Friday, December 29, 2017

986: Enters Divine Dao finally

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#986: Enters Divine Dao finally
Comments 264
Why at this time...
Mu Bingyun cres­cent moon eye­brow big wrin­kle. If the break­through of small Realm is the pro­found strength quan­ti­ta­tive change, the big Realm break­through is the qual­i­ta­tive change, then, from every [say / way] to the break­through of Di­vine Dao, is the thor­ough, com­plete trans­for­ma­tion, was en­tirely dif­fer­ent from for­merly any break­through. But this process ex­tremely will be long and dif­fi­cult, often is the day can com­plete, even if nat­ural tal­ent ex­tremely to high, smooth in­com­pa­ra­ble, is a dou­ble-hour.
And fol­lows the rel­a­tive high risk, par­tic­u­larly breaks through in the process un­able to re­ceive any dis­tur­bance, oth­er­wise ex­tremely easy to cre­ate the heavy losses that is hard to re­verse to Pro­found Vein.
There­fore, every peak pro­found prac­ti­tioner when feel­ing one­self will soon break through, will choose closes up im­me­di­ately.
But Yun Che from every [say / way] to the break­through of Di­vine Dao, ac­tu­ally comes so sud­denly.
When steps into Di­vine Dao, whole body pro­found qi will ex­pe­ri­ence a thor­ough trans­for­ma­tion, in this process, pro­found qi will break away from the con­trol com­pletely, is un­able to re­volve and re­lease, is im­pos­si­ble to con­trol Heav­enly Lake cold qi again. Here Heav­enly Lake cold qi, with­out doubt be­comes the enor­mous hin­drance that he breaks through, even in a short time cre­ates the heavy losses to his body and Pro­found Vein. There­fore Yun Che sud­denly breaks through here, sim­ply as dan­ger­ous as the ex­treme.
Mu Bingyun does not dare to have any hes­i­ta­tion, gets rid fast, the cold qi re­lease, then must cloth next around Yun Che block for­ma­tion, si­mul­ta­ne­ously is think­ing fast how to most not to dis­turb his way to lead him to leave Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake im­me­di­ately.
But cold qi has not re­leased, she has then been star­tled... Be­cause around the Yun Che body the pro­found qi cir­cling speed, drew near the un­read­able de­gree.
„Trans­for­ma­tion”, the na­ture is slow and dif­fi­cult. But Yun Che pro­found qi cir­cu­la­tion is ac­tu­ally quickly like the storm. Does not have the pro­found qi guard, cold qi to enter under body to meet the body to cower, is very painful, but Yun Che is the fa­cial color is usual, whole body does not have the least bit be­cause of the sign that cold qi twitches.
Al­though the pro­found qi cir­cu­la­tion is ex­tremely quick, but is not chaotic.
The Mu Bingyun palm stopped there, for a long time has not moved, the vi­sion passed the as­ton­ish­ment of a very long time not hav­ing been dis­pers­ing. Her be­hind, the Mu Xi­aolan whole face is tight, does not dare to make the sound, the at­mos­phere does not dare to breathe heav­ily.
Yun Che un­usual form, only has the dis­tance Yun Che re­cent Mu Bingyun de­tec­tion. Other peo­ple, re­gard­less of elder Palace Mas­ter or dis­ci­ple, after ini­tial as­ton­ished, the vi­sion that quickly puts aside. This break­through, to Yun Che is one type new stu­dent who en­ters brand-new Realm, but... All peo­ple on the scene, be­sides him, al­ready in the Di­vine Dao Do­main many years, basic suc­ces­sive „being un­alarmed by strange sights” were not com­pletely... Some in se­cret are even snort­ing con­temp­tu­ously.
Be­cause of this to them, how long be­gin­ning but was one al­ready stepped not to know.
Be­fore was cap­tured the at­ten­tion, but is the op­por­tu­nity of Yun Che break­through some­what spoils the fun. An­other side is de­cided that Realm King next di­rect dis­ci­ple in­tense war, who will focus on a break­through of triv­ial Di­vine Dao be­gin­ning.
More­over looks at the Mu Bingyun ap­pear­ance, ob­vi­ously is lean­ing Pro­tec­tor, has her to pro­tect per­son­ally, then here breaks through should also not any major prob­lem.
Yun Che's Pro­found Vein world, neb­ula still slow growth in fast re­volv­ing, stars of twin­kle also grad­ual is more crowded. Four color bril­liance move in flash of same fre­quency, the en­tire Pro­found Vein in­ner-world in the tremen­dous changes, the sense of touch that trans­mits from var­i­ous body places is also chang­ing, to the sen­sa­tion of world also in clear change.
Pic­ture that in the con­scious­ness play­backs un­ceas­ingly, looked like with the past farewell... Makes clear to him to ad­vance to an­other brand-new world, had the brand-new life and strength.
Only in­vari­able, is Devil Source Pearl in Pro­found Vein... as be­fore a gloomy deathly still­ness.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is silent, only has the sound that the pool of water drops to strike the soul. All at­ten­tion cen­tral­ized on Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, the ice spirit quan­tity of the lapse of time, their con­tention ac­tu­ally even more rub­ber, is at­tract­ing is ex­actly the same, from be­gin­ning to end has not widened the dis­par­ity.
Two -and-a-half dou­ble-hour pass by, ice spirit that they at­tract is 24... Two quar­ters pass by, al­most in the com­pletely sim­i­lar time, turned into 26... Also is the quar­ter passes, si­mul­ta­ne­ously turned into 27.
The time seemed to be slow, re­gard­less of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple of pool, is God Hall dis­ci­ple in Heav­enly Lake, was un­able with rapt at­ten­tion, but opens the eye, turns very quiet, was wait­ing for looks at the final re­sult.
Even if there is dis­par­ity slightly, will not make the at­mos­phere so hold the breath, but their not only ice spirit quan­tity is the same through­out, the dif­fer­ence is min­i­mal.
„Has not thought that above ice at­tribute prin­ci­ple, they so are un­ex­pect­edly evenly matched, nearly three dou­ble-hour, ac­tu­ally com­pletely could not see that whose who is weak.” A Di­vine Phoenix elder said after a sigh.
„My sect gen­er­a­tion can si­mul­ta­ne­ously pre­sent two so out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple, ac­tu­ally great good for­tune.” An­other God Hall elder said.
But at this mo­ment, the vi­sion and looks of all peo­ple fiercely change.
Be­cause, in this final time, Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue un­ex­pect­edly as if by prior agree­ment has strongly ap­proached same only ice spirit the strength and mind.
They si­mul­ta­ne­ously have also been dis­cov­er­ing this point, but no one has shifted... Be­cause, this is to their re­cent that cur­rently al­most does not have the dis­par­ity con­di­tion by them, if were de­cid­ing fi­nally the des­tiny the time se­lects the goal in ad­di­tion, re­gion that al­most must de­feat.
This as­pect, made in­tense the in­com­pa­ra­ble at­mos­phere sud­denly con­den­sa­tion. This time, el­ders and Palace Mas­ter have turned very quiet.
Time, but also re­mains final quar­ter, this time, only enough they most at­tract ice spirit... also to mean, this ice spirit where­abouts that they si­mul­ta­ne­ously choose, will di­rectly only de­cide today's re­sult.
The at­trac­tions and sum­mon of two ice-cold aura, the con­scious­ness of this ice spirit was only touched, only hes­i­tant very short time, then flies to them . More­over the speed of fly­ing must ob­vi­ously quick for­merly any ice spirit, the path that but, it flies is ac­tu­ally not a straight line, more­over is fluc­tu­at­ing un­ceas­ingly, from time to time to­ward left, from time to time to­ward right.
Fi­nally, it stopped... Just stopped be­tween Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue them, then re­mained same place, for a long time again has not moved... Ob­vi­ously, is mak­ing the puz­zled choice.
Bit­ing... Bit­ing... Bit­ing...
The pool of water in pro­found array are get­ting fewer and fewer, the last act of this show­down was near at hand. All lines of sight firmly stare among them on that only ice spirit, how­ever it was de­cided likely there, what­ever the time starts the final count­down, through­out is ac­tu­ally not will­ing to fly.
„Goes to Ah! the breath of Mu Yun­zhi also to stop with ice spirit to Hanyi that side”, car­ries ex­tremely tall Xi­uwei, the com­plex­ion that ac­tu­ally sup­presses is red. Both hands that grips tightly al­most must split in­clud­ing the blue vein.
„Feixue, come on.” Mu Huanzhi also al­ready was the fore­head sweated. Al­though he looks to the re­sult does not have Mu Yun­zhi to be so heavy, if Mu Hanyi wins, he can also ac­cept con­fi­dently, but the con­tention of en­tire three dou­ble-hour, so was in­tense to the last minute, his heart is un­able not to clutch ma­li­ciously tightly.
Al­though Mu Feixue is des­o­late, the spo­ken lan­guage are ex­tremely few, but is Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, which is not vainly hopes for into Great Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple!
Bit­ing... Bit­ing... Bit­ing...
The water of Heav­enly Lake still in me­thod­i­cal drop­ping, in pro­found array, the pool of water that re­mains fi­nally ar­rived at the final hun­dred drops.
90 drops...
80 drops...
70 drops...
The eye of Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue has shut tightly firmly, but is ice mist as­cends. They to cold ice prin­ci­ple are out­spo­ken the sen­si­bil­ity of life­time uses... Be­fore today, two in­di­vid­ual both have the al­most ab­solute self-con­fi­dence, two peo­ple both have not thought that great strength that op­po­site party ex­pects un­ex­pect­edly.
Al­though they are in this gen­er­a­tion of Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple rec­og­nize topest two, but usu­ally, they as be­fore have suit­ably re­tains... Re­lease that until today, is out­spo­ken.
50 drops...
40 drops...
30 drops...
The sound of each drop of gut­ter, heav­ily is rap­ping all heart­strings. But that was only de­cid­ing the ice spirit ac­tu­ally still ob­sti­nate stay of final out­come in same place, the ag­o­nic is not slant­ing.
En­tire Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, does not only have, there­fore tight heart­strings has a per­son...
That com­pletely is at Yun Che in one­self world.
His break­through, at this time... Also after a short dou­ble-hour, wel­comed the per­fect last act fi­nally.
pro­found qi of Yun Che whole body stopped the en­cir­clement, more­over re­turned to his body in silent. The Pro­found Vein world com­pletely did not see once rich mist, but just like the bound­less starry sky, in which point stars is glit­ter­ing mys­te­ri­ous and for­mi­da­ble aura.
Di­vine Dao aura... Di­vine Essence Realm First Level aura!!
Di­vine Essence Realm, is the mor­tal steps into the Di­vine Dao first step, is „essence de­ifi­ca­tion” one step, will make pro­found prac­ti­tioner con­sti­tu­tion sur­pass a per­son of bound­ary, the en­hance­ment of enor­mous scope, life also large scale growth.
This change, on the bod­ies of other pro­found prac­ti­tioner is the ex­tremely ob­vi­ous trans­for­ma­tion, but on Yun Che, the change feel­ing on con­sti­tu­tion is not in­tense, be­cause of his con­sti­tu­tion, had al­ready far ex­ceeded the cat­e­gory of mor­tal.
There­fore to oth­ers is the trans­for­ma­tion, for him, but strength­ens once again.
But makes Yun Che be wild with joy, is the vi­o­lent on pro­found strength in­creases!
The feel­ing of pro­found qi com­pletely changed, al­though he for­merly has fought with Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, but the feel­ings are not ob­vi­ous, but on one­self, that feel­ing, looks like an­other Do­main strength! Al­though is only a break­through, from Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level to span­ning of Di­vine Essence Realm First Level, but he felt that he far more than was for­mi­da­ble 1-2 times, but was ten times con­tin­ues!!
Under the am­pli­fi­ca­tion of strength of Evil God, he is un­able to es­ti­mate that can re­lease the for­mi­da­ble strength!
On this strength plane/level the un­prece­dented sub­li­ma­tion makes the Yun Che's soul surge for a very long time, the con­fi­dence and ar­ro­gance also along with it sud­denly to in­crease, sud­denly even had al­ready for­mi­da­ble to the om­nipo­tent feel­ing. Im­merses in this joy­ful­ness, he had for­got­ten one­self pre­sent is where, happy bel­lows, both arms big, will march into Di­vine Dao pro­found qi to re­lease reck­lessly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously re­al­izes also di­rectly wakes up...
25 drops...
20 drops...
15 drops...
The Heav­enly Lake pool of water ap­proached grad­u­ally has dropped the edge com­pletely, but at this time, sta­tic for a long time ice spirit in the beats of all per­son pupil light, fi­nally had the sound. It has dis­placed in the hes­i­ta­tion... Dis­places, im­pres­sively is the di­rec­tion that Mu Hanyi is, in light of this has made then as if the final de­ci­sion, flies to Mu Hanyi.
Ten drops...
„Was Hanyi wins!!” Final re­sult, in this mo­ment clear pre­sents, along with the choice of ice spirit, set­tles down fi­nally. The water of Heav­enly Lake only re­mains the final ten drops, the so short time, does not have the re­ver­sal to be pos­si­ble again.
„Ha!” Mu Yun­zhi re­laxed com­pletely, even if she sev­eral thou­sand years of cul­ti­vat­ing is, is un­able to de­press wild with joy be­tween this mo­ment hearts, has laughed reck­lessly.
„Yeah.” Mu Huanzhi heaved a deep sigh. In­tensely to so de­gree, final re­sult ba­si­cally al­ready with strength ir­rel­e­vant, but more lies in in­stant of ice spirit con­scious­ness, but, de­feated has de­feated.
Both eyes of Mu Hanyi shut tightly as be­fore, but the lip angle has shown the happy ex­pres­sion, the body also ob­vi­ously pre­sented ex­cited shiv­er­ing.
But at this mo­ment, above the pool, ini­tially en­ters the pro­found qi very in­op­por­tune re­lease of Di­vine Dao, but also fol­lows ex­cited roar­ing that is dis­re­spect­ful ex­tremely.
This in­stant, flew to Mu Hanyi ice spirit that roared to re­sound sud­denly sta­tic, then did not have the omen ex­uded one for­merly never to have, elu­sive re­cited crisply, the speed of flight sped up sud­denly, draws near far ultra for­merly any ice spirit...
But path of flight ac­tu­ally had the change, no longer flies to Mu Hanyi, but flew sud­denly to the dis­tant place pool... Flies to the po­si­tion that Yun Che was at!!
The peo­ple had not re­sponded that had any­thing, the tran­quil Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake rip­ples rise from all di­rec­tions sud­denly, the dis­tant place was danc­ing in the air ice spirit that played to make the sound of de­light­ful clear elf com­pletely, then danced in the air, pur­sued for­merly that only ice spirit to go, the speed will draw near likely is snow white me­te­ors...
Also in same in­stant, dances in the air around Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, they have used the en­tire three dou­ble-hour, uses ice spirit un­ex­pect­edly com­pletely sep­a­ra­tion that with­out hes­i­ta­tion at­tracts fully, non-stop flies Yun Che to go with all ice spirit.
Their speeds are ex­tremely fast, all flew to Yun Che's side. For­merly, danced in the air is the stance slow brings to be care­ful and hes­i­tate in God Hall dis­ci­ple ice spirit, but, ac­tu­ally danced in the air around Yun Che they es­pe­cially ex­cit­edly, sound in­com­pa­ra­ble jump­ing for joy, to him who in danc­ing in the air rushed to be first is ap­proach­ing, as if his body in a big way has some type to the fatal at­trac­tion.
Above Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake en­tire three thou­sand ice spirit, in short count­ing breaths, gath­ered the Yun Che's body side com­pletely, with­out ex­cep­tion!
The deep cold pool of water in pro­found array dropped the last drop fi­nally, Yun Che has also opened the eye at this time, was shocked di­rectly, stunned looks that pe­riph­ery ice spirit of ex­cited danc­ing in the air... as well as were freez­ing the face of being shocked.


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