Friday, December 29, 2017

968: Fights tooth and nail, the jade falls ice soul

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#968: Fights tooth and nail, the jade falls ice soul ( Part 3 )
Comments 203
About Pro­found God Con­fer­ence „the sound of Eter­nal Sky” has brought for a very long time the rest­less giant mighty waves to East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, be­side East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, hugest West­ern God Ter­ri­tory, as well as South­ern God Ter­ri­tory and North­ern God Ter­ri­tory also nat­u­rally ob­tained the news, has had not the small change.
In this Pro­found God Con­fer­ence was at vari­ance with under the past se­vere con­di­tion, even if is Ice Phoenix God Sect that Snow Song Realm con­trolled high, has dis­ci­ple that the qual­i­fi­ca­tions reg­is­tered is the quan­tity are ex­tremely also few, more­over ba­si­cally com­pletely cen­tral­ized in Ice Phoenix God Hall, 30 six Ice Phoenix Palace had qual­i­fi­ca­tions to add less than hun­dred peo­ple, and was at the most edges of reg­is­tra­tion qual­i­fi­ca­tions.
The huge op­por­tu­nity from Eter­nal Sky Pearl makes Snow Song Realm have the peo­ple who the qual­i­fi­ca­tions reg­is­ter ex­cit­edly to be dif­fi­cult to damp. But they are also very clear, one­self again how dili­gently, is de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble to ob­tain to enter the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm... Pushes in first 1000 in en­tire East­ern God Ter­ri­tory young one gen­er­a­tion, is Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner, this to them can only be il­lu­sory fan­tasy story.
Also be­cause of the sound of this Eter­nal Sky, Ice Phoenix Realm has been short of sev­eral points of lonely com­pared with the or­di­nary day, a major part at­ten­tion, went to for 30 months later is doomed un­usual Pro­found God Con­fer­ence.
„Lit­tle Ju­nior Brother Yun, opens the door, Hon­ored Mas­ter has the mat­ter to look for you.”
Stands be­fore the Yun Che's prac­tice room, Mu Xi­aolan quite some im­pa­tient was call­ing the gate. Of that day „the sound of Eter­nal Sky” makes him come under very big at­tack ob­vi­ously, the Mu Bingyun book thinks that he after calm­ing down, will ask him to seek the so­lu­tion on own ini­tia­tive the fa­vor­able turn, but is five days passes, Yun Che does not have the sound through­out, more­over looked from aura that his these five days have stayed in­door the prac­tice, half step has not come out.
„Lit­tle Ju­nior Brother Yun... Yun Che... feeds! Opens the door quickly, is Hon­ored Mas­ter shouts you!”
The Mu Xi­aolan sound was loud grad­u­ally, but prac­tice room stone gate shuts tightly, through­out does not have the sound.
„You do not open the door, the words that Hon­ored Mas­ter is angry, I may, no mat­ter you! Opens the door along with me quickly sees Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
The blue light pats to­gether on stone gate, Mu Xi­aolan spite­ful stamp­ing the feet, turns around to walk.
„Yun Che?” Saw that a Mu Xi­aolan per­son comes back, Mu Bingyun is as­ton­ished how­ever said.
„Snort,” Mu Xi­aolan out­stand­ing lip said: „I shouted him for a long time, he paid no at­ten­tion to me. More­over, I said is Hon­ored Mas­ter looks for him... Ir­ri­tated! How he can de­pend Hon­ored Mas­ter to favor him so to be ram­pant, ir­ri­tates has ir­ri­tated!”
„...” The Mu Bingyun pupil light micro ex­ten­sion, said in a soft voice: „Yun Che, al­though words and deeds com­pared with av­er­age man reck­lessly, but does not have good man­ners by no means the per­son of num­ber, can have an ac­ci­dent?”
„Xi­aolan, along with has a look for the mas­ter.”
Mu Bingyun per­son­ally comes to the prac­tice room that Yun Che be­fore, when close, un­usual aura then makes her cres­cent moon eye­brow fierce moves, the form plun­ders fast near, the blue light flashes be­fore, will prac­tice the front door of room to shove open di­rectly.
„Ah!” prac­tice room front door opens in­stant, Mu Xi­aolan calls out in alarm.
Ex­tremely chaotic, is snow­storm gen­eral ice-cold aura wells up from the prac­tice room likely crazily, but the ori­gin of this chaotic aura, is cul­ti­vates in the room im­pres­sively a blue per­son's shadow.
The per­son's shadow body is fluc­tu­at­ing the some­what hot tem­pered blue light, the en­tire body the su­per­po­si­tion in thick cold ice, the whole body was mo­tion­less, could not see clearly the five senses com­pletely, can only catch the out­line of body and four limbs re­luc­tantly.
„... He... He...” Can in this prac­tice room, nat­u­rally have Yun Che. But now pre­sents in Mu Xi­aolan at pre­sent, only then re­leases the ice sculp­ture of chaotic cold qi un­ceas­ingly, but this chaotic cold qi, is clearly bring­ing Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill aura.
Mu Xi­aolan has some­what been scared, [say / way] of stut­ter­ing: „He...... Took that Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill force­fully?”
Mu Bingyun snow face cold, her palm wipes, the stone gate in­stan­ta­neous clo­sure of prac­tice room, the form has also flashed be­fore to the Yun Che's body side, her right hand stretches out, opens the snow and ice carve the slen­der jade to refer, fast and gen­tle ca­ress­ing on Yun Che's.
„He... Is he also liv­ing?” Some Mu Xi­aolan trem­bling with fear [say / way]. Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, does not dare to swal­low in­clud­ing her ab­solutely force­fully, Yun Che ate un­ex­pect­edly vol­un­tar­ily. By his every body... The con­se­quence that such makes rad­i­cally is the dead end, let alone, passed en­tire five days.
To the pre­sent, his whole per­son, from in­side to out­side, should thor­oughly turn into the ice pow­der...
Al­though, she does not like Yun Che, but is ac­tu­ally not too re­pug­nantly... The key is, Hon­ored Mas­ter or fa­vors very much his.
When she asked these words, did not have the ex­pec­ta­tion to ob­tain the af­fir­ma­tive reply, but im­me­di­ately, she no­ticed that the Mu Bingyun fa­cial ex­pres­sion sud­denly changed, from ex­tremely dig­ni­fied, be­came some­what un­usual, re­vealed deeper and deeper sur­prised un­ex­pect­edly, saw likely sud­denly mat­ter that any­thing is un­able to be­lieve.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, he... How?” Mu Xi­aolan more care­ful ask­ing.
„He... Also is liv­ing.” The Mu Bingyun tonal­ity is hav­ing the dif­fer­ence.
„Eh?” Mu Xi­aolan one dull.
„More­over, al­though his merid­i­ans some­what are dam­aged, but Pro­found Vein...”
The Mu Bingyun voice has not fallen, turns round to break to pieces the mas­sive fis­sures in Yun Che ice layer sud­denly, is scat­tered in dis­or­der, has not fallen to the ground, then had car­ried over by the air cur­rent very far.
The ice layer falls, re­veals the Yun Che's body... His body sur­face pro­found qi flees, mi­crostrip blue light. Be­cause the whole body clothes al­ready changed to ice pow­der, in the ice layer breaks into pieces, the whole per­son is bare as­sumes com­pletely in the line of sight of Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan.
„---” the Mu Xi­aolan beau­ti­ful eye stares all of a sud­den in a big way, flow­ery lips big, a scream just roared half, then in a low voice had been stopped by Mu Bingyun: „Do not make noise.”
Mu Xi­aolan cov­ered own lip hastily, the body also like light­ning trans­ferred, wiped bright red to spread in an in­stant from the cheeks the nape of the neck, the breath also be­came star­tled rapid, crossed some lit­tle time, she [say / way] of voice trem­ble: „He... He... He does not have... Has not put on...”
„He has not died un­ex­pect­edly, and... Still un­ceas­ingly is ab­sorb­ing the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy.”
The Mu Bingyun sound is very light, but is bring­ing deep sur­prised. Her palm strokes, wipes ice mist du­pli­cate, has blocked from Yun Che's half-length, how­ever re­treat lat­ter two steps: „Xi­aolan, turns around.”
Mu Xi­aolan cau­tiously has trans­ferred, ac­tu­ally as be­fore does not dare raise one's head to look at Yun Che, low voice timid [say / way]: „He... Is he all right re­ally?”
„Al­though is quite in­con­ceiv­able, but he in­deed does not have any dan­ger.” Mu Bingyun has not said any­thing, but the brow has been pressed, in pupil pupil ac­cu­mu­lated deep puz­zled. From Yun Che's in the breath, some time ago was with­stand­ing the heavy losses to his whole body merid­i­ans that she felt surely... Should within these days, this also force­fully take the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill in­evitable con­se­quence. But she in­ves­ti­gates the Yun Che's whole body, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that his merid­i­ans dam­age de­gree un­ex­pect­edly is ex­tremely slight.
Then se­ri­ous merid­i­ans wound, how pos­si­bly in such a short time self-re­cov­ery to so de­gree... More­over the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy until now is still at­tack­ing his body.
„This... How pos­si­ble?” Mu Xi­aolan whole face does not dare to be­lieve: „Is I, di­rect cloth­ing/tak­ing next Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill words, will die quickly. But he... This past five days.... His pro­found strength!!”
Mu Xi­aolan then notes, pro­found strength aura that on Yun Che re­leases, im­pres­sively is Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level..., more­over ap­proaches Late Stage.
„He not only safe and sound, but also con­di­tion tended to be steady, com­pletely con­trolled the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy.” Mu Bingyun said: „Looked from ef­fi­cacy aura that this Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy he has ab­sorbed to build up to melt about 80%, sev­eral dou­ble-hour, com­pletely will ab­sorb again.”
An­other doubts pass in the Mu Bingyun heart... The Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy is how vi­o­lent, be­fore Di­vine Essence Realm, if In­ter­me­di­ate stage pro­found prac­ti­tioner can ab­sorb builds up enough, pro­found strength cul­ti­vates to can at least pro­mote small Realm.
Can make Di­vine Dao pro­found strength pro­mote a small Realm ef­fi­cacy... Does Yun Che ab­sorb 80% many ef­fi­ca­cies now, pro­found strength has pro­moted un­ex­pect­edly only Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm three small Realm??
This does not gather the com­mon sense.
... Is he ab­sorbs to build up force­fully , was for­merly ef­fi­cacy dis­persed the waste by di­rect­ing of enor­mous de­gree?
Mu Bingyun floats is spa­tial and ver­ti­cal, opens achro­matic color in­vis­i­ble iso­la­tion for­ma­tion, iso­lated all pos­si­bly to dis­turb the Yun Che's fac­tor. Her vi­sion, framed on Yun Che's.
His Sky Poi­son Pearl, Sov­er­eign Pro­found en­dures com­pared with the Di­vine Essence Realm strength, builds up Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill... his body re­peat­edly to occur by the body of Sov­er­eign Pro­found force­fully is mak­ing her as­ton­ished, even sub­verts her cog­ni­tion the mat­ter. The Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy 20% had not been ab­sorbed, she must wit­ness, this 20% ef­fi­ca­cies will cre­ate what kind of change to Yun Che.
In si­lenc­ing, three dou­ble-hour slowly. The Yun Che look es­pe­cially has been tran­quil, aura also more and more tends to be steady. As the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill final ef­fi­cacy was ab­sorbed to build up grad­u­ally, turns round also com­pletely van­ishes in his ice blue bril­liance.
Yun Che's pro­found strength aura, frames fi­nally in Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level Late Stage.
When Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan ar­rival, Yun Che's pro­found strength aura had then been ex­pe­dited child­birth to Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level Late Stage, but con­tin­ued to ab­sorb to build up to melt the final two pre­pared med­i­cine strength, un­ex­pect­edly has not bro­ken through to Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Ninth Level as be­fore.
This re­sult, mak­ing the Mu Bingyun soul turn for a long time the rest­less mighty waves.
Fi­nally the ab­sorp­tions of two pre­pared med­i­cine strength, are con­ducted under her sen­sa­tion, the con­trol of Yun Che to ef­fi­cacy may be called per­fect, al­most does not waste. If 20% Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­ca­cies can be built up by Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level an ab­sorp­tion of pro­found prac­ti­tioner so de­gree, ab­solutely enough di­rect break­through to Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Tenth Level.
But on Yun Che... Ac­tu­ally pro­mo­tion of half small Realm.
His Pro­found Vein... or pro­found strength prin­ci­ple and av­er­age man are dif­fer­ent!?
En­tire five days , the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy ab­sorbs fi­nally. Al­though ef­fi­cacy the Yun Che ex­pec­ta­tion is more vi­o­lent, but is shock­ing but not dan­ger­ous after all.
Even­tu­ally is not very force­fully sta­ble with pro­found strength of spirit med­i­cine pro­mo­tion, re­quires the quite long time to pre­cip­i­tate. Yun Che has felt one own new­born pro­found strength, has opened the eye, the vi­sion di­rectly with Mu Bingyun look­ing at each other in one.
„Palace Mas­ter, mak­ing you be wor­ried.” The [say / way] of some Yun Che apolo­gies. When Mu Bingyun and Mu Xi­aolan ar­rival, he had re­al­ized, but he was un­suit­able to di­vert at­ten­tion at that time rad­i­cally.
„... But looks like, you do not have the brain to be im­pul­sive.” Mu Bingyun deep looked at his one eyes, the pupil light was pass­ing very deep com­plex. She in the God Realm sev­eral thou­sand years, cul­ti­vates to be built on en­tire Snow Song Realm most peak plane/level, times are ac­tu­ally not able to un­der­stand mat­ter that on Yun Che has.
„You are re­ally... Has eaten under Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill?” Mu Xi­aolan still can­not be­lieve.
„Right. Is your God Realm spirit med­i­cine, the ef­fect is re­ally worthily out of the or­di­nary.” Yun Che lifts own both hands, was say­ing while has stood. Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, mak­ing his pro­found strength pro­mote Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Eight Level Late Stage from Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm Fifth Level within short five days. This ef­fect med­i­cine pill, in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent, even if in the leg­end has not ap­peared.
He sets out at the same time, Mu Bingyun for­merly turned round in his ice mist also dis­perses.
„Oh --- ---”
Mu Xi­aolan sends out an earth­shak­ing scream sud­denly, cov­er­ing stub­bornly the eye, Mu Bingyun had turned around, to close eyes said: „First wears the clothes.”
„~! @#¥%...” Yun Che then dis­cov­ered that on one­self un­ex­pect­edly is smooth one piece, for­merly clothes changed to the ice pow­der under the Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill ef­fi­cacy, the cloth strip has not stayed be­hind. He grasps clothes from Sky Poi­son Pearl hastily, some putting on being thrown into con­fu­sion are quite good.
„Yun Che! Your this big bas­tard! Ob­scene bas­tard! Un­ex­pect­edly... Un­ex­pect­edly tar­nishes the eye of Hon­ored Mas­ter! --- is un­for­giv­able!”
„I am not in­ten­tion­ally.” Yun Che looked at Mu Bingyun one se­cretly, ar­gued low voice: „Palace Mas­ter also has not said any­thing. Ac­tu­ally you... Took my ad­van­tage also to feel all right to roar un­ex­pect­edly I.”
„Who... Who has taken your ad­van­tage! Was you have smeared Hon­ored Mas­ter and my eye ob­vi­ously!” Mak­ing threat­en­ing ges­tures of Mu Xi­aolan straight air/Qi, Mu Bingyun in the side, she wishes one could and Yun Che goes all out.
„Good Xi­aolan.” The Mu Bingyun light lan­guage said: „Yun Che, you take Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill this mat­ter, do not men­tion with any­body. Pro­motes pro­found strength by the ef­fi­cacy force­fully , to pro­mote is big­ger, the hid­den dan­ger will be also big­ger, must be as soon as pos­si­ble sta­ble. Then some time, cul­ti­vates as far as pos­si­ble re­lieved.”
„Good.” Yun Che nods.
„Mu Sushan de­liv­ers your Star Pluck­ing Stone, can very good as­sis­tance prac­tice, you try ap­par­ent. If there is any­thing to be hard the mat­ter of de­ci­sion, can try to send greet­ings to me, try not to de­cide again crudely... Xi­aolan, we walk.”
Goes out of the prac­tice room, Mu Bingyun sends out a very light sigh, her vi­sion far looks at the front, does not know that is think­ing any­thing.
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, weren't you are Yun Che get so far as can de­liver him to re­turn to the Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent di­men­sion stone? Why hasn't said this mat­ter with him?” Mu Xi­aolan puz­zled ask­ing.
Mu Bingyun shook the head: „He does not hes­i­tate to brave the great dan­ger to take Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill force­fully, is in order to a short time as far as pos­si­ble pro­motes pro­found strength, hop­ing can enter the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Realm 30 months later. He re­gard­ing find­ing that per­son was so firm, ar­rived did not give a thought to the life the sit­u­a­tion, was de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble such to re­turn to Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent. That di­men­sion stone, gives back to the first palace.”
„But, 30 months ar­rive at Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, are rad­i­cally basic... In any event not the mat­ter that is pos­si­ble to achieve.”
„Breaks his fan­tasy with it force­fully, would rather in light of this fol­lowed his to hold to read.” Mu Bingyun slow sound track: „He has not en­tered Di­vine Dao after all, does not know the dif­fi­culty of Di­vine Dao prac­tice. When the time is longer, he ef­fec­tively re­al­ized im­pos­si­ble time, may change the mind.”
„Xi­aolan,” Mu Bingyun im­mor­tal shade has leaned, looks that for these years has been ac­com­pa­ny­ing own only dis­ci­ple: „These years, be­cause of re­ceiv­ing flame poi­son are stranded, can­not teach for the mas­ters in you well, in­stead have re­ceived you to look. Now was safe and sound for the mas­ter, start­ing today, will place in more en­ergy your prac­tice, and within hun­dred years will not re­ceive other dis­ci­ple again, hope that at the ap­pointed time do not blame for the mas­ter are se­vere.”
Mu Xi­aolan opened Zhang Chun, is moved to tears in a flash, being thrown into con­fu­sion has done obei­sance: „Xi­aolan can meet Hon­ored Mas­ter, often ac­com­pa­nies about Hon­ored Mas­ter, is being hon­ored for a life­time. So long as Hon­ored Mas­ter does not shut out, Xi­aolan wants this life this life to serve Hon­ored Mas­ter...”
„Silly child.” The Mu Bingyun faint smile shakes the head , help­ing up Mu Xi­aolan: „A your girl fam­ily, is Situ Clan small Princess, must get mar­ried and in­herit the fam­ily prop­erty even­tu­ally, how can for­ever keep you side for the mas­ter.”
„Pa­tri­arch Situ sends Ice Phoenix Realm you, for does not bury your ex­cel­lent nat­ural tal­ent, in­stead has de­layed you for mas­ter these years.” Mu Bingyun looks to the north, light lan­guage said: „Pro­found God Con­fer­ence nears, Great Realm King de­cides to des­ig­nate di­rect dis­ci­ple ahead of time, at the ap­pointed time uses Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake surely. Your pro­found strength to Di­vine Soul Realm, has not with­stood there cold qi ex­tremely re­luc­tantly, but even­tu­ally is the ex­tremely rare op­por­tu­nity, if missed is a pity. There­fore this pe­riod of time, then tries hard.”


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