Sunday, December 31, 2017

1019: Goes directly to Ice Wind

#1019: Goes directly to Ice Wind
Comments 129
Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, fly­ing snow float­ing.
Yun Che just left Tem­ple, then sees a per­son's shadow from afar there. His aura com­pletely col­lects, peace­ful with­out in­ter­est, the body fell thick float­ing snow, ob­vi­ously waited for a long time.
Sees Yun Che, his quick Mu Xue is near, be with smile on the face, salut­ing to Yun Che cus­tom: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, such quickly met.”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi, the work you waited for a long time.” Yun Che re­turns salute to say.
Mu Hanyi shakes the head, the forced smile said: „This Se­nior Brother folded ghost Hanyi. Also asked Se­nior Brother Yun Che so, oth­er­wise Hanyi only had myr­iad hor­rid­ness.”
„Ha,” Yun Che sprin­kles how­ever smiles: „Good. This goes to Ice Wind Em­pire, wanted work Ju­nior Brother Hanyi many to work with the heart.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head to say hastily: „Where words Se­nior Brother Yun Che this is, you can ar­rive at the Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­days, this is Hanyi and Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, and even en­tire Ice Wind Em­pire un­prece­dented great­est pleas­antly sur­prised and honor. When Sect Mas­ter this gra­cious­ness, Hanyi is ter­ri­fied, not thinks the re­port.”
„Un­prece­dented?” Yun Che micro fine mo­tion eye­brow: „Be­fore not this class mat­ter?”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che ar­rived at the Snow Song Realm time to be still short, oth­er­wise, de­cides how­ever will not have this one to ask.” Mu Hanyi sighed: „Hanyi, al­though has taken com­ing Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily as ar­ro­gantly, but... Birth­day of the coun­try Monarch, what comes the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to make Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple ar­rive.”
„This mat­ter, Hanyi was un­able to send greet­ings Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther with enough time, feared that is Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther hears, to de­cide ex­cit­edly de­lighted can­not be­lieve.” Mu Hanyi heart­felt [say / way]: „If how­ever were known by Snow Song var­i­ous coun­try all sect, feared must envy to want, Ha Ha.”
„... So that's how it is.” Yun Che nods slowly. Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple this sta­tus is re­ally not gen­eral se­ri­ous, he ini­tially en­ters the Snow Song Realm unim­por­tant per­son from one, for sev­eral months the sta­tus dom­i­nates above var­i­ous coun­tries' Monarch un­ex­pect­edly dis­tantly, this feared that is the sta­tus that Snow Song Realm ex­ag­ger­ates in his­tory sur­mounts.
„You said that has not sent greet­ings Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther with enough time, in other words, this mat­ter, did you also just know?” Yun Che asked sud­denly.
„Good.” Mu Hanyi nods the head: „Hanyi should yes­ter­day then al­ready, when em­bark­ing sud­denly re­ceives Sect Mas­ter own com­mand, there­fore the pe­riod of five days to this time, has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly is the so huge pleas­ant sur­prise.”
Yun Che said with a smile: „Said hon­estly that I also just now am under the Hon­ored Mas­ter order. It seems like that Hon­ored Mas­ter re­gard­ing Ju­nior Brother Hanyi, had wor­ried about.”
Mu Hanyi raise one's head, can­not see is any ex­pres­sion, but in the spo­ken lan­guage is hav­ing the ex­cited vi­brato ob­vi­ously: „There­fore , Hanyi does not know how should repay. Per­haps Se­nior Brother Yun Che some does not know, Sect Mas­ter this gra­cious­ness, not only to be­stow­ing of Hanyi, will also change sig­nif­i­cantly Ice Wind Em­pire in the Snow Song Realm sta­tus.”
Yun Che: „...”
„! You look at me, is pa­tron­iz­ing ex­cit­edly, has nearly for­got­ten the im­por­tant mat­ter.” Mu Hanyi has put out ray eye-catch­ing sound trans­mis­sion jade: „Must in­form Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther this mat­ter im­me­di­ately, mak­ing Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther early pre­pare.”
„Wait / Etc.,” Yun Che puts out a hand: „This mat­ter, do not in­form to make Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther be good ahead of time. After all, I am pre­sent the name of Hon­ored Mas­ter to go to con­grat­u­late, if pre­pares, causes to com­pete, in­stead is not good.”
Mu Hanyi slightly one sur­prised, then puts down sound trans­mis­sion jade, said sin­cerely: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che not only nat­ural tal­ent is shock­ing, mind vast also praise­wor­thy, so, Hanyi re­spect­fully might as well obey or­ders, then treats to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther one hugely pleas­antly sur­prised.”
Yun Che says with a smile: „If by the mind, I fell far short com­pared with you.”
Mu Hanyi happy ex­pres­sion micro stiff, sighed the one breath: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, Hanyi is not the per­son of heart Na Baichuan. Said hon­estly that I envy very much... No, should say en­vies you, even, but also once had has con­tin­ued the sev­eral days re­sent­ment in­tent.”
Yun Che: „...”
Mu Hanyi is smil­ing bit­terly shak­ing the head: „Per­haps Se­nior Brother Yun Che heard, these years of Hanyi in sect, two mat­ters that most longs, one is to be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, two are to ob­tain ador­ing of Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue. But the re­sult, is ac­tu­ally...”
„On the same day loses to Se­nior Brother Yun Che in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, Hanyi knew col­laps­ing com­pletely that loses, is not un­de­served, but cher­ishes the ob­struc­tion as be­fore, sad sev­eral days, but be­fore the half a month, Sect Mas­ter per­mits Feixue Ju­nior Brother to Se­nior Brother Yun Che...” Mu Hanyi has closed the eye, al­though he is quite quiet, but his tonal­ity and look show him not to get over an emo­tion com­pletely.
Mu Hanyi has not con­tin­ued, but is the forced smile said: „These words, de­cided how­ever make Se­nior Brother Yun Che laugh.”
„No,” Yun Che said: „The life most im­por­tant two mat­ters seize for other peo­ple, even if the real sage in leg­end, feared that is im­pos­si­ble get­ting over an emo­tion eas­ily. You are will­ing to con­sider it con­fi­dently, I only have the grat­i­tude ad­mi­ra­tion.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head as be­fore: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though pro­found strength still low­ered, but high of nat­ural tal­ent, ex­ceeds Hanyi not to know many. Sect Mas­ter se­lects Se­nior Brother Yun Che is di­rect dis­ci­ple is nat­ural. Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue angel per­son, in Snow Song Realm, only has Se­nior Brother Yun Che to be joined to her, I think to her read­ing that from be­gin­ning to end is self- crazy ab­surdly. These, Hanyi al­ready was ac­tu­ally well aware... The this pe­riod of time mind is as be­fore de­spon­dent, is hard safely, to be in front of Se­nior Brother Yun Che to say these now, was in the heart was fi­nally more com­fort­able.”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che,” Mu Hanyi faces Yun Che, the vi­sion is very sin­cere: „Hanyi has the in­ci­dent brazen plea.”
„... You said.”
„Ice Phoenix fe­male after los­ing Pri­mor­dial Yin, cul­ti­vates the ad­vance­ment to be slower, Se­nior Brother Yun Che of in ad­di­tion has ex­tremely high nat­ural tal­ent again,” Mu Hanyi light breath­ing heav­ily one breath: „Re­pairs to one day dom­i­nate fi­nally above Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, only looks... Se­nior Brother Yun Che can kindly treat Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue.”
Mu Feixue by mat­ter that Yun Che re­sists not pub­lic, in ad­di­tion this pe­riod of time Mu Feixue ex­tremely lit­tle ap­peared in the tem­ple, there­fore ex­cept for the lim­ited sev­eral peo­ple, sect high and low had rec­og­nized that Mu Feixue has served Yun Che in the tem­ple... after all, that is own com­mand of Sect Mas­ter at sect con­gress.
„...” Yun Che nod­ded: „You could rest as­sured that I will never make my woman be wronged.”
Yun Che said that has turned around, looks to the white dis­tant place, the eye pupil deep place flashes through wipes the dif­fer­ent glow.
This per­son...
„So, Hanyi then also re­lieved not re­gret­ted.” Mu Hanyi sighed.
„Was right, Hon­ored Mas­ter said that also will have one per­son to travel to­gether,” Yun Che said: „Ju­nior Brother Hanyi may the knowl­edge be.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head: „Does not know, but...”
He turned around to look askance, looks to rear area. The quick, white hori­zon, Ice Boat puts on the snow, but, Ice Boat on is set­ting up two ice blue fe­male forms.
Im­pres­sively is Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan.
cold light dodges, Ice Boat stopped be­fore their bod­ies.
Long time does not see, Mu Bingyun one such as in the past, such as the Fairy being near dust, beau­ti­ful brought to make peo­ple def­i­nitely un­able to give birth to chilly hav­ing no time of heart of blas­phem­ing. Her be­hind Mu Xi­aolan blue clothes, on the pretty small face is bring­ing ob­vi­ously ex­cite­ment.
„Palace Mas­ter, goes to­gether the Ice Wind Em­pire per­son with us, is...” Yun Che sur­prised [say / way].
„Right, is I.” Mu Xi­aolan for­wards, is bring­ing with a smile hap­pily, when changes Mu Hanyi, im­me­di­ately be­came re­spect­ful: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, the work you look after much.”
„Yun Che, Hanyi,” Mu Bingyun said: „The Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day, the Xi­aolan par­ents surely will also ar­rive, at this meet­ing, then makes Xi­aolan go to­gether with the par­ents re­unites. All the way, you must pro­tect her to be com­plete well.”
„Yes, Hanyi guar­an­tees Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan by the life surely but safely, turns over to safely, ask­ing Palace Mas­ter Bingyun to feel re­lieved.” Mu Hanyi re­spect­ful and aus­tere heavy [say / way].
„Yes.” Yun Che ac­cord­ingly, in the heart groaned se­cretly: I go to Ice Wind Em­pire to achieve great ac­com­plish­ment! How now re­gard­ing to do that town coun­try sa­cred relic not to have the clue, un­ex­pect­edly de­liv­ers a big child in such an arrange­ment...
„Hanyi, you should yes­ter­day, be later, then have rid­den at this time this Ice Boat, should be able to catch up re­luc­tantly.” Mu Bingyun leaves Ice Boat, the eye in­clud­ing pro­found mean­ing looked at Yun Che one.
Ice Boat floats emp­ties on, if quickly the flow­ing light, goes di­rectly to the north.
„Yun Che, when feel­ing of Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple how?” The Mu Xi­aolan whole face is cu­ri­ous: „Sect Mas­ter she... Very will be se­vere?”
„Nat­u­rally se­vere.” Yun Che sighed leisurely: „Palace Mas­ter Bingyun was gen­tlest.”
On the mouth said that in the heart has ac­tu­ally been shak­ing some­thing the mighty waves... Mu Xu­anyin must come Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World for him from Huo Rulie there, she wants the heart of com­plete Horned Dragon, for him, wants to come at this time, to let his growth pro­found strength, spares no sac­ri­fice Pri­mor­dial Yin of mas­sive Ice Phoenix fe­male, this should be in the sect his­tory never has the huge price. The thing of Uni­verse Five Jade Pill this grade of heaven de­fy­ing, even if can even up the ma­te­r­ial, also con­sumes the huge price surely... Mu Xu­anyin is ac­tu­ally with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Why will she be good to me so?
Re­ally is only be­cause I be­came her di­rect dis­ci­ple, as well as has saved the Mu Bingyun life?
„Hey! Can­not say like this!” Mu Xi­aolan small hav­ing a scare of: „By the words that Sect Mas­ter hears, you were mis­er­able.”
„Is is, re­spect­fully fol­lows the Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan in­struc­tion.” Yun Che does not have the strength, in heart after think­ing Ice Wind Em­pire, how to draw out the mat­ter of Qilin Horn.
„Snort, even if be­comes Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, should to lis­ten to the Se­nior Sis­ter words.” Mu Xi­aolan flow­ery lips curls up­wards: „You, if still re­mem­bers re­ally good of Hon­ored Mas­ter, often re­turns to Ice Phoenix Palace to have a look, should not be only on the mouth will say.”
„Is is.” The nod of Yun Che ma­chin­ery.
The Mu Hanyi whole face is as­ton­ished vis­its them, ob­vi­ously is star­tled in them to each other name, then sigh with emo­tion [say / way]: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che is re­ally an at­trac­tive per­son.”
„,” Mu Xi­aolan small qu, re­futed: „That is be­cause Se­nior Brother Hanyi does not know his vil­lian side... Snort, in brief is vil­lian, good Se­nior Brother Hanyi is a man, if the girl, but must add care­fully.”
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Mu Hanyi laughs, be­comes along with it vi­sion far: „Man should be loose, oth­er­wise how could it not be in vain life. Just, Se­nior Brother Yun Che had Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, feared that was dif­fi­cult the fe­male to be pleas­ant.”
„Snort, he was cer­tainly fa­vorite.” Mu Xi­aolan un­con­scious low­er­ing the head, very low voice dis­cussing.
Ice Boat against the wind line, rapid, if flow­ing light. Lis­tens to Mu Hanyi to nar­rate that all the way the Ice Wind Em­pire his­tory and local con­di­tions and so­cial cus­toms, the time also cross but ac­tu­ally quickly.
Less than day, Ice Boat fi­nally has flown into the Ice Wind bor­der, then ap­proaches cen­tral Im­pe­r­ial City fast.
Mu Hanyi put out sound trans­mis­sion jade at this time, sent greet­ings Ice Wind Monarch di­rectly: „Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, child near Im­pe­r­ial City, had the mo­ment to be then getat­able again, has the sect two hon­ored guest col­leagues.”
Monarch mil­len­nium birth­days, today's Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial City is par­tic­u­larly lively, the in­nu­mer­able guest ten thou­sand li (0.5km) come, en­tire Im­pe­r­ial City aura be­comes es­pe­cially dif­fer­ent.
Mu Hanyi just put down sound trans­mis­sion jade, a flank small pro­found ark ex­tremely fast flies, is get­ting more and more near, the di­rec­tion also points to the Im­pe­r­ial City cen­ter.
Mu Xi­aolan raise one's head, see­ing clearly stands when that small pro­found ark most the front two forms, her beau­ti­ful pupil stares all of a sud­den in a big way, ex­udes pleas­antly sur­prised ex­cited flut­ter­ing: „Fa­ther --- mother!!”


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