Friday, December 29, 2017

970: Contracting enmity

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#970: Contracting enmity
Comments 39
This fight­ing tooth and nail self-mu­ti­la­tion prac­tice way bru­tally ar­rives at the ex­treme, but each time from cer­tainly to the re­birth, is the body and Pro­found Vein that new stu­dent and break­through brings, when he when ninth time re­stores, since can have un­ex­pect­edly the ample force wields the eighth sword, as if hav­ing dawn in his soul dodges, mak­ing him cra­zier crazy, pain each time as if be­comes micro non-.
Im­merses dur­ing this bru­tal and un­think­able prac­tice, Yun Che could not feel pass­ing of time com­pletely. Whole bod­ies cause heavy losses, pro­found strength over­draws, once again com­plete restora­tion, but after he re­stores each time, can bran­dish the Heaven Smit­ing Sword num­ber of times also qui­etly to in­crease, from seven swords to eight swords, to nine swords...
Three months winds through fast, Yun Che ex­tremely most time, dur­ing the con­geal­ing heart re­stores, thus feel­ing only passed the sev­eral days.
Dur­ing three months, more than 200 times hope­less sit­u­a­tion prac­tice, he under con­di­tion has been able to shell 15 times in „Rum­bling Heaven” Heaven Smit­ing Sword fully! More­over, this merely is not the pro­mo­tion in quan­tity, the might of each sword, wanted by far for­merly.
In this process, his body and Pro­found Vein, is hav­ing in­clud­ing change that qui­etly Yun Che can­not feel.
Yun Che sits well on Star Pluck­ing Stone, al­though whole body blood­stain, cut and bruised, but the look is very tran­quil. After such at­ti­tude hold about four dou­ble-hour, he has opened the eye, the body and pro­found strength con­di­tion, once again fully re­stores.
But as­ter­ism that under his body, Star Pluck­ing Stone re­leases the it three months ago was gloomier.
If this Star Pluck­ing Stone other pro­found prac­ti­tioner use, even if day and night con­tin­u­ous, can use for ten years.
But Yun Che has the strength of Rage God in the body, to the buy­ing in speed and use fac­tor of world spir­i­tual en­ergy is dozens times of av­er­age man, the short three months under the Yun Che's body, its strength then has con­sumed en­tire 70%! But sink­ing heart has not re­al­ized this point in prac­tice Yun Che com­pletely.
Along with open­ing of Yun Che eye, wipes scary cold glow to flash past, his arm ex­tends, thou­sands of jin (0.5 kg) Heaven Smit­ing Sword was di­rectly at­tracted by him suc­ceeded in ob­tain­ing, when he just about to once more opens Rum­bling Heaven, his sound trans­mis­sion jade has trans­mit­ted the pro­found strength fluc­tu­a­tion sud­denly.
The Yun Che's move­ment stag­nates... The Ice Phoenix God Sect per­son passes mes­sage through Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, but the Blue Pole Star per­son is de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble to send greet­ings Snow Song Realm. His sound trans­mis­sion mark, Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan do not know.
But after Snow Song Realm, he has only given a per­son sound trans­mis­sion mark...
Three months ago, only one dares to hold the word in front of Mu Feng­shu for him, same came from Lower Realm Feng Mo with him!
Feng Mo that day adopted the final in­spec­tion of Cold Snow Palace, be­came Cold Snow Palace of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple, but his day re­sent­ment, but Cold Snow Palace Chief Hall Mas­ter! But the Mu Feng­shu words and deeds, likely are not a mag­nan­i­mous per­son, let alone still above air/Qi, later was at that time very likely there­fore to look for the trou­ble of Feng Mo... There­fore, is out of the grat­i­tude, he left Feng Mo sound trans­mis­sion mark at that time, is think­ing which day or can re­turn him this favour.
After all, one­self good and evil is Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, was being cov­ered by Mu Bingyun.
Puts out sound trans­mis­sion jade, re­sounds, is re­ally the Feng Mo sound:
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che... saves me...”
The Feng Mo sound is es­pe­cially weak, and is hav­ing the ob­vi­ous pain. Yun Che brow one tight, re­turns to the tone chan­nel rapidly: „You where!?”
Queried the Feng Mo po­si­tion, Yun Che re­ceived Heaven Smit­ing Sword rapidly, jumped down from Star Pluck­ing Stone, then pro­found qi was as­signed away from the cap­i­tal, the bro­ken clothes and blood­stain rep­ri­mand com­pletely, and has changed a com­plete jer­sey. When he lifts the step prepa­ra­tion leaves the prac­tice room, sud­denly there, then had doubts has lifted own both hands.
This feel­ing...
Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm... Tenth Level!?
Is feel­ing pro­found strength aura at this mo­ment, he for a while there.
What's all this about? After under I take Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, why pro­found strength breaks through Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level... the pre­sent to be Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level ob­vi­ously, when did I break through?
As Mor­tal Body Nine Realms peak Realm, the break­through of Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm each small Realm, fol­lows the pro­found qi qual­i­ta­tive change. This process, pro­found qi from cir­cu­la­tion and vi­o­lent. Moves, to the con­geal­ing re­al­ity, can say that to this Realm, each break­through just liked a time new stu­dent, can be a dif­fi­cult and long process, and with very high risk.
But Yun Che, sud­denly slightly has not re­al­ized own break­through... More­over is the break­throughs of two small Realm.
His pro­found strength, in, the in­com­pa­ra­bly smooth nat­ural di­rect­ness tran­sited next Realm... peace­fully to the sit­u­a­tion that he has not re­al­ized com­pletely un­ex­pect­edly likely qui­etly.
Yun Che stood there stares some lit­tle time, has been puz­zling as be­fore. Al­though his mind is com­pletely cen­tral­ized above prac­tice, „Rum­bling Heaven” under con­di­tion re­leases fully, later must con­cen­trate mind and will im­me­di­ately re­stores, has the neg­li­gence to have the dan­ger of dying an un­timely death slightly, but is in­suf­fi­cient not to re­al­ize the break­through of pro­found strength again com­pletely.
This is Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm!
Is re­lated with the prac­tice way that I do use now?
More­over, so short time... I un­ex­pect­edly am Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level!?
To the edge of Di­vine Dao thresh­old!!
As­ton­ished, con­fused, along with it is wild with joy, al­though he does not know that his Pro­found Vein had any strange change, but his pro­found strength, was ac­tu­ally the real pro­mo­tion Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm high­est plane/level, this was sur­passes him to ex­pect, sim­ply ad­vance­ment mar­velously... Also means that the bru­tal prac­tice way that he chooses, has brought the as­ton­ished ef­fect re­ally!
Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level to Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level, Xu­anyuan Went­ian has used for more than 600 years, but he, has only used for three months!!
This takes ad­van­tage of own prac­tice com­pletely, does not de­pend upon any ex­ter­nal force or spirit med­i­cine. So speed, even if in God Realm, suf­fi­ciently shock­ing four di­rec­tions.
Yun Che lifts the right hand, silent stim­u­lates to move­ment the Devil Source Pearl strength, one group of black qi con­dense in his con­trol, im­me­di­ately, sur­round­ings space ray fast dark , the air also be­comes gloomy cold.
„The growth of Devil Source Pearl strength sped up.” Yun Che talked to one­self in a low voice: „Per­haps this way, one day, will sur­pass the Pro­found Vein strength...”
Devil Source Pearl and his Pro­found Vein melt com­pletely, are equal to an­other in­de­pen­dent source of strength that in his Pro­found Vein hides, in ad­di­tion he has the dark­ness Evil God seed in the body, is not wor­ried about strength out-of-con­trol of Devil Source Pearl com­pletely.
The Devil Source Pearl strength ex­ists in­de­pen­dently, com­pletely not by the in­flu­ence that he cul­ti­vates, but con­tin­u­ously in self- growth. Then is get­ting more and more for­mi­da­ble along with it, will cre­ate more and more big en­tice­ment to Yun Che with­out doubt, lur­ing him to use the Devil Source Pearl strength... Once ex­poses, can be the ex­tremely se­ri­ous con­se­quence.
„Jas­mine has said that after North Pri­mal Chaos South Pri­mal Chaos as­sim­i­lates, dark pro­found strength in God Realm is such as ‚heresy’ same ex­is­tence. Now is in God Realm, can­not ex­pose... It seems like that for­gets ex­is­tence of Devil Source Pearl as far as pos­si­ble.”
Yun Che talked to one­self in a low voice, then opened the door of prac­tice room, pro­found strength full, the di­rect im­pact left 36 palace re­cent trans­mis­sion.
Cor­ner that Cold Snow City, out­side the Hanxue (cold snow) ninth palace, not paid at­ten­tion.
Along with a re­sound­ing of bone dis­rup­tion, some­what thin and weak form dis­tant falling in snowy area, scar­let blood­stain quick in­car­na­dine the snow de­posit under body. The left arm that he breaks dan­gles com­pletely, the right arm strug­gles is haunch­ing the body, vi­sion stub­born and cut-throat is star­ing at the front two, al­though the com­plex­ion pain, the cor­ners of the mouth full are the blood­stain, ob­sti­nately has not ac­tu­ally ex­uded the least bit moan.
„Oh, the bone also is re­ally hard.”
A wear blue clothes, the Yin en­ergy young peo­ple walk wear a look at a mod­er­ate pace, oc­cu­py­ing a com­mand­ing po­si­tion looks at al­ready Feng Mo that is al­most un­able to stand up: „, These years, the un­yield­ing per­son from Lower Realm saw, were so hard, poured first see­ing.”
„, Hard bone, was slightly many points of strengths also breaks.” An­other young peo­ple both hands hold the chest, stands in same place has not moved, looks that the Feng Mo look full is de­spises and pities: „On Snow Silk Seed, obe­di­ently is not fil­ial piety well, must bring upon one­self these many suf­fer­ing, your come from the Lower Realm trash not only one by one waste, this brain, is one by one stu­pid.” In the re­sources that Snow Silk Seed, Cold Snow Palace of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple dis­trib­utes most pre­cious spirit med­i­cine, has one every three months, on Feng Mo that also after is he en­ters Cold Snow Palace, only that re­ceives.
„Liu Hang, Di Kui!” The left arm was bro­ken, wound reaches sev­eral much, the huge pain makes the Feng Mo com­plex­ion flood white, [say / way] that the fore­head stream­ing with sweat, he clenches jaws: „Our Cold Snow Palace ex­plic­itly ban­ning pri­vate war, robs the re­sources ma­li­ciously is the grave of­fense... You had to plant have killed me, oth­er­wise... On me each wound, is your ev­i­dence!”
„Oh?” Liu Hang and Di Kui look at each other one, then si­mul­ta­ne­ously loudly laughs wildly, a Di Kui foot flies, kicks Feng Mo ma­li­ciously, loudly says with a smile: „Ev­i­dence? What ev­i­dence? Is your wound we hits? Who saw? Do some peo­ple see? The Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­pline man­aged we to know for more than 20 years, was fil­ial piety for more than 20 years, you said that he be­lieve you, be­lieved us? Was right, Se­nior Brother Liu, I re­mem­ber in Cold Snow Palace, the vi­cious slan­der is also the grave of­fense.”
„You... You! Coughs...” Feng Mo lies in the snowy area, under the anx­ious anger, coughs con­tin­u­ally sev­eral scar­lets.
„, It seems like this piti­ful Lower Realm rep­tile has not un­der­stood the con­di­tion.” Liu Hang has nar­rowed the eye seam: „Re­gard­ing newly ar­rived Ju­nior Brother, we is al­ways loves, even if not obe­di­ent, slightly lets their long mem­ory. Only you, enter Cold Snow Palace first day, dares to of­fend Chief Hall Mas­ter un­ex­pect­edly, works as the Chief Hall Mas­ter sur­face gang to in­jure the Chief Hall Mas­ter nephew's per­son speech, the idiot who your this were un­ap­pre­cia­tive, can live today, sim­ply is the mir­a­cles.”
„The Chief Hall Mas­ter what kind sta­tus, dis­dains cer­tainly in the lowly idiot who and your this next comes hag­gles over, but if some peo­ple for Chief Hall Mas­ter ‚hag­gling over’, be­lieve that her mood does not go cer­tainly bad, let alone in­jured you, hit to aban­don, even killed, Chief Hall Mas­ter was fair, the pun­ish­ment was cer­tain... But be­hind, will per­haps re­ward us, ha!”
Di Kui foot­steps sloppy en­tered Feng Mo once more, the right foot steps on di­rectly be­fore his head, leisure [say / way]: „Feng Mo Lit­tle Ju­nior Brother, I re­minded your mat­ter again, the Liu Hang Se­nior Brother male cousin and older fe­male cousin, may be Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple. Es­pe­cially Liu Hang Se­nior Brother male cousin Liu Yizhou..., is not Mu Yizhou, that is chief dis­ci­ple of Ice Phoenix first palace, chief does dis­ci­ple un­der­stand? Has Se­nior Brother Yizhou to cover, even if no you to of­fend Chief Hall Mas­ter this mat­ter, today killed you are not any im­por­tant mat­ter.”
„...” Feng Mo clenches teeth stub­bornly, can­not speak. He from Lower Realm, ex­pe­ri­ences the heav­ily twists and turns mis­ery, the one per­son alone ar­rives at God Realm, how can also com­pare to re­sist with the God Realm fam­ily back­ground per­son. Other came from Lower Realm new pro­mote dis­ci­ple are the choice swal­low an in­sult, even flat­tered. Only has him, in­born un­yield­ing per­son made him un­able to make per­son of --- weak en­dur­ing, even if he knows that will en­counter any con­se­quence.
I who „should say said with you, thinks that is small Snow Silk Seed is im­por­tant, is your fu­ture and life is im­por­tant. Do not try again to test our few pa­tience, this is your final op­por­tu­nity, oth­er­wise... Was one's turn your right hand!” To­ward the right arm of Feng Mo, Di Kui slowly lifts starts.
„You move his right hand to try.”
The Di Kui voice just fell, a des­o­late sound re­sounds in his sky sud­denly, mak­ing his whole body one cold one stiff.


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