Friday, December 29, 2017

977: Fearful biology

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#977: Fearful biology
Comments 124
The Feng Mo wound said that was heavy, says lightly heavy, but looked at his look, ac­tu­ally could not find angry, in­stead full was the im­placa­ble ex­cite­ment.
„Can see Se­nior Brother Hanyi in leg­end, this wound also cal­cu­lated the value.” Feng Mo vi­sion earnest looks at Yun Che: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, Se­nior Brother Hanyi kept sound trans­mis­sion mark to you un­ex­pect­edly, was too sim­ply en­vi­able! Was right, these Snow Silk Seed...”
„How can Eh? these many?” Looks at Feng Mo hand­ful of that pile of Snow Silk Seed, Mu Xi­aolan sur­prised [say / way].
„Do you think? That the per­son who called Liu Hang de­pended Mu Yizhou to sup­port, did this mat­ter early is not a day two days.” Yun Che urged to Feng Mo: „Mu Hanyi gives your med­i­cine pill to dis­cuss sep­a­rately, these Snow Silk Seed are Liu Hang owes you, you are re­main­ing well, you give me, I can­not use. More­over, Liu Hang al­though today is very sin­cere ad­mit­ting mis­takes, the thing that but in the world is most dif­fi­cult to change is the nat­ural dis­po­si­tion, do not think that Liu Hang re­ally trans­fer­ring na­ture, later leave his dis­tant point to well, if has sim­i­lar con­di­tion again, can send greet­ings to me at any time.”
„Um, I know.” Feng Mo se­ri­ous nod: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, your I have only met three months ago, but you are ac­tu­ally will­ing today to me over, even does not hes­i­tate to of­fend Mu Yizhou such per­son... Shouted, the grate­ful words I was not many said that this oblig­a­tion, I do not know when can re­turn, if later had to have a need for my place, so long as your a few words...” Feng Mo makes an ef­fort has ham­mered the chest: „will­ing to risk one­self through ten thou­sand death!”
„Ten thou­sand died, the big benev­o­lence did not have your this poor life to be im­por­tant, let alone was only the slight ef­fort. You go back to heal from a wound first well, after the wound is good, cul­ti­vates well, strives to reach Cold Snow Palace... to make them not dare to de­spise our Lower Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner.”
„Ha Ha, good!” Feng Mo makes an ef­fort to nod, whole body blood boil­ing.
Feng Mo leaves, Mu Xi­aolan also started her ver­bose­ness: „Yun Che!! How you are the rigid­ity do not change, even if re­strained the lit­tle also good, poor point to bring the big trou­ble, just met Se­nior Brother Hanyi, what to do I thought you... That is Mu Yizhou, chief dis­ci­ple Ah! of Ice Phoenix first palace!”
Mu Xi­aolan sighs woe­fully, is filled with gloomy mood. After Yun Che ar­rives at Snow Song Realm, ex­cept nest in the Ice Phoenix Palace three months, al­to­gether out­side two days. First day being in chaotic sit­u­a­tion that Cold Snow Main Hall stirs, an elbow has aban­doned the Mu Feng­shu bi­o­log­i­cal nephew, next day di­rectly has torn to pieces the face with Mu Yizhou, of­fends thor­oughly...
Mu Xi­aolan sim­ply is un­able to imag­ine him then also to annoy any big trou­ble.
„Knew, at the worst, I sup­press in Ice Phoenix Palace do not exit.” Yun Che mum­bled.
„I am your Se­nior Sis­ter, you are not will­ing to lis­ten to my words, at least... At least has any­thing to dis­cuss with me be­fore­hand is good! You no one knew here that what meets is every­one does not know, how also pos­si­bly not to cause trou­ble. Snort, you were taught were unim­por­tant, will also add many to Hon­ored Mas­ter trou­ble­some.”
Mu Xi­aolan vented to Yun Che, sud­denly a tonal­ity rev­o­lu­tion, small sound track: „Does not know why Se­nior Brother Hanyi will keep sound trans­mis­sion mark to you on own ini­tia­tive.”
Dur­ing the spo­ken lan­guages en­vies com­pletely, men­tioned Mu Hanyi, Mu Xi­aolan some­what was sud­denly ex­cited: „Yun Che, you see not to have, Se­nior Brother Hanyi re­ally ultra good ultra good is right! When Ice Phoenix God Hall Se­nior Brother Se­nior Sis­ter, en­ters God Hall age ba­si­cally about 50 years old, more­over a large part is Ice Phoenix blood­line di­rect line or col­lat­eral branch in­her­i­tance, but Se­nior Brother Hanyi, with­out Ice Phoenix blood­line, ac­tu­ally a 20 years old of point adopted the God Hall in­spec­tion, this year less than 30 years old... Oh, I re­mem­ber that the 27 or 28-year-old ap­pear­ance, cul­ti­vated for al­ready close to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, re­ally ultra fierce.”
„...” Yun Che has gripped the palm, Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm... Gente en­vi­able Ah!!
„But, such fierce Se­nior Brother Hanyi, ac­tu­ally to any­one that good. Never will al­ways op­press oth­ers by own sta­tus, will not hu­mil­i­ate oth­ers. The mat­ter like today, other peo­ple will see will have avoided, but Se­nior Brother Hanyi per­son­ally will cer­tainly act to melt vig­or­ously. En­tire sect high and low, re­gard­less of dis­ci­ple and elder, praises to Se­nior Brother Hanyi, no­body does not like him. To other dis­ci­ple, can enter Ice Phoenix God Sect, is very big being hon­ored. But the com­mon elder said that Ice Phoenix God Sect can pre­sent Se­nior Brother Hanyi such dis­ci­ple, is the luck of sect.”
„, All peo­ple praise, doesn't no­body like?” Yun Che lifted the hand to knock tip of the nose, whis­pered: „That this per­son, was a lit­tle fear­ful.”
„Fear­ful?” The Yun Che sound is very low, more­over was talk­ing to one­self, but Mu Xi­aolan still hears clearly, im­me­di­ately dis­con­tented [say / way]: „How you can use these two char­ac­ters Se­nior Brother Hanyi, he also had just saved you! Your you... You said like this he is not right.”
Yun Che does not change coun­te­nance to the re­sponse of Mu Xi­aolan, [say / way] of un­emo­tion­ally: „Mu Hanyi gives the im­pres­sion of per­son to be in­deed ex­tremely good, was good not to be a lit­tle real. The av­er­age peo­ple will ex­e­cute to the fa­mil­iar per­son in the aid, the meet­ing are will­ing to show good will to the pow­er­house on own ini­tia­tive, this is nor­mal. But has not worn a mask re­gard­ing the el­e­ment, to by far weak in good that own per­son spares no ef­fort, melts griev­ances, is not par­si­mo­nious gives med­i­cine pill, and is not ac­ci­den­tally for it, but al­ways so... That may not be the av­er­age per­son can achieve.”
„That nat­u­rally!” Mu Xi­aolan ap­proves of very much: „There­fore, Se­nior Brother Hanyi that lik­able.”
Yun Che self­ish con­tin­u­a­tion said: „In my cog­ni­tion, the per­son who will be such, has two types prob­a­bly. One type, it can be said that the tenth good man rein­car­na­tion, the liv­ing bud­dha being near world, has to pity all liv­ing things, brings sal­va­tion to the heart of world, re­gard­less of faces any­one, the ir­rel­e­vant high and low strong and weak good and evil, be able the com­pas­sion to right, even if knew per­fectly well that the op­po­site party is the fe­ro­cious dis­ci­ple, will not see some­body in dan­ger and do noth­ing de­cid­edly. This per­son, lis­tens to be ex­tremely stodgy, has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions is hon­ored as the sage. But in such Saint world are too few are too few, my this whole life has also seen only one.”
That is his Mas­ter Yun Gu.
„How­ever such sage re­pels the hid­den wrong­do­ing and slaugh­ter­ing ex­tremely, will not have too heavy this world de­sire, will there­fore not have many pur­sues to Pro­found Dao, even if cul­ti­vates, for the strong body and spirit , help­ing the uni­ver­sal life-sav­ing. But Mu Hanyi is so young, Pro­found Dao cul­ti­vates for ac­tu­ally the high odd­ness, ob­vi­ously has the ex­tremely heavy pur­sue to Pro­found Dao, there­fore... Ob­vi­ously is not this kind of per­son.”
„That sec­ond type?” Mu Xi­aolan sub­con­scious ask­ing.
„The sec­ond type,” Yun Che sound micro, brow also slightly pressed: „Is has the ex­tremely heavy hope to High-Rank, the city palace such as the abyss in­triguer. Makes all, is the gath­er­ing will of the peo­ple be­fore High-Rank. Be­cause of the will of the peo­ple, sup­ple­ments with High-Rank... Most pow­er­ful tak­ing ad­van­tage.”
Mu Xi­aolan dou­ble pupil cir­cle stares, then spat one lightly: „Be­wil­dered quib­ble. How Se­nior Brother Hanyi pos­si­bly is the per­son who you said that you did not thank him, but also wrote such quib­ble to slan­der him... Snort, I thought that you envy.”
„... I in­deed very much envy him.” Yun Che has pulled out the lip. He en­vies cul­ti­vat­ing of Mu Hanyi Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm is... He has a dream now thinks that can a bit faster ar­rive at Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm! If can let him achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, even if re­duces 50% lives he want­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
„Snort, the ac­knowl­edg­ment is good.” Mu Xi­aolan tip of the nose: „, You envy Se­nior Brother Hanyi not to have any­thing to be strange, after all Se­nior Brother Hanyi cul­ti­vates to be so high, the man­ner is so good, is long also so at­trac­tive, was right, he is north Ice Wind Em­pire Im­pe­r­ial Prince, he after en­ter­ing Ice Phoenix God Sect, the proud nat­ural tal­ent made en­tire Ice Wind Em­pire pro­mote many in the Snow Song Realm sta­tus, if Se­nior Brother Hanyi wanted to in­herit the im­pe­r­ial throne, any­body will not op­pose that Crown Prince I can­not. How­ever, Se­nior Brother Hanyi said that has never thought in­her­its the im­pe­r­ial throne, but must for­ever keep Ice Phoenix God Sect.”
Does Oh? live in em­peror Wang Jia? In the Yun Che heart pon­ders darkly: Also no won­der has such came from in the bone mag­nif­i­cently and ex­pen­sively with aura, no won­der...
„Words said that you aren't will un­re­quited love him?” Yun Che looks askance, se­ri­ous [say / way]: „Just he kept sound trans­mis­sion mark to me, I can help to rec­on­cile. Um, a Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan such big beau­ti­ful woman, slightly tries hard, should Mu Hanyi not re­ject? Even if not re­gard the wife, such per­fect man, be­comes a con­cu­bine is also good.”
„...” Mu Xi­aolan mouth big, then sud­denly the com­plex­ion be­comes red, the short of breath said: „You... You also spoke ir­re­spon­si­bly! How I pos­si­bly can...”
Her small face casts aside, snort|hum said: „I must give to the Hon­ored Mas­ter per­son for a life­time, will not want any man.”
Say­ing, Mu Xi­aolan holds their palms to­gether, be­comes over the face looked for­ward to: „If can ac­com­pany Hon­ored Mas­ter for a life­time, thinks that good hap­pi­ness, is only... The par­ents will cer­tainly not agree that per­haps, which day, will com­pel me to get mar­ried.”
Men­tioned the par­ents, among her looks are many have wiped the train of thought. After en­ter­ing Ice Phoenix God Sect, she again has not then seen the par­ents, in the heart deeply to miss.
The Yun Che vi­sion stayed a small lit­tle while on her face, has not spo­ken... The idea of this young miss, is very dan­ger­ous.
„More­over, per­son who Se­nior Brother Hanyi al­ready had lik­ing, it is es­ti­mated that now en­tire sect high and low, you do not know.” Mu Xi­aolan de­spises to say.
Per­son who „likes? In other words... Hasn't pur­sued?” Yun Che was a lit­tle ac­tu­ally cu­ri­ous: „Such ‚per­fect’ will per­son, have the fe­male un­able to have a lik­ing for him? Al­ways pos­si­bly isn't a blind per­son?”
„Also spoke ir­re­spon­si­bly.” Mu Xi­aolan with thinks that has the look of de­ter­rent force to stare his one eyes very much: „That per­son, is Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue. Se­nior Brother Hanyi is en­tire sects most out­stand­ing male dis­ci­ple, but Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue, is most out­stand­ing fe­male dis­ci­ple, she early en­ters God Hall com­pared with Se­nior Brother Hanyi, is younger than sev­eral years old Se­nior Brother Hanyi, but cul­ti­vates for is higher than him.”
Is younger, but cul­ti­vates to be higher, this clearly is crush Mu Hanyi.
„Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue or Great Elder grand­daugh­ter, Ice Phoenix blood­line di­rect line in­her­i­tance, more­over is much longer happy beau­ti­ful, like the fe­male ce­les­tial, Se­nior Brother Hanyi will adore her, is not strange. Just, Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue should not be im­pos­si­ble to like Se­nior Brother Hanyi, should... Will not get for a life­time mar­ried.”
„Why?” Yun Che sur­prised [say / way].
„ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts most needs to calm the mind, nat­ural tal­ent is higher, cul­ti­vates to be higher, the soul will be more elu­sive. What is most im­por­tant, Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue is the same with Hon­ored Mas­ter, a birth had Ice Phoenix blood­line on the body, the man was good, but the body had the Ice Phoenix blood­line fe­male, if... If...” Mu Xi­aolan com­plex­ion non- na­ture, then in a flash head, force­fully slightly cor­ri­dor: „If in brief gets mar­ried, will prac­tice the ad­vance­ment slowly many! There­fore Hon­ored Mas­ter has not got­ten mar­ried for a life­time.”
„... That, Sect Mas­ter, is Great Realm King... should not get mar­ried?” Yun Che care­ful ask­ing.
„That is nat­ural!” Mu Xi­aolan nat­ural [say / way]: „Snow Song Realm no­body can match on Great Realm King.”
„......” Yun Che is speech­less for a very long time.
He re­mem­bers that Mu Bingyun has said that Snow Song Realm King has reigned for more than 10,000 years.
In other words, this Snow Song Realm King age, at least is over 10,000 the years old... More­over the life has not got­ten mar­ried.
Shout! Ten thou­sand years of old maid... Thinks fear­ful bi­o­log­i­cal Ah!


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