Friday, December 29, 2017

971: Ruthless spicy

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#971: Ruthless spicy
Comments 236
„Any per­son!”
Di Kui with­draws rapidly sev­eral steps, raise one's head looks to the sound ori­gin. They do after is the shame­ful mat­ter, does not hope was seen by the by­stander. But this sound nearly near ear, he slightly had not ac­tu­ally re­al­ized that some peo­ple ap­proach, in nat­ural heart vig­i­lance.
A Yun Che sim­ple pure white jer­sey, from air­borne low­ered slowly, falls on the Feng Mo side.
In Cold Snow Palace new pro­mote dis­ci­ple saw Yun Che's to be many, but the Yun Che later di­rect nest in the prac­tice room three months of Ice Phoenix 36 palaces, half step has not stepped, thus ex­cept for that day in the Cold Snow Main Hall per­son, Ice Phoenix God Sect high and low no­body has seen Yun Che rad­i­cally.
To Di Kui, this is a com­pletely strange face, but his Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm aura lets Di Kui all vig­i­lant changes in­stan­ta­neously dis­dains: „Orig­i­nally is courts death...”
His voice lives sud­denly, be­cause he saw on the Yun Che shoul­der, is sym­bol­iz­ing Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple sta­tus Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, im­me­di­ately sud­denly stares, then lost one's voice to call out: „You... You are Yun Che!!”
Be­com­ing Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple by Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm pro­found strength, en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect, only three months ago rep­u­ta­tion big chirp tem­po­rary Yun Che, is im­pos­si­ble to have other peo­ple.
„Yun Che... Se­nior Brother...” Looks at the where­abouts in own side Yun Che, the Feng Mo lip buzz moves, he who under the bru­tal hu­mil­i­a­tion did not admit de­feat was the hot fog fills the eyes in this mo­ment un­ex­pect­edly, in this law of the jun­gle, the liveli­hood also wanted bru­tal God Realm com­pared with Lower Realm, he has not thought that en­tered Ice Phoenix Palace Yun Che to send greet­ings to ar­rive be­cause of his seek­ing help un­ex­pect­edly.
„Yun Che? This name, is very fa­mil­iar-sound­ing.” Rear Liu Hang has nar­rowed eye.
„Se­nior Brother Liu, he is three months ago, se­verely wounded Chief Hall Mas­ter nephew's that Yun Che!” Di Kui said hastily.
„Snort, does not need you to re­mind.” Liu Hang steps the foot­steps, moves to­ward Yun Che that has dropped from the clouds sud­denly, be with smile on the face: „Orig­i­nally is fa­mous Se­nior Brother Yun Che. Se­nior Brother Yun Che three months ago once blos­somed in ra­di­ant splen­dor, by has not en­tered Di­vine Dao pro­found strength suc­ces­sive de­feats two Di­vine Dao pro­found prac­ti­tioner, made an ex­cep­tion to re­ceive is Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, mak­ing the per­son ad­mire en­vies. Has not thought that today can see un­ex­pect­edly for­tu­nately, is re­ally lucky.”
The Di Kui whole face is dis­crete, al­though Yun Che's pro­found strength has Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm, but he after is Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, Mu Bingyun ex­empts the in­spec­tion to re­ceive. Is Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­ple, will al­ways have a base and low feel­ing in front of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple.
Liu Hang sim­i­larly is also po­lite, to Yun Che is also quite re­spect­ful „Se­nior Brother” sym­met­ric, but among his looks, al­though has re­spect­ful, cer­tainly has not ac­tu­ally dreaded... Even pupil light deep place, but also clearly brings to wipe con­temp­tu­ously.
The Yun Che squat­ting lower part of the body, has nosed a Feng Mo in­jury, then raised the head, the vi­sion has swept Liu Hang and Di Kui they, ex­pres­sion light ask­ing: „Is he you hits?”
„Good.” Liu Hang is smil­ing the nod.
„Les­son does not un­der­stand the cus­tom Ju­nior Brother, is we, when the Se­nior Brother job, Se­nior Brother Yun Che does think?” Liu Hang is still smil­ing.
„They... They want to snatch my Snow Silk Seed,... cough cough...” Feng Mo flut­ters to yell, but a words exit / to speak, he com­plex­ion changes, hur­ried sound track: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che... you can come, my Feng Mo... al­ready ex­tremely grate­ful... How­ever, these two peo­ple... Very fierce... Is fiercer than Ji Han­feng, pro­found strength is Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level... es­pe­cially that Liu Hang, his male cousin called Mu Yizhou, was chief dis­ci­ple of Ice Phoenix first palace... we rad­i­cally... Can­not stir up... You walk quickly, here is Cold Snow Palace, they do not dare... My what kind of...”
Feng Mo passes mes­sage to Yun Che seeks help, is think­ing de­pends upon the Yun Che Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple sta­tus re­treats in fear Liu Hang and Di Kui, but...
Chief dis­ci­ple of Ice Phoenix first palace..., if early knows that the Liu Hang male cousin has that scary sta­tus, he will not send greet­ings ab­solutely from Yun Che seeks help.
„Was good, wholly-ab­sorbed con­geal­ing air/Qi, do not speak.” The Yun Che's brow moves, palm ac­cord­ing to after Feng Mo car­ries on the back, con­denses the world spir­i­tual en­ergy fast, in­puts the body of Feng Mo.
Cool rivulets past slowly the whole body, mak­ing the pain re­duce in­stan­ta­neously, mind all of a sud­den be­comes clear un­der­stand­ing. On the Feng Mo face shows as­ton­ished fa­cial ex­pres­sion, al­most can­not be­lieve feel­ing that own body and mind trans­mit.
Hears Feng Mo to shout to Yun Che „Mu Yizhou” given name, Liu Hang im­me­di­ately the cor­ners of the mouth one, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion be­comes more ar­ro­gant. Has Mu Yizhou this giant backer, he does not fear ma­jor­ity of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, how also to dread Yun Che this to come from Lower Realm, Ice Phoenix Palace that but en­ters de­pend­ing on ex­cel­lent nat­ural tal­ent, pro­found strength sets the base Yun Che that con­tin­u­ally can­not be joined.
„You to snatch his Snow Silk Seed?” Stands firm the Feng Mo in­jury, Yun Che puts aside from him the hand, stands up slowly, un­emo­tion­ally vis­its them.
Pon­der­ing that quite „he he,” Liu Hang smiles, Feng Mo has helped him on own ini­tia­tive „Mu Yizhou” the name moved, the strength of his multi- waste of breath saved: „Is words, do you pre­pare what kind of? Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate, Se­nior Brother Yun Che also wants to such a triv­ial waste, feel em­bar­rassed us to be in­ad­e­quate?”
„Is very sim­ple,” in Yun Che light pupil pupil surged the dan­ger­ous cold glow: „Hands over on you all Snow Silk Seed, again from break­ing the left arm, then you can get lost!”
Such re­marks, Liu Hang look fierce one stiff, Di Kui is also the com­plex­ion fiercely changes, pre­pared to open the mouth Feng Mo that once more urged Yun Che to leave also com­pletely there, can­not be­lieve own ear com­pletely.
„, He He... Ha Ha Ha Ha!” Liu Hang has laughed: „Se­nior Brother Yun Che also is re­ally in­ter­est­ing per­son, first meet­ing, plays such big joke un­ex­pect­edly.”
The Di Kui look be­comes some­what is also mean, sneers is not mak­ing noise... The Yun Che words were best are the joke, oth­er­wise, was a laugh­able joke.
„Wants me to begin per­son­ally, but in that case, breaks may not be an arm.” Yun Che has also sneered.
„Yun Che!” The Liu Hang com­plex­ion sinks, ex­pres­sion also all of a sud­den cold: „I said a mo­ment ago your sound Se­nior Brother, gives your face, you being con­cerned about face! You think re­ally after one have be­come Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, can be­fore us ram­pant? In our Cold Snow Palace , many peo­ple are your Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple can­not stir up... Let alone, you are also the out­castes that Lower Realm comes! Your cul­ti­vat­ing is, in Ice Phoenix Palace is a huge joke!”
„Heard on the same day after of­fend­ing Chief Hall Mas­ter, hid in the Ice Phoenix Palace three months not to dare to come out, now un­ex­pect­edly runs up to front of us to play the power and pres­tige,” Di Kui sneered say­ing: „If other Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­ple, will also be fooled re­ally by you. What a pity you have found fault the ob­ject, I am not Ji Han­feng that type of waste, but Liu Hang Se­nior Brother, is your ten life­time can­not stir up! You im­me­di­ately get the hell out now, I and Liu Hang Se­nior Brother can also you, when has put, oth­er­wise... But here our Cold Snow Palace do­main, the con­se­quence will be very ugly, at the ap­pointed time you not only have be­come the Ice Phoenix Palace joke, in Cold Snow Palace can be a joke.”
Yun Che no longer spoke, the arm ex­tended, Heaven Smit­ing Sword has grasped in the hand, the foot­steps were not so fast but so slow nei­ther, press up to Di Kui and Liu Hang.
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che!” Feng Mo puts out a hand hastily, wants to pre­vent Yun Che.
Heaven Smit­ing Sword leaves, far ultra Liu Hang and Di Kui ex­pected, the huge pres­sure that if the moun­tain tilts cov­ers, lets their bod­ies for a it chest­nut. Sees Yun Che to pre­pare to get rid un­ex­pect­edly, Liu Hang look thor­ough cloudy under: „Yun Che, this is you brings upon one­self!”
„Di Kui, breaks his hand!!”
Yun Che even­tu­ally is Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, Mu Bingyun re­ceives, al­though Liu Hang does not fear, even some­what de­spises Yun Che, but does not dare under too ruth­less the hand de­cid­edly to him.
„Hey, breaks a hand of Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, thinks com­fort­ably!” A Di Kui sin­is­ter smile, has Liu Hang to sup­port, he does not need any scru­ples, but he had not for­got­ten that Yun Che Zeng Fei Ji Han­feng, he lim­ited that Ji Han­feng is stronger, there­fore has not had a low opin­ion of the enemy, but calls the weapon di­rectly, under foot one wrong, to­gether cold shade straight thrust Yun Che: „Kneels down to me!”
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che is care­ful!” Feng Mo star­tled hoarse­ness to yell, he wants to de­pend upon the Yun Che Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple sta­tus to re­treat in fear at first re­ally they, has not thought that the sit­u­a­tion will turn into this ap­pear­ance... He has not ex­pected Liu Hang be­hind to have that big backer, can­not think that Yun Che will get rid to them un­ex­pect­edly on own ini­tia­tive.
Al­though Yun Che on the same day won Ji Han­feng, but his also at the scene strength uses up, Di Kui pro­found strength reaches as high as Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level, does not think Yun Che can be own match. But, when Heaven Smit­ing Sword close, makes mean on his face trans­fer stunned that ter­ror to in­de­scrib­able sword, changes com­pletely panic-stricken, his sub­con­scious wish es­capes, rad­i­cally has ac­tu­ally been in­fe­rior.
A bang, fly­ing snow every­where, the Di Kui long sword suc­ceeds in giv­ing up five sec­tions in­stan­ta­neously, on a breath also sent out Di Kui that was call­ing out ram­pantly such as the kite of bro­ken line to fly hor­i­zon­tally, from the sky spouted a long blood from the pores of the feet.
This has a dream that has not thought to make the Liu Hang com­plex­ion all of a sud­den pale, Yun Che also sur­prised. Di Kui and Liu Hang are Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level, the strength must ex­ceed Ji Han­feng. There­fore al­though he self-con­fi­dent will not lose to them, but has not pulled rank, had re­vealed di­rectly Heaven Smit­ing Sword... has not thought that Di Kui ac­tu­ally at his sword next move of rout.
Three months ago, under his Pur­ga­tory con­di­tion does not beat Di­vine Essence Realm Sixth Level Ji Han­feng, opens Rum­bling Heaven its se­vere wound, the also com­plete strength uses up.
At the pre­sent, he in the Pur­ga­tory con­di­tion, is a sword bang flies un­ex­pect­edly Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level Di Kui!
The short three months, Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill adds the hope­less sit­u­a­tion prac­tice, his strength had the tremen­dous changes, three months ago is no com­par­i­son be­tween them rad­i­cally!
After in­stant sur­prised, the Yun Che's look has locked on star­tled soul de­stroyed/ter­ror-stricken Liu Hang in­stan­ta­neously, Heaven Smit­ing Sword is away from re­mote of three hun­dred feet, a sword sweeps away.
Ap­proaches to ex­treme death aura fear­fully sud­denly, the Liu Hang my­dri­a­sis, cries, con­denses whole body pro­found strength to pro­tect be­fore the body, but under the sword pres­tige, his guard pro­found strength has only main­tained half breath, then such as frail glazed frost gen­er­ally ir­rel­e­vant shat­tered, the whole per­son such as was pounded by the moun­tain, a piti­ful yell, sprin­kled the blood to fly, drag­ging the long blood­stain to plant to fall on the Di Kui body side.
Sim­i­larly is a sword causes heavy losses.
Is filled the air by fly­ing snow every­where that Heaven Smit­ing Sword raises, for a very long time is not loose, rear Feng Mo mouth big, a sound is ac­tu­ally not able to send out, the eye was stares the biggest, en­tire pho­to­graph turned into an ice sculp­ture sud­denly, thor­ough being star­tled there, has not been in any event able to be­lieve pic­ture that one saw with one's own eyes.
Ini­tially in Cold Snow Main Hall, Di­vine Essence Realm Sixth Level Ji Han­feng made him fall into to strug­gle hard. But now, the Di­vine Essence Realm Sev­enth Level pow­er­house, so col­lapses at the first blow be­fore him un­ex­pect­edly.
Among this, has only sep­a­rated for short three months! In the Di­vine Dao prac­tice short until some time that can def­i­nitely ig­nore.
Yun Che re­ceives Heaven Smit­ing Sword, at a mod­er­ate pace trend went, be­fore ar­riv­ing at the body of Liu Hang.
Al­though sep­a­rates the spa­tial sword, is makes Liu Hang feel that own in­ter­nal or­gans all shifted, blood stream and pro­found qi chaotic as if must break through his body. Looks to ar­rive at Yun Che be­fore body, on his face could not haunch for­merly ar­ro­gance again, but has cov­ered en­tirely the shock and fear: „You... You...”
Yun Che reaches out him: „Now, com­pletely hands over your Snow Silk Seed, heard clearly, is com­plete. Do not waste my time, oth­er­wise in­ces­santly is your both hands , the foot must break to­gether.”
Liu Hang clenches teeth stub­bornly: „You dare!! Yun Che, my male cousin is chief dis­ci­ple Mu Yizhou of Hanxue (cold snow) first palace, is the Di­vine Soul Realm Tenth Level peer­less tal­ent! He must kill you, with pinch­ing an ant does not dis­tin­guish, if you dare...”
„Aaaah ---”
A Yun Che foot falls, in Liu Hang such as the ma­li­cious ghost cries loudly in the sad and shrill piti­ful yell sound, steps on his right foot.
„Liu Hang, it seems like I need to re­mind your mat­ter.” Yun Che bent down, [say / way] leisurely: „That fel­low who called Li Mingcheng, where now should the paral­y­sis, it is es­ti­mated that this whole life not think to re­cover com­pletely barely alive. Heard that his pa­ter­nal aunt is your Cold Snow Palace Chief Hall Mas­ter, that may com­pared with your any­thing male cousin mostly, but was a pity that has aban­doned Li Mingcheng that per­son, now for­tu­nately good stand­ing be­fore you, a hair has not been short.”
„You said that I do dare?” The Yun Che eye nar­rows the eyes, in eye seam is Liu Hang this whole life has seen most ter­ror­ist cold light.


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