Friday, December 29, 2017

975: Melts perfectly

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#975: Melts perfectly
Comments 221
Be­fore ar­riv­ing at God Realm, Yun Che knew from the Mu Xi­aolan mouth „Mu Hanyi” the name, knows he in Ice Phoenix God Sect, and even en­tire Snow Song Realm, is aloof the dust, in­clud­ing Mu Yizhou this grade of char­ac­ter, ab­solutely is hard aloof ex­is­tence that hopes to at­tain.
Has not thought such quickly, how­ever saw in this Mu Xi­aolan mouth sim­ply such as the myth com­mon char­ac­ter.
The ar­rival of Mu Hanyi, mak­ing en­tire world the tone have the sub­tle change. He as if in­born has to let the abil­ity that the per­son feels in­fe­rior, ar­ro­gant Mu Yizhou when see­ing him, be­tween the look and man­ner did not have in­stan­ta­neously, even if least bit proudly, head sub­con­scious low­ered sev­eral points: „ Di­vine Phoenix first palace Mu Yizhou, has seen Se­nior Brother Hanyi. Can see Se­nior Brother Hanyi here, was re­ally too skill­ful.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi, you... How will you come to here?” Mu Lu­o­qiu looks at steadily, the heart jumps crazily, the sound brings some to trem­ble lightly.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi... he is that... Mu Hanyi in leg­end?” Feng Mo calls out in alarm said that al­though he ar­rives at the Cold Snow Palace three months, but the name of Mu Hanyi, he al­ready liked thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears, or en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect high and low, is known to every­body rad­i­cally the name of Mu Hanyi.
Ice Phoenix God Sect is high­est sa­cred ground that Snow Song Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner yearns. But Mu Hanyi, is in this high­est sa­cred ground young dis­ci­ple, is built on most peak, ad­mires, looks up at and yearns , the per­son of ad­mi­ra­tion for en­tire Snow Song Realm young pro­found prac­ti­tioner, true such as myth gen­eral Heaven's Cho­sen Child.
Al­though Feng Mo never feels ashamed, but had not ex­pected that cer­tainly can have any­thing to occur to­gether with this grade of char­ac­ter, has not thought that how­ever can into Cold Snow Palace three months later, sees Mu Hanyi in leg­end by one­self.
„Pre­sents the life of Hon­ored Mas­ter, comes Cold Snow Palace to visit Se­nior Sushan.” Mu Hanyi said with a smile: „One year has not seen, cul­ti­vat­ing of Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter for the ad­vance­ment, is re­ally a great deal joy­ful.”
By Mu Hanyi ac­cu­rate called name, even pre­vi­ous time had the time of putting in an ap­pear­ance, but also ob­tained his ap­pre­ci­a­tion, Mu Lu­o­qiu was ex­cited im­me­di­ately some pleas­antly sur­prised dizzi­ness, some [say / way] of stut­ter­ing: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi... over­praised...”
The Mu Hanyi vi­sion has leaned, looked that has also grabbed Liu Hang Yun Che to the hand. Fol­low­ing his vi­sion, Mu Yizhou said hastily: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, he...”
Mu Hanyi is ac­tu­ally light beck­ons with the hand: „Yizhou Ju­nior Brother does not need to talk too much, I am but fol­low­ing the sound, there­fore here mat­ter, I lis­tened to a gen­eral idea. Does Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, how put first this Ju­nior Brother? You could rest as­sured that I guar­an­teed Yizhou Ju­nior Brother and Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter de­cides will not get rid to you.”
First meet­ing, Mu Hanyi is one calls the Yun Che's name. He tem­per­ate such as the smile of wind, the pupil light light like the still water, whole body over­flows one type to be hard to de­scribe through­out wear a look, makes the per­son not con­trol self the sub­tle charm that wants to sub­due.
Heav­i­ness of Mu Hanyi the pres­tige in Ice Phoenix God Sect, must far ex­ceed Yun Che ex­pec­ta­tion at this mo­ment ab­solutely. Has his these words, even if hate of cut­ting tooth, Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu do not dare to get rid to Yun Che ab­solutely again.
Yun Che not hes­i­tant, a palm very nat­ural loosen, paral­y­sis of Liu Hang from his five fin­gers falls under.
Sup­presses own strength and bind rounds the palm of head also to van­ish, cried out strangely by scared out of one's wits Liu Hang one, does not give a thought to the in­jury on leg, tum­bling fires into Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu, after hav­ing shrunk the leg of Mu Yizhou, trem­bles is not dar­ing to speak.
The Yun Che chip lost, al­though Mu Yizhou does not dare to begin im­me­di­ately, but has died the anger al­most strate­gic place that sup­presses to ex­plode his head. His both hands grip „” straight sound, sup­presses is clench­ing teeth say­ing: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, Yun Che he not only gets rid vir­u­lently, se­vere wound my younger male cousin Liu Hang, but also de­pends Palace Mas­ter Bingyun to pro­tect to our brother and sis­ter speaks re­peat­edly the shame, even must kill Liu Hang, sim­ply crime not amnesty! In any event... Can­not for­give him!”
„Not!” The Mu Xi­aolan half step runs up to the Yun Che's body side, ex­plained for his run­ning to­gether of two syl­la­bles in rapid speech: „Yun Che in­jures Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother to have rea­son, is Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother robs the re­sources with palace Ju­nior Brother in first, he held under duress Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother a mo­ment ago for... To pro­tect one­self, re­ally do not kill him. Se­nior Brother Hanyi you most un­der­stand mat­ters fairly, you... You must help Ju­nior Brother Yun Che.”
„Was good, first has a look at the Ju­nior Brother Liu in­jury.” Mu Hanyi shakes the head slightly, bent down be­fore the Liu Hang body, the vi­sion has swept, then thrusts in a snow white pill its, along with it palm ac­cord­ing to his Chest, slow sound track: „Felt re­lieved, Ju­nior Brother Yun Che started quite to have the dis­cre­tion, al­though wound and pin bone skull, the words that but put wor­ries aside and built up one's health, did not leave for half a month then to re­cover com­pletely.”
Liu Hang wound to the mor­tal is re­ally the se­vere wound, but re­gard­ing Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, can ac­tu­ally in not be in the long time to re­cover com­pletely.
Mu Hanyi not only in­jures for his Zha Shi, but also helps him to melt the ef­fi­cacy by pro­found strength per­son­ally. Liu Hang ex­cited al­most such as in dream, the [say / way] that the tonal­ity moves fast: „Thanks... Thanked Se­nior Brother Hanyi...”
„Hello! What didn't you say?” Mu Xi­aolan has en­trained the Yun Che's sleeve cuff qui­etly: „He is Se­nior Brother Hanyi! Even if in Ice Phoenix God Hall, is the fiercest peo­ple, the en­tire Snow Song Realm al­most no­body does not know him. He not only ultra fierce, but also per­son spe­cially good, cer­tainly will up­hold the jus­tice for us. Shouted, must be scared to death... How your luck can be so good!”
Yun Che ac­cord­ingly: „... Oh.”
The ef­fi­cacy melts, the Liu Hang blood stream stops com­pletely, the com­plex­ion was bet­ter. The hand of Mu Hanyi puts aside from the chest of Liu Hang, im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally set out, but asked: „Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother, just now Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan said that the cause of this mat­ter, is you robs the same side Ju­nior Brother re­sources, this mat­ter real?”
Liu Hang that just had re­laxed was such asked... Was asked by Mu Hanyi, im­me­di­ately fright­ens the com­plex­ion once more one white, the cold sweat stream­ings, trem­bles the lip say­ing: „I... This...”
„Ju­nior Brother Liu does not need to be anx­ious.” Mu Hanyi smiles lightly, in the vi­sion had not blamed, has not forced: „Who is young time does not have to be proud wildly ar­ro­gant, who has not done the wrong thing. The nat­ural ac­knowl­edg­ment, is not the ashamed mat­ter, but real son be­hav­ior, if can change it, is worth for­giv­ing and ap­pre­ci­at­ing.”
„Em­bar­rassed say­ing that your Se­nior Brother I in the past be­gin­ning when en­ters Ice Phoenix Palace, once be­cause of a while cor­ruptly read, has stolen Palace Mas­ter one se­cretly ** jade cold fluid.”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi... you...” Liu Hang is shocked, all peo­ple are also shocked. No one has thought that Mu Hanyi had stolen the Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter thing in the past un­ex­pect­edly... He on own ini­tia­tive blows out.
„Is good be­cause of me is re­pen­tant of fi­nally, con­fessed this mat­ter to Palace Mas­ter on own ini­tia­tive. Palace Mas­ter heav­ily has pun­ished me, has not pro­claimed this mat­ter be­yond, in­stead after pun­ish­ment, that ** a jade cold fluid has be­stowed me.” Mu Hanyi quite feel­ings sighed one lightly: „Lar­ceny Palace Mas­ter trea­sure, with rob­bing same side re­sources, nat­u­rally is the for­mer a crime heav­ier sev­eral fold, but under I am re­pen­tant, Palace Mas­ter chooses the for­give­ness as be­fore. If you rob the same side re­sources in­ci­dent are real, then ac­knowl­edged con­fi­dently that and ad­mits mis­takes to re­form, be­lieves that Ju­nior Brother Yun Che and by Ju­nior Brother that you snatch, fi­nally will choose to for­give. You from now on Cold Snow Palace, will re­ceive many re­spect. There­fore, Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother, your opin­ion how?”
The Yun Che's eye­brow cor­ner/horn moves... In order to con­sole Cold Snow Palace Ju­nior Brother, did not hes­i­tate from ex­plod­ing past years un­ex­pect­edly „scan­dal”. This is far from the heart bold­ness that the av­er­age man can have.
Has the Mu Hanyi pass­ing phase con­trast, spo­ken lan­guage con­soles, Liu Hang and ad­mit­ted mis­takes re­gard­ing the ac­knowl­edg­ment how­ever al­most could not feel the con­tra­dic­tion feel­ing, in­stead the thing of warm­ing up gave birth in the chest cav­ity, raised the head that he tried hard, said: „Days be­fore, was Cold Snow Palace pro­vides monthly salary the day, and has pro­vided Snow Silk Seed. I with the Di Kui same place, want... To rob Feng Mo Snow Silk Seed, has not thought that he does not hand over... There­fore also gives to in­jure him... Today's mat­ter, in­deed... In­deed is be­cause I rob the Ju­nior Brother re­sources.”
„More­over, is not only Feng Mo, be­fore him, I also robbed has come from Lower Realm Ju­nior Brother Snow Silk Seed...”
Shame­ful mat­ter, such al­to­gether but ac­tu­ally, his dan­gling head: „Today's mat­ter, be­cause of my wrong... Asked Se­nior Brother to pun­ish.”
„Is very good.” Mu Hanyi has pat­ted the shoul­der of Liu Hang, said with a smile: „Pun­ish­ment does not need, your wound, then to be to you today's wrong penalty, was enough. We hope that you can firmly these wounds. If you can re­form from the po­lice in light of this, then, many years later, you meet the sin­cer­ity to thank Ju­nior Brother Yun Che to keep your scar.”
„I... Cer­tainly al­ways re­mem­bers the in­struc­tion of Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Liu Hang far more than feels a heart­felt ad­mi­ra­tion, even some­what is moved to tears.
Mu Hanyi sets out, the palm pushes gen­tly, im­me­di­ately, a white pill was held by the light breeze, fly­ing slowly has ap­proached Feng Mo. Feng Mo sub­con­scious catches it in the hand, for a while is ig­no­rant.
„Feng Mo Ju­nior Brother, this snow pill can as­sist your in­jury to cure only to re­cover, cul­ti­vates to your pro­found strength to be also of great ad­van­tage, the ef­fec­tive­ness is the Snow Silk Seed sev­eral fold, is I apol­o­gizes to you for Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother. Cold Snow Palace is our Ice Phoenix God Sect ex­tremely im­por­tant place, no mat­ter what no one is will­ing to see the same side to re­pulse. If you can not count the past an­i­mos­ity, that was too good.”
Feng Mo has gawked some lit­tle time, hand and foot is good, [say / way] of stut­ter­ing: „My my I... Thanks... Se­nior Brother Hanyi... I... I have not blamed him.”
Mu Hanyi nods with a smile, changes Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu said: „Yizhou Ju­nior Brother, Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter, this mat­ter makes mis­takes be­cause of Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother, Ju­nior Brother Yun Che in­jures him, is the ac­tion of moral­ity and jus­tice, more­over by no means ir­re­versible wound, if Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother can there­fore re­form, then in­stead is a good deed. Also so, the mat­ter of today, then in light of this set­tles, mu­tu­ally how doesn't in­ves­ti­gate?”
„Um! Well! I lis­ten to Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Mu Lu­o­qiu chicken cal­lig­ra­phy stroke rice nod, the vi­sion sparkles is star­ing at Mu Hanyi, has not left ba­si­cally from be­gin­ning to end.
„The word of Se­nior Brother Hanyi, Yizhou de­cides com­plies with.” Mu Yizhou raises slightly slightly. Then, his lip moves, micro one clenches teeth, fi­nally is vi­sual Yun Che, [say / way] bit­terly: „Is only, Yun Che this boy is ex­tremely re­ally ram­pant vir­u­lently! If such av­er­ages, I re­ally am... Is un­will­ing.”
„He He, can­not cer­tainly av­er­age in light of this.”
Mu Hanyi has ac­tu­ally smiled, sud­denly vi­sual Yun Che, com­plex­ion slightly with deep ven­er­a­tion: „Ju­nior Brother Yun, Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother, al­though has the mis­take, you to stop him hu­mil­i­ate the same side, but in­jures him, but after you , when he holds under duress ac­tu­ally starts over­weight, but also has nearly harmed his life, this then ex­tremely, no won­der in Yizhou Ju­nior Brother heart dif­fi­cult grad­u­ated arm. There­fore, if mat­ter of Yizhou Ju­nior Brother to the today no longer in­ves­ti­gated... You must give a Yizhou Ju­nior Brother com­mit­ment.”
„What pledged?” Yun Che re­turns to say di­rectly that the look does not have the mighty waves.
Mu Hanyi halo is ex­tremely daz­zling, under his com­ple­ment­ing, ex­is­tences of other peo­ple be­comes es­pe­cially light.
Mu Hanyi said: „You must guar­an­tee that not steals Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother this mat­ter to say from Yizhou Ju­nior Brother and Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter under the hand/sub­or­di­nate!”
Mu Hanyi brief a few words, mak­ing vi­sion ruth­less, in the heart hates Mu Yizhou ex­tremely the com­plex­ion to stiffen im­me­di­ately, for a very long time could not speak. Yun Che is also the vi­sion in a flash.
Two Di­vine Soul Realm Late Stage peo­ple, had not been en­tered Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner to steal under the nose the per­son by one, if this mat­ter passes on, Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu ab­solutely will be­come a big laugh­ing­stock... Es­pe­cially in Ice Phoenix Palace, al­most can not have the face to see the per­son.
This com­mit­ment has re­minded Mu Yizhou ma­li­ciously, is pro­tect­ing him , is main­tain­ing Yun Che.
Orig­i­nally is at dag­gers drawn, the as­pect of com­pletely hav­ing no con­sid­er­a­tion for face, ac­tu­ally by Mu Hanyi su­per­fi­cial melt­ing. This „pledged”, be­tween Yun Che and Mu Yizhou, in­serted the per­fect bal­ance that has not in­ves­ti­gated mu­tu­ally.


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