Friday, December 29, 2017

979: Seductively attractive girls

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#979: Seductively attractive girls
Comments 44
„My these seven Oh in do not go, cer­tainly ad­justs the best con­di­tion.” Mu Xi­aolan is dif­fi­cult to damp ex­cit­edly.
„...” Yun Che brow micro lock, in the brain reap­peared Sea of Death in Golden Crow Light­ning Flame Val­ley. Sea of Death lives be­cause of Golden Crow Di­vine Power, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, is Di­vine Veins that is left be­hind by Ice Phoenix lives, both should be the things of same level na­ture. And as a re­sult in God Realm, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake plane/level de­cides how­ever by far Sea of Death.
One can ab­sorb the Sea of Death strength, that...
„Yun Che, is it pos­si­ble that do you have other plan?” Sees Yun Che silently not to speak, Mu Bingyun asked.
„, No.” Yun Che gets back one's com­po­sure fast: „I can be ready with Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan.”
„Who must with your this court­ing dis­as­ter fine same place.” Mu Xi­aolan is low voice, warn­ing that then does not feel re­lieved: „These seven days you can­not dis­turb me, where in cul­ti­vat­ing the room does not per­mit! If causes any trou­ble again, I did not man­age you.”
„Knew.” Yun Che weak ac­cord­ingly, whis­pered at heart: Which time needed you to man­age, was you runs to mind oth­ers'busi­ness.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, you said that Se­nior Brother Hanyi and Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue, which Sect Mas­ter can choose?” Mu Xi­aolan can­not bear cu­ri­ous ask­ing, this is also in re­cent years, mat­ter that in the sect all peo­ple most care about.
Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple also only then pos­si­bly is one of the two, other do not have dis­ci­ple to have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to com­pare again with them... This is also the en­tire sect mu­tual recog­ni­tion.
„After seven day, nat­u­rally knows.” Mu Bingyun said: „But by ten­dency words, then there are 60% pos­si­bly is Hanyi. Four be­come Feixue. Most peo­ple all so think.”
„Why?” Yun Che said puz­zled: „We lis­tened to Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan say­ing that Mu Feixue be younger than Mu Hanyi, but cul­ti­vated for be higher than Mu Hanyi, as the mat­ter stands, Mu Feixue should ex­ceed Mu Hanyi on nat­ural tal­ent steadily, why in­stead was Mu Hanyi may is se­lected as di­rect dis­ci­ple?”
„Be­cause Feixue is in­her­it­ing Ice Phoenix blood­line since birth,” Mu Bingyun ex­plained: „Her cul­ti­vat­ing to ex­ceed Mu Hanyi, be­cause of the blood­line su­pe­ri­or­ity. If no blood­line su­pe­ri­or­ity, Hanyi should not weakly in Feixue. After be­com­ing Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, will ob­tain a drop of com­plete Ice Phoenix source blood, whether there­fore had Ice Phoenix blood­line not to be unim­por­tant, nat­ural tal­ent, with the ice at­tribute prin­ci­ple com­pre­hen­sion abil­ity, is the place of Great Realm King most re­gard­ing as im­por­tant.”
„In this re­gard, Hanyi and Feixue should be al­most the same. How­ever, Hanyi has an­other two su­pe­ri­or­ity. First, Mu Hanyi is a man, to in­her­it­ing Ice Phoenix blood­line has the su­pe­ri­or­ity, more­over can quite be rare by man so com­pat­i­ble ice at­tribute prin­ci­ple, its two...”
„Its two, should be hopes that he does be­come the di­rect dis­ci­ple per­son is more?” Yun Che in­serts the tastes.
Mu Xi­aolan stared Yun Che one by the Se­nior Sis­ter stance ma­li­ciously, the se­ri­ous warn­ing he breaks Hon­ored Mas­ter not po­lite be­hav­ior.
„Good.” Mu Bingyun nods the head gen­tly: „The Hanyi per­son­al­ity is tem­per­ate, re­spects to the elder, is never ar­ro­gant to the same side, if with is un­even, vig­or­ously to as­sist sin­cerely, there­fore has the ex­tremely good rep­u­ta­tion and fame in the sect, out­side the sect is also the rep­u­ta­tion re­mote­ness. Rel­a­tively speak­ing, Feixue nat­ural dis­po­si­tion cold proud, dives to cul­ti­vate whole­heart­edly, lit­tle goes out of God Hall ex­tremely, even if Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, has seen her few. There­fore, Hanyi with­out doubt be­came fa­vored.”
„.” Yun Che nod­ded, but also while con­ve­nient slightly has cast aside the lip.
Yun Che „un­nec­es­sary” the move­ment has not es­caped the Mu Bingyun pupil light, her light lan­guage said: „When cul­ti­vat­ing room, re­mem­bers that keeps one point of thought to pay at­ten­tion to out­side sound. In order to co­or­di­nate open­ing of seven days later Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, this year's 'Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew' will shift to an ear­lier time to pro­vide, in three day per­son­ally will then de­liver by God Hall dis­ci­ple, my these days must close up short, in the palace, you are not sure not to miss.”
„Yes, Hon­ored Mas­ter. I will take good care out­side sound.” Hears Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew, Mu Xi­aolan was also ex­cited.
„Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew?” Yun Che does not un­der­stand asked.
„Knows that you must ask.” Mu Xi­aolan spir­ited [say / way]: „Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew is ultra pre­cious spirit liq­uid, is on Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake Lotus Rhyme Grass ties, in dew­drop that under strong cold qi will not con­geal, even if pro­found strength is low, can drink di­rectly, can­not have any in­jury to Pro­found Vein and body, after drink­ing next, will wash the mar­row to cut down dur­ing fol­low­ing three days, al­though will not in­crease pro­found strength, but can the affin­ity of per­ma­nent en­hance­ment body and Pro­found Vein to ice pro­found strength, there­fore in­com­pa­ra­ble pre­cious. Our Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple one year can ob­tain one drop, you come for three months to re­ceive one drop, gained sim­ply.”
„Oh.” Yun Che nods slowly. Strength­ens the ice at­tribute affin­ity... I need this type of thing!?
Mu Xi­aolan has not noted Yun Che not to have the re­sponse of in­ter­est , to con­tinue say­ing: „Be­cause Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew is ex­tremely pre­cious, more­over next must pre­vent the spir­i­tual en­ergy to leak by very strong pro­found strength block­ade be­fore drink­ing, there­fore is per­son­ally ships from Ice Phoenix God Hall dis­ci­ple to each Ice Phoenix Palace each time, this is also rarely can see the God Hall Se­nior Brother Se­nior Sis­ter op­por­tu­nity!”
„Seven days later can't see?” Yun Che sense­less [say / way].
Mu Xi­aolan that a few words, stop up im­me­di­ately does not want to speak with him again.
„After at­tain­ing Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew, re­mem­bers that first drinks, oth­er­wise blocks a so­lu­tion, the spir­i­tual en­ergy will dis­si­pate fast.” These words, mainly said to the Yun Che hear, along with it [say / way]: „You go.”
„Yes, Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Mu Xi­aolan is draw­ing Yun Che to the Mu Bingyun deep rit­ual, then en­tered in Ice Phoenix Palace to­gether.
Mu Bingyun stands still for a long time, slowly turns around, looked that to the di­rec­tion that the Yun Che form van­ished, in the snow pupil is flash­ing the com­plex pupil light.
Ini­tially took Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill in Yun Che, after let­ting the pro­found strength large scale pro­mo­tion, she then ex­pos­tu­lated Yun Che, then can­not prac­tice again force­fully, but fully sta­ble pro­found strength, will oth­er­wise have the enor­mous fu­ture trou­ble, but now, his pro­found strength, is ac­tu­ally Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level. In other words, after that he not only has not lis­tened to her to ex­pos­tu­late sta­ble pro­found strength, in­stead in such as crazy such as crazy prac­tice force­fully, oth­er­wise is im­pos­si­ble also to have such big ad­vance­ment.
The short three months, stretch across Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm half big Realm, under she just now probes, Yun Che's pro­found qi is ac­tu­ally im­preg­nable, not sign that even if the least bit empty is hot-tem­pered.
For­merly he when fac­ing Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu, pro­found qi and speed that erupted in­stan­ta­neously, she also com­pletely looked --- in the eye ob­vi­ously is the pro­mo­tion of Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm, strength that but he erupted at that time, the it three months ago, ac­tu­ally likely sur­mounted half big Realm in Di­vine Essence Realm.
Born in Lower Realm, phe­nom­e­non that but on him has, even if in God Realm, the al­ti­tude of even if by her being at and story, never has al­ways heard.
Yun Che, this was rec­og­nized the main per­son by Sky Poi­son Pearl, ac­tu­ally he is...
„It seems like, I need his mat­ter, more said to Elder Sis­ter.” Mu Bingyun how­ever talked to one­self lightly that shakes along with it im­mor­tal shade, the snow clothes flut­tered, van­ishes in the bound­less fly­ing snow.
--- --- --- -
Mu Bingyun to the de­scrip­tion of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, as well as Mu Xi­aolan ex­cep­tion­ally ex­cited, in­di­cated that en­ters Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake to cul­ti­vat­ing to have the enor­mous ad­van­tage surely, pur­sues pro­found strength Yun Che whole­heart­edly, nat­u­rally will not allow it­self to miss.
There­fore after en­ter­ing the prac­tice room, Yun Che has not con­tin­ued such as for­merly like that to break­neck again the prac­tice, but com­plies with the in­struc­tion of Mu Bingyun, full col­lects the air/Qi care­fully.
The time winds through in the si­lenc­ing, en­tire Ice Phoenix City was also more peace­ful than the or­di­nary day, in var­i­ous Ice Phoenix Palace se­lected dis­ci­ple fully en­tered the con­geal­ing heart con­di­tion, is once in a thou­sand years for seven days later, per­haps this life will not have the sec­ond time op­por­tu­nity.
Af­ter­noon of third day, in Ice Phoenix 36 palaces, to­gether ice-cold aura from main hall di­rec­tion cir­cu­la­tion, but, al­though flashes, was makes Yun Che in prac­tice room open the eye.
This aura... comes to de­liver „Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew” God Hall dis­ci­ple to?
He does not have to set out im­me­di­ately, but has closed the eye, but the good small lit­tle while, he ac­tu­ally not to have heard Mu Xi­aolan to leave the sound of prac­tice room, likely in peace­ful mind un­con­scious quiet five senses, has to set out, help­less whis­per: „That lit­tle girl is not re­ally rea­son­able, ok, I meet.”
Opens the prac­tice room front door, moves to­ward main hall, the vi­sion just about to has trans­ferred the ici­cle, en­tire pho­to­graph sud­denly frozen, was star­tled there.
Ice Phoenix Palace main hall, pleas­ant com­pletely is var­i­ous types of mag­nif­i­cent ice crys­tals, faint trace soft light con­tin­u­ously falls from two ice win­dows. Ices under the win­dow, is carv­ing on mag­nif­i­cent Ice Phoenix ice chair, sits slant­i­ngly wipes hazily such as the imag­i­nary form, her sit­ting pos­ture is bring­ing at will lazy, such as in own boudoir fra­grant cot, a pure white snow clothes, hem of the skirt col­lected be­cause of her sit­ting pos­ture slightly, has re­vealed a small sec­tion of ankle area, crisp greasy shiny smooth, quite the same as char­ac­ter­less, ten­der yu such as turned round snow fat.
Long straight­ens the falling waist, sends the silk, is ice color that Yun Che is un­prece­dented, is not pure white, but is in the shin­ing white is hav­ing the ice crys­tal same strange ice color, and is pass­ing light blue slightly, under the ray shines, the beau­ti­ful let­ting per­son is dizzy.
When Yun Che sees her, her pupil light, went to Yun Che.
In this world, can make the fe­male who Yun Che loses the soul short ex­tremely lit­tle ex­tremely few, he thinks that was im­pos­si­ble to exist. But, the pre­sent fe­male, was makes him be star­tled for a long time for a long time.
On the ap­pear­ance, Mu Bingyun is beau­ti­ful is fresh, but the pre­sent fe­male, un­ex­pect­edly also want in beau­ti­ful com­pared with Mu Bingyun three points. The Mu Bingyun per­son­al­ity ar­rives at peak chilly light, beau­ti­ful, if in pic­ture im­mor­tal, but who­ever faces her, can­not give birth to the heart of least bit blas­phem­ing. But she, is ac­tu­ally an­other en­tirely dif­fer­ent peak.
Pre­sents in the Yun Che line of sight, is not only one falls the world suf­fi­ciently the out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful looks. Under cres­cent moon eye­brow that leans, that two-course looks that the Yun Che's pupil mist is hazy, re­sem­bles to over­flow the smoke wave, ac­cu­mu­lated is let­ting the charm that the per­son is ab­sent­minded. Her jade lip curls up­wards lightly, re­sem­bles is smil­ing faintly, flow­ery lips of pale pow­der is more gen­tly beau­ti­ful than the ten­der flower, has the charm that myr­iad sea of flow­ers can­not out­line.
Her beau­ti­ful white skin like the fat, re­sem­bles to hood­wink holy bril­liance, the pure. But her cheeks pass are wip­ing the light crisp pow­der, is em­bell­ish­ing suf­fo­cat­ing charm­ing.
Not is only the ap­pear­ance, her fig­ure, was en­chant­ing to peak, all fe­males who he this life saw, did not have one per­son to be pos­si­ble with her to com­pare. A snow bunch, is the weak Liu Ban slen­der waist, but the front snow clothes ac­tu­ally high haunches, al­most ar­rives at the edge that has mo­men­tar­ily cracked. Under the slen­der waist, the but­tocks are the per­fectly round peak curl up­wards, ob­vi­ously is the sit­ting pos­ture, but curve at an angle such as the devil out­lined, floated to raised soul-stir­ring.
Her whole body, does not have is air­tight is be­witch­ing the eclipse bone en­chant­ing and charms, looks like demon sends to charm the world the fe­male mon­ster. Yun Che thinks so her merely from afar, com­pletely had for­got­ten un­ex­pect­edly steps the foot­steps, a tur­bu­lent heat flow in flee­ing of his body in­te­rior out-of-con­trol... But is good be­cause, he with the willpower of av­er­age man made his stiffly did not sober, de­pressed the burn­ing air/Qi that within the body ex­ploded flees strongly.
This spirit... It is not right, is she de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew dis­ci­ple?
Un­ex­pect­edly is fe­male dis­ci­ple, and... And...
In God Hall, has fe­male dis­ci­ple that this brought dis­as­ter on the na­tion and peo­ple suf­fi­ciently un­ex­pect­edly!
Should say... In the world will re­ally have so can­cels the per­son to ab­sorb the soul the spirit!
Ice Phoenix God Sect is prac­tice ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts, thus mostly pure-heart cold Aocai right... Is she re­ally the Ice Phoenix God Hall per­son?


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