Thursday, December 28, 2017

1503: remnant?!

HK :: VOLUME #16
#1503: remnant?!
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Jingya Gar­den. In the morn­ing 6.3 16.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany two Elite Squadron, al­to­gether eight peo­ple, ar­rived at Jingya Gar­den. What is the head is two Lit­tle Cap­tain, Eleventh Lit­tle Cap­tain Zheng Tao, Twelfth Lit­tle Cap­tain Han Kun.
Eight Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite fight mem­ber, is wear­ing in­di­vid­ual ver­sion LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor com­pletely.
„Kun Zi, care­ful!” The Zheng Tao right hand places the waist, hints Han Kun, at any time pre­pares fight care­fully. Be­cause, two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel in Jingya Gar­den, tem­porar­ily Un­able to Judge they whether has the mi­nac­ity.
„Fourth Brother, I knows! How­ever, where should we from start to seek?” Han Kun scratches the head to say.
Zheng Tao with the index fin­ger and mid­dle fin­ger of right hand, pat­ted two to press LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor the eye­glasses leg on tem­ples slightly, „, Su­per­vi­sor, where should we from start im­ple­ment Task?”
[Izual] sim­u­lated a voice of mid­dle-aged per­son, re­sponded: „That two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, hide in Jingya Gar­den, does not have the Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era place. I al­ready Jingya Gar­den , the Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era dam­aged re­gion, have marked, your search do not have the Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era re­gion with em­pha­sis! Right, does not have the Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era re­gion is the Un­der­ground garage, tem­porar­ily sit­u­a­tion that we do not know the item body, you care­fully.”
„Su­per­vi­sor, can we open fire?” Zheng Tao in­quired again.
[Izual] cal­lous re­sponse: „Boss said that lives to see the per­son, dies to see the corpse!”
„Good, we un­der­stood!” After Zheng Tao re­sponse, has shut off the voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion, then said to Han Kun: „Kun Zi, is study­ing, the re­sources that Com­pany has are above your imag­i­na­tion. Has any issue, di­rect ex­am­i­na­tion Su­per­vi­sor.”
„Who is Su­per­vi­sor?” Some Han Kun doubts said.
„Kun Zi, re­mem­bered. Do not ask. Also, I do not know that who Su­per­vi­sor is. Only knows that Su­per­vi­sor priv­i­lege is very big . More­over the order of Boss, ba­si­cally is the Su­per­vi­sor trans­mis­sion. Yes?” Zheng Tao was re­mind­ing Han Kun.
The Han Kun se­ri­ous nod, as Se­cu­rity In­dus­try per­son­nel, Han Kun un­der­stands that any mat­ter should know, any mat­ter should not know.
Some­times, lit­tle knows some­thing, then means that lives for a long time.
„Here! All peo­ple. Turns on In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor and night vi­sion de­vice!” Zheng Tao told.
Two Lit­tle Cap­tain in front Force Ac­com­pa­ny­ing, eight Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite com­bat mem­ber, to Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era dam­aged re­gion ad­vance.
Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era dam­aged re­gion, is the Jingya Gar­den Un­der­ground garage. At this mo­ment, the ray of Un­der­ground garage, very dim. Two Un­known Iden­tity per­son­nel, not only de­stroyed Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, but also de­stroyed Light­ing Sys­tem, only re­main­ing emer­gency Light­ing Sys­tem, but also in nor­mal work.
Hides in two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel of cor­ner. Was talk­ing low voice, the lan­guage that they used was Japan­ese, but the voice ac­tu­ally a lit­tle se­lected strangely.
„We were fin­ished. We had been fin­ished, Shuanghu Dis­trict will Power Sup­ply, such quickly re­store why?” One of them ex­pres­sion was say­ing anx­iously.
„Shut up! 3 rd, you know that our Task are this. If the Task need, we must be Task pay the life price.” An­other per­son of sound se­vere light shout­ing to clear the way.
Is called 3 un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, is con­strain­ing the sound, some­what ex­cit­edly said: „1, we do not use! 2 and 4 died. We do not need to pay the price of death. Also, this Task was not our. This Task is their! They have screwed up, tar­get will not re­turn to Jingya Gar­den again. Do we why re­main to wait for death?”
„Even if only then a pos­si­bil­ity ex­tremely, we must wait for that Tar­get Per­son comes back. And, in this, Tar­get Per­son!” 1 cold -ly snorted and said.
3 do not sat­isfy 1 an­swers, „1, the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is not very won­der­ful, the Shuanghu Dis­trict elec­tric power re­sumed the sup­ply, we all mo­tions in Jingya Gar­den can ex­pose. Gives up an­other tar­get, we a bit faster flee Shuangqing City!”
„kā dá ~”
A clear ma­chin­ery glide sound gets up, 1 sound cloudy and cold [say / way]: „3, give you now two choices. First, hon­est with my to­gether ac­com­plish Task. Sec­ond, I de­liver you to go home im­me­di­ately!”
In Dark, 3 cold sweat brave.
„3, I need you, if no you, only de­pends on me, is un­able to arrange Bomb in an­other Tar­get Per­son fam­ily, I need your help. Once ac­com­plish Task, we went home to­gether. I en­sure we will not have any­thing to occur.” 1 were pledg­ing the bounced check.
In fact, 1 do not be­lieve that they can also leave Shuangqing City. Be­fore start­ing at­tacks the mo­tion of Shuangqing City, they then aim at Shuangqing City to col­lect many data. Ac­tu­ally Shuangqing City has what de­fense, they very clear. Once Shuangqing City re­stored Power Sup­ply, Shuangqing City is the ab­solute do­main, Shuangqing City So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem, will dis­cover any un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel.
3 ac­tu­ally trusted 1 ru­mors, in his sound, is bring­ing faint trace [Hope], „1, can we leave re­ally?”
„Nat­u­rally! So long as our ac­com­plish the erec­tion work of Bomb, we have been able to leave, we can go home!” 1 are fic­tion­al­iz­ing the good prospect.
„When do we move?” 3 im­pa­tient in­quiries said.
1 brow wrin­kles, „also need to wait for slightly! We need to wait for the re­sponse of Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, only takes a half hour. If within a half hour, the op­po­site party has not re­acted, I think that they have a big­ger trou­ble to need to solve, can­not at­tend to us. Per­haps, our al­lies, have cre­ated very big trou­ble to them!”
How­ever, 1 do not know that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany has sup­pressed all trou­bles, even al­ready ac­com­plish re­tal­i­a­tion to Nan­chao Na­tion. Be­cause 1 and 3 need to avoid Shuanghu Dis­trict Of­fi­cial and raid of Dark in­flu­ence, in ad­di­tion Shuanghu Dis­trict power cut, as well as to pre­vent ex­posed po­si­tion, but main­tained Wire­less was silent, they have not re­ceived the lat­est mes­sage, but also was de­fer­ring to Plan to han­dle af­fairs.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany two Elite Squadron, en­tered the Jingya Gar­den Un­der­ground garage. Al­though Light­ing Sys­tem of Un­der­ground garage pre­sented issue, but LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor of in­di­vid­ual ver­sion, has In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor and night vi­sion de­vice.
„Kun Zi, has a look at your right front!” Zheng Tao through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece, sends out the prompt to Han Kun.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany all Elite mem­ber, have LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, knows that the func­tion of Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece, uses Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece in the mo­tion com­pletely.
Han Kun looks im­me­di­ately to the right front, through med­i­tat­ing the sound, uses LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor to re­spond: „Fourth Brother, that side has two in­frared in­frared sources!”
„Yes! sur­rounds them! Waits a while to pay at­ten­tion, first uses the anaes­thetic rifle, if anaes­thetic rifle fail­ure, then im­ple­ment Sec­ond plan. Do all peo­ple un­der­stand?” Zheng Tao has is­sued the order.
„Yes, Cap­tain!”
The peo­ple were re­spond­ing to Zheng Tao, then, has not made a sound cau­tiously, has sur­rounded two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel.
Zheng Tao through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, de­ter­mined after all peo­ple ar­rive, his right hand grasped is in­stalling pis­tol of si­lencer, the left hand has been ges­tic­u­lat­ing ges­ture.
In Dark, has re­sounded sev­eral sad sounds, that is sound of the com­pressed air in­stan­ta­neously in­fla­tion in the bar­rel, the strength that it has, pro­mot­ing the anaes­the­sia nee­dle to fly to two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel.
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite fighter, is not Po­lice Force, they have sur­rounded tar­get, will not warn that loudly tar­get was sur­rounded, puts down weapon to sur­ren­der im­me­di­ately any­thing. They will only serve the pur­pose in the sim­plest method.
Shi Lei has is­sued the order, lives to see the per­son, dies to see the corpse.
Al­though the order ex­pressed the life and death, re­gard­less, but liv­ing tar­get, even­tu­ally have a value point com­pared with death tar­get.
1 and 3 when hear­ing the air gun sound, had re­al­ized is awful, but they sim­ply do not have the time to make the ad­just­ment, had been hit by the anaes­the­sia nee­dle.
They only thought that neck one cool, then brain dizzy has fainted.
„Two min­utes!” Zheng Tao low and deep ex­claim­ing, opin­ion is, within two min­utes, the sit­u­a­tion in so­lu­tion scene, bring­ing tar­get to re­treat. Eleventh Squadron and Twelfth Squadron moved im­me­di­ately.
They first two Tar­get Per­son, used the nylon ban­dage to tie up both hands and both feets, and has pasted on mouth tape, has taken black wig. Then has cleaned up the trace of scene, lifts two Tar­get Per­son to leave the Un­der­ground garage.
The en­tire process has more than one minute, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany two Elite Squadron, at­trac­tive ac­com­plish Task.
In the morn­ing 6.5 16, Emer­ald Build­ing, Base­ment Fifth Floor.
Zheng Tao and Han Kun are bring­ing two Tar­get Per­son, ar­rived at the de­fense area, has shut in the in­ter­ro­ga­tion room two Tar­get Per­son.
Shi Lei just fin­ish break­fast, then re­ceived the re­port, in­di­cated that held in Jingya Gar­den two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel. Shi Lei washed to moisten greasy both hands un­hur­riedly, came to the in­ter­ro­ga­tion room.
In­ter­ro­gated in the room, Shi Lei sat in two Tar­get Per­son op­po­site, Zheng Tao took down two Tar­get Per­son black wig, and has been throw­ing one cup of cold water to them, they sobered slowly.
On Shi Lei both hands ten fin­gers of rel­a­tive place stain­less steel in­ter­ro­ga­tion ta­bles, look in­dif­fer­ent looks at two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, asks: „Who are you?”
3 lower the head does not speak, 1 use Japan­ese say­ing: „Where is here? Who are you? Do you know that de­tains other peo­ple il­le­gally is the se­ri­ous crim­i­nal­ity! We are for­eigner, your Xia Na­tion law, gives fa­vored treat­ment to for­eigner!”
Shi Lei has sneered, is star­ing at them, „Wo Sang Na­tion per­son?”


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