Friday, December 29, 2017

987: Interrogation

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#987: Interrogation
Comments 202
In Pri­mor­dial God Race prim­i­tive four big Cre­ation God, the Mo E Cre­ation God strength is the strength, Xi Ke is the order, Li Suo is the life, but Evil God, is the el­e­ment! peak the strength of el­e­ment!
Ver­mil­ion Bird, Phoenix and Golden Crow were third largest fire at­tribute an­cient times all Gods are supreme, Blue Dragon, Ice Phoenix and Ice Qilin were three big river sys­tems are supreme, but, pure on prin­ci­ple plane/level, these six big supreme, was well below Evil God com­pletely.
Phoenix does not fear Phoenix Fire, but still will in­jure by Golden Crow Fire and Ver­mil­ion Bird Fire, Blue Dragon may con­trol the water of Heav­ens, but will un­able to achieve ab­solutely does not fear ice of Ice Phoenix and Ice Qilin com­pletely, but Yun Che, al­though the strength will com­pare them tiny, will not ac­tu­ally fear the ar­bi­trary form the fire and ice, light­ning.
If can find the wind at­tribute and earth at­tribute Evil God seed in the fu­ture, the strength and ground strength of storm com­pletely will not fear.
Why this is also, the Yun Che's Great Way of the Bud­dha Art ad­vance­ment is slow, Star God's Bro­ken Shadow only to five heavy, but World Ode of the Phoenix, Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World and Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex this grade of plane/level ex­tremely high Di­vine Dao Pro­found Arts can ac­tu­ally not have the im­ped­i­ment sud­den en­light­en­ment, in a short time di­rect ac­com­plish­ment.
Per­haps strength of Evil God el­e­ment high of plane/level, was aloof the prin­ci­ple bound­ary in cog­ni­tion, by the fet­ter of prin­ci­ple, was not achieved „heaven de­fy­ing that” all Gods was un­able to un­der­stand and as­cer­tain the bound­ary.
How­ever even if so, Yun Che wants to re­lease cold ice aura to at­tract some ice spirit quite to be ac­tu­ally easy, but wants to bring in these ice spirit by pro­found strength purely all of a sud­den com­pletely, is at all the im­pos­si­ble mat­ter, be­cause his el­e­ment strength, al­though prin­ci­ple plane/level is high, but Pro­found Dao plane/level too is low.
But, this op­por­tu­nity ac­tu­ally co­in­ci­dence to the ex­treme. Yun Che just com­pleted every [say / way] to the break­through of Di­vine Dao, re­leases, just com­pleted the trans­for­ma­tion and new stu­dent, is most prim­i­tive, purest first pro­found qi, this to pure to only, takes the strength of Evil God as source pro­found qi, to these pure ice spirit, looks like smelled at the be­gin­ning of the pri­mor­dial chaos, source of cold qi fla­vor, com­plete con­di­tioned re­flex com­ing in swarms.
But this sit­u­a­tion, Yun Che by cur­rent pro­found strength, wants to reap­pear is from the start is im­pos­si­ble. But, is ac­tu­ally this kind of op­por­tu­nity...
These, Yun Che is com­pletely spir­it­less, but re­leases pro­found qi to feel the new strength in the ex­cite­ment con­ve­niently, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake had any­thing not to know.
After he opens the eye, dis­cov­ered that the at­mos­phere se­ri­ous is not right, the lines of sight of all peo­ple un­ex­pect­edly cen­tral­ized on one­self, ice spirit that the sur­round­ings dance en­cir­cles him in the mid­dle, such as many things around a cen­ter, let ob­vi­ously weak­est him, di­rectly be­came the only focal point of this world.
„This... This... This...”
Which usu­ally in the high ma­jes­tic el­ders and Palace Mas­ter have the pres­tige of least bit to be se­ri­ous, fa­cial ex­pres­sion dis­tor­tions likely is in broad day­light sud­denly damn.
They add the ages and sto­ries of all peo­ple, can­not un­der­stand pre­sent one.
Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue also set out from Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, looks by three thou­sand ice spirit en­cir­clements Yun Che, quite a while has not re­cov­ered.
„What hap­pened?” Yun Che sets out, asked to Mu Bingyun.
If for­merly, so were looked sud­denly steadily by these Ice Phoenix God Sect old mon­sters, the in­ner­most feel­ings are ex­tremely surely dis­turbed. But ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao him to rouse just when the soul, when is high-spir­ited, al­though is as­ton­ished, ab­solutely does not have flur­riedly con­di­tion.
Mu Bingyun ob­vi­ously is at has also been star­tled the con­di­tion how­ever, but her be­hind Mu Xi­aolan thor­ough silly past, the big mouth es­ti­mate can fill her small fist. Mu Bingyun micro Shu one breath, but also cal­cu­lates the tran­quil [say / way]: „Sect Mas­ter takes three dou­ble-hour as to limit, at­tracts many ice spirit in three dou­ble-hour to the body side per­son, is di­rect dis­ci­ple, but you...”
In her heart also has an­other sur­prised place... Yun Che has used un­ex­pect­edly only a short dou­ble-hour, has com­pleted from every [say / way] to the break­through of Di­vine Dao! The so short time, is in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake this type „is quite dan­ger­ous” the place, she hears some­thing never heard of be­fore rad­i­cally.
How­ever other peo­ple have no in­ter­est to pay at­ten­tion to this point ob­vi­ously, im­me­di­ately must make known... Is pre­sented re­sult show­down, un­ex­pect­edly in final count­ing breaths, ap­peared so has been pos­si­ble be called the earth­shak­ing change, di­rectly gave star­tled ig­no­rant the past all el­ders, Palace Mas­ter and dis­ci­ple.
This has pre­pared to an­nounce that the re­sult Mu Huanzhi lip ver­ti­cal mo­tion sev­eral times, fi­nally left the sound track: „This... Is this what's the mat­ter? What on this boy had?”
In all per­son hearts passes a few words... The ghosts spe­cial know that had any­thing! Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake ice spirit was at­tracted by short ten breaths among com­pletely, do not say God Hall dis­ci­ple, even if the el­ders and Palace Mas­ter, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to achieve.
But this mat­ter, un­ex­pect­edly liv­ing pre­sents in them at pre­sent... Oc­curred had just stepped into Di­vine Dao in a tal­ent, cul­ti­vated to lower is dis­in­clined to look on new pro­mote dis­ci­ple to them.
If said that Yun Che brings in these ice spirit by own cold ice aura, they are ab­solutely are ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to be­lieve. Be­cause of by the pres­tige of Sect Mas­ter, is al­most im­pos­si­ble to achieve. More­over Yun Che a mo­ment ago sud­denly pro­found qi of re­lease was also only orig­i­nal state pro­found qi, at all was not cold ice pro­found qi.
Above Cold Ice Giant Dragon of upper air, Snow Song Realm King through­out dead si­lence... Even if she, is un­able to un­der­stand that on Yun Che has the mat­ter.
In these peo­ple, the in­ner­most feel­ings fluc­tu­ate in a big way with­out doubt is Mu Hanyi and Mu Yun­zhi. Mu Yun­zhi saw the Mu Hanyi vic­tory, in heart end­less wild with joy, ac­tu­ally sud­denly came such one, she after shock, com­plex­ion fierce one cloudy, re­turns to nor­mal, said loudly: „Great Elder, this read­out re­sult, my dis­ci­ple Hanyi won, this point au­di­ences bets.”
„But, this...”
„Has any­thing, but.” The Mu Yun­zhi vi­sion glanced Yun Che one: „You had not seen that this boy just now just in time just com­pleted the break­through, he ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Dao, the body re­leases nat­u­rally was just new­born, Di­vine Dao pro­found qi of in­cunab­u­lum. But these ice spirit will cer­tainly like the most prim­i­tive pure thing, there­fore com­pletely will gather to him, does not have any­thing to be quite strange! Is good be­cause of the final out­put al­ready, has not made him go bad the im­por­tant mat­ter.”
The Mu Yun­zhi words make the peo­ple stunned, crossed some lit­tle time, many peo­ple start to nod: „So that's how it is, no won­der...”
Rea­son that ice spirit will be at­tracted by Yun Che, in­deed after he breaks through to pure to ini­tial pro­found qi only, whose ini­tial cold qi but is not can achieve... Should say ex­cept for Yun Che, any­body as im­pos­si­ble as this de­gree.
But, oc­curred is their cog­ni­tion is un­able to un­der­stand at Yun Che mat­ter, there­fore Mu Yun­zhi this lis­tens to re­luc­tantly a lit­tle ex­cuse of truth, im­me­di­ately makes at com­pletely shock­ing and con­fused peo­ple... Holds the rea­son that has as if been able to ex­plain in­clud­ing the elder and Palace Mas­ter im­me­di­ately, start nod ap­proval one after an­other... Be­cause in ad­di­tion, them can­not think of any other rea­sons.
Al­ways pos­si­bly is not Yun Che brings in these ice spirit by own cold qi at­tain­ments!
„In­deed rea­son­able.” Mu Huanzhi also slowly nods, when can­not think of any other pos­si­bil­i­ties, even if that only pos­si­bil­ity again re­luc­tantly, by the en­large­ment of sev­eral fold. After all, steps into first gen­e­sis pro­found qi after Di­vine Dao to be purest real, per­haps may be aura that ice spirit most likes re­ally...
Yun Che first steps into the Di­vine Dao per­son in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake in his­tory, be­fore this does not have the prece­dent cer­tainly... After all, under Di­vine Dao, im­pos­si­ble to be per­mit­ted into Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake.
„Should not be sim­ple.” Mu Sushan hes­i­tates say­ing that just said that he slowly shakes the head: „Only ex­pla­na­tion that but, this can in­deed think.”
After find­ing a rea­son of pos­si­bly ex­pla­na­tion, peo­ple as­ton­ished also nat­u­rally starts to dis­pel, in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, on the face of Mu Hanyi reap­pears the happy ex­pres­sion, he leans to glance at the light, looked to Mu Feixue, but Mu Feixue ac­tu­ally as be­fore quiet such as be­gin­ning, such as eter­nal not friendly snow and ice, silent, did not have the bil­lows with­out the wave.
Along with re­strain­ing of Yun Che pro­found qi, dances in the air in his sur­round­ing ice spirit also started to be sep­a­rated fast. To this time, he through passes mes­sage of Mu Bingyun, has un­der­stood all that in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake had, in­ner­most feel­ings fierce trem­bling swings, the pupil deep place flashes the ray of dif­fer­ence... And is es­pe­cially in­tense.
„,” Mu Huanzhi has turned around, deeply looked at Mu Feixue one, in the heart sighed darkly, long sound track: Three dou­ble-hour that „Sect Mas­ter de­fines ar­rived. Al­though final xi­aosheng mighty waves, but, final that only ice spirit, in­deed di­rects for Hanyi, the peo­ple of pres­ence are ob­vi­ous to all. There­fore, this is re­lated to the Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple show­down, the final win­ner works as is --- Mu Hanyi!”
The Mu Huanzhi sound just fell, in au­di­ences God Hall dis­ci­ple and Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple have ex­uded the ear-spit­ting high call, these in­spired shout also show Mu Hanyi to have the high pres­tige in these dis­ci­ple.
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Mu Yun­zhi laughs loudly, five senses com­plete split­ting open, she reaches out Mu Hanyi dis­tantly: „Hanyi, can com­plete, you will re­ally not make for the mas­ter dis­ap­pointed, takes you for the mas­ter as ar­ro­gantly, comes up to do obei­sance Sect Mas­ter quickly, when the ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher cer­e­mony com­pletes, you are Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple!”
„Hears has again is less than one month, is the Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­day, this surely was the best con­grat­u­la­tory gift.” An­other God Hall elder also says with a smile.
„Not is only the best con­grat­u­la­tory gift, feared that is the scene of this birth­day, was out of the or­di­nary.” Palace Mas­ter of first palace said.
Mu Hanyi be­comes Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, not only Mu Yun­zhi is de­lighted be­yond mea­sure, to en­tire sect, is con­sid­ered as on fa­vored.
„Yes!” Mu Hanyi, then the div­ing pos­ture, the white cloth­ing was ac­cord­ingly float­ing, falls on the Mu Yun­zhi body side, has not brought water of drop of Heav­enly Lake.
„Wait / Etc.!!”
At this mo­ment, trans­mit­ting of ex­tremely in­op­por­tune sound heav­ily, in be­com­ing warm in at­mos­phere, ob­vi­ously is es­pe­cially cold the sturdy ear.
The peo­ple vi­sion one side, the at­mos­phere also con­cen­trates im­me­di­ately.
Mu Bingyun moves, ac­tu­ally starts to speak but hes­i­tates, not stops.
Yun Che walks: „dis­ci­ple has sev­eral is­sues, wants to con­sult Great Elder.”
Is Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, spoke to the el­ders un­ex­pect­edly force­fully, is dis­re­spect­ful to af­front, Mu Yun­zhi was joy­ful, Yun Che such gripped, spoiled the fun ex­tremely, mak­ing her live darkly angry, in ad­di­tion al­most the mis­de­meanor was not feel­ing well to other source, im­me­di­ately got angry the sound track: „You are any thing, the share that here where you spoke, rolled!”
The Mu Bingyun vi­sion has trans­ferred, stared to Mu Yun­zhi, light in­com­pa­ra­ble [say / way]: „He is dis­ci­ple of my palace.”
Mu Bingyun this looks steadily, makes the pupil of Mu Yun­zhi fierce un­ex­pect­edly shrinks, the im­pos­ing man­ner was weak im­me­di­ately for sev­eral points.
Mu Sushan for­wards, [say / way] with a laugh: „dis­ci­ple has the ques­tion to con­sult, this is nor­mal. Yun Che, does not know that what you do have to con­sult Great Elder?”
„You said.” Mu Huanzhi slight bow. Mu Bingyun looked steadily at Mu Yun­zhi that a mo­ment ago, he watched clearly... Very ob­vi­ously, Mu Bingyun cher­ished to this new pro­mote dis­ci­ple ex­tremely.
The „first issue that dis­ci­ple wants to con­sult,” Yun Che is with­out turn­ing a hair, nei­ther ar­ro­gant nor servile [say / way]: „Sect Mas­ter is to se­lect di­rect dis­ci­ple sets the war of ice spirit, in three dou­ble-hour, whose ice spirit are most, is who wins. Then, is Sect Mas­ter lim­ited de­cides, only then God Hall dis­ci­ple is par­tic­i­pable, but Ice Phoenix Palace doesn't dis­ci­ple have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions?”
„This... Sect Mas­ter had not de­fined.” Mu Huanzhi shakes the head.
„The sec­ond issue,” Yun Che con­tin­ues say­ing: „Be­fore dis­ci­ple all ice spirit bring , does the water of Heav­enly Lake Sect Mas­ter sup­poses, have to fall com­pletely?”
„... Not.”
Mu Huanzhi look dras­tic change, he had re­al­ized fi­nally what Yun Che wants „con­sult­ing” is any­thing. But all peo­ple also re­al­ized this point, the Mu Yun­zhi com­plex­ion sank, sneer say­ing: „Does boy, what you want to say? You are dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate also think...”
„Right! I want to ask!” The Yun Che sound en­hances sud­denly: „De­fined the three dou­ble-hour of fin­ished when Sect Mas­ter, dis­ci­ple ice spirit is 3000, but side Mu Hanyi did not have, so long as the eye blind peo­ple should not see clearly! Re­sult that but you an­nounced that was ac­tu­ally Mu Hanyi wins... Ac­tu­ally dis­ci­ple wants to con­sult this is what truth!?”


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