Sunday, December 31, 2017

1020: Ice Wind Monarch

#1020: Ice Wind Monarch
Comments 216
„... Lan­lan!?” While Mu Xi­aolan shouts, the per­son on pro­found ark is also look­ing to them. Is the hus­band and wife two peo­ple of head oc­curred si­mul­ta­ne­ously pleas­antly sur­prised, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the div­ing pos­ture from pro­found ark, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Mu Xi­aolan three peo­ple, Ice Boat also along with it stop­ping.
This to hus­band and wife, is the Mu Xi­aolan par­ents, Ice Wind Em­pire East­ern in­de­pen­dent ter­ri­tory Re­gion Lord, in en­tire Snow Song Realm il­lus­tri­ous Situ Clan cur­rent Pa­tri­arch --- Situ Xiongy­ing, as well as Madame Situ.
„Is Lan­lan, re­ally you?” Madame Situ wel­comed ex­cit­edly, held a Mu Xi­aolan pair of small hand, still ex­cited some can­not be­lieve.
„Lan­lan, how will you come to here?” The Situ Xiongy­ing ap­pear­ance is calm, ex­cited color that but ob­vi­ously is as be­fore dif­fi­cult to cover.
„I come along with Se­nior Brother Hanyi to­gether, is Hon­ored Mas­ter makes me come and par­ents spe­cially re­unites.” Mu Xi­aolan was say­ing at the same time, is both eyes flood red. Since child­hood grew up under the parental love, after en­ter­ing Ice Phoenix God Sect, is for sev­eral years has not ac­tu­ally seen.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi?” This name, lets Situ Xiongy­ing vi­sion fiercely one rev­o­lu­tion, orig­i­nally also cal­cu­lates the gen­tle vi­sion im­me­di­ately the dras­tic change: „Is it pos­si­ble that this is...”
„Ah! I give the par­ents to in­tro­duce, this is Se­nior Brother Mu Hanyi, the par­ents def­i­nitely has lis­tened to his name.”
„Mu Hanyi?” Sure enough, the Mu Xi­aolan voice just fell, the line of sight of Situ Xiongy­ing hus­band and wife fell on Mu Hanyi in­stan­ta­neously, the vi­sion has filled ac­claim­ing, even also had to be ex­cited and pleas­antly sur­prised, the Situ Xiongy­ing dri­ving half step for­warded hastily, sighs the sound track: „Orig­i­nally you are Your High­ness Mu Hanyi in leg­end. Hearsay Your High­ness not only of out­stand­ing abil­ity un­par­al­leled, the el­e­gant bear­ing, the nat­ural tal­ent is un­ri­valled ex­tremely, sees today, the vic­tory is well-known, so the age, pro­found strength un­ex­pect­edly is Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, sim­ply un­be­liev­ably.”
„Today can see Your High­ness, is most hon­ored.”
Is the elder, Situ Xiongy­ing is hav­ing the deep ap­pre­ci­a­tion and ex­cla­ma­tion to Mu Hanyi each char­ac­ter, Madame Situ also un­ceas­ingly nods, looks at the Mu Hanyi vi­sion ex­tra­or­di­nary splen­dor again and again. Be­cause at pre­sent is not only Ice Wind Em­pire Im­pe­r­ial Prince, was al­ready was more fa­mous, Snow Song Realm first out­stand­ing of recog­ni­tion.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi looked after to me in the sect very much, has helped my sev­eral busy, this time can come Ice Wind Em­pire and par­ents re­unites, be­cause of Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Mu Xi­aolan said.
Situ hus­band and wife hears this word, adds the grat­i­tude of sev­eral fold... The pleas­ant sur­prise, Situ Xiongy­ing cups one hand in the other across the chest say­ing: „Hanyi Your High­ness, you to look­ing after of daugh­ter, my Situ Xiongy­ing feel grate­ful end­less. The daugh­ter can walk such near with Your High­ness this grade of char­ac­ter, is re­ally daugh­ter's great­est good for­tune.”
„Yes.” The Madame Situ smile nods the head: „Can re­sult in Your High­ness to look, daugh­ter has the good for­tune. This time our can re­unite, thanks to Your High­ness, how should not feel grate­ful is re­ally good.”
Mu Hanyi mod­est [say / way]: „Uncle Aunt where words, are Se­nior Brother, looks after Ju­nior Brother Ju­nior Sis­ter is the job... Let alone is only the slight ef­fort.”
Situ Xiongy­ing shakes the head, sighed once again: „Fam­ily back­ground, look, nat­ural tal­ent and achieve­ment are im­pec­ca­ble, no­body may, but also so hum­ble cour­te­ous, is not ar­ro­gant and will­ful, no won­der no­body did not praise. Your High­ness this grade of char­ac­ter, feared that is this life is dif­fi­cult to see sec­ond.”
„Lan­lan, you had not in­tro­duced that this is?” Madame Situ hints Yun Che with the vi­sion.
Mu Xi­aolan stands side Yun Che, in high spirit [say / way]: „This, is Ju­nior Brother Yun Che...”
„Yun?” Mu Xi­aolan just shouted that the Yun Che's name, Situ Xiongy­ing moves the brow: „This sur­name is quite ac­tu­ally rare, as if only ex­ists in Great Blue Snow Re­gion, is it pos­si­ble that?”
Yun Che for­wards, well-man­nered [say / way]: „Uncle Aunt is good, ju­nior Yun Che, pours does not come Snow Song Realm, but came from Lower Realm.”
„Lower Realm?” The Situ Xiongy­ing slight bow, the look is light: „So that's how it is.”
„Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though comes Lower Realm, more­over en­ters the sect less than four months, but he is quite fierce. But he...”
Mu Xi­aolan has not said that then had been bro­ken by Situ Xiongy­ing: „On Ice Boat is too cold, do not ruin by freez­ing fa­ther's Lan­lan, we ar­rive on pro­found ark to speak... Hanyi Your High­ness, if not shut out pro­found ark to be crude, then how to­gether steps?”
Mu Hanyi is po­lite, but rit­ual: „That Hanyi might as well obey or­ders re­spect­fully.”
Situ Xiongy­ing in­vited to Mu Hanyi sin­cerely, ac­tu­ally slightly do not in­quire about the Yun Che's mean­ing, even after Mu Xi­aolan said that again has not gone to look at his one eyes.
Only then Di­vine Essence Realm First Level pro­found strength aura, had not been be­stowed the "Mu" sur­name, was called Ju­nior Brother by Mu Xi­aolan... these in the Situ Xiongy­ing eye, in­di­cated all he is well below Mu Xi­aolan in the Ice Phoenix God Sect low po­si­tion, es­pe­cially he comes Lower Realm, that is one step below oth­ers.
„Good good Ah! I al­ready to fondly re­mem­ber fam­ily's pro­found ark.” Under ex­cite­ment that Mu Xi­aolan in re­unites with the par­ents, is rad­i­cally com­pletely spir­it­less to these, jump­ing ar­rived above pro­found ark. Yun Che has pinched the tip of the nose, fol­low­ing on the heels of keep­ing silent.
Al­though pro­found ark is small, but dec­o­rates quite mag­nif­i­cently and ex­pen­sively, takes care is aura is also vig­or­ous in the side do­mes­tic ser­vant and guard, in­di­cated that Situ Clan is hav­ing the quite abun­dant strength, will oth­er­wise not be in­vited to the Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day.
To own pro­found ark, has looked like went home, Mu Xi­aolan be­comes jumps for joy es­pe­cially joy­fully, she very nat­ural has drawn the Yun Che's sleeves, smil­ing [say / way]: „sect Ice Boat, al­though is fierce, but fam­ily's pro­found ark was most com­fort­able, the small time par­ents lead me to travel with this pro­found ark. Yun Che, do you have in Lower Realm while such pro­found ark?”
„pro­found ark of my world, al­though is in­suf­fi­cient to be so quick, but other sim­i­lar.” Yun Che along with tastes.
Just and Situ Xiongy­ing vi­sion glance of Mu Hanyi speech, saw that Mu Xi­aolan is draw­ing the Yun Che's sleeves un­ex­pect­edly, more­over laugh­ter Yingy­ing, he im­me­di­ately com­plex­ion one black, walked hastily, the palm claps the Yun Che's shoul­der: „This lit­tle brother, I re­mem­bers that you called... Yun Che is right? Come, tak­ing ad­van­tage of a speech.”
„Oh? The fa­ther, what do you want to say with him?” Mu Xi­aolan looks sur­pris­edly.
„... In­quired a minor mat­ter, you did not need to care.”
Deals with one ca­su­ally, Situ Xiongy­ing is half force draws Yun Che one side.
„Does Uncle have what ad­vice?” Sees the Situ Xiongy­ing com­plex­ion, Yun Che can prob­a­bly guess cor­rectly that he must say any­thing.
When fac­ing a Yun Che per­son, the Situ Xiongy­ing com­plex­ion got dark in­stan­ta­neously: „Said a mo­ment ago that you are less than to Ice Phoenix God Sect for four months? Ac­tu­ally with my fam­ily Lan­lan very fa­mil­iar ap­pear­ance, it seems like, you should be looked after by her much?”
„... Um, Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan looks after to me a great deal.” Yun Che cour­tesy nod, cour­tesy reply.
„Snort!” Situ Xiongy­ing heav­ily coldly snorted, two loud eye­brows also deeply sink sud­denly: „The Lan­lan dis­po­si­tion is pure, but she is my Situ Xiongy­ing only daugh­ter, is Fairy Bingyun only dis­ci­ple, her fam­ily back­ground is not you can com­pare, her fu­ture will be you can never hope to at­tain, do not have laugh­ably any im­proper am­bi­tion!”
„...” Yun Che long ex­pi­ra­tion, said: „Uncle, what have you mis­un­der­stood?”
„Mis­un­der­stand­ing?” Situ Xiongy­ing sneers: „Snort, my age wins your ten times, what thoughts you have, can hide the truth from my eye!? Your just en­tered shortly after the sect, pro­found strength is mean, but also comes the Lower Realm boy, ac­tu­ally to­gether comes to here with Lan­lan, ex­cept that you cling to for dear life hit rot­tenly, other pos­si­bil­i­ties?”
„You should bet­ter early break im­proper read think that Lan­lan is your this per­son pos­si­bly could never be joined. Oth­er­wise... When the time comes do not blame me not to re­mind you!”
Situ Xiongy­ing stared Yun Che one ma­li­ciously, then flings the body to leave.
Yun Che stands there, for a very long time is speech­less.
Make Situ Xiongy­ing so ir­ri­ta­ble warns Yun Che's, ac­tu­ally be­cause of the Yun Che's words and deeds, but is Mu Xi­aolan nat­u­rally is draw­ing the Yun Che's ac­tion... This plants af­fec­tion­ate of con­scious­ness, clearly is the most dan­ger­ous sign.
Mu Xi­aolan and Madame Situ mother and daugh­ter long sep­a­ra­tion gath­ered, has lo­quacity too to say, col­lect­ing that Situ Xiongy­ing nearly flat­tered in front of Mu Hanyi, Yun Che dried in the sun in one side, along with march of pro­found ark, has flown into the Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial City re­gion, ap­proached cen­tral Im­pe­r­ial Palace fast.
„Yun Che, what my did Fa­ther say with you a mo­ment ago? Good mys­te­ri­ous ap­pear­ance.” Mu Xi­aolan passes mes­sage to him se­cretly.
„Oh, your fa­ther said that he wants to be­troth you to me.” Yun Che soft re­turn­ing tone chan­nel.
„You... Be­came Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple also such care­lessly spoke, being dis­in­clined man­aged you, snort|hum!”
Passed a small lit­tle while, Mu Xi­aolan once more has sent greet­ings: „Eh? I for­got briefed your sta­tus prob­a­bly with par­ents, ob­vi­ously such im­por­tant mat­ter...”
„You should bet­ter not want.” Yun Che sound being in­ca­pable: „I feared that your fa­ther heart is not good.”
Mu Xi­aolan: „???”
The rumor howls, pro­found ark ar­rived above Im­pe­r­ial Palace, sees, be­fore the main en­trance, sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple of pe­ri­ods of five days there, crowd around one to wear sil­ver clothes, wear the per­son of gold crown... Im­pres­sively is now Ice Wind Monarch --- Feng Huituo!
In the Situ Xiongy­ing heart is as­ton­ished, along with it un­der­stand­ing clearly, said to Mu Hanyi with a smile: „Monarch is thinks of the child to be cher­ished surely, hears Your High­ness to turn over, wel­comes un­ex­pect­edly by one­self.”
Mu Hanyi smiles not to speak, he is well aware, rea­son that Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther will go out to wel­come by one­self , be­cause he sent greet­ings in­forms to lead the Ice Phoenix God Sect two hon­ored guests to turn over.
pro­found ark falls, Situ hus­band and wife goes out of pro­found ark, then si­mul­ta­ne­ously does obei­sance: „Situ Xiongy­ing pays re­spect to Ice Wind Monarch, re­spect­fully con­grat­u­lated Ice Wind Monarch long life, the Ice Wind Em­pire na­tional des­tiny was pros­per­ous.”
Al­though Situ Xiongy­ing is In­de­pen­dent Ter­ri­tory Mas­ter, then after all crit­i­cal Ice Wind Em­pire, faint at­tach­ment, there­fore wants the good ca­sual greet­ing.
„Orig­i­nally is Re­gion Lord Situ, is about to be quick.” Feng Huituo for­wards by one­self , help­ing up them.
„Ice Wind Monarch,” Situ Xiongy­ing sets out, says with a smile: „Whom you had a look at to come.”
He was side­ways, Mu Hanyi, Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che three peo­ple also went down from pro­found ark at this time.
„Yi'er!” Sees Mu Hanyi, a Feng Huituo pleas­antly sur­prised sum­mon.
„Im­pe­r­ial Brother!” Feng Huituo be­hind, same sil­ver clothes, the young peo­ple of whole body noble gas are also call out in alarm make noise, but this per­son Ice Wind Em­pire Crown Prince, Mu Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Brother --- Feng Hange.
The Mu Hanyi half step for­wards, heav­ily kneels: „Child pays re­spect to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, pays re­spect to Im­pe­r­ial Brother! For a long time can­not send re­spects to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and Im­pe­r­ial Brother, Hanyi ashamed crime.”
„Comes back well, comes back well.” Feng Huituo puts out a hand , help­ing up him slowly, high and low is tak­ing a look at him, is em­peror of the coun­try, both eyes is ac­tu­ally slightly moist.
Mu Hanyi ac­tu­ally low­ers the head, how­ever said ashamedly: „Child these years have not had for a long time re­turn to the birth fam­ily, the prac­tice, only for can for­tu­nately be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple whole­heart­edly, to let Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and moth­er­land honor. But... Child is use­less, does not re­al­ize, re­ally sees Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther ashamedly.”
„Oh, where words.” Feng Huituo shakes the head gen­tly: „My child, even if no good for­tune to be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, ex­ceeds the Snow Song ab­solutely son as be­fore.” His vi­sion looks to Mu Hanyi, sim­i­larly puts on Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che of Ice Phoenix God Sect snow clothes: „These two... With the Ice Phoenix hon­ored guest who you do come to­gether?”
Mu Hanyi re­strains the mood hastily: „Good, is these two.”
Does not wait for Mu Hanyi to in­tro­duce that Yun Che for­warded on own ini­tia­tive: „Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple Yun Che, has seen Ice Wind Monarch.”
„...” Mu Xi­aolan was slightly slow, said hastily: „Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple Mu Xi­aolan, has seen Ice Wind Monarch.”
di­vine sense has swept their aura, in the Feng Huituo heart deep dis­ap­pointed. It is not in­deed false from Ice Phoenix God Sect, but this is any hon­ored guest, the dis­tinct sta­tus and sta­tus are also well below Mu Hanyi, the one had only known, which his will also be hav­ing the an­tic­i­pa­tion and ter­ri­fied wel­comes by one­self.
In his sur­face the sur­face has not left dis­ap­point­edly, but said with a smile: „Comes from Ice Phoenix God Sect, that is my Ice Wind Em­pire hon­ored guest. Re­gion Lord Situ, if I have not guessed wrong, this Mu Xi­aolan, is your fa­vored daugh­ter.”
Situ Xiongy­ing breaks into a hearty laugh: „. Worthily is Ice Wind Monarch, re­ally men­tal per­cep­tion like torch.”
„Small age, must then be­stow the 'Mu' sur­name, the fu­ture is re­ally lim­it­less.” Feng Huituo said with a smile: „Re­gion Lord Situ, you had a good daugh­ter, please quickly in­vite quickly.”
Under Feng Huituo and Feng Hange to lead, the group enter Main Palace per­son­ally quickly.
Be­cause the Mu Hanyi late line, ar­rived on the 1st at this time, passed the dou­ble-hour that the birth­day started slightly, in Main Palace al­ready the guest all per­sons. But can take a seat on in­vi­ta­tion, nat­u­rally in the Snow Song Realm il­lus­tri­ous great per­son.


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