Friday, December 29, 2017

974: Flying snow Han Yi

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#974: Flying snow Han Yi
Comments 105
tyran­ni­cal of pro­found qi Yun Che erupts, has over­stepped the Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm bound­ary in­fi­nitely, lets Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu is re­ally sur­prised. But, such in­ten­sity, in two Di­vine Soul Realm Late Stage pow­er­house eyes, is noth­ing to speak of as be­fore rad­i­cally.
„Courts death!”
Fac­ing „courts death on own ini­tia­tive” Yun Che, the Mu Yizhou gear­ing is dis­in­clined, the right hand re­cited back­wards from the end be­hind su­per­fi­cially, the left hand grasped, cold qi in­stan­ta­neously Yun Che to all po­si­tions cov­ered com­pletely.
Al­though is only Mu Yizhou wields con­ve­niently, but this be­longs to Di­vine Soul Realm cold qi, even if Di­vine Essence Realm Tenth Level pro­found prac­ti­tioner moves, will be blocked in­stan­ta­neously.
Under cold qi, the air cur­rent of sur­round­ings space sinks into com­pletely sta­tic. But, the front Yun Che ac­tu­ally across the cold qi di­rect im­pact, but, do not say that was blocked by cold qi, links un­ex­pect­edly, even if in­stant hin­der­ing does not have.
What... What?
This, re­gard­less of Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu, Mu Xi­aolan is un­ex­pected. But this is in­fe­rior their sev­eral plane/level weak ones re­gard­ing Yun Che, Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu how with rapt at­ten­tion by right, Yun Che in pupil ap­proaches sud­denly, Mu Yizhou gets rid after the shock in­stant hastily, grasps to go to Yun Che, Mu Lu­o­qiu also nearly is the sub­con­scious palm pro­motes, an ice-cold air wave bang to the front.
Orig­i­nally speed ex­tremely quick Yun Che, when ap­proach­ing them only re­mains four zhang (3.33 m) away, the speed sud­denly pro­motes the sev­eral fold un­ex­pect­edly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu at pre­sent a flower, Yun Che in­stan­ta­neous bro­ken be­comes five ex­actly the same an­ces­tral por­traits.
Two bangs, the snow was raised high of hun­dred zhang (333 m), the as­ton­ish­ing air wave by far shoves open Mu Xi­aolan and Feng Mo of dis­tant place. In the air wave, five Yun Che's rem­nant shades dis­rupt com­pletely, the dis­si­pa­tion does not have the trace.
Mu Yizhou stood has been gawk­ing same place half breath, fierce turned round... The be­hind less than two hun­dred feet dis­tances, Yun Che per­fect stand­ing there, wear a look of taunt thin smile, in the hand is grab­bing a head of per­son.
But was being caught that per­son in hand by him, was pro­tected by them im­pres­sively a mo­ment ago in be­hind Liu Hang!
Mu Lu­o­qiu also like light­ning turned round at this time, two peo­ple si­mul­ta­ne­ously were star­tled there, the com­plex­ion be­came the in­com­pa­ra­ble ug­li­ness.
Mu Xi­aolan and Feng Mo also thor­oughly stare dumb­founded.
Two Ice Phoenix Palace high­est plane/level dis­ci­ple, the Di­vine Soul Realm Late Stage ab­solute pow­er­house, was stolen Liu Hang... from steal under their noses to their frontages by Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly!
„.........” Liu Hang was pinched the skull to raise by Yun Che in the hand, the my­dri­a­sis, as if has not re­sponded.
„You said a mo­ment ago I am the Ice Phoenix Palace joke and shame, then, what by my this joke and shame only with the flash you who the per­son does steal is?” The Yun Che cor­ners of the mouth, the ridi­cul­ing shame of being re­lent­less said: „Un­bear­able stink dog deng?”
„Yun Che, you are dis­in­te­grat­ing me to your final benev­o­lence!” When Mu Yizhou heart star­tled, be­comes angry out of shame thor­oughly, he lifts the step to for­ward, both eyes are star­ing at Yun Che stub­bornly, wicked [say / way]: „How do you steal him? If you dare to move him again one...”
Sound of bone dis­rup­tion, but is the Liu Hang ex­tremely panic-stricken piti­ful yell, clear crack­ing of his skull under the Yun Che's five fin­gers, sev­eral blood streams flow rapidly from his day spirit place under.
„...... Aaah!!” The clear feel­ing own skull was being pinched the crack, that is one type not less than all of a sud­den falls into the hell fear. Liu Hang is sim­i­lar to by the in­stan­ta­neous scared out of one's wits ma­li­cious ghost, going all out was neigh­ing, the body con­vul­sion the looks like under the ex­treme fear did not have the bone.
„Lit­tle Hang!!” Mu Lu­o­qiu has a big shock, the Mu Yizhou foot­steps also all of a sud­den stopped there. They have a dream can­not think that Yun Che will start un­ex­pect­edly re­ally... More­over in­com­pa­ra­bly vir­u­lent pinch­ing crack skull, the op­po­site party or Cold Snow Palace of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple --- is in front of their.
„I move him, do you pre­pare me to be what kind of?” In Yun Che's fin­ger of seams the blood over­flows, the skull has cracked, so long as he one makes an ef­fort again slightly, suf­fi­ciently Liu Hang en­tire head crumb.
The so vir­u­lent method, Yun Che is ac­tu­ally smil­ing. That dense happy ex­pres­sion, lets Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu moral na­ture sends coldly.
„Yun Che... you... You dare!!” The Mu Yizhou sound is trem­bling, the body also slightly is trem­bling. He in Ice Phoenix Palace these many years, should say that this whole life lives today, never has run into so ruth­lessly cer­tainly, the char­ac­ter who so leaves no ground.
„What do I have not to dare?” Yun Che is still smil­ing: „I of­fended you in any case thor­oughly, you also said that will not let off me, such being the case, I at the worst kill him, but can also gain this to come back.”
„Male cousin... No... Does not want... Do not come...” Liu Hang has been star­tled: „He... Com­ing out that he makes... He is a lu­natic... Do not come... Do not come...”
„Yun Che..., Se­nior Brother Yun... you do not let off me... Lets off me, I do not dare... I guar­an­teed... Guar­an­teed that the male cousin older fe­male cousin they do not cer­tainly ask you to trou­ble... I guar­an­tee Ah!! The male cousin older fe­male cousin, saves me... Saves me...”
„Big Brother, what to do? He... He...” Mu Lu­o­qiu is also thor­oughly help­less.
Mu Yizhou clenches jaws, is ac­tu­ally the onset and re­treat can not. Method that Yun Che that fear­ful look, does not leave ground, they feel, if there is rash ac­tion slightly, he might make to kill the Liu Hang mat­ter.
„Mu Yizhou,” Yun Che grabs the head of Liu Hang, grad­u­ally moves to­ward Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive: „I taught the trash of this hu­mil­i­a­tion same side for you, you ex­pressed grat­i­tude to me, I shouted that you sound Se­nior Brother, har­mo­niously happy, play­ing power and pres­tige that you ac­tu­ally must think one­self in­fal­li­ble. You said that I do court death? Mu Yizhou, I def­i­nitely had the guts to kill Liu Hang, but you... Had the guts to kill me?”
„You...” Mu Yizhou al­most bites the tooth all of a sud­den, hav­ing noth­ing to say in reply that for a while un­ex­pect­edly for­merly com­pletely was not placed in eye „the Lower Realm trash” com­pels by this him.
Be­cause, he in­deed did not have the guts to kill Yun Che ---, even if Yun Che has killed Liu Hang.
Al­though Yun Che pro­found strength is mean, more­over from Lower Realm, but en­tire sect knows that he is comes back from the Lower Realm belt by Mu Bingyun per­son­ally, more­over Mu Bingyun until now, has only brought back to Yun Che one per­son from Lower Realm, three months ago in Cold Snow Main Hall, she acts to shield Yun Che by one­self, does not hes­i­tate to an­grily re­buke Mu Feng­shu, ob­vi­ously to his at­tach­ing great im­por­tance.
But is Mu Bingyun the what kind char­ac­ter? She is the Great Realm King bi­o­log­i­cal younger sis­ter, mil­len­ni­ums ago is the Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage peer­less pow­er­house, the first peo­ple in 30 six Palace Mas­ter, re­gard­less of pres­tige, sta­tus and strength, sec­ond to none, may be called en­tire Snow Song Realm only the sec­ond per­son under Great Realm King.
The mil­len­ni­ums were for­merly de­pressed, Mu Bingyun also ex­tremely lit­tle made an ap­pear­ance, mo­men­tar­ily pos­si­bly poi­so­nously sent to die. But now, the en­tire sects com­pletely know her to re­cover up and down mar­velously, can re­store again shortly af­ter­ward the mil­len­ni­ums ago Wei ice Snow Song Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, but under her place dis­ci­ple, has Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che they... Yun Che under her asy­lum, Mu Yizhou dares to teach, but again ten courage, does not dare to strike a vi­cious blow ab­solutely.
The Yun Che's palm such as the iron hook gen­er­ally tight band on the skull of Liu Hang, sneer­ing of cor­ners of the mouth in any­body opin­ion, likely is grin hideously of devil.
In the eyes of all en­e­mies, he is al­ways a ruth­less per­son. But today, re­gard­less of Liu Hang is also good, Mu Yizhou is also good, cer­tainly does not have any bit­ter ha­tred with him, he is ac­tu­ally man­ner ar­bi­trary tyran­ni­cal, starts sin­is­terly heart­less... Be­cause he „se­cure”, is bring­ing also some in­gre­di­ents of vent.
He fol­lows Mu Bingyun to ar­rive at Snow Song Realm, is in order to fol­lows Snow Song Realm King to enter Eter­nal Sky Realm in thirty months later, thus there are can see the Jas­mine op­por­tu­nity. But sound of the Eter­nal Sky, heart­less broke this to read thinks that but „Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm” three char­ac­ters, to him were an in­com­pa­ra­bly bru­tal joke. His these three months eat up Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill force­fully, when do not give a thought to the prac­tice of life, in the heart is sup­press­ing the ex­tremely heavy re­sent­ment.
But Liu Hang, very un­for­tu­nate be­came his vent ob­ject.
But is forced to go back on word to him, is Snow Song Realm Realm King!
He has saved Snow Song Realm King blood younger sis­ter's life, but she has not ac­tu­ally been able like for­merly the com­mit­ment leads him to go to Eter­nal Sky Realm, he in­com­pa­ra­bly op­pressed, also has no rea­son not to be se­cure!
„In this or­di­nary day peace­ful is snow­ing con­tin­u­ally the es­pe­cially care­ful cor­ner, today so is lively, but can meet by chance here, is a mar­velous pleas­ant sur­prise.”
In the scene loses con­trol thor­oughly, ar­rives tem­per­ately in­con­ceiv­able, flut­ters just like the sound of spring breeze thaw to gen­tly, sud­denly, in­clud­ing falling gen­tly of fly­ing snow can­not help but slow, orig­i­nally anx­ious to the at­mos­phere that let­ting the will of the peo­ple ob­structs, was stroked by gen­tle breeze of not being able to see lightly, silent re­laxes.
„This sound... Ah!” Mu Xi­aolan light nan, then star­tled shouted one, lip of pleas­antly sur­prised cov­er­ing.
A tall form, walks grad­u­ally from the every­where float­ing snow. A white cloth­ing wins the snow, fa­cial fea­tures re­sem­bles Ying jade, has no time del­i­cately and pret­tily, his step is leisurely, such as treads the clouds, every­where one visit, the float­ing snow flies from com­pletely qui­etly, re­sem­bles not to be will­ing to alarm him.
He re­sem­bles goes out from the pic­ture, the lip angle smile is lithe, ac­tu­ally drew wip­ing to let the aes­thetic sense that every­where fly­ing snow com­pletely all changed col­ors, with was the man, will be out of sorts.
Even if Yun Che, the vi­sion also un­con­trolled short stag­nant --- above this form per­fect to suf­fi­ciently lets any man en­vies( is al­most next to one­self) the ap­pear­ance, the fly is snow­ing the grace­ful­ness, that in­vis­i­ble mak­ings aura, has gone be­yond the cat­e­gory of or­di­nary peo­ple com­pletely, is in­born is built on the clouds likely, is ten thou­sand fresh looks up.
„Ah! Hanyi... Se­nior Brother... is re­ally Se­nior Brother Hanyi! Ah!!”
Just now anx­iously gets angry and hate Mu Lu­o­qiu ex­ag­ger­a­tion call­ing out in alarm, both hands all of a sud­den ex­cited cov­er­ing on the face, over­flows com­pletely pleas­antly sur­prised eye pupil bright Can al­most must emit the light... Looked like sud­denly saw in dream the prince world of mor­tals young girl. In­clud­ing the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, pinches in­clud­ing the Liu Hang poor life com­pletely the brain of throw­ing after Yun Che.
Se­nior Brother Hanyi?
Mu Hanyi!?
That Mu Xi­aolan wor­ships ex­tremely, in her mouth Ice Phoenix God Hall, and even en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect most out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple, is most likely be­comes of Mu Hanyi Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple!?
--- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Snow Song Realm is big that Ice Phoenix Realm is, Ice Phoenix Realm is the in­de­pen­dent re­gion that Ice Phoenix God Sect is, is the en­tire Snow Song Realm core. young men should not be con­fused.
Strange set­ting: ↓
【Other, Snow Song Realm and Flame God Realm an ice fire that al­though con­tra­dicts ex­tremely, but bor­ders on ac­tu­ally. The Flame God Realm all-round strength ex­ceeds Snow Song Realm, but Snow Song Realm Realm King is for­mi­da­ble, Flame God Realm three big Sect Mas­ter add, is mul­ti­plied by two again, can­not hit Snow Song Realm Realm King. There­fore two, al­though is hos­tile be­cause of long ha­tred mu­tu­ally, but never will also tear to pieces hardly just.】


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