Friday, December 29, 2017

980: Big ~~ Senior Sister

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#980: Big ~~ Senior Sister
Comments 161
The Yun Che train of thought is star­tled to be chaotic, be­witch­ing woman lethar­gic el­e­gant sets out from ice chair, hem of the skirt falls gen­tly, cov­ered that pair is the heaven ex­hausts the ankle area that the life­time en­ergy carved, a pair be­witched the beau­ti­ful pupil to think so Yun Che, the step slowly to­ward him walks.
Leaves was near, Yun Che then notes, on her snow clothes also mark proudly man­tle Ice Phoenix, but her front is ex­tremely full, will at­tempt the mark com­plete brace to be op­press to the point of cre­at­ing un­rest the shape, not only gi­gan­tic, but also sim­ply such as water gen­eral soft, the foot­steps ob­vi­ously are very slow, but tak­ing a step slightly, then trem­bles care­less sway­ing, mak­ing Yun Che turn one's thoughts to­ward a loved one dizzily, the vi­sion was ad­sorbed likely firmly above, in an­other los­ing soul, does not hate the mo­ment to leave slightly.
The Yun Che's Adam's apple, in this time hears one „rolling” the glide.
The sound is very light, but in Ice Phoenix Palace of this si­lenc­ing, ab­solutely is un­equalled re­sound­ing. Yun Che was awak­ened by own sound im­me­di­ately, the bonus is his face thick-skinned like the city wall, al­most wants to turn around im­me­di­ately, cov­ers the face runs away crazily.
„Yun Che.” be­witch­ing woman ac­tu­ally re­sem­bles has not heard, be­fore she stands the Yun Che body, the pupil light is dense, the pow­der lip opens lightly, called the Yun Che's name.
Her sound flat­ters the bone to inter the body crisply, is so brief, is pre­cisely the Yun Che this whole life most fa­mil­iar two char­ac­ters, is makes the Yun Che whole body bone along with it one soft, he in­spires darkly, dur­ing the vi­sion dis­so­ci­a­tion does not dare to look at al­ready the near at hand se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl again, is force­fully calm: „Big...”
„Big” char­ac­ter exit / to speak, Yun Che has bit­ten own tongue, dif­fi­cult [say / way]: „Se­nior Sis­ter... good.”
„Big ~~ Se­nior Sis­ter?” cres­cent moon eye­brow of fe­male is light, cor­ners of the mouth go up slightly, the small fa­cial ex­pres­sion change, is makes her be­witch to ab­sorb the soul the beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance to flat­ter in­tent to come up in great num­bers and from all sides, her broad and hand­some fore­head ap­proaches, wants the strongly fra­grant fra­grance to stroke com­pared with Yun Che life­time in­sti­tute hear Guo all flower fra­grances gen­tly: „You want to shout a mo­ment ago... Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter?”
The sound is lazy and per­sua­sive, Yun Che mouth micro, the body is weak, the mind swings en­trains, Soul as if must de­tach, a brain un­prece­dented blank.
He has Dragon God's Soul in the body, has ex­pe­ri­enced bru­tal dis­ci­plin­ing of strength of Nether­world Udum­bara Flower Soul Ab­sorp­tion, re­gard­less of the big for­mi­da­ble enemy, never makes him lose the soul to so the de­gree.
But the pre­sent se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl, her body does not have pro­found strength aura, does not have the op­pres­sive im­pos­ing man­ner, does not have the cor­ro­sion or the sup­pres­sion of mind strength. Ac­tu­ally in frown­ing to smile the spo­ken lan­guages, lets his soul rout to so the sit­u­a­tion.
Yun Che does not know com­pletely own this time ig­no­rant how long, when he col­lects the mind fi­nally, must open the mouth to melt the awk­ward and un­prece­dented mal­prac­tice force­fully: „Does not know... Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter... pū!”
A Yun Che Pales­tine long-han­dled fan to own mouth on, then twists the face to use big­ger sound speed way: „Does not know how Se­nior Sis­ter did call?”
The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girls flat­ter an eye of cir­cu­la­tion, the faint smile, the pupil light of fine mo­tion is as if sur­prised Yun Che such quickly to get back one's com­po­sure un­ex­pect­edly: „Hears Ice Phoenix 36 palace newly ar­rived male dis­ci­ple very much long time ago coura­geous very much, comes Ice Phoenix Realm first day has en­raged Mu Feng­shu, days be­fore, has pro­voked chief dis­ci­ple of Ice Phoenix first palace. Today be­gin­ning sees Spir­i­tual Mas­ter, ac­tu­ally dares to speak friv­o­lously, is re­ally the big courage.”
„~! @#¥%...” Re­mem­bered for­merly re­sponse, Yun Che in­com­pa­ra­bly wants to look for a crack to worm one's way into. He calms down once more, makes own man­ner voice more nat­ural as far as pos­si­ble, is thick the fa­cial skin say­ing: „My courage, al­though is big, but does not dare friv­o­lous Se­nior Sis­ter ab­solutely. Is Se­nior Sis­ter is mainly long too at­trac­tive, for a while looks is in a daze, there­fore some slips of the tongue, but also in­vited Se­nior Sis­ter atone­ment. More­over, I be­lieve that Se­nior Sis­ter def­i­nitely knows I am not in­ten­tion­ally.”
Non­sense! Rude be­comes in­clud­ing me this ap­pear­ance... Other men also refer to the un­cer­tain any moral­ity moral char­ac­ter. She def­i­nitely was un­alarmed by strange sights... Hiss­ing! In the world has un­ex­pect­edly such can­cels the se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl of per­son, does not know that she did have the man...
„Oh? said that on the con­trary is my mis­take?” Se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl has no in­ten­tion has nipped flow­ery lips lightly.
In the Yun Che heart the in­stan­ta­neous rip­ples occur re­peat­edly, in the mouth said hur­riedly: „, How pos­si­bly is not Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter... hiss­ing!” This time, Yun Che wishes one could to pull out the blade holds one­self: „Cer­tainly cer­tainly ab­solutely is not the Se­nior Sis­ter mis­take.! Se­nior Sis­ter this visit, but de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew for me and Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan?”
The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girls stretch out two Bai Ying the jade of glar­ing to refer, pushes two ex­quis­ite jade bot­tles gen­tly, the breeze has stroked, two jade bot­tles fell on Yun Che's: „Not is only de­liv­ers this Cold Dew, to come to see a per­son.”
„That... Palace Mas­ter her these days not here.” Yun Che care­ful re­ceives the jade bot­tle.
„Al­ready so, my goal was also achieves.” The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl beau­ti­ful pupil has trans­ferred, spooky soft and gen­tle words: „These two drops of Cold Dew, you and Xi­aolan early drink to well.”
Lis­tens to under her lan­guage the mean­ing, re­sem­bles must leave in light of this, in the Yun Che heart surges one type un­able the strict com­plex mood, leaves the tastes hastily: „Se­nior Sis­ter, al­though is first meet­ing, but you know that my name, I ac­tu­ally do not know the Se­nior Sis­ter given name... Does not know whether Se­nior Sis­ter does in­form?”
At pre­sent the beauty of fe­male, flat­ter­ing, per­haps in so­ci­ety man no­body may re­sist, if whose back can tie down, per­haps also trades third to per­ish is will­ing in the --- Yun Che's brain to give birth to such read­ing to think sud­denly, more­over is es­pe­cially clear and in­tense.
The se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girls have not de­clined, soft and gen­tle words gen­tly: „Has Mu Xu­anyin, lis­tened to this name?”
A Yun Che three months of nest in Ice Phoenix Palace, the en­tire sects up and down called the palm of the hand on name to count, nat­u­rally is im­pos­si­ble to lis­ten. But is the realm of love slip­pery cus­tomer, how he will also say does not know that the horse above dew is pleas­antly sur­prised: „Orig­i­nally you are Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin! Al­though I ar­rived at the time in sect to be still short, but the Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin name had al­ready liked thun­der re­ver­ber­at­ing in one's ears, has not thought that such quickly by one­self saw Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin, but also for­tu­nately work Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin per­son­ally for me... De­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew with Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan.”
„...” The Mu Xu­anyin lip over­flows fra­grant, beau­ti­ful pupil nar­rows the eyes lightly, in the long and nar­row eye seam is past­ing to the in­con­ceiv­able flat­ter­ing light bil­low­ing: „Have you, lis­tened to this name re­ally?”
„...” Yun Che one is jumped sud­denly by the heart that in she looks at... Is this only a false name?
Re­turn­ing that the Yun Che rapid face loy­alty does not jump said: „Nat­u­rally, be­cause this is Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin tells me per­son­ally.”
The charm­ing pupil were only many for sev­eral points to pon­der, from top to bot­tom, com­plete has swept the Yun Che's whole body, she did not have to speak again, such stepped to go, has given Yun Che one in the beau­ti­ful fresh back that in the line of sight went far away grad­u­ally.
„...” That look, mak­ing Yun Che slightly dumb­struck, his in­ten­tion rac­ing, in the brain the mirac­u­lous glow dodges sud­denly, im­me­di­ately makes noise to yell: „Wait / Etc.! Se­nior Sis­ter Xu­anyin, you also the name call Mu Feixue?”
The Mu Xu­anyin foot­steps an­chor, looks back sweet: „Why Oh? do you think?”
Under re­views, the grace and tal­ent reap­pears, the Yun Che pre­sent world was brighter in­stantly, Yun Che calmed down, then self-con­fi­dent [say / way]: „I days be­fore and Ice Phoenix first palace chief dis­ci­ple had the con­flict the mat­ter, in God Hall, only then Mu Hanyi... cough cough, Se­nior Brother Hanyi knew this mat­ter. But Se­nior Brother Hanyi once made me pledge do not say this mat­ter, then Se­nior Brother Hanyi nat­u­rally can­not tell oth­ers it, but, if Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue that Se­nior Brother Hanyi adores, re­garded as an­other mat­ter.”
Mu Xu­anyin: „...”
„I to Se­nior Brother Hanyi, al­though the knowl­edge was still shal­low, but also be­lieves firmly that his such char­ac­ter, the com­mon fe­male will not be cer­tainly pleas­ant. But, if Se­nior Sis­ter, let alone adores, does not hes­i­tate the love of life, is nor­mal.”
„, Se­nior Sis­ter just now after in­form­ing ‚Mu Xu­anyin’ name, some­what strange closely ex­am­ines me whether has lis­tened to this name re­ally... There­fore I think that this should be the Se­nior Sis­ter com­par­i­son is less than the use... Vol­ume, an­other name. But, is Mu Feixue this name that more peo­ple know.”
The Yun Che vi­sion is as­sured, the spo­ken lan­guage is clear, the cor­ners of the mouth are also can­celling self-con­fi­dent thin smile. Mu Xu­anyin has also smiled, al­though is only an ex­tremely beau­ti­ful side face, but thou­sand flat­ter to come up in great num­bers and from all sides as be­fore.
„Re­ally in­tel­li­gent.”
Jade lip shal­low lan­guage, such as dream Xu­anyin. Along with it, her snow shade micro hazy, such as the snow cot­ton wool of dis­pers­ing, van­ished in the Yun Che's line of sight.
Fi­nally that re­sem­bles three char­ac­ters of ap­plause, such as dream-soul im­mor­tal sound, winds around near the Yun Che ear, soul for a very long time. Yun Che is star­tled to set up for a long time, long breath­ing a sigh of re­lief , be­fore the rec­ol­lec­tion,... His en­tire life first time so rude, is be­fore a peer­less beau­ti­ful woman.
„Shouted! It seems like I have guessed right, al­though some­what loses face, but the good and evil had not lost IQ be­fore the beau­ti­ful woman, fi­nally guesses cor­rectly her is Mu Feixue, should also be re­called some of her to my im­pres­sion.”
Looked in the hand to in­stall the Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew jade bot­tle, the Yun Che foot­steps is speed­ing up, be­fore com­ing to the Mu Xi­aolan prac­tice room quickly, then a fist knocked above: „Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan...”
Just called the name, the gate of prac­tice room then di­rectly opens, along with it is the sound that Mu Xi­aolan did not bear: „Caus­ing trou­ble essence! Did not say that can­not dis­turb me!”
Such quickly opens the door, made Yun Che stare ac­tu­ally. De­liv­ers the Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew se­duc­tively at­trac­tive girl... Oh, Se­nior Sis­ter ar­rives, but also re­leased pro­found qi de­sir­ably, Mu Xi­aolan did not re­spond, the sound that they spoke was not low, Mu Xi­aolan has not come out sim­i­larly, this made him in­com­pa­ra­bly be­lieve firmly that Mu Xi­aolan was on own ini­tia­tive did not cer­tainly enter the five senses close peace­ful mind con­di­tion, will be very dif­fi­cult to awaken, has not thought that un­ex­pect­edly shouted di­rectly opened the door.
„Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew came.” Yun Che lifts in the hand the jade bot­tle.
„... Eh?” Mu Xi­aolan one happy is as­ton­ished, stares the big eye say­ing: „Oh?? When sends, why haven't I heard the sound? Should not be Hon­ored Mas­ter will help us take has then given you?”
„Was just, Se­nior Sis­ter sends.” Yun Che whole face speech­less shape: „Should you not be will rest?”
„You rested pass deadly!” Mu Xi­aolan [say / way] an­grily: „You are cer­tainly de­ceiv­ing me! I sus­pected that pos­si­bly is today, there­fore in the peace­ful mind, start­ing from noon in pay­ing at­ten­tion out­side sound, had not heard to have any per­son to come, is you are clearly de­ceiv­ing me.”
„... De­ceives you are the puppy.” Yun Che snort|hum sound track. But Mu Xi­aolan this lit­tle girl, is not lying --- she not to lie likely from the start, um? Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate her sense of hear­ing and Spirit Sense was mal­func­tion­ing a mo­ment ago?
„You said that is Se­nior Sis­ter sends, you said that is which Se­nior Sis­ter?” Mu Xi­aolan you clearly in ap­pear­ance of lying.
„Washes Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue.” Yun Che replied truth­fully that thinks that charms the world the lean­ing world grace and tal­ent, his soul once again fierce trem­bling. If who mar­ried that such as the mon­ster com­mon woman, cer­tainly will die young.
Also does not know that which Heav­enly Slaugh­ter man so will be lucky!!!!
Mu Xi­aolan de­cides looked at Yun Che one, then has seized one bot­tle of Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew in his hand.
„Swindler, snort|hum!”
stone gate of prac­tice room was closed by heav­ily.


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