Friday, December 29, 2017

1010: Ice Phoenix Divine Blood

#1010: Ice Phoenix Divine Blood
Comments 216
If says be­fore today, Mu Feixue is ac­cused as the Yun Che's dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion, Mu Huanzhi slightly will have at heart also the ob­struc­tion. But today has wit­nessed the Yun Che's per­for­mance, he at this time the only feel­ing is wild with joy!
Yun Che now what kind sta­tus... Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple! En­tire Snow Song Realm young gen­er­a­tion of sta­tus no­blest man. nat­ural tal­ent that today he ex­poses is ob­vi­ous to all, on cold ice prin­ci­ple on, had the pos­si­bil­ity to sur­mount past Mu Xu­anyin only ex­tremely, so long as the life or nat­ural tal­ent did not die, in the fu­ture will be­come Snow Song Realm next Realm King, sim­ply was the mat­ter of being set­tled.
If his grand­daugh­ter Mu Feixue can marry in Yun Che, that such as the gra­cious gift is se­ri­ously or­di­nary.
If in the fu­ture Yun Che be­comes Snow Song Realm King --- or in the Snow Song Realm his­tory first mas­cu­line Realm King, then Mu Feixue, be­came Madame Realm King!
Al­though, loses Pri­mor­dial Yin pre­ma­turely, can the Mu Feixue fu­ture prac­tice hin­ders --- that is un­able to re­verse say­ing that is the dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion, but ac­tu­ally the spo­ken lines are ac­tu­ally human fur­nace that only then the male prof­its. But, not to men­tion this is the mean­ing of Mu Xu­anyin, the sole Yun Che's sta­tus and in the fu­ture, will never have the scru­ple rea­son... Do not say the re­jec­tion.
„Feixue, has not hur­ried Thanks Sect Mas­ter.” The Mu Huanzhi anx­ious sound track, dur­ing the spo­ken lan­guages is dif­fi­cult to cover the happy ex­pres­sion.
But these have the el­ders, Palace Mas­ter, Hall Mas­ter un­mar­ried fem­i­nine later gen­er­a­tion are look to ad­mire that all color of --- envy de­pends! How such good deed has not been one's turn on my fam­ily grand­daugh­ter!
But thinks of Mu Feixue nat­ural tal­ent, blood­line and ap­pear­ance, they also can only the help­less envy.
Mu Feixue Mu Xue, wor­ships on bended knees side Mu Huanzhi under.
„Feixue, this mat­ter, can you have the ob­jec­tion?” Mu Xu­anyin dig­ni­fied [say / way].
„All de­pend on Sect Mas­ter to take re­spon­si­bil­ity.” Mu Feixue replied. Said a word ice-cold such as be­gin­ning, not sadly not happy, did not have the bil­lows with­out the wave.
From be­gin­ning to end has not gone to look at Yun Che one.
„Is very good, then this mat­ter, then so set.” Mu Xu­anyin sat­is­fac­tory nod: „Huanzhi, this mat­ter is then in­formed the Feixue par­ents by you, when as for the date, se­lects re­con­sid­ers, but nat­u­rally the quicker the bet­ter.”
„Yes, Huanzhi will start start­ing to­mor­row then to get ready.” Mu Huanzhi nods again and again.
Stand­ing of Yun Che block­head pile there, a face com­pels ig­no­rant... Do I go? I go! What sit­u­a­tion? dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion what ghost? Does Ice Phoenix God Sect have this grade of con­cept? And... About me, is such big mat­ter, why asks my opin­ion on no­body!?
I am not ripe with Mu Feixue, has not said Ah! in­clud­ing the words
Yun Che starts to speak but hes­i­tates, has the ap­pear­ance that words could not say, but Mu Xu­anyin com­pletely do not in­quire about the mean­ing of his opin­ion. Stood up at this time slowly, the ice-cold pupil light has swept the au­di­ence: „The rit­ual of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher al­ready be­comes, the mat­ter that should de­cide has also de­cided that if no his mat­ter, all draws back.”
Under Mu Xu­anyin made, after the peo­ple did obei­sance to­gether, started fast and sys­tem­atic dis­pers­ing.
Ice Phoenix God Hall in fi­nally, many God Hall dis­ci­ple has ar­rived at the Mu Hanyi body side, re­sem­bles says a word to com­fort him in ac­cord­ing to... After all, Mu Hanyi loves Mu Feixue crazily, this is the mat­ter that the en­tire sects all know, more­over they have also thought that they are the cre­ated by heaven and earth young boys and girls, Mu Huanzhi also never dis­plays the op­po­si­tion the mean­ing.
But, she had ac­tu­ally been be­stowed Yun Che by Sect Mas­ter..., more­over when pro­motes blood­line and pro­found strength human fur­nace.
Past, he has en­tire sect most to burn goal halo. Today, ac­tu­ally be­cause of Yun Che, but ap­pears the low-spir­ited achro­matic color. For­merly can­not be­come the per­son who for him di­rect dis­ci­ple in­dig­nants dis­turbed, does not think him to be able com­pared with re­sult­ing in Yun Che.
Per­son­ally made in Mu Xu­anyin, Mu Hanyi thinks to read­ing of Mu Feixue that then thor­oughly de­gen­er­ated into dream of a fool.
If, Yun Che has not ar­rived at Snow Song Realm, then, Mu Hanyi in the war of Heav­enly Lake log­i­cal be­comes Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, Mu Feixue nat­u­rally was also very likely the date so to be granted Mu Hanyi by Sect Mas­ter now, at that time, his life, will achieve long-awaited per­fect.
But Yun Che's ap­pears, all these com­plete smash­ing. Should be­long to his all, en­tire tribe to Yun Che's on... But he, de­gen­er­ates into the sor­row­ful set-off merely.
Mu Hanyi this time mood, no­body can the shall be grate­ful as a per­sonal favor.
Per­haps, this is the bru­tal­ity of des­tiny. He is hold­ing in­her­ent side high nat­ural tal­ent, the hon­ored sta­tus as well as the per­fect mak­ings ap­pear­ance, ac­tu­ally must try hard ten times com­pared with the av­er­age per­son... But he more than 20 years of ef­forts, ac­tu­ally com­pared with ar­rive for three months, in­clud­ing Yun Che that the heel has not come to a stop.
Quick, all peo­ple com­pletely all di­verge, the big tem­ple square, only re­main­ing Mu Xu­anyin, first as if made by heaven is Sect Mas­ter dis­ci­ple Yun Che.
Lives alone with Mu Xu­anyin, stand­ing that Yun Che de­cides there, does not dare to step, a few words do not dare to say... He nat­u­rally not for­gets him­self to sex­u­ally ha­rass „Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter” the mat­ter.
Yeah, the hope can­not only „dying” is too mis­er­able.
The world be­comes a piece of si­lenc­ing, only has the fly­ing snow to dance in the air in the cold wind. Mu Xu­anyin stands still in the wind and snow, for a very long time does not say a word, seems think­ing deeply about any­thing. Yun Che often se­cretly looks at her sil­hou­ette, nat­u­rally on own ini­tia­tive will not speak... When ini­tially Snow Song Realm, he de­cid­edly has not thought that one day, he un­ex­pect­edly can live alone with the so ter­ri­fy­ing char­ac­ter.
„Is the Pri­mor­dial Evil God's in­her­i­tance, El­e­men­tal Cre­ation God lives up to rep­u­ta­tion worthily, can be so the de­gree un­ex­pect­edly.” Mu Xu­anyin makes noise sud­denly, sound in­dif­fer­ent pure-heart as al­ways: „The nat­ural tal­ent un­ex­pected un­usu­al­ity of that Huo Poyun, has such sev­eral in­stances, in­clud­ing me thinks that must de­feat with­out doubt.”
Mu Xu­anyin al­ready opened the mouth, more­over is bring­ing the in­gre­di­ent of praise, Yun Che re­laxes darkly, dares to start talk­ing fi­nally, di­rectly asked the ques­tion in one­self heart: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, dis­ci­ple wants to ask... You tempt Huo Rulie to pro­pose that in­ten­tion­ally dis­ci­ple does mea­sure strength?”
„...” Mu Xu­anyin at this time slowly has turned around, Zhang Fangfo con­densed the side beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ances of mag­nif­i­cent of en­tire Snow Song Realm all snow and ice to make Yun Che hold the breath in­stan­ta­neously, fol­low­ing, such as ap­pear­ance peak ice-cold let him dig­ni­fiedly un­con­scious low­er­ing the head, does not dare with her pupil light look­ing at each other.
„You thought that Huo Rulie this per­son how?” Mu Xu­anyin asked.
Yun Che thinks slightly that said: „dis­ci­ple thought that Sect Mas­ter Huo some­what seems to be hot tem­pered testy, this and he car­ries Golden Crow Blood­line to have cer­tain re­la­tions. More­over can see, he in­deed is the words of enour­mous weight rigid char­ac­ter.”
„Hot tem­pered testy? Snort.” Mu Xu­anyin is ac­tu­ally light snort|hum one: „Huo Rulie Golden Crow Sect Sect Mas­ter's sta­tus, in Flame God Realm not less than a king. If he is re­ally a crude stu­pid per­son, how could also be­comes Golden Crow Sect Sect Mas­ter.”
Yun Che: „...”
„Huo Rulie this per­son seems like hot tem­pered rash, reg­u­la­tions as­tute, more­over is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult to lose one's tem­per. But, he has a very big dis­po­si­tion weak­ness, that is once moves to get angry, ex­tremely easy mood out-of-con­trol, to make the ac­tion of im­pul­sion, ver­ti­cal is Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai is hard to pre­vent. But oth­ers make him lose one's tem­per dif­fi­cultly, but I want to en­rage him, is ac­tu­ally easy!”
Yun Che slightly raise one's head: „There­fore, Hon­ored Mas­ter does en­rage Sect Mas­ter Huo in­ten­tion­ally?”
Mu Xu­anyin had not replied, but cold sound asked back again: „I asked you again, Flame God Realm three Sect Mas­ter came by one­self, al­though for dis­play sin­cer­ity, but was also vi­o­lat­ing the dan­ger, since vi­o­lated the dan­ger, why can also have three young one gen­er­a­tion to come to­gether?”
„...” Yun Che opened the yawn, had not replied.
„Seemed like is Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai has own later gen­er­a­tion, the Huo Rulie not good per­son to come, there­fore brought di­rect dis­ci­ple. But the reg­u­la­tions are just the op­po­site.” A Mu Xu­anyin pair of beau­ti­ful pupil such as the Heav­enly Lake cold deep pool, is re­flect­ing in so­ci­ety ice-cold­est, purest cold light: „Clearly is Huo Rulie must in­sist on bring­ing di­rect dis­ci­ple with, Yan Wan­cang and Yan Jue­hai but in, must take own later gen­er­a­tion, oth­er­wise, mean­ing of provo­ca­tion was too con­spic­u­ous.”
„Provo­ca­tion?” Yun Che un­der­stood any­thing.
„Be­fore seven day, ac­cepts you are the mat­ter of di­rect dis­ci­ple, al­though out­side has not pro­claimed, but Flame God Realm has many in­form­ers in Ice Phoenix Realm, they know that is nor­mal. Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) toxin mat­ter, they also surely al­ready knew. The mat­ter ac­cu­mu­lated griev­ances of Huo Rulie to my se­vere wound his son in the heart, after know­ing this mat­ter must live ten times of anger to hate, after know­ing me di­rect dis­ci­ple, liv­ing how could he re­presses brings di­rect dis­ci­ple that his nat­ural tal­ent dif­fer­ent re­ported to dampen my face coun­te­nance!”
„... Hon­ored Mas­ter un­der­stands Sect Mas­ter Huo prob­a­bly es­pe­cially.” Yun Che said.
„Snort, when he ar­rives looks at my look, that Huo Poyun ob­vi­ously un­usual blood­line aura, a I ap­par­ent his goal.” The Mu Xu­anyin cold words said: „Was only a pity that plays the plans with me, he also fell far short!”
„...” In the Yun Che heart shakes darkly, creepy feel­ing.
Huo Rulie was stirred up the vi­o­lent anger by Mu Xu­anyin first eas­ily, was wounded then by a Mu Xu­anyin palm, under vi­o­lent anger in ad­di­tion is in­jured, Huo Rulie com­pletely loses sanely, turned into the boor­ish fel­low of out-of-con­trol from Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter, the later all, can say sim­ply on is log­i­cal,
Solemn Golden Crow Sect Mas­ter, the en­tire jour­ney led by the nose, was played like the small mouse... He even more thought that fol­lows in her side, can be an in­com­pa­ra­ble ter­ror mat­ter ab­solutely.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, dis­ci­ple wants to ask that you plan... It is not, do you guide the Sect Mas­ter Huo goal are to at­tain Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World?”
Mu Xu­anyin to Huo Rulie de­manded un­ex­pect­edly at all im­pos­si­ble prac­tice Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, any­body is as­ton­ished, Yun Che sim­i­larly so.
Mu Xu­anyin said in­dif­fer­ently: „Wants Huo Rulie to hand over Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World, but is I changes the mind tem­porar­ily.”
Yun Che:???
The Mu Xu­anyin palm turns, one vol­ume re­leases pure gold ray jade slip is ap­pear­ing, was lost by her di­rectly to Yun Che.
Yun Che sub­con­scious putting out a hand meets in hand... His eyes rec­og­nize, this clearly was Huo Rulie a mo­ment ago gave Mu Xu­anyin, en­graves com­plete Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World that jade slip!
„This Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World carves by Soul Im­print, only may refer to one time, later will di­rectly then van­ish, can prac­tice to com­pre­hend what de­gree, must think you!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said.
„...” Yun Che is tak­ing pure gold jade slip, has gawked some lit­tle time, the [say / way] that stares blankly: „You to give me...”
„Sits down!” Mu Xu­anyin cold sound track.
Yun Che re­ceives pure gold jade slip com­plex, fa­cial ex­pres­sion sits down ac­cord­ing to the word.
Mu Xu­anyin steps, is bring­ing ice-cold be­fore the ex­treme cold wind ar­rived at the Yun Che's body, away him has the one pace.
„Closes the eye, de­cides the soul to de­fend the heart, can­not have the dis­tract­ing thoughts.”
„Yes.” Yun Che ac­cord­ingly.
Along with closed of Yun Che both eyes, his aura also grad­ual is steady, to fi­nally, the every­where float­ing snow has con­t­a­m­i­nated on his coat, for a long time has not been sep­a­rated.
Mu Xu­anyin stretches out the fin­ger, glit­ters the ice blue bril­liance blood bead to con­geal in the fin­ger­tip, then se­lects Yun Che's be­tween the eye­brows .
The Yun Che body slightly shakes, pure cold qi dis­perses in the world, the blue light flashes, that het­e­rochro­sis blood bead slowly in­te­grates Yun Che's be­tween the eye­brows , along with it, the Yun Che's body sur­face, fluc­tu­ates to wipe ice blue bril­liance vi­sion­ally.
Ice Phoenix Di­vine Blood!
More­over is purest pri­mo­gen­i­tor blood source!
The Mu Xu­anyin fin­ger takes back, palm cold light con­denses, then must turn round in the Yun Che's space be­tween eye­brows, but just moved, her palm and fa­cial ex­pres­sion same time lag, then slowly has then taken back, looks silently starts to build up di­rectly in­de­pen­dently, does not need her by strength aux­il­iary Yun Che.
Yun Che has been think­ing for serveral days re­quests her to be the mas­ter, is ac­tu­ally to is wrong, is the luck is the calamity.
But Mu Xu­anyin to him , has same read­ing to think.


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