HK :: VOLUME #15
#1493: SecondIWN and power failure!
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Nanchao Nation, local time, on February 15, zero Forty-four difference.
Shi Lei displays by the unique skill of other [say / way] also body, lets Nanchao Nation 99.99% network user, has separated with the link of Internet.
Nanchao Nation Internet users who numerous late at night has not rested, because of the beforehand hearsay, thus welling up the street, each other has been exchanging information.
After the telephone communication and network communication were shielded, even if Nanchao Nation Official wants fast highly effective spiking a rumour, is not an easy matter. Also, in this case, regardless of Nanchao Nation Government carries on anything to spike a rumour, perhaps is unable to obtain trust Right? of all nationals
Only if, they resume telephone communication and network link immediately. But is such matter, how possible?
Before Shi Lei imitation , the multi- country Hacker allied armies, invade the Shuangqing City Power Grid Management System procedure, the compilation named ‚[Dark Messenger]’ Virus, specifically aims at the Nanchao Nation personal user router and modem, from System most bottom level control Hardware System of router and modem.
Modem and router, as individual user and Internet link exchange end, after issue, user naturally is unable with the Internet link.
However, Shi Lei very sinister establishment a camouflage, although [Dark Messenger] has taken over control of the internal Hardware System of router and modem, but the router and modem, will not feed back any wrong information in user computer. And, the router with the modem, the led light that demonstrates own condition, will be controlled by [Dark Messenger], the feedback is similar to the normal operation same light, prevents to be discovered by user.
[Dark Messenger] from System Ground Level control Hardware System of router and modem, even if user chooses a reset router and modem, will not have any effect.
ordinary user is unable to discover issue of the modem and router, but network service provider. Will not suspect that is the issue of router and modem. Because so large-scale occurrence issue, the network service provider will only ponder that more complex issue, but is not the so simple reason.
„Sir. According to the System automatic statistics, except for Four Great type network. Nanchao Nation Ordinary network user, only remaining insufficient Three Thousand people.” [Izual] reports to say to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei nodded, on the face has shown the happy expression, „[Izual] , to continue implement Second Phase Plan!”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] obeys order the Shi Lei's order, even if Second Phase Plan, will have a more serious consequence. Even brings not the small casualties to Nanchao Nation, but [Izual] is only the implement Shi Lei's order, independently will not ponder that the order is whether reasonable and Lawful.
Shi Lei's Plan by other [say / way] also body, Nanchao Nation and Wo Sang Nation and other country Hacker allied armies, used Worm Virus to fall Shuangqing City Power Grid Management System black, Shi Lei's Second Phase Plan, exactly as stated has used [Dark Messenger], invaded Nanchao Nation Power Grid System!
The Nanchao Nation land area is very small, Power Grid System is simpler, Shi Lei in [Izual]'s auxiliary under. Fast accomplish in view of the Nanchao Nation Power Grid Management System invasion side case.
The Nanchao Nation electrical network region, is always divided for six regions. And Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do and Jeju-do, have Power Grid System of independent use respectively. North and South Chungcheon-do, North and South Gyeongsang-do and North and South Jeolla-do. Then is north-south two comes in handy Power Grid System.
Especially Gyeonggi-do Seoul City, has dual Power Grid System, one is the main force electrical network, in addition has a spare electrical network. Changes a view, if the Seoul City main force electrical network presented issue, the spare electrical network can also replace the main force electrical network. And, the spare electrical network is the Second System of independence beside main force electrical network, not by the influence of main force electrical network.
A special situation, because Nanchao Nation domain is very small. Entire Nation(s) electric power network connects in together, in other words. Even if the Gyeonggi-do electrical network presented issue, Gangwon-do and North and South Chungcheon-do electrical network. Also can the Gyeonggi-do electrical network transportation electric power, guarantee the electricity of Gyeonggi-do.
The national electrical network interconnection, hangs Jeju-do of overseas to be an exception orphaned!
Shi Lei wants to solve entire Nanchao Nation Power Supply, must simultaneously shut off entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid Management System. Otherwise, may unable very much reached(an agreement) target.
„[Izual], how many d do we altogether have in Nanchao Nation?” Shi Lei inquired.
In order to achieve falls entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid System at the same time black, simultaneously does not transfer Dream Entertainment Company computing resources, Shi Lei, when makes [Dark Messenger], built-in d.
Once by [Dark Messenger] attack computer, not only will shut off the link of user and Internet, but will retain a foreign channel. Meanwhile, but also meets the modify user computer Safety strategy.
d is the seed of [Interweave Net Miwang], means that was planted d computer, will become the [Interweave Net Miwang] computation node.
D that [Dark Messenger] contains, through the modify computer Safety strategy, first forbids the computer feedback signal light, after the signal light was forbidden, the led display lamp of pretage panel, will then not prompt user, computer is still using.
Next d will also control cpu.fan, is the cpu radiation ventilator, tacitly approves to forbid to be it 0 rotational speeds. When then, cpu work, the ventilator cannot send out the sound, causes the computer user attention. In view of having independent Graphics Card user d a implement type of strategy, forbids the independent Graphics Card ventilator directly or is the pump body of water-cooler.
d will also shield video output connection, prevents screen Monitor, showed that any image information d will also control read- and the read of Hard Disk, the goal to reduce sound production d similarly will take memory Virtual will be Hard Disk, as temporary storage space. D does not need the too much Hard Disk space in any case.
As for was planted d computer, works in the situation of ill radiator, can have an adverse impact, for example burns down cpu, overburning independent Graphics Card, or is burns down the motherboard wait / etc. issue, what matter does that close Shi Lei?
In any case isn't Shi Lei's computer, isn't that right?
Can they also find Shi Lei to carry on the compensation? Shi Lei only wants saying that if their computer, but also within the warranty period, that congratulates them. As for surpassing situation beyond the warranty period, they should thank Shi Lei, gives they have replaced computer just needed the reason.
„Sir, we in Nanchao Nation, altogether have planted 7.6 million d, currently altogether is grasping 892 tflops Loose Distribution Computing Resources.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
Just strided in 2008 era, the computer CPU, was well below strong of later generation. According to 2008 e8400 of Intel Company issue is the example, the CPU of this double Core dual-thread, the frequency has been the 3.0 ghz degree.
After a conversion of series, e8400 computing resources is about 24 gflops , 1 tflops equal to 1000 gflops, in other words, at least needs over 40, matches computer of e8400 CPU, full power computation time, can have 1 tflops computing resources.
But in 2008 era, CPU e8400 is not the low-end product, but is the high-end product!
Even if d has planted 7.6 million computer in Nanchao Nation, but only obtained close 900 tflops computing resources as before. After all, by computer that d all kinds forbids, to avoid CPU abandonment, [Izual] is impossible to make their full power revolve.
However, close 900 tflops computing resources, even if Loose Distribution Computing Resources, is a terrifying digit.
On the Shi Lei face has shown the smiling face, before Shi Lei has estimated in the heart, he thinks has 300 tflops computing resources, that enough has used. Now has close three times in the value of estimate, how could wasn't Shi Lei happy?
„[Izual], the conformity optimizes all d, constructs diwn!” Shi Lei has issued the order.
So-called diwn, exactly as stated ‚Second [Interweave Net Miwang]’, is temporary [Interweave Net Miwang], once this motion finished d [Interweave Net Miwang] then being terminated to use. Meanwhile, all d will also start the self- deletion function, deletes information that it has thoroughly.
„Sir, please wait a moment, the System currently conformity optimizes d, it is expected that takes 2 minutes 57 seconds, the construction work of accomplish diwn.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
Three minutes, Shi Lei is waiting for patiently.
Time one. one seconds second of past, after close three minutes, the [Izual] report said: „Diwn constructed accomplish, System automatically assigns seven parts diwn, will correspond attack Nanchao Nation six Power Grid Management System and Gyeonggi-do Reserve System.”
„Starts!” Shi Lei both hands have rapped on the keyboard fast.
As Shi Lei's orders to be sent out, Nanchao Nation in Dark, beset with a crisis bigger. If at this time, some people rode airplane to fly in the Nanchao Nation place above, will then discover a magnificent picture.
From Gangwon-do, to Jeju-do, entire Nanchao Nation domestic light, fast is vanishing, entire Nation(s) fell into Dark.
Without network, does not have telephone Communications Network, does not have Power Supply, and is in the night, the Nanchao Nation situation, quite is quite really awful...
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1493: SecondIWN and power failure!

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