Friday, December 29, 2017

1004: Frozen End Seal the Heaven and Yellow Springs Ashes

#1004: Frozen End Seal the Heaven and Yellow Springs Ashes
Comments 269
Yun Che has fallen back on the Mu Xu­anyin body side, silently looks at the front, but his line of sight does not fall on Mu Hanyi, but is look­ing steadily at op­po­site Huo Poyun.
In Yan Zhuo, Yan Mingx­uan and in the Huo Poyun three peo­ple, Huo Poyun pro­found strength is low­est, rel­a­tively is there­fore most com­mon, most peo­ple shock­ing vi­sion cen­tral­ized on pro­found strength high­est Yan Zhuo, but Yun Che from the be­gin­ning, noted Huo Poyun.
Yun Che is quite sen­si­tive to the flame strength, al­though Huo Poyun pro­found strength is low­est, but Yun Che clearly feels that his flame aura com­pared with Yan Zhuo and Yan Mingx­uan pure... More­over, is not a least bit.
„You get rid first.” Huo Poyun said.
When with fac­ing Yun Che light dif­fer­ent, is bring­ing fac­ing the Mu Hanyi Huo Poyun sound chill­ing and slightly over­bear­ing, the look also clearly re­fracts is let­ting the per­son pal­pi­ta­tion the scar­let light, ob­vi­ously, his many were en­raged by Mu Hanyi for­merly words... This re­ally is also has the greatly strength­ened dig­nity per­son.
„No, you come is a guest, nat­u­rally should get rid by you first.”
For­merly be­fore had said the tem­ple, can­not spell to fight, al­though Mu Hanyi in­serted a bar hor­i­zon­tally, but must abide by the rule that for­merly set.
They at­tack three mu­tu­ally times... Only may re­sist by the ag­gres­sor, can­not counter-at­tack and fend!
The per­son who under such rule, gets rid of first, nat­u­rally is hav­ing the suit­able su­pe­ri­or­ity. But these two have nat­ural tal­ent ex­tremely and ex­tremely proud per­son, no one is will­ing to take this ad­van­tage.
„Hanyi, gets rid di­rectly, does not need rub­bish with him.” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said.
Mu Hanyi body micro cold, re­spect­ful ac­cord­ingly: „Yes!”
An ice crys­tal break­age light sound, a Mu Hanyi palm grasps, cold qi four shoot, the ice layer of Huo Poyun under foot blasts out sud­denly, three ice crys­tal big trees rise straight from the ground in the flash, ap­pear the shape of tri­an­gle to be stranded Huo Poyun in the cen­ter, along with the fast growth of ice crys­tal big tree, fear­ful cold qi with seiz­ing cold ice of life cov­ers heart­lessly.
„Tree of Frozen End.” Yun Che read one lowly. Looks at the Mu Hanyi ap­pear­ance, is only con­ve­niently for it, Tree of Frozen End that but he re­leases, the strength of its cold qi, must win his far more than dozens times.
After all, Mu Hanyi has the blood of thin Ice Phoenix, pro­found strength is also Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm that Yun Che is un­able to hope to at­tain at pre­sent.
Huo Poyun is ac­tu­ally moves also mo­tion­less, has not lifted in­clud­ing the hand, only then the brow wrin­kled the wrin­kle.
His body, a flame blasts out vi­o­lently, the in­stan­ta­neous pow­der ex­tin­guishes, at the same time, three Tree of Frozen End also di­rectly blast open every­where ice crys­tal, has not fallen to the ground, then com­pletely has burnt the ni­hility.
„Greeted does not need.” The Huo Poyun sink­ing eye­brow said: „You hon­estly use fully, mak­ing me ex­pe­ri­ence well your ex­tremely ar­ro­gant cap­i­tal.”
„Ha, ex­tremely ar­ro­gant, not only works as.” When Mu Hanyi is ac­tu­ally long smiles one, the laugh­ter falls, his ex­pres­sion also in­stan­ta­neously trans­ferred coldly: „Such being the case, I also im­po­lite... The sec­ond move!”
Rich cold qi changes to the essence blue light, fast the in­fla­tion on Mu Hanyi, the air com­pletely stopped flow­ing, the every­where float­ing snow also com­pletely changed to the sta­tic con­di­tion, as­ton­ish­ing cold qi, spread to go to the sur­round­ings at the sim­i­larly as­ton­ish­ing speed, al­most in an in­stant, has cov­ered the en­tire Tem­ple.
„Hanyi fi­nally started earnestly.” Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter said in a low voice.
„Looked how that Huo Poyun must meet.” An­other Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter con­fi­dent [say / way]. In this Tem­ple, the Mu Hanyi cold ice pro­found strength might will have the ad­di­tion of con­sid­er­able de­gree.
Both hands of Mu Hanyi in­ter­locked at this time sud­denly, blot­ting out the sky cold qi gath­ered along with his move­ment crazily, dashed to Huo Poyun.
This strikes, col­or­less in­vis­i­ble.
Only has freeze world peak cold qi of suf­fi­ciently.
Huo Poyun fa­cial ex­pres­sion were many sev­eral points of pru­dent, is in­duc­ing the com­pres­sion and ap­proach­ing of cold qi, his per­sonal ap­pear­ance one short, then the spin emp­ties, along with re­volv­ing of his body, the Golden Crow roar­ing flame ig­nites in cold qi fiercely, then changes to dragon shape flame, sur­rounds him to dance in the air reck­lessly.
cold qi throws, al­most the freeze is void. On the dragon shape flame as­cends the in­com­pa­ra­bly strong mist, the speed that the sign that but has not ac­tu­ally ex­tin­guished, dances in the air, com­pletely does not re­duce with as­ton­ish­ing Golden Crow aura.
“Hah! ”
After dead­lock that counts breaths, cold qi was layer upon layer com­pelled, is un­able to de­posit un­ex­pect­edly. Huo Poyun in this time low hǒu, danced in the air the flame to blast open in the flash com­pletely, the flame soared to the heav­ens, white sky pre­sented the in­stant red­ness, cold qi from Mu Hanyi im­me­di­ately such as by the thick fog that the storm swept across, in an in­stant was de­feated and dis­persed in abun­dance.
The air, by peak ice-cold, fast be­comes scald­ing hot.
„You have last move.” Huo Poyun land­ing slowly, the point of de­scent, with the po­si­tion not slight small ad­van­tage that for­merly stood.
„Worthily is the Sect Mas­ter Huo out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple, is re­ally out of the or­di­nary.” Mu Hanyi heart­felt ac­claim­ing.
„Hanyi, does not need to keep the hand, mak­ing him ex­pe­ri­ence well what is Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex!” Mu Yun­zhi sink­ing sound track.
Mu Hanyi nods slowly, on the face all ex­pres­sion re­strain­ing, both hands also slowly grip.
If said that a mo­ment ago also three points of re­ten­tions, fi­nally strikes, he nat­u­rally must spare no ef­fort.
But re­views Huo Poyun, un­ex­pect­edly is straight stand­ing there, the body has a weak flame, the whole body flaw big dew, com­pletely has not re­volved the stance of Golden Crow pro­found strength re­sis­tance.
Mu Hanyi knit the brows, hand sig­nal also along with it one slow. Looks at his ac­tion, Huo Poyun is ac­tu­ally the light in­com­pa­ra­ble [say / way]: „I have pre­pared, you get rid freely!”
His stance, his spo­ken lan­guage, lets the Mu Hanyi brow big wrin­kle, Ice Phoenix God Sect half sur­prised, half look the angry look.
„This boy what mean­ing, looks down upon Se­nior Brother Hanyi!?”
„! Also matches de­pend­ing on him? I thought he is live is im­pa­tient! Se­nior Brother Hanyi, you two moves were too a mo­ment ago po­lite, do not keep the hand again, hits to fall face down him di­rectly.”
But com­pares in the Ice Phoenix God Sect angry look and taunt, pulls rank fac­ing Huo Poyun this ob­vi­ously, but also is hav­ing the ac­tion of de­spis­ing, Huo Rulie ac­tu­ally not only has not scolded, in­stead also re­vealed one to smile lowly.
Mu Hanyi in­spires, no longer spoke, but in his look has con­cealed the anger. Silent, his cold light fast be­comes pro­found.
At­mos­phere that changes, lets Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple the sound of in­dig­na­tion does not van­ish com­pletely, such as was frozen. When cold qi again to a crit­i­cal point, the eye pupil of Mu Hanyi turned into the ice blue color sud­denly, flies in the cold wind along with it his hair, in the blue light, turned into the clear white blue color fast.
This, lets all dis­ci­ple, and even the Palace Mas­ter el­ders have turned very quiet.
This is ice-cold pro­found strength re­volves to the con­di­tion of most limit! This strikes, Mu Hanyi thor­ough being out­spo­ken!
Huge blue halo, is cen­tered on the body of Huo Poyun, silent reap­pear­ing in the upper air, this halo at first is Zhen blue color, shoals un­ex­pect­edly slowly, shoals again, fi­nally is al­most col­or­less in­vis­i­ble.
But in blue halo, cold qi ac­tu­ally in ac­cord­ing to ter­ror peer­less speed crazy am­pli­fi­ca­tion.
„This is... Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex... Sev­enth Level Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion... in God Hall, as if only then Se­nior Brother Hanyi and Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue build...”
„Hiss­ing! Se­nior Brother Hanyi this was loses one's tem­per... That per­son who called Huo Poyun... Won't die?”
„Died has also got­ten what one de­serves! Be­fore saw only Palace Mas­ter to use one time, has not thought that Se­nior Brother Hanyi did not have blood­line to in­herit, only closed right up against elder blood essence also re­ally to build Sev­enth Level... to be too fear­ful un­ex­pect­edly.”
Ice Phoenix au­di­ences dis­ci­ple stares the big eye all, turns very quiet, in ex­tremely ex­cited and in­spired, lest misses, even if an in­stan­ta­neous pic­ture.
But Huo Poyun ac­tu­ally as be­fore straight stand­ing there, the whole body is mo­tion­less, only had the line of sight to pre­sent dis­place­ment slightly.
„Ices --- for­eign --- --- day ---!!”
In Mu Hanyi read in the sound lowly, the shade of il­lu­sory Ice Phoenix flashed be­fore on him to­gether.
In an in­stant, world silent, floats spa­tial blue halo to gather sud­denly, the space in halo changes to ice-cold hell in­stan­ta­neously, the in­nu­mer­able ice lay­ers and ice cones such as flash be­fore from void, an end ap­proaches ter­ror Ice Wind vi­o­lent, heart­less sweep­ing across to being lo­cated in cold ice hell cen­ter Huo Poyun.
„---” Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple ex­udes a con­tin­u­ous call­ing out in alarm sound.
Huo Poyun slightly raise one's head, vi­sual ap­proach­ing of cold ice dis­as­ter. Then does not have the omen... Shock­ing bel­low­ing.
„Drinks Aaah!!”
Pre­vi­ous one flick­ers the whole body sta­tic, body only then very light flame aura, but merely one roared, the body blasted out un­ex­pect­edly in­stan­ta­neously flees the hun­dred zhang (333 m) flame, but this flame, merely was only a start.
Rum­bling rum­bling rum­bling...
Bel­low in­com­pa­ra­bly in­ten­sive re­sound­ing of Golden Crow Fire blast­ing open. Under Mu Hanyi Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion, ex­tremely heavy cold qi will keep the flame that pro­found strength slightly weak fire at­tribute pro­found prac­ti­tioner flick­ers con­tin­u­ally from ig­nit­ing, but is at the Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion cen­ter, these Golden Crow Fire are ac­tu­ally the in­com­pa­ra­bly vi­o­lent in­stan­ta­neous ig­ni­tions, in­com­pa­ra­bly vi­o­lent rup­tur­ing, still blasts out every­where in the Ice Wind vi­o­lent again Golden Crow Di­vine Flame.
Air, space and small gran­ule, even the snow and ice and cold qi, be­came the medium of Golden Crow Fire com­bus­tion and rup­tur­ing, ice-cold hell and cen­ter of Ice Wind vi­o­lent, the pure gold roar­ing flame layer upon layer is burn­ing, layer upon layer rup­tur­ing... And layer upon layer spreads in the ac­cord­ing to quite quick speed.
„What...!” A Mu Yun­zhi star­tled hǒu, is she of God Hall elder, this time eye­ball pre­sented ob­vi­ous out­side un­ex­pect­edly raised.
„This is...” The Mu Bingyun com­plex­ion also had the fierce change, she looks to Mu Xu­anyin, clear caught the sur­prise of flash­ing past from her eyes.
„Yel­low Springs Ashes!” Yun Che read lowly, vi­sion across layer upon layer cold qi and flame light, lock­ing firmly on Huo Poyun.
He re­leases the Yel­low Springs Ashes speed, com­pared it un­able to be slow un­ex­pect­edly many!
Not only the re­lease rate is ex­tremely fast, but , by the con­di­tion of Mu Hanyi of­fen­sive sup­pres­sion , the first in­stance of Yel­low Springs Ashes re­lease, will then be achieved the com­plete con­di­tion Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion to re­sist, along with it, then hardly car­ries the Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion most core strength, sup­presses it step by step... More­over is in­com­pa­ra­bly over­bear­ing, in­com­pa­ra­bly vi­o­lent sup­pres­sion!
The short five breaths, the Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion core re­gion, com­pletely is Golden Crow Fire, cold qi is un­able to in­vade the half minute.
After ten breaths, scar­let golden flame, in­stead about half cold ice Do­main cor­ro­sion!
This per­son who called Huo Poyun...
Also is one lets per­son blood for bel­low­ing that it seethes, the body of Huo Poyun reap­pears sud­denly to­gether the Golden Crow Fire shade, this Golden Crow Fire shadow band the pure gold flame all over the body, is shoot­ing up to the sky in the Huo Poyun ex­plod­ing roar, Golden Crow long cry tears to pieces the hori­zon, en­ters the soul.
Rum­bles --- ---
The flame that the sad re­port, Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion is soar­ing to the heav­ens to­gether col­lapsed di­rectly com­pletely, uses Mu Hanyi limit strength cold qi to be swal­lowed by the flame fast com­pletely, is pour­ing into the ice layer and ice cone of strength of Ice Phoenix, was turned round by Golden Crow Fire, melted in a flash.
Do­main was bro­ken, Mu Hanyi such as was hit hard, huge back­lash makes his whole body sud­denly stiff, a counter blood wells up on, has filled full mouth, but stiffly was re­turned by his swal­low­ing im­me­di­ately, is only his com­plex­ion, ac­tu­ally floated a pale­ness of mor­bid state.
The flame clears, cold qi al­ready ex­tin­guished, stand­ing that Huo Poyun de­cides as in there... The po­si­tion of under foot, does not have half dis­place­ment. Com­pares in the pale­ness of Mu Hanyi, his com­plex­ion can not say any change.
„It seems like, this should be the strength of your limit.” Huo Poyun is very the light [say / way], in the words the mean­ing, clearly is „mediocre”.
„Now, at­tacked to me.” Huo Poyun stretched out a palm slowly.
„...” Mu Hanyi fa­cial color tran­quil such as be­gin­ning, could not speak for a very long time.
Ice Phoenix God Sect high and low was star­tled com­pletely, stayed... Mu Hanyi con­denses the strength of Ice Phoenix by ten breaths, builds Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion, the bed­ding bag en­ters Huo Poyun of Do­main dead cen­ter ac­tu­ally was sup­pressed, under the con­di­tion of lock­ing com­pletely, less than among 20 breaths in­stead Mu Hanyi Frozen End Seal the Heaven For­ma­tion routs.
Their pro­found strength is Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm Fifth Level.
But whose who is weak, even if the blind per­son can also the pu­rity of sen­sa­tion.
The Mu Hanyi cold ice at­tain­ments, in rank­ing among the best that in Snow Song Realm this gen­er­a­tion of dis­ci­ple rec­og­nizes, has Mu Feixue to be able with it com­par­ing. Also means that do not say the same level rank, even if pro­found strength cul­ti­vates to win his 1-2 small Realm, not nec­es­sar­ily is his match.
Ac­tu­ally in the war of Do­main, fac­ing and his same level pro­found strength match, has been at the in­fe­ri­or­ity.
Rel­a­tive big in­fe­ri­or­ity!
Com­pares the shock in Ice Phoenix God Sect, Yan Wan­cang and the oth­ers are ac­tu­ally calm... Clearly al­ready ex­pected to be such sit­u­a­tion.
Strongly said the ice-cold vi­sion to Huo Poyun on... The ex­tremely fast re­lease, the might ac­tu­ally high to should not be­long to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm Fifth Level Golden Crow Di­vine Flame! This Huo Rulie re­ceives newly, and brings Huo Poyun that shows off spe­cially...
Can con­trol so de­gree Golden Crow Fire, ver­ti­cal was past Huo Rulie, was ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to achieve.
Flame God Realm Golden Crow Sect this gen­er­a­tion, pre­sented such char­ac­ter un­ex­pect­edly!


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