Wednesday, December 27, 2017

1492: Waits for daybreak, welcomed Dark!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1492: Waits for daybreak, welcomed Dark!
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On Feb­ru­ary 14, 9 : 00 pm. =
Shuangqing City re­sumed the power sup­plies of six main city ter­ri­to­ries, al­though also re­main­ing the power sup­plies of three main city ter­ri­tory and Shuanghu Dis­trict have not re­cov­ered.
But twenty within four hours, the other three main city ter­ri­to­ries will re­sume power sup­ply, but the power sup­ply of Shuanghu Dis­trict, most late will not ex­ceed the Forty-eight hour.
Nan­chao Na­tion.
Be­cause Nan­chao Na­tion Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work has not re­stored, the peo­ple are un­able to ob­tain any in­for­ma­tion through cell phone, can only ob­tain in­for­ma­tion through net­work on own ini­tia­tive, passes the tele­vi­sion pas­sive ac­qui­si­tion news.
Both con­trast, the Nan­chao Na­tion peo­ple in­for­ma­tion that likes ob­tain­ing on own ini­tia­tive, but is not ob­tains the news that Gov­ern­ment [Hope] they see pas­sively.
Al­though in In­ter­net, many in­for­ma­tion are the ir­re­spon­si­ble rumor news, var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties has not dis­tin­guished the true or false hearsay, but re­gard­ing the Or­di­nary In­ter­net users, these news in­stead let them is will­ing to be­lieve.
„[Izual], de­bugs source code, and car­ries on Vir­tual Test!” Shi Lei told, after say­ing, Shi Lei stood up, has moved the waist.
The [Izual] ice-cold un­feel­ing sound, from LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece, passed to the Shi Lei's ear.
„Yes, [Sir].” [Izual] starts to debug the Shi Lei com­pi­la­tion im­me­di­ately source code, or sec­ond time de­bug­ging. Be­cause, Shi Lei has com­piled Core Frame­work, [Izual] has timely car­ried on fill­ing of foun­da­tion code.
After source code com­piles ac­com­plish, [Izual] equiv­a­lent to has car­ried on a de­bug­ging to work, now in­deed is the sec­ond time de­bug­ging.
About after one minute, Shi Lei also in ac­tiv­ity waist. [Izual] has sent out the prompt.
„[Sir], source code de­bugs ac­com­plish, has not dis­cov­ered the log­i­cal error and pro­gram error. Sys­tem will soon enter Vir­tual Test. Be­cause this Vir­tual Test pro­ject is huge, needs to spend to com­pare with long time, please pa­tiently wait.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
This Vir­tual Test, [Izual] will sim­u­late the en­tire Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net sit­u­a­tion. Even if there is sup­port of [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] and Su­per­com­puter [Light­ning], re­quires the long time.
Shi Lei nod­ded at will , to con­tinue ac­tiv­ity waist and four limbs, neck.
High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem in­te­rior. cur­rently de­vel­ops very com­plex sim­u­la­tion. [Izual] has for­mi­da­ble Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule and Au­tonomous In­duc­tion Learn­ing Judge­ment Mod­ule.
Two Core Func­tions Mod­ule, base on the Deep Neural Net­work struc­ture com­pletely. In brief, [Izual] had learn­ing ca­pa­bil­ity and analy­sis ca­pa­bil­ity. Even if [Izual] does not have the in­no­v­a­tive imag­i­na­tion abil­ity, but as be­fore very ter­ri­fy­ing.
Ac­tu­ally is [Izual] for­mi­da­ble?
Cites a sim­plest ex­am­ple, if the [Izual] in­te­rior data store­house, about ‚cat’ re­lated data deletes com­pletely. And shields ire Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine. Let­ting [Izual] is un­able through way de­ter­mine of recog­ni­tion image ‚cat’.
So under the sit­u­a­tion, [Izual] will not know the cat. If at this time, doc­u­men­tary film about cat, broad­cast to [Izual] watches, [Izual]'s Au­tonomous In­duc­tion Learn­ing Judge­ment Mod­ule, will then col­lect study re­lated data, in­clud­ing cat build char­ac­ter­is­tics, life char­ac­ter­is­tics, gar­ment tag wait / etc.. Fi­nally through the study, de­ter­mine comes out ‚cat’ the con­cept. ‚Knew’ again has about ‚cat’ in­for­ma­tion.
Be­sides lack­ing cre­ativ­ity and emo­tion, be­side faintly rec­og­niz­able Soul. [Izual] is even higher than wis­dom of hu­man­ity.
Shi Lei had dis­cov­ered some clue, for ex­am­ple Shi Lei for­merly is [Izual], has com­piled Black Magic Soft­ware, as [Izual] spe­cial-pur­pose in­va­sion Tool. But [Izual] through study­ing Shi Lei, stud­ies [Raphael], stud­ies Tao Wenx­ian, even stud­ies Black Magic Soft­ware, [Izual] al­ready sur­passed Gra­da­tion that Black Magic Soft­ware has been able to achieve.
Changes a more vivid view, [Izual] cur­rent Hacker skill, even can be the Shi Lei's de­gree. Be­sides not hav­ing the Shi Lei's Cre­ate imag­i­na­tion, [Izual] any abil­ity is not worse than Shi Lei.
‚cur­rently es­tab­lishes Nan­chao Na­tion net­work model, tar­get data is huge, aban­dons ir­rel­e­vant data, sim­pli­fies the model con­tent...’
‚Es­tab­lishes Nan­chao Na­tion net­work model suc­cess­fully, the cur­rently sta­tis­tics needs at­tack node data, the cur­rently de­ter­mine node whether rea­son­able...’
‚cur­rently cal­cu­lates the most suc­cinct dis­posal plan...’
‚cur­rently de­ter­mine Truth Server whether ex­ists...’
‚Lack­ing nec­es­sary data sup­port, Un­able to Judge Truth Server whether ex­ists, is un­able to ob­tain the most suc­cinct dis­posal plan, records the sit­u­a­tion, waits for con­tact Sys­tem Ad­min­is­tra­tor...’
‚The cur­rently sim­u­la­tion in­vades tar­get Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, ex­plains Sys­tem suc­cess­fully, the in­va­sion, im­plants [In­ter­weave Net Seed] suc­cess­fully suc­cess­fully, suc­ceeded to con­nect the iwn­mat day x...’
‚cur­rently tests [In­ter­weave Net Seed] mas­sively, cur­rently con­struc­tion color diwn...’
The time, has been 11 points, [Izual]'s Vir­tual Test has car­ried on a hurry in an in­stant close two hours, Shi Lei is bored in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net, spurts with Nan­chao Na­tion 'Stick' crazily.
Dur­ing this pe­riod of bored time, Shi Lei had dis­cov­ered some fa­mil­iar forms, Xia Na­tion part of Hacker, en­tered Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net un­ex­pect­edly, man­u­fac­ture dis­or­der of cur­rently small scale.
In view of the fact that the two coun­tries Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion tem­po­rary cease­fire agree­ment, Hacker of both sides re­strains very much, but is not rep­re­sent­ing Xia Na­tion Hacker, in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net, will not add to stop up to Nan­chao Na­tion.
These Hacker do not use the Hacker in­va­sion method, de­stroys Nan­chao Na­tion net­work, but fab­ri­cated a rumor in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net.
Be­cause Xia Na­tion net­work is spe­cial, the Or­di­nary In­ter­net users do not have the means to sur­mount the bor­der, vis­its Nan­chao Na­tion net­work. Xia Na­tion Hacker, ac­tu­ally very pos­i­tive is black Nan­chao Na­tion.
Es­pe­cially some Hacker have the con­sid­er­able Out­stand­ing pho­to­shop tech­nol­ogy, they Nan­chao Na­tion and pic­ture of Be­ichao Na­tion bor­der, in­creased have let the image that the per­son mis­un­der­stood, then is­sued in Nan­chao Na­tion net­work.
These posts in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net, re­ceived dis­cus­sion of Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net users. They even think that Be­ichao Na­tion at­tacked, but Nan­chao Na­tion Gov­ern­ment was de­ceiv­ing them.
Xia Na­tion Hacker, ac­tu­ally pure for black Nan­chao Na­tion, but black Nan­chao Na­tion, al­though is not each Hacker has Fi­nan­cial Ex­pert skill. But al­ways has Hacker is Fi­nan­cial Ex­pert.
Con­sid­er­ing the Nan­chao Na­tion Stock Mar­ket sit­u­a­tion, Xia Na­tion Hacker has also joined this glut­tony grand feast, wants to slice. Very slightly very small one cup of thick soup, the role that but they play is huge.
Shi Lei looks at the sit­u­a­tion in Nan­chao Na­tion In­ter­net, can­not help but has smiled. Wall peo­ple push but ac­tu­ally, the Nan­chao Na­tion cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, is al­most this.
Not only has Xia Na­tion Hacker, Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker, has joined. Even if be­fore them, ally. To­gether Hacker Xia Na­tion Shuangqing City, but im­me­di­ately gets angry now does not rec­og­nize peo­ple.
Wo Sang Na­tion many peo­ple, are not pull out to hang in any case heart­lessly. Wears the clothes not to know?
11 : 16 o'clock at night.
[Izual] fi­nally con­tact Shi Lei, „[Sir], Vir­tual Test ac­com­plish, after the Sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion. ‚[Dark Mes­sen­ger]’ can ap­prox­i­mately ac­com­plish 84.4% Task. Ma­jor­ity of Four Great type net­work. [Dark Mes­sen­ger] is un­able ac­com­plish at­tack.”
Nod that Shi Lei smiles, „this data, I was sat­is­fied!”
„[Sir], after the Sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion, if de­ter­mines Nan­chao Na­tion Truth Server, and in­va­sion de­stroys Truth Server, 100% ac­cord­ing to be­com­ing the work of [Dark Mes­sen­ger].” [Izual] Sys­tem, record in­for­ma­tion. The re­port has given Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei knit­ting the brows head, „ne­glects this plan!”
„Yes. [Sir]!” [Izual] not any re­sponse of sen­ti­ment fluc­tu­a­tion, al­though after [Izual]'s de­ter­mine, at­tack Truth Server is the most con­ve­nient plan, but Shi Lei takes Sys­tem Ad­min­is­tra­tor, gave has ne­glected the Truth Server plan, [Izual] nat­u­rally can­not con­tinue to choose Truth Server.
„[Izual], starts im­ple­ment ‚[Dark Mes­sen­ger]’ Plan! Let Nan­chao Na­tion Dark, Dark!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was say­ing in­dif­fer­ently, as if not know his these words, soon will give Nan­chao Na­tion to cause the how se­ri­ous con­se­quence to be the same.
Xia Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion time, has dif­fered for one hour.
The pre­sent was Xia Na­tion 11 : 18, that side Nan­chao Na­tion is Feb­ru­ary 15 early morn­ing. En­tered early morn­ing, is day­break far?
In fact, day­break is very far!
Es­pe­cially in this spe­cial night, many Nan­chao Na­tion peo­ple hav­ing no in­ter­est sleep, is wait­ing for the lat­est news on net­work. How­ever, they have not waited till the lat­est news, but was the dis­as­ter.
Je­ol­lanam-do, south­ern­most a Nan­chao Na­tion [say / way] level ad­min­is­tra­tion area, the equiv­a­lent to Xia Na­tion province, has prob­a­bly close 2 Mil­lion per­son.
The Nan­chao Na­tion local time, the twenty minute, Je­ol­lanam-do still in the most In­ter­net users of stay­ing up late, sud­denly dis­cov­ered that be­fore dawn they lost with the link of net­work.
About after one minute, Je­ol­labuk-do also had ex­actly the same sit­u­a­tion, the most In­ter­net users lost and con­nec­tion of net­work.
Then is Gyeongsang­nam-do, Gyeongsang­buk-do, Gang­won-do, Chungcheong­nam-do and Chungcheong­buk-do, fi­nally is Gyeonggi-do!
En­tire Nan­chao Na­tion in short less than five min­utes, over 99.99% stay­ing up late In­ter­net users and In­ter­net lost the link.
In ten thou­sand saves In­ter­net users, on In­ter­net lonely, but they had also dis­cov­ered the un­usual cir­cum­stance, part of Forum are un­able Signed In, nu­mer­ous web­site to be shielded.
even though vis­its Of­fi­cial Web­site of Gov­ern­ment de­part­ment, pre­sented the visit to be slug­gish, even was the sit­u­a­tion of vis­it­ing the fail­ure.
En­livens in Nan­chao Na­tion Xia Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker, had dis­cov­ered such sit­u­a­tion, they im­me­di­ately have is­sued the re­lated news in Xia Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion.
The In­ter­net users who Nan­chao Na­tion stays up late al­though lost with the link of net­work, but does not mean, they re­lieved sleep­ing, but in­dulges in flights of fancy.
Es­pe­cially the be­fore­hand mar­vel hearsay in­di­cated that Be­ichao Na­tion will soon at­tack, Be­ichao Na­tion has con­trolled Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work first, will con­trol af­ter­ward also net­work.
From the be­gin­ning, net­work has not had issue, in ad­di­tion spik­ing a ru­mour of Gov­ern­ment, this hearsay has not brought to the at­ten­tion. But now, net­work en­coun­ters re­stric­tion(s), the In­ter­net users of stay­ing up late go to the street, is ex­chang­ing in­for­ma­tion.
A de­press­ing panic, fer­ments in Nan­chao Na­tion, this sit­u­a­tion is the sit­u­a­tion that Nan­chao Na­tion Gov­ern­ment has not ex­pected. En­tire Nan­chao Na­tion, not be­cause of dark night, but quiet, in­stead be­cause of dark night but dis­or­der!
After the dark night, is not day­break, but deeper Dark!


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