Friday, December 29, 2017

976: Ices the sect important matter

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#976: Ices the sect important matter
Comments 40
The Mu Yizhou lip angle twitches, the com­plex­ion ap­peared some dark red, ac­tu­ally quite a while can­not sup­press a few words.
Rea­son that Yun Che nat­u­rally has not ac­cepted, after all the mat­ter is too nois­ily big, to one­self not ad­van­tage, sim­i­larly has the enor­mous fu­ture trou­ble to Feng Mo, im­me­di­ately nods joy­fully: „Good, I en­sure today the mat­ter about Liu Hang, will not tell any­body.”
„Ju­nior Brother Yun Che will not be re­ally dis­ap­point­ing.” Mu Hanyi nods the head to him: „Yizhou Ju­nior Brother, has Ju­nior Brother Yun Che made the com­mit­ment, how your opin­ion?”
Things have got­ten to this point, Mu Yizhou can also say any­thing. He deeply in­spires, in the ex­pres­sion is still bring­ing low and deep: „Good, looks in the Se­nior Brother Hanyi face, today's mat­ter, I can not go into one's past!”
Be that as it may, but was de­cid­edly im­pos­si­ble not to have the ob­struc­tion and angry re­sent­ment in light of this... More­over under is sup­presses the angry re­sent­ment. But what lets his ac­ci­dent is, after say­ing these words, the heart of hearts had that some re­laxed feel­ings un­ex­pect­edly.
The peo­ple were bul­lied friendly, per­son sup­presses is feared. The Yun Che con­duct sin­is­ter ruth­less, ab­solutely is Mu Yizhou this whole life is cer­tainly rare. Such per­son, even if the weak sev­eral lev­els, are any­body are too not still will­ing to pro­voke. There­fore „rec­on­cil­i­a­tion”, shows the con­scious­ness to be very ag­grieved in light of this un­will­ing, but in the sub­con­scious some­what is in­stead re­laxed.
Re­views Yun Che, re­ceives „low key” prin­ci­ple is ar­riv­ing at God Realm first day was ripped a pulp, there­fore sim­ply some re­leas­ing for flight. In Blue Pole Star, he has the peo­ple of many wor­ry­ing, but in God Realm, he is alone in the world, can be un­scrupu­lous, can thus defer to own tem­per and prin­ci­ple com­pletely, as well as de­pends Mu Bingyun this big backer „reck­lessly un­seemly be­hav­ior”.
„Good!” Breath­ing a sigh of re­lief of Mu Xi­aolan heav­ily, to Mu Hanyi in­fi­nite the wor­ship and grat­i­tude: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, thank you.”
„Is the same side, does not need word to thank.” The Mu Hanyi smile shakes the head: „Feng Mo Ju­nior Brother has the wound in body, is not suit­able de­lays, you lead him ther­apy first, ex­hausted Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan sent re­gards to Palace Mas­ter Bingyun for me.”
„Um, cer­tain meet­ing.” Mu Xi­aolan fast nod, shot a look at Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu com­plex­ion care­fully, the small hand one en­trains the tight Yun Che's lower hem: „Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, Feng Mo Ju­nior Brother, we walk.”
„Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, in­vited stay tem­porar­ily.” Three peo­ple just about to leave, Mu Hanyi has as if thought of any­thing, sud­denly makes noise... Per­son who stops by call­ing, im­pres­sively is Yun Che.
The peo­ple are shocked, Yun Che also wear a look of stunned look­ing back: „Does not know that Se­nior Brother Hanyi does have what ad­vice?”
„Ad­vises is not at all.” Mu Hanyi is hum­ble very: „I, al­though lit­tle goes out of God Hall ex­tremely, ac­tu­ally also al­ready heard the Ju­nior Brother Yun Che name. Today ac­ci­den­tally must see, is the sub­tle fate. Hears Ju­nior Brother Yun Che from Lower Realm, after ar­riv­ing at God Realm, will de­cide how­ever will have many ill...”
Dur­ing the speeches, he points at sud­denly a point, the blue light flew to in­ject in Yun Che's Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade to­gether.
„This is my Ice Phoenix mark, if from now on the mat­ter of meet­ing dif­fi­cult so­lu­tion, to send greet­ings in me, I could help one an­other 12.”
Mu Xi­aolan flow­ery lips di­rect „O” shape, other peo­ple are also shocked at the scene.
Mu Hanyi... Ice Phoenix God Hall most out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple, the recog­ni­tion can con­trol the Ice Phoenix God Sect fu­ture char­ac­ter, un­ex­pect­edly leaves be­hind sound trans­mis­sion mark to Yun Che of first wear­ing a mask on own ini­tia­tive!
Must know that Mu Yizhou this grade of char­ac­ter, does not have Mu Hanyi sound trans­mis­sion mark, do not say Mu Lu­o­qiu.
Yun Che's re­sponded that in­stead is not fierce, but also ob­vi­ous sur­prised, said along with salut­ing of it grat­i­tude wear a look of: „Many thanks Se­nior Brother Hanyi looks. Be­gin­ning Yun Che Snow Song Realm, later de­cides how­ever has needs to take ad­van­tage of the Se­nior Brother place.”
Then, is Yun Che in­stead is ac­tu­ally draw­ing dumb­struck Mu Xi­aolan and Feng Mo leaves.
The Yun Che three peo­ple de­part, the Mu Yizhou one breath is not re­ally able to hold, asks: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, Yun Che this per­son is ram­pant, is un­ap­pre­cia­tive, came from some not well-known Lower Realm. Why do you want such to look after to him? Also on own ini­tia­tive leaves be­hind sound trans­mis­sion mark to him, this... This I re­ally do not un­der­stand.”
Al­though Mu Yizhou the nat­ural tal­ent and sta­tus are ex­tremely high, but is never proud, re­gard­less of sim­i­larly is tem­per­ate to any­one mod­estly el­e­gant, even if Falling Snow Palace dis­ci­ple of low­est level looks after... But re­gard­ing Yun Che, ac­tu­ally is re­ally ex­ces­sive­ness of at­ten­dance.
„Right, how he matches Se­nior Brother Hanyi so to be good to him.” Mu Lu­o­qiu can­not bear echo say­ing that dur­ing spo­ken lan­guages ob­vi­ously is also hav­ing the envy.
„Yizhou Ju­nior Brother, Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter,” the Mu Hanyi vi­sion is gen­tle, the whole body does not have aura, such as every­where silent fly­ing snow Jingya: „Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though from Lower Realm, but you may do not look down upon him. Al­though he pro­found strength cul­ti­vates to be slightly low, even has not en­tered Di­vine Dao, but, can ac­tu­ally de­feat Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level Liu Hang Ju­nior Brother, when trig­ging him, is makes him not have the strength of re­sis­tance.”
„nat­ural tal­ent is ex­tremely high, cul­ti­vates to be out­stand­ing com­mon. But can by not enter Di­vine Dao pro­found strength crush Di­vine Essence Realm Late Stage pro­found prac­ti­tioner, my Mu Hanyi hears some­thing never heard of be­fore, sees what one never saw be­fore. Three months ago hears him to de­feat Di­vine Essence Realm Sixth Level Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­ple, my also nine points sus­pected that at the pre­sent ac­tu­ally per­son­ally see, but also want by far hearsay, mak­ing me have to deeply ex­claim in sur­prise. This grade of nat­ural tal­ent, must step into Di­vine Soul Realm to be rarer than 20 years old.”
„Yun Che dif­fer­ent re­ported ex­cept for the nat­ural beauty, al­though he words and deeds are ar­ro­gant, con­duct tyran­ni­cal is also rash, but I can ac­tu­ally feel in­dis­tinctly the air/Qi of tyrant one type lets the per­son ap­pre­ci­a­tion. Al­though his pre­sent pro­found strength is low, but I heard his age still less than half sixty-years cycle, can take in Lower Realm less than the age of half sixty-years cycle until now cul­ti­vated as, was con­sid­ered as on good, the pre­sent to our Snow Song Realm, on the ad­vance­ment quick sev­eral fold, will have been adding on his as­ton­ish­ing nat­ural tal­ent surely, then can fore­see, he can blos­som in ra­di­ant splen­dor in the fu­ture surely, per­haps, can achieve is not weak in the Yizhou Ju­nior Brother level, if my Ice Phoenix God Sect can many such tal­ented peo­ple, with­out doubt be the good for­tune of sect.”
Mu Hanyi these words get down, Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu change coun­te­nance all. If these words other peo­ple said that they es­ti­mated will only laugh, is dis­in­clined to hear. But, this each char­ac­ter, is Mu Hanyi per­son­ally says. More­over they can hear, „per­haps that can achieve is not weak in the Yizhou Ju­nior Brother level” also to look after the Mu Yizhou face coun­te­nance keeps the word.
In other words, in the Mu Hanyi eye, by as­ton­ish­ing nat­ural tal­ent that Yun Che dis­plays, in the fu­ture will pos­si­bly be qual­i­fied for Ice Phoenix God Hall!
„Yizhou Ju­nior Brother,” Mu Hanyi said res­olutely: „I know in your heart to de­cide how­ever have in­sti­tute odd|sur­plus Yuan to Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, more­over and cul­ti­vates to his fam­ily back­ground to de­spise ex­tremely. I must ad­vise your, al­though Yun Che from Lower Realm, but he is brings by Palace Mas­ter Bingyun per­son­ally. In our era, lit­tle hears the name of Palace Mas­ter Bingyun ex­tremely, the pres­tige is lighter like the mist. But, in our Hon­ored Mas­ter that age, Palace Mas­ter Bingyun is next to Sect Mas­ter's aloofly ex­ists, her pre­sent body restora­tion, pro­found strength re­stores, the sta­tus in sect will dif­fer from the past com­pletely. For­merly ex­tremely lit­tle heard the name of Frozen Cloud (Bingyun), but now, God Hall var­i­ous el­ders, must awe to her eight points.”
„In 30 six Ice Phoenix Palace, under other Palace Mas­ter places is three thou­sand dis­ci­ple, the Palace Mas­ter Bingyun place next pre­sent, only then two dis­ci­ple, and has not re­ceived dis­ci­ple slightly again, ral­lies the plans of 36 palaces, she sev­eral thou­sand the years in ad­di­tion only bring back to Yun Che one per­son from Lower Realm again, ob­vi­ously to his at­tach­ing great im­por­tance. Yun Che in God Realm, al­though is or­phaned how­ever one, but there is Palace Mas­ter Bingyun to his asy­lum, ex­ceeds your be­hind Pang in­flu­en­tial clan suf­fi­ciently, there­fore, not pro­voke to ab­surdly well, he when fac­ing you do not have the timid color, is so. The mat­ter of today, the power and for­gets.”
The ad­vice of Mu Hanyi, the Mu Yizhou char­ac­ter char­ac­ter lis­tened in the ear, he deeply leaned the body: „The Se­nior Brother Hanyi words de­cide how­ever will not be wrong, Yizhou lis­tened to rea­son. Later, so long as he does not pro­voke me, I do not cer­tainly pro­voke him am.”
„Right! Today's mat­ter, is not the big mis­un­der­stand­ing, later, I also like Se­nior Brother Hanyi, will cer­tainly look after newly ar­rived Ju­nior Brother Ju­nior Sis­ter.” Mu Lu­o­qiu nods once again fast, in eye pupil the bril­liance is more abun­dant: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi, was on the 7 th Sect Mas­ter des­ig­nated again di­rect dis­ci­ple big day, but that per­son, cer­tainly was Se­nior Brother Hanyi! When the time comes, our gen­er­a­tion, under Se­nior Brother Hanyi to lead... Thinks quite to be happy.”
Mu Hanyi is ac­tu­ally thin smile shak­ing the head: „Var­i­ous Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue as­pects ex­ceed me, has her, my re­ally not too many con­fi­dence.”
„It is not,” Mu Lu­o­qiu de­nied im­me­di­ately: „When hears Sect Mas­ter chose di­rect dis­ci­ple in the past, most re­gards as im­por­tant nat­ural tal­ent and to cold ice prin­ci­ple the com­pre­hen­sion con­trol, cul­ti­vates for in­stead is sec­ondary, if Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue did not have the blood­line su­pe­ri­or­ity, cer­tain ratio Se­nior Brother Hanyi.”
Mu Hanyi smiled: „Can be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, is I this life the biggest de­sire. If can achieve wishes for­tu­nately, I will feel grate­ful Heaven at the re­main­ing years of life, but if loses to Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, I will also ac­cept with plea­sure. In brief, the Thanks Lu­o­qiu Ju­nior Sis­ter aus­pi­cious words, I will try first hard at the ap­pointed time. Was right, after seven day, en­ters Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is not only then God Hall dis­ci­ple, the Ice Phoenix 36 palace each palaces all may se­lect 100 most out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple to enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, I think, after seven day, we then meet the see again/good­bye sur­face.”
„Eh?” Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu si­mul­ta­ne­ously one star­tled one happy, [say / way] that still some can­not be­lieve: „Is this real?”
„Does not leave today, you should ob­tain the news. I come Cold Snow Palace today, then face to face in­forms Se­nior Sushan this mat­ter, mak­ing him in­form Cold Snow Palace sev­eral se­niors also with into Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake. Two these days must calm the mind to col­lect the air/Qi as far as pos­si­ble, par­tic­u­larly Yizhou Ju­nior Brother, this time with into Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, breaks through re­gard­ing you to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, is the golden op­por­tu­nity.”
„Good, good!” Mu Yizhou nods again and again, ex­cited com­plex­ion flood red.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
【Di­vine Pro­found Seven Realms】: Di­vine Essence Realm --> Di­vine Soul Realm --> Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm --> Di­vine Spirit Realm --> Di­vine King Realm --> Di­vine Sov­er­eign Realm --> Di­vine Lord Realm -->???
The strange char­ac­ter es­tab­lishes( deep­ens im­pres­sion spe­cial-pur­pose): ↓
【Yun Che】: The ac­tors, the pri­mor­dial chaos world only one body has the Cre­ation God so­cial stra­tum( Evil God) hu­man­ity of in­her­i­tance, is only one can con­cur many Di­vine Power Di­vine Blood Di­vine Soul, but not in­com­pat­i­ble freak. In order to seek for Jas­mine ar­rives at Realm of Gods, at pre­sent the full thoughts in most in a short time pro­mote pro­found strength, to ob­tain to enter the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Realm.
【Feng Mo】: Cold Snow Palace new pro­mote dis­ci­ple, same came from Lower Realm pro­found prac­ti­tioner with Yun Che, was used to draw out the Mu Hanyi high-qual­ity soy sauce.
【Mu Xu­anyin】: Ice Phoenix God Sect Sect Mas­ter, Snow Song Realm Realm King. Al­though was born in Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, when nat­ural tal­ent high ex­tremely, Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm per­fect shocks God Realm through Four Lay­ered Thun­der Tribu­la­tion, fi­nally be­comes the Snow Song Realm 900,000 years of his­tory only one achieve­ment Di­vine Lord Realm per­son. Suc­ceeds to the throne Snow Song Realm King to sur­pass for ten thou­sand years, does not have to shake. Per­son­al­ity firm heart­less, often a lan­guage buries to ex­tin­guish a dy­nasty, but meets tol­er­a­tion of non- bot­tom line to shield to the own per­son of fond­ness, more­over... Doubt­ful has the slight mind fis­sion.
【Mu Bingyun】: The Snow Song Realm King Mu Xu­anyin younger sis­ter, cul­ti­vates god whole­heart­edly, the heart does not have a dust. Looks to all ex­tremely pale, after with­stand­ing mil­len­nium flame poi­son, looks to the life and death pale. Al­most will not for­ever have in mighty waves snow pupil, hid­den the wis­dom of far su­per­nor­mal per­son, is first rec­og­nized Yun Che, even if to God Realm, is doomed the un­com­mon per­son.
【Mu Feixue】: Ice Phoenix God Hall youngest dis­ci­ple, Ice Phoenix God Sect Great Elder grand­daugh­ter, Ice Phoenix blood­line di­rect line in­her­i­tance. The recog­ni­tion is most likely be­comes one of the Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple two.
【Mu Hanyi】: Ice Phoenix God Hall rec­og­nizes most out­stand­ing male dis­ci­ple, Im­pe­r­ial Prince of Snow Song Realm north­ern great na­tion, al­though cul­ti­vates to be in­fe­rior to Mu Feixue, but more peo­ple think that his nat­ural tal­ent still above Mu Feixue, rec­og­nizes is most likely be­comes one of the Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple two.
【Yun Che:???? Why only then amn't I sur­named to wash?】


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