knee kneels, plead­ing said: „Sect Mas­ter, Yun Che is I brings from Lower Realm, his per­son­al­ity is firm, I for­merly had not thought am the mis­de­meanor, there­fore never con­trols. All are I teach with an im­proper method, re­quest­ing earnestly Sect Mas­ter to fall pun­ishes in me, lo­cated Yun Che... at least to keep his life lightly.”
Yun Che for­merly sev­eral times „caus­ing trou­ble”, Mu Bingyun in­deed never pre­vented, and has shielded in se­cret, be­cause she truly some­what ap­pre­ci­ates the Yun Che's per­son­al­ity. How­ever be­fore en­ter­ing Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, she se­ri­ous warn­ing Yun Che, can­not have any ir­reg­u­lar words and deeds... Has not thought that Yun Che causes trou­ble as be­fore, but also has set the record of the so enor­mous dis­as­ter.
Un­ex­pect­edly caused that Realm King loses one's tem­per!
Also be­gin­ning strange Yun Che con­cept that Snow Song Realm, at all not clear Realm King loses one's tem­per... More­over un­ex­pect­edly still force­fully talks back after los­ing one's tem­per!
If in­nu­mer­able trough cold water pour water on, Yun Che from body to Soul ice-cold one piece, any self-re­spect and ar­ro­gance, un­yield­ing, re­sent­ment com­pletely dis­si­pa­tion clean... Dis­places, only has ice-cold below sud­denly sober, as well as a true fear.
When his brain, passed the past years to do obei­sance Jas­mine for the mas­ter pic­ture, at that time he re­lied on the dig­nity, did not kneel, was ac­tu­ally stepped on his head to com­plete the ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher cer­e­mony by the Jas­mine foot, the word of that time taunt, clear in ear:
„Thought own bone is very hard, is very great? With­out the strength, you refuse not to the abil­ity that I kow­tow, there is ar­ro­gance of any qual­i­fi­ca­tions be­fore me. With­out the strength, faces in ab­solute pow­er­house, dig­nity and pride that you think, but is a joke!”
Yun Che deep in­spi­ra­tion, en­ters chest cav­ity, cold pen­e­trat­ing whole body... In Blue Pole Star, one­self are built on the sum­mit of pre­sent age, can act in a self-serv­ing man­ner, can be proudly ex­ces­sive, can sway own per­son­al­ity --- at will, be­cause has the ab­solute strength.
But here, in for­mi­da­ble enough to can con­trol in front of Snow Song Realm King of world, what are one­self?
Do not say that like Snow Song Realm King that the vault of heaven has, is these el­ders, Palace Mas­ter and dis­ci­ple on the scene, how many also there are to think highly of it­self truly?
Why must dis­re­gard his ice spirit quan­tity, an­nounced that Mu Hanyi does win? Be­cause are small and weak! Be­cause in all per­son eyes, one­self does not co­or­di­nate com­pared with Mu Hanyi.
Why can test force­fully? Be­cause are too weak, be­cause no­body thought one match is Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple! If have enough high strength, will have so-called test­ing?
Un­yield­ing, ar­ro­gance and dig­nity that one think, in their eyes, are re­ally are only the jokes, even if his re­sis­tance oc­cu­pies the prin­ci­ple com­pletely, brings will not be their ap­proval, will only have to ridicule and dis­dain.
The qual­i­fi­ca­tions and en­ergy and Realm King that which also comes bar­gained back and forth... The only con­se­quence, is pure court­ing death. Fi­nally, but must im­pli­cate Mu Bingyun to kneel for one­self asks favor.
Snow Song Realm King said him stu­pidly... In­deed right...
„Yun Che, quick... Ad­mits mis­takes to beg for mercy quickly... Quick...” The small face that Mu Xi­aolan al­ready fright­ened is pal­lid, she is going against the Snow Song Realm King anger, still very loy­alty rouses the un­prece­dented guts to send greet­ings to Yun Che.
The sur­round­ing per­son's re­sponse, has made Yun Che enough re­al­ize one rushed to the enor­mous dis­as­ter, al­though he has saved the Mu Bingyun life... But, Snow Song Realm King is what kind ex­is­tence, must kill him, even if kills his ten thou­sand times, rad­i­cally with hands down.
Can­not die... Has not seen Jas­mine, how I can die here.
„Bang”, Yun Che has also leaned heav­ily to kneel in the Mu Bingyun body, deeply bows the head: „dis­ci­ple... made an in­dis­creet re­mark ex­tremely ar­ro­gantly, ask­ing Sect Mas­ter to for­give.”
dis­ci­ple kneels Great Realm King, com­pletely is the nat­ural mat­ter, but no­body knows that Yun Che this life­time ex­cept for parental fam­ily mem­ber, only has knelt a Jas­mine per­son.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake peace­ful scary, even can­not hear one to pant for breath or the sound of heart­beat. In the peo­ple heart one read thinks: For­gives! Dares to make Sect Mas­ter lose one's tem­per, you can keep com­plete corpse today, my name is with you es­pe­cially!
„Your this heinous crime, but, Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) is the younger sis­ter of this king, looked in share that in she asked favor for you, this king then be­stowed your life the op­por­tu­nity.” Snow Song Realm King char­ac­ter char­ac­ter heav­enly might: „You and Mu Hanyi Heav­enly Lake com­pe­ti­tion, you, if can win, this king not only for­gives your life, does not go into one's past, will also re­ceive you for this king di­rect dis­ci­ple!”
„But, you, if de­feated... Snow Song Realm will not have your ex­is­tence again!”
The Snow Song Realm King words make the peo­ple as­ton­ished at first, com­pletely un­der­stands clearly... Re­ally, Sect Mas­ter is im­pos­si­ble to for­give to en­rage her per­son. She pro­tects Mu Bingyun ex­tremely, this point en­tire sects com­pletely knows, so-called to the life op­por­tu­nity, con­sid­ers her mood ob­vi­ously, fi­nally wants Yun Che dead with­out the bur­ial ground.
After all, how Yun Che pos­si­bly can ex­ceed Mu Hanyi.
The el­ders and Palace Mas­ter darkly re­laxed at this time, lifts the hand to clean in abun­dance is cov­er­ing en­tirely the cold sweat of fore­head... Al­though Yun Che must die with­out doubt, but does not have the calamity fi­nally and ar­rives at them, under Sect Mas­ter's loses one's tem­per, this was lucky.
Mu Bingyun is greatly anx­ious: „Sect Mas­ter, this mat­ter...”
„It is not no need to say!” Snow Song Realm King blocks the word of Mu Bingyun fierce: „Yun Che, this is your only life op­por­tu­nity. You ei­ther ac­cept, ei­ther, this king can also the pre­sent then make you van­ishes in puff of smoke!”
Yun Che this time study was clever, [say / way] with­out hes­i­ta­tion: „Yes, re­spect­fully fol­lows Sect Mas­ter's Com­mand.”
„Snort, Huanzhi, ar­rang­ing them to com­pete with.” The Snow Song Realm King order said.
„Yes, Sect Mas­ter.” The Mu Huanzhi sound was for­merly min­i­mum than it dis­cretely eight de­grees, he acts care­fully has straight­ened up the waist, the least bit does not dare to delay, lifts the hand say­ing: „Hanyi, Yun Che, along with me to Heav­enly Lake above.”


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