Friday, December 29, 2017

985: Divine Dao edge

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#985: Divine Dao edge
Comments 324
Bit­ing... Bit­ing... Bit­ing...
The sound that the water of Heav­enly Lake drops makes pass­ing of time can as­cer­tain. In the tran­quil pond sur­face, was star­tled ice spirit that as be­fore leaves grad­u­ally peace­ful, then one after an­other, under tem­per­ate strength that in trans­mit dili­gently, in hes­i­tat­ing, cu­ri­ously, slowly slowly is ap­proach­ing dif­fer­ent God Hall dis­ci­ple.
At­tracts and con­trols low grade ice spirit to God Hall dis­ci­ple easy, but Heav­enly Lake ice spirit is ex­tremely pure, con­scious­ness ex­tremely high level, solely was not re­pelled by them is very dif­fi­cult, ex­changes with it, its at­trac­tion to side, even if only one, dif­fi­cult sur­passes their ex­pec­ta­tions.
The quar­ter passes by... Half dou­ble-hour passes by... Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage God Hall dis­ci­ple a ice spirit at­trac­tion to the side, hence, two ice spirit danced in the air to cir­cle in his side fi­nally, but cir­cles is very slow . More­over the path un­ceas­ing fluc­tu­a­tion, as if any­time may the dis­so­ci­a­tion.
His long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief, mind re­laxed slightly, has opened the eye, he no­ticed that had ice spirit to dance in the air to his re­cent God Hall dis­ci­ple side, nearby per­son same had two with him, the vi­sion has swept, he no­ticed that the top of the heads of some peo­ple have three ice spirit im­pres­sively.
In the heart one, his vi­sion saw Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue of dis­tant place sud­denly...
Their sides, five ice spirit are danc­ing in the air un­ex­pect­edly re­spec­tively, more­over dances in the air must be ob­vi­ously nim­bler more and re­source­ful than his ice spirit, let­ting him to feel their joy­ful­ness in­dis­tinctly.
The dis­par­ity was too big... Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue they in Ice Phoenix God Hall are not only top dis­ci­ple, but also top ex­tremely promi­nent. In the sects the per­son men­tioned Ice Phoenix God Hall, can think in­stan­ta­neously Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, will ac­tu­ally not think of the third per­son.
The strug­gle of this time di­rect dis­ci­ple, the peo­ple think dis­ci­ple that also sim­i­larly only then Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, in God Hall nat­ural tal­ent is listed third... was never in­te­grated ar­gu­ment.
In his heart sighed one darkly, ice spirit that giv­ing up that fi­nally lost heart, two did not at­tract eas­ily was scat­tered by him, did not pay at­ten­tion to ice spirit, but was the con­geal­ing air/Qi de­fends the heart, started by the cold qi tem­pered body and Pro­found Vein of Heav­enly Lake pool of water.
Nearly larger part God Hall dis­ci­ple, to­tally gives up in half dou­ble-hour about. Wastes time of half dou­ble-hour for the hope that the pur­sue can­not with­stand un­cer­tainly in Heav­enly Lake, they are the re­gret con­stantly.
A dou­ble-hour passes by, 80% God Hall dis­ci­ple lose heart low-spir­ited, but sev­eral hun­dred God Hall dis­ci­ple strongly are still striv­ing.
The el­ders and au­di­ences Palace Mas­ter also buys in Heav­enly Lake cold qi in the con­geal­ing heart, but they and au­di­ences dis­ci­ple en­tire mind in­vest­ment is dif­fer­ent, all kept five points of thought out­side, mo­men­tar­ily was pay­ing at­ten­tion to under the place the dis­ci­ple sound, par­tic­u­larly var­i­ous Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter, Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple was rel­a­tively weak, along with pass­ing of time, will un­able to sup­port in Heav­enly Lake grad­u­ally.
Mean­while, they all are pay­ing at­ten­tion the war of this un­prece­dented ice spirit, but the key point of pay­ing at­ten­tion, with­out a doubt only in Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue two peo­ple.
Fi­nally does not sur­prise peo­ple, ice spirit that they at­tract are most, a dou­ble-hour passes by, al­ready sep­a­rately ten ice spirit in side, equally matched, al­though other dis­ci­ple are uses fully, but most, only then seven ice spirit, again down­ward, in­clud­ing five very few, big of dis­par­ity, can be in­ferred.
In 72 El­ders, two not in Heav­enly Lake, but --- Mu Huanzhi and Mu Yun­zhi above upper air. Mu Feixue and Mu Hanyi one is his grand­daugh­ter, one is its dis­ci­ple, nat­u­rally kind to depth, Heav­enly Lake cold qi has no in­ter­est to enjoy. Mu Huanzhi is tran­quil, the Mu Yun­zhi pupil light has been glit­ter­ing, aura does not have the mo­ment peace­fully, both hands also from time to time grip tightly, from time to time loosens, only then mouth con­tin­u­ously firmly closed, does not dare to send out any dis­turbs the Mu Hanyi sound.
„At pre­sent looks like, puts aside Ice Phoenix blood­line, Hanyi above nat­ural tal­ent, is not in­deed weak in Feixue. Can by man's body to so the sit­u­a­tion, fear that is the mil­len­ni­ums is dif­fi­cult to meet.” Mu Huanzhi talked to one­self that is hav­ing the deep sigh. At pre­sent looks like, they are evenly matched, but he is very clear, after three dou­ble-hour, if they are still same num­ber of ice spirit, then the re­sult is Mu Hanyi wins surely... One be­cause of him is a male, two be­cause of his ex­tremely good rep­u­ta­tion and ex­cel­lent pres­tige.
A painful groan trans­mits from , the Heav­enly Lake edge, a body of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple pre­sented fierce twitch­ing, on the face did not have the scar­let, emerged cold qi of his within the body to start to be sep­a­rated from his con­trol, bor­dered on the out of con­trol the edge.
The opens the eye in Ice Phoenix Palace Palace Mas­ter in­stan­ta­neously, the div­ing pos­ture from Heav­enly Lake, one catches him, threw the bank of Heav­enly Lake, that Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple com­plex­ion re­laxed im­me­di­ately, he ashamed set­ting out how­ever, multi- in ad­di­tion has not said a word, sat in the pool.
pro­found strength, nat­ural tal­ent, con­sti­tu­tion and have noth­ing in com­mon to the cold qi con­trol abil­ity every­one, go be­yond the bound­ary of one­self body and abil­ity, can only leave, if reen­ters Heav­enly Lake force­fully, only meets in­stead by its wound. How­ever, in the pool wants „gen­tly” many cold qi, to its as be­fore pre­cious in­com­pa­ra­ble, does not dare half breath waste.
After first Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, with the lapse of time, more and more dis­ci­ple start un­able to with­stand Heav­enly Lake cold qi, can only leave Heav­enly Lake, ar­rives at the pool, calms the mind to build up and con­sol­i­dates today's achieve­ment.
Even if time in Heav­enly Lake is short­est, only that Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple of dou­ble-hour, clear in­com­pa­ra­ble feel­ing own being re­born.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake to pure cold qi tem­pered, myr­iad mir­a­cle cures is un­able to com­pare.
Grad­u­ally, two dou­ble-hour pass by, Ice Phoenix Palace 3500 hun­dred dis­ci­ple have been forced to be sep­a­rated from Heav­enly Lake com­pletely, changed to above the pool. In Heav­enly Lake only re­mains au­di­ences God Hall dis­ci­ple,
Under Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue over­sized su­pe­ri­or­ity, does ut­most to at­tract ice spirit God Hall dis­ci­ple to be also get­ting fewer and fewer, from sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple to dozens peo­ple, ar­rives at few in­di­vid­u­als again... Last when God Hall dis­ci­ple opens eye, Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue side had 20 ice spirit to dance in the air re­spec­tively, he raised head to look at around 14 ice spirit, the in the heart grey in­tent was fi­nally cold, sighed one lightly, the arm swayed, ac­cept­ing fate flick­ered to scat­ter all ice spirit.
In the world never lacks the tal­ent, but lacks ex­tremely the tal­ent. In the face of ex­tremely the tal­ent, the tal­ent also can only the help­less de­gen­er­at­ing into sup­port­ing role.
Car­ries on at the war of this ice spirit to two-thirds, such thor­oughly be­came Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue they the strug­gle... This re­sult, does not sur­prise peo­ple.
All these, Yun Che does not know. This time he, en­tered one in­com­pa­ra­bly mar­velously... Or strange world.
Great Way of the Bud­dha Art re­volves, Heav­enly Lake cold qi to sur­pass the av­er­age man cog­ni­tion the speed to emerge from Yun Che whole body each pore, other Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple lead cold qi to past the whole body by pro­found qi, Lord by the tem­pered body and Pro­found Vein, but Yun Che ac­tu­ally di­rectly in­tro­duces Pro­found Vein. cold qi that emerges are get­ting more and more, pro­found qi mo­bile speed in his Pro­found Vein and body is also get­ting more and more fast, the Yun Che's con­scious­ness sinks com­pletely, the con­geal­ing heart is guid­ing the fu­sion of ex­ter­nal cold qi and own pro­found qi.
In this state, his con­scious­ness sinks is get­ting deeper and deeper, could not feel flow­ing of time com­pletely. How long like this passed did not know, flow­ing of pro­found qi has car­ried on over a thou­sand cir­cu­la­tions, sud­denly stopped com­pletely, all pro­found qi stopped flow­ing, peace­ful such as the time stopped sud­denly.
The Yun Che con­scious­ness is star­tled, but along with it, whole body all pro­found qi re­bel­lions, such as the mighty cur­rents of rush­ing down, crazy re­turn­ing gath­ers to­gether sud­denly, all flowed in Pro­found Vein, his con­scious­ness also en­tered Pro­found Vein, has not seen clearly to have any un­usual form, a ex­plo­sion sound then spread over each cor­ner that he has re­al­ized.
The Pro­found Vein cen­ter, as if has any thing to blast out, the Pro­found Vein in­ner-world be­comes a pri­mor­dial chaos piece, is flood­ing the pale mist, these mist chaotic flee­ing move, the un­ceas­ing dis­per­sion and gath­er­ing, the flash­ing blue light, flees from time to time from time to time the flame, from time to time flashes through pur­ple light­ning light, from time to time be­comes the jet black piece.
It looks like Small World dis­in­te­grates in dis­as­ter sud­denly...
Fi­nally col­lapses com­pletely, all root pro­found qi in Pro­found Vein are de­feated and dis­persed in light of this, rushes down to go...
This star­tled no small mat­ter, root pro­found qi is de­feated and dis­persed... What mean­ing is all cul­ti­vat­ing to drain in light of this. This to any pro­found prac­ti­tioner, with­out doubt is night­mar­ish one. Dur­ing Yun Che is panic-stricken, sud­denly dis­cov­ered that fast be­comes the empty Pro­found Vein cen­ter, a lit­tle se­lects the strange star light to glit­ter.
If neb­u­las in end­less night­time sky, are glit­ter­ing weakly, but in­com­pa­ra­bly mys­te­ri­ous ray.
An in­com­pa­ra­bly mys­te­ri­ous feel­ing, had in the con­scious­ness to trans­mit from the body at this time, the sub­tlety of this feel­ing, is un­able to ex­plain. That re­sem­bles is one type... The feel­ing of all sub­li­mated, was the whole per­son places one­self an­other en­tirely dif­fer­ent world from the body to the soul likely sud­denly, felt aura of an­other world, heard an­other sound of world...
In Pro­found Vein, the blue, scar­let, pur­ple and black four rays have shone, the cen­tral strange neb­ula in slow re­volv­ing, each re­volv­ing can grow a point, the as­ter­ism also be­comes sparkles, at the same time, the strange feel­ing from body is also get­ting more and more in­tense, merid­i­ans, skele­ton, blood and hair, and even each cell, in in­tense is pal­pi­tat­ing... His con­scious­ness, un­ceas­ing is un­fold­ing the pic­tures.
These pic­tures, began in him 16 that year, start­ing from his re­cast Pro­found Vein that day, was play­back­ing him each on Pro­found Dao...
Each prac­tice, each break­through, each for­tu­itous en­counter, each dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion, each hope­less sit­u­a­tion, each sec­ondary dies...
In these pic­tures, he as if walked a for­merly life. Eight years... To a Pro­found Dao way, eight years are very short very short some time, the life and death that spell of good or bad for­tune that but he ex­pe­ri­ences, en­coun­ters, ac­tu­ally ex­ceeds oth­ers thou­sand th...
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, above the ice-cold big dragon of upper air, pupil light after dense fog shoots sud­denly, fell on Yun Che's.
Mu Bingyun also like light­ning looked in this time turn­ing around to Yun Che... his body, said in­nu­mer­ably pro­found qi at crazy re­lease, has not ac­tu­ally been sep­a­rated, but as­sumed ring-like re­gard­ing his whole body rapid ro­ta­tion, led the sur­round­ing air cur­rent is be­com­ing the dis­or­der.
Mean­while, his body started vi­o­lent shiv­er­ing, the tex­ture of body sur­face ex­pe­ri­enced the wa­ter­mark com­mon fluc­tu­a­tion.
Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan leave is very near, the fierce change of aura makes Mu Xi­aolan from sit­ting in med­i­ta­tion awak­ens, her eyes see the Yun Che's con­di­tion, just about to the slip of the tongue makes noise, in the soul then broad­casts the Mu Bingyun sound: „Do not make noise... He must break through!”
Mu Xi­aolan fierce putting out a hand, the heav­ily pres­sure on the lip, care­ful re­treat, a pair stares the big eye firmly is then star­ing at Yun Che.
The Yun Che's change sud­denly at­tracted all pool Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple at­ten­tion.
This is not the or­di­nary break­through.
Is pro­found prac­ti­tioner from every body Realm, span­ning to Di­vine Dao Realm!
Is a true sub­li­ma­tion and being re­born!
Ar­rives at Snow Song Realm three months of Yun Che, fi­nally in this mo­ment, under sit­u­a­tion that in he has not ex­pected, trod to make great strides for­ward the Di­vine Dao first step truly.


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