Sunday, December 31, 2017

1020: Ice Wind Monarch

#1020: Ice Wind Monarch
Comments 216
„... Lan­lan!?” While Mu Xi­aolan shouts, the per­son on pro­found ark is also look­ing to them. Is the hus­band and wife two peo­ple of head oc­curred si­mul­ta­ne­ously pleas­antly sur­prised, si­mul­ta­ne­ously the div­ing pos­ture from pro­found ark, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the Mu Xi­aolan three peo­ple, Ice Boat also along with it stop­ping.
This to hus­band and wife, is the Mu Xi­aolan par­ents, Ice Wind Em­pire East­ern in­de­pen­dent ter­ri­tory Re­gion Lord, in en­tire Snow Song Realm il­lus­tri­ous Situ Clan cur­rent Pa­tri­arch --- Situ Xiongy­ing, as well as Madame Situ.
„Is Lan­lan, re­ally you?” Madame Situ wel­comed ex­cit­edly, held a Mu Xi­aolan pair of small hand, still ex­cited some can­not be­lieve.
„Lan­lan, how will you come to here?” The Situ Xiongy­ing ap­pear­ance is calm, ex­cited color that but ob­vi­ously is as be­fore dif­fi­cult to cover.
„I come along with Se­nior Brother Hanyi to­gether, is Hon­ored Mas­ter makes me come and par­ents spe­cially re­unites.” Mu Xi­aolan was say­ing at the same time, is both eyes flood red. Since child­hood grew up under the parental love, after en­ter­ing Ice Phoenix God Sect, is for sev­eral years has not ac­tu­ally seen.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi?” This name, lets Situ Xiongy­ing vi­sion fiercely one rev­o­lu­tion, orig­i­nally also cal­cu­lates the gen­tle vi­sion im­me­di­ately the dras­tic change: „Is it pos­si­ble that this is...”
„Ah! I give the par­ents to in­tro­duce, this is Se­nior Brother Mu Hanyi, the par­ents def­i­nitely has lis­tened to his name.”
„Mu Hanyi?” Sure enough, the Mu Xi­aolan voice just fell, the line of sight of Situ Xiongy­ing hus­band and wife fell on Mu Hanyi in­stan­ta­neously, the vi­sion has filled ac­claim­ing, even also had to be ex­cited and pleas­antly sur­prised, the Situ Xiongy­ing dri­ving half step for­warded hastily, sighs the sound track: „Orig­i­nally you are Your High­ness Mu Hanyi in leg­end. Hearsay Your High­ness not only of out­stand­ing abil­ity un­par­al­leled, the el­e­gant bear­ing, the nat­ural tal­ent is un­ri­valled ex­tremely, sees today, the vic­tory is well-known, so the age, pro­found strength un­ex­pect­edly is Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, sim­ply un­be­liev­ably.”
„Today can see Your High­ness, is most hon­ored.”
Is the elder, Situ Xiongy­ing is hav­ing the deep ap­pre­ci­a­tion and ex­cla­ma­tion to Mu Hanyi each char­ac­ter, Madame Situ also un­ceas­ingly nods, looks at the Mu Hanyi vi­sion ex­tra­or­di­nary splen­dor again and again. Be­cause at pre­sent is not only Ice Wind Em­pire Im­pe­r­ial Prince, was al­ready was more fa­mous, Snow Song Realm first out­stand­ing of recog­ni­tion.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi looked after to me in the sect very much, has helped my sev­eral busy, this time can come Ice Wind Em­pire and par­ents re­unites, be­cause of Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Mu Xi­aolan said.
Situ hus­band and wife hears this word, adds the grat­i­tude of sev­eral fold... The pleas­ant sur­prise, Situ Xiongy­ing cups one hand in the other across the chest say­ing: „Hanyi Your High­ness, you to look­ing after of daugh­ter, my Situ Xiongy­ing feel grate­ful end­less. The daugh­ter can walk such near with Your High­ness this grade of char­ac­ter, is re­ally daugh­ter's great­est good for­tune.”
„Yes.” The Madame Situ smile nods the head: „Can re­sult in Your High­ness to look, daugh­ter has the good for­tune. This time our can re­unite, thanks to Your High­ness, how should not feel grate­ful is re­ally good.”
Mu Hanyi mod­est [say / way]: „Uncle Aunt where words, are Se­nior Brother, looks after Ju­nior Brother Ju­nior Sis­ter is the job... Let alone is only the slight ef­fort.”
Situ Xiongy­ing shakes the head, sighed once again: „Fam­ily back­ground, look, nat­ural tal­ent and achieve­ment are im­pec­ca­ble, no­body may, but also so hum­ble cour­te­ous, is not ar­ro­gant and will­ful, no won­der no­body did not praise. Your High­ness this grade of char­ac­ter, feared that is this life is dif­fi­cult to see sec­ond.”
„Lan­lan, you had not in­tro­duced that this is?” Madame Situ hints Yun Che with the vi­sion.
Mu Xi­aolan stands side Yun Che, in high spirit [say / way]: „This, is Ju­nior Brother Yun Che...”
„Yun?” Mu Xi­aolan just shouted that the Yun Che's name, Situ Xiongy­ing moves the brow: „This sur­name is quite ac­tu­ally rare, as if only ex­ists in Great Blue Snow Re­gion, is it pos­si­ble that?”
Yun Che for­wards, well-man­nered [say / way]: „Uncle Aunt is good, ju­nior Yun Che, pours does not come Snow Song Realm, but came from Lower Realm.”
„Lower Realm?” The Situ Xiongy­ing slight bow, the look is light: „So that's how it is.”
„Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though comes Lower Realm, more­over en­ters the sect less than four months, but he is quite fierce. But he...”
Mu Xi­aolan has not said that then had been bro­ken by Situ Xiongy­ing: „On Ice Boat is too cold, do not ruin by freez­ing fa­ther's Lan­lan, we ar­rive on pro­found ark to speak... Hanyi Your High­ness, if not shut out pro­found ark to be crude, then how to­gether steps?”
Mu Hanyi is po­lite, but rit­ual: „That Hanyi might as well obey or­ders re­spect­fully.”
Situ Xiongy­ing in­vited to Mu Hanyi sin­cerely, ac­tu­ally slightly do not in­quire about the Yun Che's mean­ing, even after Mu Xi­aolan said that again has not gone to look at his one eyes.
Only then Di­vine Essence Realm First Level pro­found strength aura, had not been be­stowed the "Mu" sur­name, was called Ju­nior Brother by Mu Xi­aolan... these in the Situ Xiongy­ing eye, in­di­cated all he is well below Mu Xi­aolan in the Ice Phoenix God Sect low po­si­tion, es­pe­cially he comes Lower Realm, that is one step below oth­ers.
„Good good Ah! I al­ready to fondly re­mem­ber fam­ily's pro­found ark.” Under ex­cite­ment that Mu Xi­aolan in re­unites with the par­ents, is rad­i­cally com­pletely spir­it­less to these, jump­ing ar­rived above pro­found ark. Yun Che has pinched the tip of the nose, fol­low­ing on the heels of keep­ing silent.
Al­though pro­found ark is small, but dec­o­rates quite mag­nif­i­cently and ex­pen­sively, takes care is aura is also vig­or­ous in the side do­mes­tic ser­vant and guard, in­di­cated that Situ Clan is hav­ing the quite abun­dant strength, will oth­er­wise not be in­vited to the Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day.
To own pro­found ark, has looked like went home, Mu Xi­aolan be­comes jumps for joy es­pe­cially joy­fully, she very nat­ural has drawn the Yun Che's sleeves, smil­ing [say / way]: „sect Ice Boat, al­though is fierce, but fam­ily's pro­found ark was most com­fort­able, the small time par­ents lead me to travel with this pro­found ark. Yun Che, do you have in Lower Realm while such pro­found ark?”
„pro­found ark of my world, al­though is in­suf­fi­cient to be so quick, but other sim­i­lar.” Yun Che along with tastes.
Just and Situ Xiongy­ing vi­sion glance of Mu Hanyi speech, saw that Mu Xi­aolan is draw­ing the Yun Che's sleeves un­ex­pect­edly, more­over laugh­ter Yingy­ing, he im­me­di­ately com­plex­ion one black, walked hastily, the palm claps the Yun Che's shoul­der: „This lit­tle brother, I re­mem­bers that you called... Yun Che is right? Come, tak­ing ad­van­tage of a speech.”
„Oh? The fa­ther, what do you want to say with him?” Mu Xi­aolan looks sur­pris­edly.
„... In­quired a minor mat­ter, you did not need to care.”
Deals with one ca­su­ally, Situ Xiongy­ing is half force draws Yun Che one side.
„Does Uncle have what ad­vice?” Sees the Situ Xiongy­ing com­plex­ion, Yun Che can prob­a­bly guess cor­rectly that he must say any­thing.
When fac­ing a Yun Che per­son, the Situ Xiongy­ing com­plex­ion got dark in­stan­ta­neously: „Said a mo­ment ago that you are less than to Ice Phoenix God Sect for four months? Ac­tu­ally with my fam­ily Lan­lan very fa­mil­iar ap­pear­ance, it seems like, you should be looked after by her much?”
„... Um, Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan looks after to me a great deal.” Yun Che cour­tesy nod, cour­tesy reply.
„Snort!” Situ Xiongy­ing heav­ily coldly snorted, two loud eye­brows also deeply sink sud­denly: „The Lan­lan dis­po­si­tion is pure, but she is my Situ Xiongy­ing only daugh­ter, is Fairy Bingyun only dis­ci­ple, her fam­ily back­ground is not you can com­pare, her fu­ture will be you can never hope to at­tain, do not have laugh­ably any im­proper am­bi­tion!”
„...” Yun Che long ex­pi­ra­tion, said: „Uncle, what have you mis­un­der­stood?”
„Mis­un­der­stand­ing?” Situ Xiongy­ing sneers: „Snort, my age wins your ten times, what thoughts you have, can hide the truth from my eye!? Your just en­tered shortly after the sect, pro­found strength is mean, but also comes the Lower Realm boy, ac­tu­ally to­gether comes to here with Lan­lan, ex­cept that you cling to for dear life hit rot­tenly, other pos­si­bil­i­ties?”
„You should bet­ter early break im­proper read think that Lan­lan is your this per­son pos­si­bly could never be joined. Oth­er­wise... When the time comes do not blame me not to re­mind you!”
Situ Xiongy­ing stared Yun Che one ma­li­ciously, then flings the body to leave.
Yun Che stands there, for a very long time is speech­less.
Make Situ Xiongy­ing so ir­ri­ta­ble warns Yun Che's, ac­tu­ally be­cause of the Yun Che's words and deeds, but is Mu Xi­aolan nat­u­rally is draw­ing the Yun Che's ac­tion... This plants af­fec­tion­ate of con­scious­ness, clearly is the most dan­ger­ous sign.
Mu Xi­aolan and Madame Situ mother and daugh­ter long sep­a­ra­tion gath­ered, has lo­quacity too to say, col­lect­ing that Situ Xiongy­ing nearly flat­tered in front of Mu Hanyi, Yun Che dried in the sun in one side, along with march of pro­found ark, has flown into the Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial City re­gion, ap­proached cen­tral Im­pe­r­ial Palace fast.
„Yun Che, what my did Fa­ther say with you a mo­ment ago? Good mys­te­ri­ous ap­pear­ance.” Mu Xi­aolan passes mes­sage to him se­cretly.
„Oh, your fa­ther said that he wants to be­troth you to me.” Yun Che soft re­turn­ing tone chan­nel.
„You... Be­came Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple also such care­lessly spoke, being dis­in­clined man­aged you, snort|hum!”
Passed a small lit­tle while, Mu Xi­aolan once more has sent greet­ings: „Eh? I for­got briefed your sta­tus prob­a­bly with par­ents, ob­vi­ously such im­por­tant mat­ter...”
„You should bet­ter not want.” Yun Che sound being in­ca­pable: „I feared that your fa­ther heart is not good.”
Mu Xi­aolan: „???”
The rumor howls, pro­found ark ar­rived above Im­pe­r­ial Palace, sees, be­fore the main en­trance, sev­eral hun­dred peo­ple of pe­ri­ods of five days there, crowd around one to wear sil­ver clothes, wear the per­son of gold crown... Im­pres­sively is now Ice Wind Monarch --- Feng Huituo!
In the Situ Xiongy­ing heart is as­ton­ished, along with it un­der­stand­ing clearly, said to Mu Hanyi with a smile: „Monarch is thinks of the child to be cher­ished surely, hears Your High­ness to turn over, wel­comes un­ex­pect­edly by one­self.”
Mu Hanyi smiles not to speak, he is well aware, rea­son that Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther will go out to wel­come by one­self , be­cause he sent greet­ings in­forms to lead the Ice Phoenix God Sect two hon­ored guests to turn over.
pro­found ark falls, Situ hus­band and wife goes out of pro­found ark, then si­mul­ta­ne­ously does obei­sance: „Situ Xiongy­ing pays re­spect to Ice Wind Monarch, re­spect­fully con­grat­u­lated Ice Wind Monarch long life, the Ice Wind Em­pire na­tional des­tiny was pros­per­ous.”
Al­though Situ Xiongy­ing is In­de­pen­dent Ter­ri­tory Mas­ter, then after all crit­i­cal Ice Wind Em­pire, faint at­tach­ment, there­fore wants the good ca­sual greet­ing.
„Orig­i­nally is Re­gion Lord Situ, is about to be quick.” Feng Huituo for­wards by one­self , help­ing up them.
„Ice Wind Monarch,” Situ Xiongy­ing sets out, says with a smile: „Whom you had a look at to come.”
He was side­ways, Mu Hanyi, Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che three peo­ple also went down from pro­found ark at this time.
„Yi'er!” Sees Mu Hanyi, a Feng Huituo pleas­antly sur­prised sum­mon.
„Im­pe­r­ial Brother!” Feng Huituo be­hind, same sil­ver clothes, the young peo­ple of whole body noble gas are also call out in alarm make noise, but this per­son Ice Wind Em­pire Crown Prince, Mu Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Brother --- Feng Hange.
The Mu Hanyi half step for­wards, heav­ily kneels: „Child pays re­spect to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, pays re­spect to Im­pe­r­ial Brother! For a long time can­not send re­spects to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and Im­pe­r­ial Brother, Hanyi ashamed crime.”
„Comes back well, comes back well.” Feng Huituo puts out a hand , help­ing up him slowly, high and low is tak­ing a look at him, is em­peror of the coun­try, both eyes is ac­tu­ally slightly moist.
Mu Hanyi ac­tu­ally low­ers the head, how­ever said ashamedly: „Child these years have not had for a long time re­turn to the birth fam­ily, the prac­tice, only for can for­tu­nately be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple whole­heart­edly, to let Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther and moth­er­land honor. But... Child is use­less, does not re­al­ize, re­ally sees Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther ashamedly.”
„Oh, where words.” Feng Huituo shakes the head gen­tly: „My child, even if no good for­tune to be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, ex­ceeds the Snow Song ab­solutely son as be­fore.” His vi­sion looks to Mu Hanyi, sim­i­larly puts on Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che of Ice Phoenix God Sect snow clothes: „These two... With the Ice Phoenix hon­ored guest who you do come to­gether?”
Mu Hanyi re­strains the mood hastily: „Good, is these two.”
Does not wait for Mu Hanyi to in­tro­duce that Yun Che for­warded on own ini­tia­tive: „Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple Yun Che, has seen Ice Wind Monarch.”
„...” Mu Xi­aolan was slightly slow, said hastily: „Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple Mu Xi­aolan, has seen Ice Wind Monarch.”
di­vine sense has swept their aura, in the Feng Huituo heart deep dis­ap­pointed. It is not in­deed false from Ice Phoenix God Sect, but this is any hon­ored guest, the dis­tinct sta­tus and sta­tus are also well below Mu Hanyi, the one had only known, which his will also be hav­ing the an­tic­i­pa­tion and ter­ri­fied wel­comes by one­self.
In his sur­face the sur­face has not left dis­ap­point­edly, but said with a smile: „Comes from Ice Phoenix God Sect, that is my Ice Wind Em­pire hon­ored guest. Re­gion Lord Situ, if I have not guessed wrong, this Mu Xi­aolan, is your fa­vored daugh­ter.”
Situ Xiongy­ing breaks into a hearty laugh: „. Worthily is Ice Wind Monarch, re­ally men­tal per­cep­tion like torch.”
„Small age, must then be­stow the 'Mu' sur­name, the fu­ture is re­ally lim­it­less.” Feng Huituo said with a smile: „Re­gion Lord Situ, you had a good daugh­ter, please quickly in­vite quickly.”
Under Feng Huituo and Feng Hange to lead, the group enter Main Palace per­son­ally quickly.
Be­cause the Mu Hanyi late line, ar­rived on the 1st at this time, passed the dou­ble-hour that the birth­day started slightly, in Main Palace al­ready the guest all per­sons. But can take a seat on in­vi­ta­tion, nat­u­rally in the Snow Song Realm il­lus­tri­ous great per­son.

1019: Goes directly to Ice Wind

#1019: Goes directly to Ice Wind
Comments 129
Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, fly­ing snow float­ing.
Yun Che just left Tem­ple, then sees a per­son's shadow from afar there. His aura com­pletely col­lects, peace­ful with­out in­ter­est, the body fell thick float­ing snow, ob­vi­ously waited for a long time.
Sees Yun Che, his quick Mu Xue is near, be with smile on the face, salut­ing to Yun Che cus­tom: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, such quickly met.”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi, the work you waited for a long time.” Yun Che re­turns salute to say.
Mu Hanyi shakes the head, the forced smile said: „This Se­nior Brother folded ghost Hanyi. Also asked Se­nior Brother Yun Che so, oth­er­wise Hanyi only had myr­iad hor­rid­ness.”
„Ha,” Yun Che sprin­kles how­ever smiles: „Good. This goes to Ice Wind Em­pire, wanted work Ju­nior Brother Hanyi many to work with the heart.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head to say hastily: „Where words Se­nior Brother Yun Che this is, you can ar­rive at the Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­days, this is Hanyi and Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, and even en­tire Ice Wind Em­pire un­prece­dented great­est pleas­antly sur­prised and honor. When Sect Mas­ter this gra­cious­ness, Hanyi is ter­ri­fied, not thinks the re­port.”
„Un­prece­dented?” Yun Che micro fine mo­tion eye­brow: „Be­fore not this class mat­ter?”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che ar­rived at the Snow Song Realm time to be still short, oth­er­wise, de­cides how­ever will not have this one to ask.” Mu Hanyi sighed: „Hanyi, al­though has taken com­ing Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily as ar­ro­gantly, but... Birth­day of the coun­try Monarch, what comes the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to make Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple ar­rive.”
„This mat­ter, Hanyi was un­able to send greet­ings Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther with enough time, feared that is Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther hears, to de­cide ex­cit­edly de­lighted can­not be­lieve.” Mu Hanyi heart­felt [say / way]: „If how­ever were known by Snow Song var­i­ous coun­try all sect, feared must envy to want, Ha Ha.”
„... So that's how it is.” Yun Che nods slowly. Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple this sta­tus is re­ally not gen­eral se­ri­ous, he ini­tially en­ters the Snow Song Realm unim­por­tant per­son from one, for sev­eral months the sta­tus dom­i­nates above var­i­ous coun­tries' Monarch un­ex­pect­edly dis­tantly, this feared that is the sta­tus that Snow Song Realm ex­ag­ger­ates in his­tory sur­mounts.
„You said that has not sent greet­ings Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther with enough time, in other words, this mat­ter, did you also just know?” Yun Che asked sud­denly.
„Good.” Mu Hanyi nods the head: „Hanyi should yes­ter­day then al­ready, when em­bark­ing sud­denly re­ceives Sect Mas­ter own com­mand, there­fore the pe­riod of five days to this time, has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly is the so huge pleas­ant sur­prise.”
Yun Che said with a smile: „Said hon­estly that I also just now am under the Hon­ored Mas­ter order. It seems like that Hon­ored Mas­ter re­gard­ing Ju­nior Brother Hanyi, had wor­ried about.”
Mu Hanyi raise one's head, can­not see is any ex­pres­sion, but in the spo­ken lan­guage is hav­ing the ex­cited vi­brato ob­vi­ously: „There­fore , Hanyi does not know how should repay. Per­haps Se­nior Brother Yun Che some does not know, Sect Mas­ter this gra­cious­ness, not only to be­stow­ing of Hanyi, will also change sig­nif­i­cantly Ice Wind Em­pire in the Snow Song Realm sta­tus.”
Yun Che: „...”
„! You look at me, is pa­tron­iz­ing ex­cit­edly, has nearly for­got­ten the im­por­tant mat­ter.” Mu Hanyi has put out ray eye-catch­ing sound trans­mis­sion jade: „Must in­form Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther this mat­ter im­me­di­ately, mak­ing Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther early pre­pare.”
„Wait / Etc.,” Yun Che puts out a hand: „This mat­ter, do not in­form to make Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther be good ahead of time. After all, I am pre­sent the name of Hon­ored Mas­ter to go to con­grat­u­late, if pre­pares, causes to com­pete, in­stead is not good.”
Mu Hanyi slightly one sur­prised, then puts down sound trans­mis­sion jade, said sin­cerely: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che not only nat­ural tal­ent is shock­ing, mind vast also praise­wor­thy, so, Hanyi re­spect­fully might as well obey or­ders, then treats to Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther one hugely pleas­antly sur­prised.”
Yun Che says with a smile: „If by the mind, I fell far short com­pared with you.”
Mu Hanyi happy ex­pres­sion micro stiff, sighed the one breath: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, Hanyi is not the per­son of heart Na Baichuan. Said hon­estly that I envy very much... No, should say en­vies you, even, but also once had has con­tin­ued the sev­eral days re­sent­ment in­tent.”
Yun Che: „...”
Mu Hanyi is smil­ing bit­terly shak­ing the head: „Per­haps Se­nior Brother Yun Che heard, these years of Hanyi in sect, two mat­ters that most longs, one is to be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, two are to ob­tain ador­ing of Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue. But the re­sult, is ac­tu­ally...”
„On the same day loses to Se­nior Brother Yun Che in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, Hanyi knew col­laps­ing com­pletely that loses, is not un­de­served, but cher­ishes the ob­struc­tion as be­fore, sad sev­eral days, but be­fore the half a month, Sect Mas­ter per­mits Feixue Ju­nior Brother to Se­nior Brother Yun Che...” Mu Hanyi has closed the eye, al­though he is quite quiet, but his tonal­ity and look show him not to get over an emo­tion com­pletely.
Mu Hanyi has not con­tin­ued, but is the forced smile said: „These words, de­cided how­ever make Se­nior Brother Yun Che laugh.”
„No,” Yun Che said: „The life most im­por­tant two mat­ters seize for other peo­ple, even if the real sage in leg­end, feared that is im­pos­si­ble get­ting over an emo­tion eas­ily. You are will­ing to con­sider it con­fi­dently, I only have the grat­i­tude ad­mi­ra­tion.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head as be­fore: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though pro­found strength still low­ered, but high of nat­ural tal­ent, ex­ceeds Hanyi not to know many. Sect Mas­ter se­lects Se­nior Brother Yun Che is di­rect dis­ci­ple is nat­ural. Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue angel per­son, in Snow Song Realm, only has Se­nior Brother Yun Che to be joined to her, I think to her read­ing that from be­gin­ning to end is self- crazy ab­surdly. These, Hanyi al­ready was ac­tu­ally well aware... The this pe­riod of time mind is as be­fore de­spon­dent, is hard safely, to be in front of Se­nior Brother Yun Che to say these now, was in the heart was fi­nally more com­fort­able.”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che,” Mu Hanyi faces Yun Che, the vi­sion is very sin­cere: „Hanyi has the in­ci­dent brazen plea.”
„... You said.”
„Ice Phoenix fe­male after los­ing Pri­mor­dial Yin, cul­ti­vates the ad­vance­ment to be slower, Se­nior Brother Yun Che of in ad­di­tion has ex­tremely high nat­ural tal­ent again,” Mu Hanyi light breath­ing heav­ily one breath: „Re­pairs to one day dom­i­nate fi­nally above Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, only looks... Se­nior Brother Yun Che can kindly treat Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue.”
Mu Feixue by mat­ter that Yun Che re­sists not pub­lic, in ad­di­tion this pe­riod of time Mu Feixue ex­tremely lit­tle ap­peared in the tem­ple, there­fore ex­cept for the lim­ited sev­eral peo­ple, sect high and low had rec­og­nized that Mu Feixue has served Yun Che in the tem­ple... after all, that is own com­mand of Sect Mas­ter at sect con­gress.
„...” Yun Che nod­ded: „You could rest as­sured that I will never make my woman be wronged.”
Yun Che said that has turned around, looks to the white dis­tant place, the eye pupil deep place flashes through wipes the dif­fer­ent glow.
This per­son...
„So, Hanyi then also re­lieved not re­gret­ted.” Mu Hanyi sighed.
„Was right, Hon­ored Mas­ter said that also will have one per­son to travel to­gether,” Yun Che said: „Ju­nior Brother Hanyi may the knowl­edge be.”
Mu Hanyi shakes the head: „Does not know, but...”
He turned around to look askance, looks to rear area. The quick, white hori­zon, Ice Boat puts on the snow, but, Ice Boat on is set­ting up two ice blue fe­male forms.
Im­pres­sively is Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan.
cold light dodges, Ice Boat stopped be­fore their bod­ies.
Long time does not see, Mu Bingyun one such as in the past, such as the Fairy being near dust, beau­ti­ful brought to make peo­ple def­i­nitely un­able to give birth to chilly hav­ing no time of heart of blas­phem­ing. Her be­hind Mu Xi­aolan blue clothes, on the pretty small face is bring­ing ob­vi­ously ex­cite­ment.
„Palace Mas­ter, goes to­gether the Ice Wind Em­pire per­son with us, is...” Yun Che sur­prised [say / way].
„Right, is I.” Mu Xi­aolan for­wards, is bring­ing with a smile hap­pily, when changes Mu Hanyi, im­me­di­ately be­came re­spect­ful: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, the work you look after much.”
„Yun Che, Hanyi,” Mu Bingyun said: „The Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day, the Xi­aolan par­ents surely will also ar­rive, at this meet­ing, then makes Xi­aolan go to­gether with the par­ents re­unites. All the way, you must pro­tect her to be com­plete well.”
„Yes, Hanyi guar­an­tees Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan by the life surely but safely, turns over to safely, ask­ing Palace Mas­ter Bingyun to feel re­lieved.” Mu Hanyi re­spect­ful and aus­tere heavy [say / way].
„Yes.” Yun Che ac­cord­ingly, in the heart groaned se­cretly: I go to Ice Wind Em­pire to achieve great ac­com­plish­ment! How now re­gard­ing to do that town coun­try sa­cred relic not to have the clue, un­ex­pect­edly de­liv­ers a big child in such an arrange­ment...
„Hanyi, you should yes­ter­day, be later, then have rid­den at this time this Ice Boat, should be able to catch up re­luc­tantly.” Mu Bingyun leaves Ice Boat, the eye in­clud­ing pro­found mean­ing looked at Yun Che one.
Ice Boat floats emp­ties on, if quickly the flow­ing light, goes di­rectly to the north.
„Yun Che, when feel­ing of Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple how?” The Mu Xi­aolan whole face is cu­ri­ous: „Sect Mas­ter she... Very will be se­vere?”
„Nat­u­rally se­vere.” Yun Che sighed leisurely: „Palace Mas­ter Bingyun was gen­tlest.”
On the mouth said that in the heart has ac­tu­ally been shak­ing some­thing the mighty waves... Mu Xu­anyin must come Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World for him from Huo Rulie there, she wants the heart of com­plete Horned Dragon, for him, wants to come at this time, to let his growth pro­found strength, spares no sac­ri­fice Pri­mor­dial Yin of mas­sive Ice Phoenix fe­male, this should be in the sect his­tory never has the huge price. The thing of Uni­verse Five Jade Pill this grade of heaven de­fy­ing, even if can even up the ma­te­r­ial, also con­sumes the huge price surely... Mu Xu­anyin is ac­tu­ally with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Why will she be good to me so?
Re­ally is only be­cause I be­came her di­rect dis­ci­ple, as well as has saved the Mu Bingyun life?
„Hey! Can­not say like this!” Mu Xi­aolan small hav­ing a scare of: „By the words that Sect Mas­ter hears, you were mis­er­able.”
„Is is, re­spect­fully fol­lows the Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan in­struc­tion.” Yun Che does not have the strength, in heart after think­ing Ice Wind Em­pire, how to draw out the mat­ter of Qilin Horn.
„Snort, even if be­comes Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, should to lis­ten to the Se­nior Sis­ter words.” Mu Xi­aolan flow­ery lips curls up­wards: „You, if still re­mem­bers re­ally good of Hon­ored Mas­ter, often re­turns to Ice Phoenix Palace to have a look, should not be only on the mouth will say.”
„Is is.” The nod of Yun Che ma­chin­ery.
The Mu Hanyi whole face is as­ton­ished vis­its them, ob­vi­ously is star­tled in them to each other name, then sigh with emo­tion [say / way]: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che is re­ally an at­trac­tive per­son.”
„,” Mu Xi­aolan small qu, re­futed: „That is be­cause Se­nior Brother Hanyi does not know his vil­lian side... Snort, in brief is vil­lian, good Se­nior Brother Hanyi is a man, if the girl, but must add care­fully.”
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Mu Hanyi laughs, be­comes along with it vi­sion far: „Man should be loose, oth­er­wise how could it not be in vain life. Just, Se­nior Brother Yun Che had Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, feared that was dif­fi­cult the fe­male to be pleas­ant.”
„Snort, he was cer­tainly fa­vorite.” Mu Xi­aolan un­con­scious low­er­ing the head, very low voice dis­cussing.
Ice Boat against the wind line, rapid, if flow­ing light. Lis­tens to Mu Hanyi to nar­rate that all the way the Ice Wind Em­pire his­tory and local con­di­tions and so­cial cus­toms, the time also cross but ac­tu­ally quickly.
Less than day, Ice Boat fi­nally has flown into the Ice Wind bor­der, then ap­proaches cen­tral Im­pe­r­ial City fast.
Mu Hanyi put out sound trans­mis­sion jade at this time, sent greet­ings Ice Wind Monarch di­rectly: „Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther, child near Im­pe­r­ial City, had the mo­ment to be then getat­able again, has the sect two hon­ored guest col­leagues.”
Monarch mil­len­nium birth­days, today's Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial City is par­tic­u­larly lively, the in­nu­mer­able guest ten thou­sand li (0.5km) come, en­tire Im­pe­r­ial City aura be­comes es­pe­cially dif­fer­ent.
Mu Hanyi just put down sound trans­mis­sion jade, a flank small pro­found ark ex­tremely fast flies, is get­ting more and more near, the di­rec­tion also points to the Im­pe­r­ial City cen­ter.
Mu Xi­aolan raise one's head, see­ing clearly stands when that small pro­found ark most the front two forms, her beau­ti­ful pupil stares all of a sud­den in a big way, ex­udes pleas­antly sur­prised ex­cited flut­ter­ing: „Fa­ther --- mother!!”

1018: Universe Five Jade Pill

#1018: Universe Five Jade Pill
Comments 170
„Uni­verse Five Jade Pill!” Mu Xu­anyin said a name slowly.
„Uni­verse Five Jade Pill...” Yun Che read one lowly, this ob­vi­ously was a med­i­cine pill name, ac­tu­ally in the name of uni­verse, it can be imag­ined de­cided how­ever is ex­tremely ex­tra­or­di­nary: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, is this?”
The Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil col­lects: „You, since re­fuses to pro­mote pro­found strength by Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin, then, wants achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, for the mas­ter can think that only method.”
The Yun Che's pupil con­tracts slightly, [say / way] that some can­not be­lieve: „, This Uni­verse Five Jade Pill... may let dis­ci­ple pro­found strength, do two years ar­rive at Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm?”
„No,” Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally shakes the head: „Does not have the pos­si­bil­ity, but is cer­tain en­ergy! More­over also does not need two years, if can ob­tain Uni­verse Five Jade Pill suc­cess­fully to build up in within the body, then suf­fi­ciently makes your pro­found strength enter Di­vine Tribu­la­tion.”
„...” Yun Che mouth micro, ac­tu­ally not ex­cited, but is the slow sound track: „Must ob­tain Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, should be very dif­fi­cult?”
Can make Di­vine Essence Realm sur­mount to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm med­i­cine pill di­rectly, even if in God Realm, is con­sid­ered as on is the thing of heaven de­fy­ing, pos­si­bly so to be how easy to ob­tain... Oth­er­wise, Mu Xu­anyin will not pro­pose that first sac­ri­fice mas­sive had the method of Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin fe­male.
„Not is only very dif­fi­cult, com­pared with want dif­fi­cult many that you imag­ine. To seek within two years, even if uses the strength of en­tire Snow Song Realm, is dif­fi­cult such as to as­cend to heaven!”
Mu Xu­anyin coldly said that has not let the words of Yun Che ac­ci­dent.
„Must build up Uni­verse Five Jade Pill, needs five em­bod­i­ment strengths to be en­tirely dif­fer­ent, but ex­tremely trea­sur­ing dif­fi­cult hom­ing thing. Sep­a­rately is: Qilin Horn, An­cient Dragon Heart, Wood Spirit Bead, Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade as well as Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass!”
Qilin Horn, as the name sug­gests is the cor­ner/horn of Qilin, ex­cept for this, other Yun Che hears some­thing never heard of be­fore, is dif­fi­cult in­clud­ing the un­der­stand­ing. But Qilin this type of thing, only saves in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm in the record, in­clud­ing whether ex­ists re­ally has been un­known. But since Mu Xu­anyin said Qilin Horn, then at least ex­plained that Qilin was not pro­found beast that con­jec­tured.
Mu Xu­anyin nar­rated slowly: „An­cient Dragon Heart, is the heart of an­cient dragon. But this an­cient dragon, at least must be life over 100,000 years True Dragon, and must be com­plete.”
Yun Che fierce raise one's head: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, your day and Flame God Realm pro­posed that wants the heart of com­plete Horned Dragon, for...”
God Bur­ial Fire Prison Horned Dragon, may a more than 100,000 years of life.
„This you do not need to man­age!” The Mu Xu­anyin cold sound breaks him: „The heart of sole Horned Dragon, even if can at­tain smoothly, could not find other four ma­te­ri­als, does not af­fect!”
„...” Yun Che no longer makes noise, but presently is at heart un­usual.
„As for Wood Spirit Bead, is life source bead of Wood Spirit Race per­son, can only ob­tain from the body of Wood Spirit Race per­son.”
„Wood Spirit Race?” Yun Che is star­tled, he re­mem­bers in­stan­ta­neously, one­self once had lis­tened to this name from the Jas­mine mouth, as if had also men­tioned its has the strength of very strong na­ture.
Mu Xu­anyin looks at his one eyes , to con­tinue say­ing: „Wood Spirit Race be­longs to the Elf Clan branch, has in so­ci­ety most peak the strength of na­ture, can ac­cel­er­ate the growth of spirit wooden flow­ers and plants, but with the strength of they ex­tremely spe­cial pure na­ture in­com­pat­i­ble, is the ag­gres­siv­ity of their strength is very low, thus was often en­slaved to cul­ti­vate spirit med­i­cine. But the bead of their life source... Also is Wood Spirit Bead, not only is in it­self con­tain­ing strength of the purest na­ture, may be the high level ma­te­r­ial, but also has an­other tremen­dous role well-known.”
„Is high level med­i­cine pill, the dif­fi­culty of build­ing up is higher. Once is de­feated, the ma­te­r­ial that the ex­pen­di­ture enor­mous price, even sev­eral hun­dred years and sev­eral thou­sand years col­lects will also be de­stroyed in a mo­ment. But if in­te­grates strength of the Wood Spirit Bead when the re­fine­ment, the pro­mo­tion of suc­cess ratio enor­mous scope, in Wood Spirit Bead the spir­i­tual en­ergy will be higher, is eas­ier to suc­ceed. There­fore, Wood Spirit Race per­son con­tin­u­ously by cruel en­slav­ing and hunt­ing and killing, were get­ting fewer and fewer. Al­though en­slaves and hunts and kills Wood Spirit to get angry for the cor­rect path fi­nally, no­body has dared on out­wardly ram­pant, but seeks for and hunts and kills Wood Spirit in se­cret to seek the sud­den and huge prof­its pro­found prac­ti­tioner never to re­duce. Many years ago, Wood Spirit Race has been at the ex­ter­mi­na­tion edge.”
„... Has strength of the purest na­ture, should be heaven's way has blessed, has not thought that on them ob­vi­ously the strength of ex­tremely sa­cred na­ture ac­tu­ally be­came their night­mare.” Yun Che dis­cussed lowly. It can be imag­ined, along with Wood Spirit are get­ting fewer and fewer, the Wood Spirit Bead price surely is also get­ting more and more ex­pen­sive, nat­u­rally can urge to make these hunt­ing and killing more crazed.
„Al­though hunts and kills Wood Spirit to be con­trary to heaven's way, but com­pares in other four types, Wood Spirit Bead is eas­i­est to ob­tain, so long as is will­ing to pay enough price, can al­ways buy in the Low-Rank Star Realm un­der­ground black mar­ket. But, must seek 70% spirit strength above Wood Spirit Bead... ac­tu­ally want­ing dif­fi­cult over a hun­dred times!” Mu Xu­anyin knit the brows.
„Why? Wood Spirit Bead is spirit strength very easy to dis­si­pate?” Yun Che asked.
Good that „you said that Wood Spirit Bead needs most su­pe­rior black jade to save. But, the es­cape of its spirit strength is not stor­ing up, but in ex­trac­tion.”
Yun Che: „Takes out?”
„Wood Spirit Bead, once takes out, Wood Spirit will wither away. Be­cause its strength is ex­tremely pure, once leaves the body of Wood Spirit, its strength fast will be de­feated and dis­persed. More­over, Wood Spirit in know­ing when one must die, will burst Spirit Bead, then, let alone 70%, can re­tain five en­tirely suc­ceed is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult. If wants to ob­tain 70% spir­i­tual en­ergy above Wood Spirit Bead, needs, in Wood Spirit did not re­al­ize that under hunts and kills him, and takes out Wood Spirit Bead at the max­i­mum speed puts in the black jade box... Even if so, can re­tain 80% spirit strength, is the limit.”
„But... The Wood Spirit strength makes them have ex­tremely keen sen­sa­tion abil­ity, ar­rives at the ex­treme to evil thought type of thing sen­si­tively, wants, in Wood Spirit did not re­al­ize that under hunts and kills it, in­com­pa­ra­ble dif­fi­cult. This spir­i­tual en­ergy re­ten­tion ex­tremely high Wood Spirit Bead is also valu­ably does not have the city.”
„An­other sit­u­a­tion, is Wood Spirit is will­ing to dis­card the life, takes out Wood Spirit Bead in within the body on own ini­tia­tive. In this case, be­cause in­ter­nal qi also short con­nected, can make Wood Spirit Bead re­tain com­plete 100% spirit strength! How­ever this sit­u­a­tion, is cer­tainly al­most im­pos­si­ble to ap­pear.”
Yun Che nods, earnest is lis­ten­ing.
„As for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass...” The Mu Xu­anyin brow is pressed: „This is in en­tire God Realm, ex­tremely awk­wardly seeks, rare trea­sure that even few man­ners know! Their ex­is­tences, are not pre­sent you can un­der­stand. Has sent for seek­ing for the mas­ter, can seek to ob­tain, must think your good for­tune!”
„That... Qilin Horn?” Yun Che sub­con­scious ask­ing. Be­cause Mu Xu­anyin only has not men­tioned this.
„This for the mas­ter the mat­ter that wants you then to do.” Mu Xu­anyin said.
Yun Che has be­come aware: „, To have the Qilin Horn news?”
„East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Qilin al­ready ex­ter­mi­nated for many years, is mas­ter de­sire makes the per­son seek to West­ern God Ter­ri­tory. But ac­ci­den­tally knew that in our Snow Song Realm place, then has com­plete Qilin Horn.” The Mu Xu­anyin sur­face does not have the emo­tion: „It north Snow Song Realm, Ice Wind Em­pire.”
„Ice Wind Em­pire?” Yun Che read one lowly, im­me­di­ately re­mem­bered: „That Ice Wind Em­pire that Mu Hanyi comes?”
„Good.” Mu Xu­anyin nods the head slowly: „That is Ice Qilin's horn, has been handed down for gen­er­a­tions for nearly 100,000 years in Ice Wind Em­pire, and Ven­er­a­ble for town coun­try sa­cred relic. The Snow Song Realm in­nu­mer­able states take off and land, Ice Wind Em­pire can ac­tu­ally the caul­dron fill up for 100,000 years not to fade, will at­tribute to ex­is­tence of town coun­try sa­cred relic with­out a doubt, its will take se­ri­ously the ex­treme surely. Must make them hand over, nat­u­rally is not easy.”
„How­ever im­me­di­ately, was reigns the date of Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day, you then ac­com­pa­nied the Mu Hanyi same place, to Ice Wind Em­pire, went to take that Qilin Horn. But this mat­ter, Mu Hanyi does not know that Ice Wind Em­pire does not know, how must bring it as for you... Must think your abil­ity.”
So long as Mu Xu­anyin a few words, man­age its any­thing town coun­try sa­cred relic, Ice Wind Em­pire meets ten thou­sand li (0.5km) to offer ab­solutely, the fart will not put one, pos­si­bly „not to be how easy”.
Yun Che un­der­stands in­stan­ta­neously that this clearly is Mu Xu­anyin gives his dis­ci­plin­ing, as well as test. Mean­while, is makes him con­tact God Realm --- truly after all, after he ar­rives at God Realm, but also has never left Ice Phoenix God Sect.
„Good.” Yun Che heav­ily with­out hes­i­ta­tion nods: „dis­ci­ple will cer­tainly not dis­ap­point Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
One after all are Snow Song Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, this sta­tus, a coun­try king is also re­spect­ful. Even if town coun­try sa­cred relic, can come also peo­ple should not be dif­fi­cult? After all, in Snow Song Realm, who dares not to give the Snow Song Realm King face?
In the Yun Che heart thinks.
„Is very good.” Mu Xu­anyin nods the head slowly: „Your this goes to Ice Wind Em­pire, will not have any­body to pro­tect in the side, there­fore, you not only need bring back Qilin Horn, but must achieve an­other mat­ter.”
„Is liv­ing com­ing back!”
Yun Che mouth micro, sinks slightly along with it vi­sion, again nods: „Yes, dis­ci­ple records sin­cerely.”
The Mu Xu­anyin arm stretches out, then pushes gen­tly, one white and one red two jade bot­tle light de­par­tures, fell in Yun Che's.
„White jar, what at­tire is Horned Dragon's Breath.” Mu Xu­anyin said: „Mil­len­ni­ums ago in Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) body its toxin, for mas­ter these years con­tin­u­ously in re­search its tox­i­c­ity, hop­ing to find the law of melt­ing, Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) toxin has cleared now, re­mained was being also use­less, you had Sky Poi­son Pearl in the body, con­trolled poi­so­nous na­ture con­ve­nient many, then gave you.”
„As for red jar, what in­side in­stalls is the blood of Horned Dragon.”
When men­tioned „the blood of Horned Dragon”, Mu Xu­anyin look ice-cold cer­tainly was as be­fore col­or­ful, does not have the mighty waves, as if has not had her once to use it from the start „plot­ting” the Yun Che's mat­ter: „in Wei the mas­ter was also use­less, snort|hum, you will be per­haps use­ful.”
Yun Che by one­self asked for ad­vice the fear­ful­ness of blood of Horned Dragon, the Horned Dragon's Breath tox­i­c­ity has made Mu Bingyun this grade of Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm pow­er­house al­most per­ish, its fear­ful could be imag­ined. He two jars care­ful re­ceives, then asked: „What day thanked Hon­ored Mas­ter... dis­ci­ple to em­bark to go to Ice Wind Em­pire.”
„Now.” Mu Bingyun coldly said.
„Now?” Yun Che stares.
„Mu Hanyi should wait in the Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, be­sides him, will also have an­other per­son, you went ap­par­ent.” Her cold eye­brow leans slightly: „What's wrong? Can you also pre­pare again well?”
„... Does not use.” Yun Che shakes the head im­me­di­ately: „dis­ci­ple this.”
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake for­ma­tion opens, Yun Che left Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, goes di­rectly to the Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory.

1017: Venerable of Myriad Realms

#1017: Venerable of Myriad Realms
Comments 266
Mu Bingyun micro fine mo­tion eye­brow, said: „Al­ready so, should bet­ter se­lect an elder and his col­league, to pro­tect com­pletely, after all, his cul­ti­vat­ing to too be re­ally low.”
„Does not want,” Mu Xu­anyin shakes the head: „I pre­pare to make him go.”
„A per­son?” Mu Bingyun is as­ton­ished, along with it look­ing pen­sive.
„If he can­not live com­ing back, or has not taken Qilin Horn, I was also dis­in­clined to take the trou­ble to help him. After all...” Mu Xu­anyin pupil light has taken some hid­den bit­ter­ness: „Price was too big. I am solemn Snow Song Realm King, for such a lit­tle devil such care­worn, al­ways thought that is not quite will­ingly.”
Looks that Mu Xu­anyin that re­sem­bles is the child spite­ful man­ner , the Mu Bingyun smil­ing chuckle, shakes the head say­ing: „Yun Che, al­though pro­found strength still low­ered, but he after is your di­rect dis­ci­ple, the news has al­most also trav­elled, to dare to move him in some Snow Song Realm at all im­pos­si­ble peo­ple, how also to have the dan­ger.”
„That is un­cer­tain.” Mu Xu­anyin nar­rows the pupil slightly: „The courage of some peo­ple, do are not just like the day to be big. How the lit­tle devil must at­tain Qilin Horn, how also to be liv­ing com­ing back, must think his abil­ity.”
„...” Mu Bingyun has not closely ex­am­ined, passed a small lit­tle while, then said: „Such being the case, lets Xi­aolan and he goes to­gether. Xi­aolan since en­ter­ing sect, can­not see the par­ents again, the Ice Wind Monarch mil­len­nium birth­day, her par­ents surely will have ar­rived, then makes their one re­unite, con­soles her home­sick­ness mood.”
Mu Xu­anyin flow­ery lips light sip, pours down the timid [say / way]: „You to that lit­tle girl are re­ally es­pe­cially good, yeah, if which day, you did not want Elder Sis­ter what to do...”
Mu Bingyun is re­signed-look­ing: „De­lib­er­ately cre­ates trou­ble.”
Mu Xu­anyin in a soft voice „pū chī”, then ten­der lan­guage soft [say / way]: „But, must make your Xi­aolan care­ful, the lit­tle devil who Elder Sis­ter just re­ceived, to the woman is very dan­ger­ous.”
„...” Nod of Mu Bingyun ap­proval: „In­deed so.”
„Orig­i­nally you also dis­cov­ered. Um... In­clud­ing Feixue by scared wit­less that he pulls up, your Xi­aolan...” The Mu Xu­anyin bright and in­tel­li­gent pupil over­flows the mis­chie­vous smoke wave: „Per­haps on the ex­treme dan­ger, when the time comes date thought the moon/month to think, per­haps, had no free time to pay at­ten­tion to your this Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
„Feixue?” The Mu Bingyun beau­ti­ful pupil is as­ton­ished, then firm shak­ing the head: „Is im­pos­si­ble. The Feixue tem­per is close with me, at all im­pos­si­ble to be moved to the son. Yun Che re­jects the mat­ter of dual cul­ti­va­tion, she may have some grat­i­tude, but im­pos­si­ble, be­cause touch­ing of this mat­ter above to his men and women.”
„There­fore said that he to the woman is very dan­ger­ous.”
Thinks when Mu Feixue that day leaves is ab­sent­minded, the eye con­di­tion is hazy, Mu Xu­anyin eye­brow cor­ner/horn slightly one curved.
Mu Xu­anyin lazy sets out from ice chair, along with sway­ing from side to side of slen­der waist, Bai Su snow dried meat trem­bling, above Ice Phoenix chart mark re­peat­edly high and low, pushes to over­flow to sup­port the cir­cle.
„Well...” The Mu Xu­anyin fra­grant lip spits lightly, falls in the ear, ac­tu­ally re­sem­bles to bite the respite that the bone is over­whelmed with emo­tion: „Should peep that lit­tle devil. I close him in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, told that his obe­di­ently cul­ti­vates Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, he se­cretly has ac­tu­ally been prac­tic­ing Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, oh, both beat­ing and curs­ing that many times, such is not obe­di­ent, is good to worry.”
Mu Bingyun: „...”
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- -
Yun Che was closed in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake 14 th day.
Said that closes in in­side, but Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake this grade of place, com­mon Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple wants to come in one time is the life-long ex­pec­ta­tion. After Yun Che has used for seven days Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, Third Level Realm Di­vine Art com­pre­hends the pen­e­tra­tion com­pletely, but has not prac­ticed, the rest of the time com­pletely when cul­ti­vat­ing Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow... after all, Mu Xu­anyin leaves order him to prac­tice Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow fully, later per­son­ally will also in­spect.
If dis­ap­points her... The con­se­quence is se­ri­ous.
Per­haps be­cause of hav­ing ma­ture Star God's Bro­ken Shadow is the foun­da­tion, Yun Che cul­ti­vates the Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow ad­vance­ment to be ex­tremely quick... More­over the ad­vance­ment after cross­ing the thresh­old is get­ting quicker and quicker. When uses up the prac­tice to the strength, he will sub­merge Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, quick fully will re­store the en­ergy and pro­found strength... is quicker than on Star Pluck­ing Stone much much.
His pro­found strength, growth in this process... This growth rate com­pares in two years achieves the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm goal, misses as be­fore too.
The high sky, Mu Xu­anyin over­looks silently, looks at Yun Che, in cold light flashes un­ceas­ing flick­ers to fold the shade, al­though has not ar­rived at „In Shadow” by far Realm, but in flick­er­ing body speed and gap al­ready quite ma­ture, may be used in the ac­tual com­bat re­luc­tantly.
Such ad­vance­ment, in the Snow Song Realm his­tory ab­solutely is un­prece­dented cer­tainly now.
Once again prac­tices ex­haust­edly, the Yun Che long Shu one breath, then must jump into Heav­enly Lake, that mo­ment of but in him turn­ing around, ac­tu­ally sud­denly dis­cov­ered that wipes the snow shade to stand be­fore his body, pupil light ice-cold, is re­leas­ing the end­less bit­ter cold.
Yun Che goes for­ward to do obei­sance hastily: „dis­ci­ple pays re­spect to Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Kneels down and bow re­spect with both hands clasped for a long time, Yun Che has not ac­tu­ally been replied, the pure-heart bit­ing cold Wei ice ice-cold pres­sure above his body and Soul, looks like by the in­nu­mer­able ice thorns is only ig­nited the throat, mak­ing his whole body stiff, moves does not dare to move.
Should un­able... Can be ac­count of that day? Yun Che pulls out the cold air/Qi to think.
„Ad­vance­ment is still per­mis­si­ble, it seems like you in­deed do not need to teach in the side for the mas­ter that pours is also free from worry.”
The ice-cold sound ac­tu­ally not spunk, in the words the mean­ing is also the praise, Yun Che im­me­di­ately greatly Shu one breath: „Thanked the Hon­ored Mas­ter ap­plause... dis­ci­ple is dull-wit­ted, later has the puz­zled place, wants ex­hausted Hon­ored Mas­ter to dis­pel doubt.”
„Dull-wit­ted? Snort! Gets up.”
Mu Xu­anyin coldly snorted, then sud­denly the brow sinks: „Che'er, replied for a mas­ter issue --- your body hon­estly, why will have True Dragon aura!”
In the Yun Che heart one sud­denly, is ac­tu­ally sud­denly does not dare to reply.
„More­over, that is also not gen­eral True Dragon aura.”
Mu Xu­anyin is look­ing steadily at him, the ice-cold pupil light lets the Yun Che clear feel­ing own con­scious­ness and Soul is pierced. He a while, has cho­sen speak­ing the truth fi­nally: „Re­turns to Hon­ored Mas­ter, be­sides Phoenix and Golden Crow, dis­ci­ple also once ob­tained... In­her­i­tance of Dragon God.”
„Dragon God!?” In the Mu Xu­anyin pupil flashes through in­stant star­tled color: „Dragon God that you said that is var­i­ous Era of Gods Ven­er­a­ble of Myr­iad Beasts, Pri­mor­dial Azure Dragon of head of Dragon Clan?”
„Yes.” Yun Che nods.
„... No won­der,” Mu Xu­anyin when sur­prised, has felt re­laxed: „Your pro­found strength is un­usual, is re­lated with the strength of Evil God. But your body is also same to pro­found strength ex­cep­tion­ally, is on you had blood­line of Dragon God un­ex­pect­edly.”
„Snort, said that planet that you come also is re­ally un­usual, un­ex­pect­edly will have so many gods to in­herit re­ceives, Phoenix Golden Crow, un­ex­pect­edly also has Dragon God!”
Yun Che: „...”
„Since how­ever is the Dragon God in­her­i­tance, then in other words, your Dragon God Blood­line, is prim­i­tive blood­line, is first-gen­er­a­tion Dragon God Blood­line.” The Mu Xu­anyin ice pupil nar­rows the eyes, cold light con­geal­ment: „If were known this mat­ter by Dragon God Realm, de­cides how­ever will be in­ter­ested in you ex­tremely.”
„Dragon God Realm?” Yun Che read one lowly... His clear re­mem­ber­ing, this name, Pri­mor­dial Azure Dragon once had men­tioned to him.
„In God Realm east , south , west and north four big god ter­ri­to­ries, is most for­mi­da­ble by West­ern God Ter­ri­tory.” Mu Xu­anyin faint nar­rated: „Four God Ter­ri­to­ries 17 King Realm, West­ern God Ter­ri­tory mo­nop­o­lizes its six, but Dragon God Realm, is the heads of West­ern God Ter­ri­tory six Great Royal Realm, the de­fault West­ern God Ter­ri­tory con­trol, is... Recog­ni­tion God Realm strongest Star Realm!”
„God Realm... strongest?” The Yun Che eye stares slightly in a big way.
God Realm strongest... Also means is en­tire Chaos Di­men­sion most ex­ists!
Mu Xu­anyin con­tin­ues say­ing: „Our East­ern God Ter­ri­tory over 70% is Human Race, other races less than 30%, but West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, then over 70% is Demon Race. In Dragon God Realm is True Dragon, its body nat­ural tal­ent by far other races, Pri­mor­dial Azure Dragon in­her­i­tance.”
„One­self is True Dragon, a birth for­mi­da­ble in­com­pa­ra­ble, with Dragon God Di­vine Power in­com­pa­ra­ble con­junc­tion, its for­mi­da­ble nat­ural! But Dragon God Realm Realm King is called 【Dragon Em­peror】, Is now the total God Realm first per­son, our East­ern God Ter­ri­tory strongest Brahma Em­peror Di­vine King, is not his match.”
The Yun Che hear in the ear, in heart trem­bles. Ven­er­a­ble Dragon of Myr­iad Beasts, is Ven­er­a­ble of Myr­iad Spir­its, when human birth frail in­com­pa­ra­ble, but a new­born young dragon can also shake moun­tain Dan­g­hai, if again Pri­mor­dial Dragon God Di­vine Power --- be­comes total Head of the God Realm, in­deed is con­sid­ered as is nat­ural.
Wait / Etc., Dragon Em­peror? Then...
Saw that Yun Che moves the brow sud­denly, Mu Xu­anyin looks askance say­ing: „Have you lis­tened to the name of Dragon Em­peror?”
„Eh?” Yun Che shakes the head: „Not. How­ever, dis­ci­ple lis­tened to Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan... the vol­ume, Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan to say ac­tu­ally called ‚Dragon Em­press’ the per­son, prob­a­bly and ‚God­dess’ said that she can also be the Dragon God Realm per­son?”
Dragon Em­press God­dess... Mu Xi­aolan that day in­sti­tute said that is known to every­body in God Realm, col­lects com­pletely the God Realm all grace and tal­ents peer­less fe­males.
Mu Xu­anyin stared at Yun Che one lightly: „‚God­dess’, for our East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Brahma Em­peror God­dess. But ‚Dragon Em­press’, is the wife of Dragon Em­peror.”
„... Re­ally so.” Yun Che nods. In­deed, Dragon Em­peror is al­ready supreme for recog­ni­tion God Realm, then ex­cept for his wife, no­body dares cer­tainly to call Dragon Em­press.
In leg­end „Dragon Em­press God­dess”, if eter­nal truth Mu Xi­aolan said such col­lects com­pletely God Realm all grace and tal­ents, then also only has such won­der­ful fe­male can match on to be built on the God Realm first per­son of sum­mit of pri­mor­dial chaos.
„But, you pour do not need ex­tremely to be wor­ried.” Mu Xu­anyin said: „Dragon God Realm, al­though dragon pres­tige is over­bear­ing, but does not rely on strongly despotic , not ob­sti­nate con­ser­v­a­tive, never lim­its with his clan is re­lated trhough mar­riage, has re­spected for au­di­ences in West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, al­though will be cu­ri­ous be­cause of your blood­line, but is in­suf­fi­cient to make the ac­tion of any ex­treme. But also per­haps, be­cause you have prim­i­tive blood­line, but in­vites you to enter Dragon God Realm, if you do not com­ply, should not de­mand.”
„... dis­ci­ple knew, thanked Hon­ored Mas­ter to in­form.”
Com­pares in these for fear that blood­line out­flow sect and Star Realm, Dragon God Realm in­deed has Ven­er­a­ble of Myr­iad Spir­its, the Head of the God Realm style. But, Yun Che is firmly „Dragon God Realm” three char­ac­ter seal in soul... Be­cause on him, not only has Dragon God Blood­line, Dragon God's Soul and Dragon God's Mar­row.
Pri­mor­dial Azure Dragon when en­trusts with him these, once clear has said with him... Dragon God's Soul and Dragon God's Mar­row are the pre­sent age are only!
In other words, he is in the world has Dragon God's Soul and Dragon God's Mar­row per­son only! Dragon God Realm will be per­haps in­sen­si­tive to his blood­line... But, is un­able to guar­an­tee that they fac­ing only Dragon God's Soul and Dragon God's Mar­row can be what kind of re­sponses.
Al­though are in East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, life-long is im­pos­si­ble to go to West­ern God Ter­ri­tory..., but must be care­ful for on, can­not re­turn to for­merly „Star God's Bro­ken Shadow” road.
Mu Xu­anyin said with deep ven­er­a­tion: „You is not only in God Realm, and in­sists on going to Eter­nal Sky Realm, must un­der­stand the mat­ters of some God Realm. How­ever be­fore then, you have a more im­por­tant mat­ter to do.”
„Any mat­ter... Asked Hon­ored Mas­ter to tell.”

1016: Tenth Level Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World

#1016: Tenth Level Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World
Comments 77
Yun Che Qi read comes up in great num­bers and from all sides, a se­vere pain trans­mit­ted from his left ear sud­denly. Mu Xu­anyin in the white hands turn over of his neck­band, has seized his ear, has raised from Heav­enly Lake him di­rectly.
Mu Xu­anyin starts heavy, straight pain Yun Che looks fierce in­stan­ta­neously, the brain pain awakes all of a sud­den, hur­ries to yell: „dis­ci­ple... dis­ci­ple does not dare... Hiss­ing... dis­ci­ple to Hon­ored Mas­ter..., only then re­spects... Does not dare ab­solutely... Has such read­ing to think...”
The mean­ing that Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally com­pletely do not loosen, can hav­ing Dragon Qu the face dis­tor­tion of Yun Che pain, it can be imag­ined she is clutch­ing snow ac­cu­mu­lated of Yun Che left ear the strength of mul­ti­ple dis­ci­pli­nary pun­ish­ment. Her [say / way] with a smile: „That is good, for­gives you for mas­ter not...”
Among Mu Xu­anyin light lan­guages, pupil light non­cha­lant to the Yun Che's body next one slant­ing, the sound stops sud­denly im­me­di­ately, after the beau­ti­ful pupil con­cen­trates slightly, has nar­rowed the eyes slowly, in long and nar­row eye seam flood dan­ger­ous flat­ter­ing light.
„For good Che'er of mas­ter, was re­ally had un­der­es­ti­mated for the mas­ter your bold,” her sound be­came softer, slow, was makes in the heart that Yun Che lis­tened to jump crazily: „Un­ex­pect­edly dares to ap­pear for the mas­ter in front of this ugly thing... Big courage!!”
Mu Xu­anyin car­ries the arm of Yun Che ear to fling, Yun Che a piti­ful yell, was lost im­me­di­ately by far, pound­ing of heav­ily above pool. This falls, Mu Xu­anyin used the dark strength, Yun Che to tum­ble out in the pool stops very much, was ac­tu­ally the pain re­sults in the face whiten, in the mouth hiss­ing the air/Qi, for a long time is un­able to stand up.
At least broke sev­eral bones.
The de­sire is loose clean.
„Oh, is re­ally Sect is un­for­tu­nate.” Mu Xu­anyin sighed spook­ily, com­pletely did not turn over to the re­spon­si­bil­ity to send out charm­ing of any men im­pos­si­ble re­sis­tance in own each point of lus­ter of the skin: „You are not will­ing to touch Feixue under the blood of Horned Dragon, ap­proved your strength in med­i­ta­tion to be ex­cel­lent for the mas­ter, has not thought that the reg­u­la­tions are the color peri­cardium day, in­clud­ing bad dis­ci­ple who Hon­ored Mas­ter dares to be moved!”
„...” Yun Che holds on to the body with great dif­fi­culty, low­ers the head, does not dare to talk back, does not dare to look at Mu Xu­anyin one again.
„, It seems like after the mas­ter can only many trained.”
faintly sigh that Mu Xu­anyin is quite nerve-rack­ing, hand strokes, jade slip that one vol­ume of blue light sparkle fell near the Yun Che's foot lightly, she car­ries to pass away: „What in this jade slip en­graves is com­plete Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, by your per­cep­tion, should be able to per­ceive through med­i­ta­tion vol­un­tar­ily, does not need to teach for the mas­ter.”
„For the time being closes you in this Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, some date and time, how for the mas­ter can test your Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow prac­tice, if can also pass, is the mas­ter, then did not in­ves­ti­gate that per­haps the crime of your lese ma­jeste, has the re­ward, if makes for the mas­ter dis­ap­pointed...” The Mu Xu­anyin pupil light trans­fers slightly, faint smile: „Con­se­quence will be very se­ri­ous.”
The sound flut­ters com­pletely, Mu Xu­anyin leaves, for­ma­tion also clos­ing of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake firmly.
„” A re­sound­ing, sev­eral bones of dis­lo­ca­tions by Yun Che fast gath­ers, can only slowly re­store as for that sev­eral of break. He then sets out, [say / way] of clench­ing jaws: „Had not re­sponded... Nor­mally isn't good!”
In front of Jas­mine, he is lit­tle dis­tressed, but in front of Mu Xu­anyin... He al­most never not dis­tressed.
If there is not ex­pe­ri­enced Ice Phoenix Palace ini­tially meets, the mo­men­tous change of Mu Xu­anyin will cer­tainly make Yun Che un­able to get back one's com­po­sure to the pre­sent. Even if so, were re­call­ing Mu Xu­anyin, some of his mind are as be­fore ab­sent-minded, is un­able com­pletely her with that Wei ice world, mak­ing Snow Song Realm King that the com­mon peo­ple keep silent re­late to­gether.
Why her dis­po­si­tion will have that big con­trast...
Which is gen­uine she?
Yun Che moves into Heav­enly Lake, tran­quil more than dou­ble-hour, fi­nally gen­tle in­jury and in­ner­most feel­ings. He leaves the water of Heav­enly Lake, falls on the pool, sits well, has not ac­tu­ally taken up Mu Xu­anyin to lose to his Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, but put out one vol­ume to flash pure gold ray jade slip.
The ap­pear­ance of this vol­ume of pure gold jade slip, mak­ing the air the tem­per­a­ture rise sud­denly, straight star­tled sur­round­ing ice spirit scat­ters in all di­rec­tions to go.
Com­plete... Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World!
Huo Poyun for­merly dis­played „Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury”, al­though is un­able to in­jure him, but ac­tu­ally enor­mously trem­bled his soul. How­ever he had not for­got­ten that this jade slip can only the gin­seng read one time, later will van­ish di­rectly.
Yun Che calms the mind with rapt at­ten­tion, both eyes closed, the sen­sa­tion such as rivulet trickle, turned round above pure gold jade slip, plun­dered fast, fell above Di­vine Art of Eight Level bound­ary di­rectly.
After short sev­eral breaths, in his mind then re­sounds res­o­nant Golden Crow long cry, has lit a fire Golden Crow to dance in the air in his Soul deep place. His body sur­face, slowly reap­pears stronger and stronger Golden Crow Di­vine Flame.
Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World each high Realm, the Golden Crow Fire might will then grow time ---, more­over is the large scale vi­o­lent in­creases each time, the color of flame also will tend the golden color. More­over fol­low­ing each sin­gle layer Realm, sep­a­rately cor­re­sponds Golden Crow to burn to ex­tin­guish the tech­nique sim­i­larly.
Eight Level bound­ary --- 【Burn­ing Sun Ray】, Is the might must ex­ceed greatly 【Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion】 The point kills the flame tech­nique, Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion the Golden Crow Di­vine Flame com­pres­sion is one, but Burn­ing Sun Ray, is ac­tu­ally a peak point, al­though needs the sev­eral fold in the Golden An­ni­hi­la­tion con­den­sa­tion time, if re­leases suc­cess­fully, such as to­gether came from the hot sun the fire of limit, burns suf­fi­ciently puts on so­ci­ety all things.
Ninth Level bound­ary --- 【Il­lu­sion­ary Do­main Red But­ter­fly】, This is not Yel­low Springs Ashes same burn­ing ex­tin­guishes Do­main, but im­pres­sively with Dragon God Do­main same Soul Do­main! But Dragon God Do­main fright­ens un­sur­pass­edly dif­fer­ently, al­though Red But­ter­fly Do­main is im­pos­si­ble to achieve Dragon God Do­main peak like that to frighten, can ac­tu­ally achieve more ter­ror­ist mind to burn to ex­tin­guish!
If ter­ri­fy­ing Golden Crow Di­vine Flame, will burn in their Soul deep places, mak­ing their bod­ies not die, but the soul ex­tin­guishes.
Tenth Level bound­ary, is Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World high­est Realm that jade slip records, burn­ing of its cor­re­spon­dence ex­tin­guishes the flame tech­nique, is 【Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury】!
Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury that Huo Poyun dis­plays, is most pri­mary „One Sun” con­di­tion. Even if the most pri­mary con­di­tion, its ter­ror as be­fore trem­bled en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect. But al­ways One Sun, the might is not the con­stant-am­pli­tude in­creases, but is geo­met­ri­cal mul­ti­ple sud­denly to in­crease. Com­plete Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury, is Nine Suns Over­look­ing the World... the ter­ror of its might, is un­able to imag­ine.
Per­haps, that true ex­tin­guish­ing world in­vin­ci­ble might.
Al­though, a Flame God Realm hun­dreds of thou­sands of years of his­tory, once four peo­ple built Nine Suns Heav­enly Fury..., but never the per­son cul­ti­vates to the bound­ary of Nine Suns. Huo Poyun to achieve the bound­ary of One Sun less than 30 years old of age, is Flame God Realm never has the mir­a­cle.
Under the con­geal­ing heart could not feel that pass­ing of time, mo­tion­less Yun Che when open­ing eye, the time passed by for seven days, his flame still, but pure gold jade slip be­fore body, ac­tu­ally in this time flame con­fla­gra­tion, in­stan­ta­neously turned into the ashes.
The right palm lifts, the palm one slightly rolls Golden Crow Fire silent to ig­nite, then fast be­comes pro­found, first dis­play­ing, in count­ing breaths, has then achieved the Eight Level flame bound­ary, flame aura and color, had the ob­vi­ous change.
He also has the con­fi­dence in half a month, cul­ti­vates Burn­ing Sun Ray to Lit­tle to be­come.
But his hand holds the flame, brow ac­tu­ally slightly to lock:
„Tenth Level... re­ally to bound­ary? Why al­ways thinks in­com­plete...”
„Ok, cul­ti­vates Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace.
„Is the Feixue mat­ter, the Yun Che ini­tia­tive re­jec­tion?”
Mu Xu­anyin leans the body side to sit above ice chair, the pupil light smokes how­ever, the milk-white bosom half dew, the both legs of over­lap out­lined the slen­der curve that par­tic­u­larly was arous­ing. A sec­tion fair calf re­veals from skirt, flows is also want­ing the shiny smooth com­pared with full room ice flower the skin light.
Mu Bingyun stands in her body side, cres­cent moon eye­brow con­cen­trates lightly, the micro dew is puz­zled.
„Oth­er­wise? The Feixue that clever tem­per, pos­si­bly is not she is not will­ing to be obe­di­ent again.”
The Mu Xu­anyin sound is soft, swings the heart splen­did train of thought that on the jade white face is float­ing charm­ing myr­iad pink color slightly.
In the air flut­ters is se­cret­ing the fra­grance of heart in­ter­mit­tently, the Mu Bingyun pupil light un­know­ingly falls on her be­cause of ex­tremely the peak very and slightly on the milk-white bosom of half dew, puts aside in­stan­ta­neously, the heart­beat im­me­di­ately be­comes slightly some non- na­tures. Her light lan­guage said: „Should not. Al­though the Elder Sis­ter method is some­what ab­surd, but in­deed is most likely to let him achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm the method be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence. More­over, by his per­son­al­ity, as well as some man all vi­cious na­tures, he has no rea­son the re­jec­tion to be right.”
„Who knows that per­haps, is he can­not have a lik­ing for Feixue.”
Out of the win­dow ice-cold snow light sprin­kles into, Mu Xu­anyin lies down lan­guidly, hem of the skirt was tucked up by the jade leg, pair of smooth­ing to the fil­a­ment lifts fully on ice chair, tip of toe ex­quis­ite shiny smooth, if the ice con­cen­trates, dor­sum pedis and sole of the foot ex­quis­ite is wip­ing crisp cream likely, such as the Run of jade, such as satin sup­ple...
Also only has in front of Mu Bingyun, she so will have no scru­ples.
„Can't have a lik­ing for?” Mu Bingyun shakes the head: „By the Feixue ap­pear­ance... Should not be right.”
„That is dif­fer­ent.” After slen­der snow the tem­ple sends near in­fi­nitely en­chant­i­ngly blue plun­ders the ear, Mu Xu­anyin sud­denly has smiled, is star­ing at the Mu Bingyun pupil light flood the beau­ti­ful flat­ter­ing color: „Since Feixue he is not will­ing to want, that only re­mained a method.”
„What method?” The Mu Bingyun pupil light has trans­ferred, but moves the Mu Xu­anyin wu col­or­ful happy ex­pres­sion, she un­con­scious mov­ing away.
„That nat­u­rally only then... My good younger sis­ter to offer Pri­mor­dial Yin per­son­ally, comes to pro­mote pro­found strength for him, re­paid the gra­cious­ness of life-sav­ing.”
A words say­ing ended, Mu Xu­anyin is smiles to make noise ten­derly.
The Mu Bingyun beau­ti­ful ice face does not change coun­te­nance: „Elder Sis­ter, can­not de­lib­er­ately cre­ate trou­ble.”
Out­side, Mu Bingyun is re­spect­ful to Mu Xu­anyin. But in se­cret, they are un­able not to dis­cuss, in the emo­tion does not have the sis­ters of any im­pu­rity bar­rier, each other is in the world the only fam­ily mem­ber. In their mak­ings and man­ners have dif­fer­ently ex­tremely clearly.
Chilly, if in snow fe­male ce­les­tial, charm­ing such as calamity world se­duc­tress.
„Re­ally is, you can­not make an amus­ing point re­sponse, mak­ing Elder Sis­ter happy one.” Mu Xu­anyin light sip flow­ery lips: „Re­ceived male dis­ci­ple ac­tu­ally, com­pared with ex­pec­ta­tion wants amus­ingly many.”
„Amus­ing? Did you say Yun Che?”
„Not only amus­ing, but also per­cep­tion sim­ply high ex­tra­or­di­nary. Only used for day to com­pre­hend Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow. Such per­cep­tion...” Mu Xu­anyin flat­ters the eye to nar­row the eyes lightly: „Feared that is these King Realm no­body may.”
„... Is this also most pri­mary cause that Elder Sis­ter wants to help him to grow sud­denly as soon as pos­si­ble?” Mu Bingyun said.
„I pre­pare, mak­ing him go to Ice Wind Em­pire along with Mu Hanyi.” The cherry color flow­ery lips warpage of ten­der and beau­ti­ful de­sire drop, in the pupil flat­ters the light slightly grad­u­ally be­comes pro­found: „Takes that Ice Qilin's horn per­son­ally.”

1015: Xuanyin seductive woman

#1015: Xuanyin seductive woman
Comments 182
„Has the issue?” The re­sponse of Mu Huanzhi, lets the Mu Xu­anyin slightly sink­ing eye­brow.
Mu Huanzhi said hastily: „Huanzhi has taken down com­pletely, will begin to man­age im­me­di­ately.... Wood Spirit Race these years mostly hid­den in threat small Low-Rank Star Realm, and re­gard­less of Wood Spirit or Wood Spirit Bead, al­ways in pri­vate buys and sells, can only send for some Low-Rank Star Realm seek­ing in se­cret, but whether to find 70% spirit strength above, then must look at the des­tiny.”
„As for Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass,” Mu Huanzhi slightly spits the one breath: „Huanzhi can only with every ef­fort for it.”
Why he may I ask Mu Xu­anyin to seek for these things sud­denly.
„The quicker the bet­ter.” Mu Xu­anyin said: „If there is a news, but you can­not for it, first in­form this king.”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi at heart one thump. Her words clearly in­di­cated that these things she wants is quite anx­ious, but these four things are far from every thing, must get so far as one es­pe­cially to be dif­fi­cult in a short time, let alone four.
„Sect Mas­ter, about Qilin Horn, some Huanzhi ac­tu­ally fea­tures.”
„Oh?” the Mu Xu­anyin vi­sion has leaned: „Said!”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi re­called slightly that then said re­spect­fully: „Two years ago, Huanzhi ac­ci­den­tally hears from Yun­zhi there prob­a­bly, at the be­gin­ning of Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily that Mu Hanyi comes then, has im­pe­r­ial fam­ily sa­cred relic, Ice Wind Em­pire founds a na­tion ex­isted, it is said ac­ci­den­tally digs from ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) ice­field, may be com­plete Ice Qilin's horn ex­tremely, thus re­gards as town coun­try sa­cred relic, has spread 70,000-80,000 years in Ice Wind Im­pe­r­ial Fam­ily.”
„... Since is town coun­try sa­cred relic, hid away was so long, why Mu Hanyi must dis­close this mat­ter to Mu Yun­zhi on own ini­tia­tive.” Mu Xu­anyin cold sound track. Mu Yun­zhi will know this mat­ter, is Mu Hanyi in­forms with­out a doubt.
„This...” On Mu Huanzhi face micro presently ga color: „Ac­cord­ing to Yun­zhi, rea­son that Mu Hanyi and she men­tioned that Ice Qilin's horn, was Ice Wind Monarch had then de­cided be­fore the sev­eral years, if Mu Hanyi can be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, Ice Wind Monarch will then hide away sev­eral thou­sand years of town coun­try sa­cred relic to offer this in Sect Mas­ter, to re­port the gra­cious­ness of Sect Mas­ter.”
„Snort, he may re­ally have a mind!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said.
Mu Huanzhi said: „East­ern God Ter­ri­tory Qilin ex­ter­mi­nated for hun­dreds of thou­sands of years, seeks Qilin Horn only to go to West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, is not quite easy. If Ice Wind Em­pire has Qilin Horn is, that is nat­u­rally good. Has half a month again, Mu Hanyi will then re­turn to Ice Wind Em­pire to at­tend his fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­days, mak­ing him bring back then, or... Does Huanzhi by one­self leave to take now?”
If Mu Xu­anyin spoke, Ice Wind Em­pire was 10,000 courage, only had obe­di­ently to offer.
„No need.” Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally over­rules: „The words that this king today and you speak, do not tell any­body.”
„Low-Rank Star Realm seeks for Wood Spirit Bead, High-Rank Star Realm seeks Nine Stars Bud­dha Di­vine Jade and Em­peror Im­mor­tal Grass news darkly, re­mem­bers the arrange­ment enough re­li­able per­son. Did not need to man­age as for Qilin Horn, es­pe­cially do not dis­close that to Yun­zhi and Mu Hanyi, you went.”
„Yes.” Mu Huanzhi has doubts at heart myr­iad, but must draw back in a hurry.
In the wind and snow, Mu Xu­anyin turns around slowly, the cold star dou­ble pupil changed the re­mote north, in­ter­labial has chanted in a low voice: „Ice Wind Em­pire...”
Does not know that the stu­por how long, Yun Che woke, the con­scious­ness just re­cov­ered, then felt that in­nu­mer­able [say / way] cool bit­ing cold aura are emerg­ing his body, mak­ing him in­stan­ta­neously sober.
Opens the eye, in the line of sight is Wang Jing­shui, the dis­tant place, is flood the col­ored glaze bril­liance strange flower and grass, aura that the tip of the nose trans­mits is pass­ing peak the pu­rity of ice-cold and peak again.
Here is... Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake!
His en­tire body, is soak­ing in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, body all wounds van­ished do not see, mind is in­com­pa­ra­ble clear un­der­stand­ing.
In brain the mem­ory be­fore fast reap­pear­ing stu­por, he re­leases Dragon Soul, after was in­stant sober ex­hausts pounds fully to own fore­head, then...
„Oh? such quickly awoke.”
The sound of ten­der soft as wadding, makes hazy within Yun Che im­me­di­ately a whole body hemp, the bone micro crisply, his sub­con­scious turn­ing the head, to he not far pool above, the Mu Xu­anyin ease side lies down there, falls on ten thou­sand fresh out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful beau­ti­ful faces to bring to seem to be faint smile that does not have.
As Yun Che's wakes up, her side slowly sits, the snow clothes next pair also wants the slen­der point com­pared with Mu Feixue ** nat­ural over­lap, the male ser­vant rubs seemed to be that a basil in­un­dates qui­etly, mak­ing the Yun Che brains smoke, un­ex­pect­edly was di­rectly ig­no­rant there.
„Che'er, your body, is ab­sorb­ing water of Heav­enly Lake cold qi prob­a­bly, this also be­cause of the Evil God's strength?”
Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fied heart­less, Snow Song Realm is known to every­body, no­body dares to touch, even if proud and ar­ro­gant Yun Che, does not dare to have the least bit be­fore her ab­solutely hur­riedly. But at this time, his front Mu Xu­anyin pupil light is sure to spook­ily, the beau­ti­ful face en­chant­ing flood, flow­ery lips such as spits the pis­til in bud, each char­ac­ter com­pletely is the soft and gen­tle words gen­tle voice.
When one such as he ini­tially sees, by his slip of the tongue shouted „Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter” se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl...
Yun Che does not know one ig­no­rant how long, all of a sud­den wakes up, sets out from Heav­enly Lake hastily: „Mas­ter...”
The words just ex­ported, he felt sud­denly the cool feel­ing is some­what un­usual, sub­con­scious low­er­ing the head, sees im­pres­sively own whole body un­ex­pect­edly is stark naked, he one star­tled, im­me­di­ately like re­ceiv­ing an elec­tric shock in re­tract­ing Heav­enly Lake, among the state of mind chaos, for­gets to grasp clothes to put from Sky Poi­son Pearl im­me­di­ately.
The Yun Che's em­bar­rass­ment, lets Mu Xu­anyin chuckle smiles ten­derly, the flow­er­ing branch that smiles shiv­ers all over, the plen­ti­ful milk-white bosom under snow clothes trem­bles to jump con­tin­u­ous, wipes daz­zlingly snow white, in trem­bling to jump al­most over­flows the lapel mouth.
At this time Mu Xu­anyin has changed a quite loose snow clothes, above still en­graves the Ice Phoenix chart mark, Ice Phoenix chart mark be­comes with ex­tremely spe­cial ice silk mark, cold light es­pe­cially is eye-catch­ing. But the jade gen­eral ice blue long hair as be­fore na­ture the mag­nif­i­cent falling in Xiang shoul­der jade back, floats the water vapor, re­sem­bled just had bathed. But the both arms have snow gauze of Bo Ru ci­cada wing, fer­tile white del­i­cate arms of pair of pow­der lotus root are partly vis­i­ble.
„Lit­tle devil, you have the Horned Dragon's Blood air/Qi, Feixue such beau­ti­ful women are ac­tu­ally not will­ing to touch, lets have to worry for the mas­ter is your body has the sick­ness, there­fore care­fully has in­spected for you. How­ever looks like, as if not any too major prob­lem.”
In­spec­tion... Body...
„~! @#¥%...” Brain that Yun Che sobers with great dif­fi­culty once more one ig­no­rant, in the brain pre­sents the pic­ture that piles of should not pre­sent com­pletely un­con­trolled, he is thrown into con­fu­sion grasped clothes to put on ca­su­ally, this time float­ing off cau­tiously from pool of water: „dis­ci­ple... thanked Hon­ored Mas­ter... care... That, Feixue she...”
After one­self knock down a mem­ory fuzzi­ness, he does not know com­pletely do one have Mu Feixue fi­nally gives...
But even if he can re­mem­ber, at this time rad­i­cally is also in­ca­pable of think­ing that be­cause of this time in­ten­tion piece of chaos, whole body has evil fires in the crazy fever, in any event is un­able to de­press, in­stead burns fiercely... Sim­ply like was once again the blood of Horned Dragon.
Mu Xu­anyin beau­ti­ful cer­tainly world, but her un­sur­passed bit­ter cold makes the whole wide world trem­ble sim­i­larly suf­fi­ciently. In Snow Song Realm, no­body's line of sight dares to have a stay of over breath on her, flame god three Sect Mas­ter that for­merly ar­rived, do not dare with her pair of cold pupil look­ing at each other.
But, Yun Che pre­sent Mu Xu­anyin, the body did not have, even if the tiny bit Wei ice, the black eye­brow col­or­ing eye­brow like the fog, the beau­ti­ful eye class hopes that in the beau­ti­ful pupil the peak pres­tige changes to be­witch­ing of peak to seize the soul coldly com­pletely, ver­ti­cal is the sit­ting pos­ture, was out­lin­ing as be­fore con­vex-con­cave fluc­tu­at­ing to let­ting per­son blood­line fell pros­trate the check per­son curve that opened, whole body each spot, each inch flesh, was send­ing out such as the mon­ster such as demon you
Yun Che's both eyes straight falling in she charms on the en­chant­ing body, how is un­able to put aside, evil fire from lower ab­domen fast spread to whole body.
„Oh? you also know that cares about Feixue.” Mu Xu­anyin soft [say / way]: „You felt re­lieved, her Pri­mor­dial Yin also, was only, she was vis­ited by you also looked, touched has also traced, not can be re­garded im­pec­ca­ble char­ac­ter. You is how many should give oth­ers a con­fes­sion?”
„...” Near the ear the ten­der soft sound pulls up swings the heart and soul, but Yun Che has al­most not ac­tu­ally heard clearly her in say­ing any­thing, an eye straight is star­ing at Mu Xu­anyin... the front, along with her sit­ting pos­ture an­tev­er­sion, the chest snow clothes falls slightly slightly, two groups of full crisp nephrite fat flood, picked a snow sparkling stone to be pro­found, looked merely eclipsed the bone ** gully, full came into the Yun Che's line of sight.
In the Yun Che's throat, hears the heav­ily swal­low­ing sound.
To has es­ti­mated be­yond sev­eral li (0.5km) to hear again.
The Yun Che whole body quickly grasps the mean­ing of some­thing im­me­di­ately, the evil fire was fright­ened has been put out much. This is not his first time swal­lows the saliva in front of Mu Xu­anyin, but for­merly ini­tially saw in Ice Phoenix Palace, he has not known that the op­po­site party is Mu Xu­anyin, but thinks that is God Hall Se­nior Sis­ter..., but now, at pre­sent is Snow Song Realm King, Ice Phoenix Sect Mas­ter, is his Hon­ored Mas­ter!
Among the Yun Che mind chaos, the the front snow shade in a flash, the fra­grant wind throws to sud­denly, the snow face of Mu Xu­anyin was near at hand, beau­ti­ful pupil fog, white hands pinch­ing gen­tly in his neck­band.
„...” Yun Che mouth big, a few words can­not say.
„For­merly in Ice Phoenix Palace, you did not rec­og­nize as the mas­ter, the spo­ken lan­guage,” the Mu Xu­anyin sound is friv­o­lously spooky, re­sem­bles soft as to be greasy: „The pre­sent is dis­ci­ple, un­ex­pect­edly also dares to have the crooked thoughts for the mas­ter, is re­ally the big courage.”
„...” Mu Xu­anyin face nearer sev­eral points, flow­ery lips of ten­der col­ored as al­most touches the Yun Che's cheeks, light Qi Jianmi is leav­ing the flower fra­grance of being in­fat­u­ated with: „You are not will­ing to want Feixue, is dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate... To ac­com­pany your dual cul­ti­va­tion for the mas­ter?”
Just like com­ing from the charm­ing light lan­guage of dream­land, mak­ing Yun Che have a parched mouth in­stan­ta­neously, within the body evil fire flies ran­domly, flees his blood­line to be hot-tem­pered ran­domly to sev­eral near rup­tur­ing.
Such near that Mu Xu­anyin leaves, the Yun Che vi­sion, then eas­ily in­vades in her loose snow clothes slightly, the soft light of lunar halo flows on her fra­grant shoul­der, is out­lin­ing the col­lar bone shiny smooth half arc, down­ward, two groups high stand tall and erect the snow fat white glar­ing again, be­cause of ex­tremely full soft Run, is only body move­ment slightly, will be trem­bling.
„,” Mu Xu­anyin sim­ply has not de­tected the Yun Che's line of sight likely, refers to the light check in the jade of his neck­band, the ob­se­quious at­ti­tude myr­iad, if dream soft and gen­tle words: „If lets come for the mas­ter, does not take two years... Only needs an evening, can make you enter Di­vine Soul.”
An evening en­ters Di­vine Soul Realm, if „nor­mal” Mu Xu­anyin under con­di­tion said these words, will de­cide how­ever will let the Yun Che ex­cited shock jumped. But Yun Che at this mo­ment is ac­tu­ally soul and body is the evil fire scur­ries about, is lis­ten­ing to her words, in the brain wants ac­tu­ally not to be an evening breaks through Di­vine Soul Realm, but per­forms is Mu Xu­anyin on him ** plate waist, re­verse waist... Pic­ture that also or lus­ter of the skin Fu Qiao under his body, re­cited per­sua­sively lightly...
Myo- Rong Jie is out­stand­ingly beau­ti­ful, frown and smile com­pletely char­ac­ter and style... This was gen­uine world out­stand­ing per­son, se­duc­tive to nearly fear­ful.