HK :: VOLUME #15
#1492: Waits for daybreak, welcomed Dark!
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On February 14, 9 : 00 pm. =
Shuangqing City resumed the power supplies of six main city territories, although also remaining the power supplies of three main city territory and Shuanghu District have not recovered.
But twenty within four hours, the other three main city territories will resume power supply, but the power supply of Shuanghu District, most late will not exceed the Forty-eight hour.
Nanchao Nation.
Because Nanchao Nation Communications Network has not restored, the people are unable to obtain any information through cell phone, can only obtain information through network on own initiative, passes the television passive acquisition news.
Both contrast, the Nanchao Nation people information that likes obtaining on own initiative, but is not obtains the news that Government [Hope] they see passively.
Although in Internet, many information are the irresponsible rumor news, various sorts and varieties has not distinguished the true or false hearsay, but regarding the Ordinary Internet users, these news instead let them is willing to believe.
„[Izual], debugs source code, and carries on Virtual Test!” Shi Lei told, after saying, Shi Lei stood up, has moved the waist.
The [Izual] ice-cold unfeeling sound, from LIP Lens-type Information Processor Bone-sense Transmission Earpiece, passed to the Shi Lei's ear.
„Yes, [Sir].” [Izual] starts to debug the Shi Lei compilation immediately source code, or second time debugging. Because, Shi Lei has compiled Core Framework, [Izual] has timely carried on filling of foundation code.
After source code compiles accomplish, [Izual] equivalent to has carried on a debugging to work, now indeed is the second time debugging.
About after one minute, Shi Lei also in activity waist. [Izual] has sent out the prompt.
„[Sir], source code debugs accomplish, has not discovered the logical error and program error. System will soon enter Virtual Test. Because this Virtual Test project is huge, needs to spend to compare with long time, please patiently wait.” [Izual] was reminding Shi Lei.
This Virtual Test, [Izual] will simulate the entire Nanchao Nation Internet situation. Even if there is support of [Interweave Net Miwang] and Supercomputer [Lightning], requires the long time.
Shi Lei nodded at will , to continue activity waist and four limbs, neck.
High Grade Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System interior. currently develops very complex simulation. [Izual] has formidable Deep Natural Logic Thinking Module and Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module.
Two Core Functions Module, base on the Deep Neural Network structure completely. In brief, [Izual] had learning capability and analysis capability. Even if [Izual] does not have the innovative imagination ability, but as before very terrifying.
Actually is [Izual] formidable?
Cites a simplest example, if the [Izual] interior data storehouse, about ‚cat’ related data deletes completely. And shields ire Image Recognition Engine. Letting [Izual] is unable through way determine of recognition image ‚cat’.
So under the situation, [Izual] will not know the cat. If at this time, documentary film about cat, broadcast to [Izual] watches, [Izual]'s Autonomous Induction Learning Judgement Module, will then collect study related data, including cat build characteristics, life characteristics, garment tag wait / etc.. Finally through the study, determine comes out ‚cat’ the concept. ‚Knew’ again has about ‚cat’ information.
Besides lacking creativity and emotion, beside faintly recognizable Soul. [Izual] is even higher than wisdom of humanity.
Shi Lei had discovered some clue, for example Shi Lei formerly is [Izual], has compiled Black Magic Software, as [Izual] special-purpose invasion Tool. But [Izual] through studying Shi Lei, studies [Raphael], studies Tao Wenxian, even studies Black Magic Software, [Izual] already surpassed Gradation that Black Magic Software has been able to achieve.
Changes a more vivid view, [Izual] current Hacker skill, even can be the Shi Lei's degree. Besides not having the Shi Lei's Create imagination, [Izual] any ability is not worse than Shi Lei.
‚currently establishes Nanchao Nation network model, target data is huge, abandons irrelevant data, simplifies the model content...’
‚Establishes Nanchao Nation network model successfully, the currently statistics needs attack node data, the currently determine node whether reasonable...’
‚currently calculates the most succinct disposal plan...’
‚currently determine Truth Server whether exists...’
‚Lacking necessary data support, Unable to Judge Truth Server whether exists, is unable to obtain the most succinct disposal plan, records the situation, waits for contact System Administrator...’
‚The currently simulation invades target Operating System, explains System successfully, the invasion, implants [Interweave Net Seed] successfully successfully, succeeded to connect the iwnmat day x...’
‚currently tests [Interweave Net Seed] massively, currently construction color diwn...’
The time, has been 11 points, [Izual]'s Virtual Test has carried on a hurry in an instant close two hours, Shi Lei is bored in Nanchao Nation Internet, spurts with Nanchao Nation 'Stick' crazily.
During this period of bored time, Shi Lei had discovered some familiar forms, Xia Nation part of Hacker, entered Nanchao Nation Internet unexpectedly, manufacture disorder of currently small scale.
In view of the fact that the two countries Hacker Organization temporary ceasefire agreement, Hacker of both sides restrains very much, but is not representing Xia Nation Hacker, in Nanchao Nation Internet, will not add to stop up to Nanchao Nation.
These Hacker do not use the Hacker invasion method, destroys Nanchao Nation network, but fabricated a rumor in Nanchao Nation Internet.
Because Xia Nation network is special, the Ordinary Internet users do not have the means to surmount the border, visits Nanchao Nation network. Xia Nation Hacker, actually very positive is black Nanchao Nation.
Especially some Hacker have the considerable Outstanding photoshop technology, they Nanchao Nation and picture of Beichao Nation border, increased have let the image that the person misunderstood, then issued in Nanchao Nation network.
These posts in Nanchao Nation Internet, received discussion of Nanchao Nation Internet users. They even think that Beichao Nation attacked, but Nanchao Nation Government was deceiving them.
Xia Nation Hacker, actually pure for black Nanchao Nation, but black Nanchao Nation, although is not each Hacker has Financial Expert skill. But always has Hacker is Financial Expert.
Considering the Nanchao Nation Stock Market situation, Xia Nation Hacker has also joined this gluttony grand feast, wants to slice. Very slightly very small one cup of thick soup, the role that but they play is huge.
Shi Lei looks at the situation in Nanchao Nation Internet, cannot help but has smiled. Wall people push but actually, the Nanchao Nation current situation, is almost this.
Not only has Xia Nation Hacker, Wo Sang Nation Hacker, has joined. Even if before them, ally. Together Hacker Xia Nation Shuangqing City, but immediately gets angry now does not recognize people.
Wo Sang Nation many people, are not pull out to hang in any case heartlessly. Wears the clothes not to know?
11 : 16 o'clock at night.
[Izual] finally contact Shi Lei, „[Sir], Virtual Test accomplish, after the System computation. ‚[Dark Messenger]’ can approximately accomplish 84.4% Task. Majority of Four Great type network. [Dark Messenger] is unable accomplish attack.”
Nod that Shi Lei smiles, „this data, I was satisfied!”
„[Sir], after the System computation, if determines Nanchao Nation Truth Server, and invasion destroys Truth Server, 100% according to becoming the work of [Dark Messenger].” [Izual] System, record information. The report has given Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei knitting the brows head, „neglects this plan!”
„Yes. [Sir]!” [Izual] not any response of sentiment fluctuation, although after [Izual]'s determine, attack Truth Server is the most convenient plan, but Shi Lei takes System Administrator, gave has neglected the Truth Server plan, [Izual] naturally cannot continue to choose Truth Server.
„[Izual], starts implement ‚[Dark Messenger]’ Plan! Let Nanchao Nation Dark, Dark!” The Shi Lei expression was saying indifferently, as if not know his these words, soon will give Nanchao Nation to cause the how serious consequence to be the same.
Xia Nation and Nanchao Nation time, has differed for one hour.
The present was Xia Nation 11 : 18, that side Nanchao Nation is February 15 early morning. Entered early morning, is daybreak far?
In fact, daybreak is very far!
Especially in this special night, many Nanchao Nation people having no interest sleep, is waiting for the latest news on network. However, they have not waited till the latest news, but was the disaster.
Jeollanam-do, southernmost a Nanchao Nation [say / way] level administration area, the equivalent to Xia Nation province, has probably close 2 Million person.
The Nanchao Nation local time, the twenty minute, Jeollanam-do still in the most Internet users of staying up late, suddenly discovered that before dawn they lost with the link of network.
About after one minute, Jeollabuk-do also had exactly the same situation, the most Internet users lost and connection of network.
Then is Gyeongsangnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongnam-do and Chungcheongbuk-do, finally is Gyeonggi-do!
Entire Nanchao Nation in short less than five minutes, over 99.99% staying up late Internet users and Internet lost the link.
In ten thousand saves Internet users, on Internet lonely, but they had also discovered the unusual circumstance, part of Forum are unable Signed In, numerous website to be shielded.
even though visits Official Website of Government department, presented the visit to be sluggish, even was the situation of visiting the failure.
Enlivens in Nanchao Nation Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation Hacker, had discovered such situation, they immediately have issued the related news in Xia Nation and Wo Sang Nation.
The Internet users who Nanchao Nation stays up late although lost with the link of network, but does not mean, they relieved sleeping, but indulges in flights of fancy.
Especially the beforehand marvel hearsay indicated that Beichao Nation will soon attack, Beichao Nation has controlled Communications Network first, will control afterward also network.
From the beginning, network has not had issue, in addition spiking a rumour of Government, this hearsay has not brought to the attention. But now, network encounters restriction(s), the Internet users of staying up late go to the street, is exchanging information.
A depressing panic, ferments in Nanchao Nation, this situation is the situation that Nanchao Nation Government has not expected. Entire Nanchao Nation, not because of dark night, but quiet, instead because of dark night but disorder!
After the dark night, is not daybreak, but deeper Dark!
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1492: Waits for daybreak, welcomed Dark!

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