Friday, December 29, 2017

984: The war of ice spirit

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#984: The war of ice spirit
Comments 157
The Snow Song Realm King whole body on Cold Ice Giant Dragon does not have aura, does not have any pres­sure to lower, but Yun Che ac­tu­ally clearly felt that own soul such as was sup­pressed by myr­iad moun­tains stub­bornly, will and be­lief in base and low trem­bling.
This feel­ing, Yun Che is un­prece­dented.
This is Di­vine Dao to the great strength of high Realm --- Di­vine Lord Realm! To such Realm, she has not needed to re­lease aura de­sir­ably, ex­ists there merely, will then make ten thou­sand live in the alarmed and afraid awe bows to sub­mit.
Yun Che sets out along with the peo­ple, in­ner­most feel­ings fluc­tu­at­ing con­tin­u­ous... His first so clear feel­ing own tiny. Above Snow Song Realm King, sit­u­ated in Di­vine Dao top ex­is­tence, but one­self, can­not step into in­clud­ing the Di­vine Dao thresh­old, with is hu­man­ity, big of dis­par­ity, myr­iad Yun Ni should not be not enough to de­scribe. If re­mains in Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm en­tire life, then life­time only will be sit­ting the well view day.
... Can­not see the long any ap­pear­ance com­pletely, some­what re­gret­ted.
Great Elder Mu Huanzhi one step, holds up the head to say for­ward with deep ven­er­a­tion: „Re­ported Sect Mas­ter, God Hall 72 El­ders, Di­vine Phoenix 30 six Palace Mas­ter, Cold Snow Palace Chief Hall Mas­ter al­ways man­aged, God Hall two thou­sand dis­ci­ple, Ice Phoenix Palace 3500... Zero two dis­ci­ple, here, re­spect­ful lis­tened to the Sect Mas­ter Saint com­mand com­pletely!”
„Is very good.”
If the tora sound brings un­sur­passed heav­enly might to hand down once again: „Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is at for my Snow Song Realm Di­vine Veins, the place of high­est sage, every other three years just now spe­cially per­mits one per­son to enter, do not over­step. How­ever, the sound of Eter­nal Sky, in­formed that in March var­i­ous will cer­tainly have the im­por­tant mat­ter to occur, and has the pos­si­bil­ity to be near at hand ex­tremely.”
The lan­guage of Snow Song Realm King as heavy ar­rives at peak as Wei ice, each char­ac­ter looked like ma­li­ciously spike the Soul deep place. This Wei ice to lets the sound that world trem­bles suf­fi­ciently, mak­ing in the Yun Che brain de­scribe ice-cold heart­less to ar­rive at peak scary, the vi­sion to lets the fe­male face of balls of crack per­son touch­ing suf­fi­ciently.
„For it, Eter­nal Sky Realm does not hes­i­tate to use the strength of Eter­nal Sky Pearl for out­side pro­found prac­ti­tioner, Eter­nal Sky Realm this act, the eter­nity has not had. My Snow Song Realm, should not stint Di­vine Power of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake again.”
„Today, you all may enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, how much the in­come, all looks at your good for­tunes! Huanzhi, ar­rang­ing them to enter the pond.”
„Yes!” Was called the name, the Mu Huanzhi whole body shakes, heav­ily, then has turned ac­cord­ingly around, in­com­pa­ra­bly se­ri­ous [say / way]: „Nu­mer­ous po­si­tions, are our Ice Phoenix God Sect fu­ture cor­ner­stones, today Sect Mas­ter low­ers the day gra­cious­ness, allow you en­ters Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, this will be the eter­nity un­prece­dented big good for­tune! Heav­enly Lake Di­vine Power will help you to be re­born, cul­ti­vates cold ice pro­found strength to have the enor­mous ad­van­tage to the pre­sent.”
„Two years later Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, its pre­elec­tion in Eter­nal Sky Pearl, but en­ters, strength prin­ci­ple that its is in sole pos­ses­sion of will cer­tainly to ben­e­fit greatly. But today's Heav­enly Lake grand meet­ing, will make in you have more peo­ple to ob­tain to enter the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Pearl two years later. con­sti­tu­tion, nat­ural tal­ent and the com­pre­hen­sion abil­ity every­one has the dif­fer­ence re­spec­tively, today can har­vest many, must think you. You only need re­mem­ber, after today, per­haps does not have such op­por­tu­nity again!”
Tone se­ri­ous urg­ing, the Mu Huanzhi palm wields.
God Hall in first, Ice Phoenix Palace, sep­a­rately to lead uni­form fly­ing under elder and Palace Mas­ter to the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake sky.
More ap­proaches Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, purely to peak cold ice aura is rich. Mu Xi­aolan cul­ti­vates, only then Di­vine Essence Realm In­ter­me­di­ate stage, is weak­est ex­cept Yun Che pro­found strength, to the cold qi re­sis­tance abil­ity nat­u­rally is also worst, she has had to re­volve pro­found strength to re­sist cold qi com­pletely, but, she also in­com­pa­ra­bly ex­cited feel­ing, here, the rev­o­lu­tion of cold ice pro­found qi and re­stored the speed com­pared with usu­ally to pro­mote sev­eral times.
Mu Bingyun is bring­ing Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan at the final side, but she has not led them to enter sky over Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, but stopped in the pool.
„Xi­aolan, Yun Che,” Mu Bingyun has turned around, looks that Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che --- their whole body pro­found qi winds around, but still the frozen body cow­ers, one is ac­tu­ally calmly: „You cul­ti­vate to be too low, en­ters Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake in­stead to not help­ful but harm­ful force­fully. You then keep here, here cold qi also lives from Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, soaks, quenches the body by cold qi, then suf­fi­ciently enor­mously pro­motes you to icing pro­found strength the con­trol abil­ity, has the great­est ad­van­tage to the fu­ture prac­tice.”
„Yes, Hon­ored Mas­ter.”
Mu Xi­aolan does not have the ob­jec­tion, she knew that her abil­ity, is not enough to con­t­a­m­i­nate the water of Heav­enly Lake, can con­t­a­m­i­nate here to con­tain ex­tremely high ice at­tribute prin­ci­ple cold qi, is the good for­tune that in the past does not dare to ex­pect.
She sat peace­fully, in­spires quickly gen­tly, closes the eye, does not dare to waste each breath here.
Water of close at hand Heav­enly Lake, after a Yun Che hes­i­ta­tion, fi­nally opens the mouth say­ing: „Palace Mas­ter, I want to try...”
„Re­mem­bers that you for­merly had com­plied with my words,” Mu Bingyun al­ready ex­pected that he must say any­thing, di­rectly his words in­ter­rup­tion, whole face with deep ven­er­a­tion: „I want you to make any­thing to make any­thing, I do not want you to make any­thing, can­not make any­thing.”
Yun Che opened the yawn, nod that has to obey: „Yes.”
He in Mu Xi­aolan side sit­ting down body, but at this time, near his ear re­sounded passes mes­sage of Mu Bingyun sud­denly:
„Your con­sti­tu­tion has dif­fer­ent, can be sep­a­rated from Ice Phoenix blood­line to prac­tice Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex force­fully, here cold qi also makes a sound to you and Shad­ow­less, al­though your pro­found strength is mean, but the water of Heav­enly Lake should not in­jure you. But, you are win great rep­u­ta­tion now, if plunges the water of Heav­enly Lake by the body of Sov­er­eign Pro­found again suc­cess­fully, will begin the mighty waves surely, this does not have the ad­van­tage to you cer­tainly.”
„I and Sect Mas­ter have the shame to you, may se­lect in ad­di­tion on the 1st, allow you sin­gle come this.”
„...” Yun Che raise one's head, looks at a while Mu Bingyun had not trans­ferred through­out the back, in the heart one warm, calms the mind quickly, closes the eye, opens the jelling heart to feel here pure cold qi, sen­si­bil­ity cold ice prin­ci­ple, no mat­ter again pe­riph­ery mat­ter.
Here is Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, there is Mu Bingyun in the side, Yun Che does not need any for­ti­fi­ca­tion. Quick, his con­scious­ness then in un­know­ingly sank, sound, was iso­lated by him out­side.
Mu Bingyun has not walked into Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, but such de­fended be­fore two peo­ple. At this time, Mu Sushan passed through from the rear area, the vi­sion passed Yun Che, of foot­steps in the shock, then sighed one: „Short three months, un­ex­pect­edly are the Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm peak, and pro­found qi is so sta­ble... Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, I re­ally can­not find out, you train him by what law hence.”
Mu Bingyun shakes the head slightly: „Has noth­ing to do with me.”
„He He, that can only say that this boy is goes against the com­mon sense freak.” Mu Sushan said.
Mu Bingyun in­com­pa­ra­bly in­dif­fer­ent smiles, says noth­ing pro or con.
Other 30 five Ice Phoenix Palace ar­rived at sky over Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake. The first palace is, Mu Yizhou shot a look at one to sit in Yun Che of pool, sat­i­riz­ing that de­spised smiled to flash past, then was also then dis­in­clined to look at his one eyes, then fol­lowed the di­rec­tion of Palace Mas­ter to sink slowly, fell into the body Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake lit­tle.
The tip of the toe moves the deep cold pool of water in­stant, cold qi ex­plodes to flee in­stan­ta­neously, the straight vine whole body, the whole per­son was sim­i­lar to all of a sud­den by to seal|con­fer Ru ice-cold hell in leg­end. Whole body pro­found qi also likely is sud­denly the boil­ing flame, flow­ing of ex­tremely fast.
The Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake rip­ples occur re­peat­edly, danc­ing in the air ice spirit by far star­tled pow­der. Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple out­side all God Hall dis­ci­ple and 36 th palace en­tered in Heav­enly Lake. Ter­ror­ist cold qi lets in­stant such as the falling ice prison that they enter, is very painful, but the in­ner­most feel­ings are ac­tu­ally ex­cited to nearly blast open, every­one im­me­di­ately trans­fers own thought and pro­found strength, con­trols and guides cold qi.
Al­though just en­tered, but, in com­ing from Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake to pure cold qi, they can feel that the body and Pro­found Vein are hav­ing in a big way to suf­fi­ciently the change of clear sen­sa­tion.
Al­though al­ready heard the mys­tery of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, now en­ters Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake by one­self, as be­fore pleas­antly sur­prised such as in dream. Under is wild with joy, the pain that peak ice-cold brings makes them en­dure gladly.
Com­pares in Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, the God Hall dis­ci­ple fa­cial ex­pres­sion must rel­a­tively gen­tle many. When most well-known Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue plunge Heav­enly Lake is with­out turn­ing a hair, the eye does not have the mighty waves.
Ex­cept for Mu Bingyun, Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan three peo­ple, all peo­ple en­tered in Heav­enly Lake. But the el­ders and Palace Mas­ter such as dis­ci­ple gen­er­ally im­me­di­ately has not ac­tu­ally started by the pond water quench body, after the wait­ing, the vi­sion went to Great Elder Mu Huanzhi for a long time.
Es­pe­cially three Nine­teenth Elder Mu Yun­zhi, breath slightly chaotic.
Great Elder Mu Huanzhi are also burn­ing with im­pa­tience, fi­nally, he steels one's heart, raised the head said: „Sect Mas­ter, mat­ter about di­rect dis­ci­ple...”
These words, mas­sive God Hall dis­ci­ple in­stan­ta­neously have opened the eye, the vi­sion went to Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue.
„this king nat­u­rally has not for­got­ten.”
Above Cold Ice Giant Dragon, broad­casts the Snow Song Realm King sound: „Al­ready ar­rived at Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, then the mat­ter of this king di­rect dis­ci­ple, then does not need many te­dious smelt­ing tri­als!”
The blue light from sky flash, has formed won­der­ful shape pro­found array to­gether sud­denly, since along with it, water of wave of Heav­enly Lake turns sud­denly, fell into air­borne pro­found array.
The pro­found array ter­mi­nal, the water of wrapped up Heav­enly Lake trick­les slowly, falls into Heav­enly Lake, sends out „bit­ing” the re­sound­ing, the wa­ter­drop does not drop com­pletely, clear such as the ice crys­tal col­lides.
„Sect Mas­ter, is this what in­tent?” Mu Huanzhi puz­zled [say / way].
Mu Hanyi raised the head, usu­ally in pale, if in the pupil pupil of au­tumn wa­ters, is re­leas­ing in­tense scald­ing hot.
„After three dou­ble-hour, the water of Heav­enly Lake will then fall com­pletely. When falls com­pletely, whose Heav­enly Lake ice spirit of at­trac­tion are most, is this king next di­rect dis­ci­ple!!”
Short stunned, im­me­di­ately re­sponded along with it all peo­ple, Mu Huanzhi feels a heart­felt ad­mi­ra­tion shouted that „Sect Mas­ter is wise”, then turn­ing around like light­ning, thun­der bel­low­ing: „Feixue!”
An­other side, Mu Yun­zhi also rushed to sky over Mu Hanyi, a palm wields, all dis­pels other dis­ci­ple in Mu Hanyi hun­dred zhang (333 m): „Hanyi, im­me­di­ately starts!”
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake ice spirit is far from or­di­nary ice spirit, each is by Heav­enly Lake cold qi, has the con­scious­ness of high level and nearly com­plete Soul. Such ice spirit, even if cul­ti­vates ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts pro­found prac­ti­tioner purely, was not re­pelled by them is ex­tremely dif­fi­cult, do not say that ex­changes with them.
There­fore, this from Snow Song Realm King „smelt­ing trial”, al­though seems like es­pe­cially sim­ple, is ac­tu­ally to per­son con­sti­tu­tion, nat­ural tal­ent and the com­pre­hen­sive test of prin­ci­ple com­pre­hen­sion as well as con­trol abil­ity.
The body is the com­pat­i­ble ice at­tribute strength, to the com­pre­hen­sion of ice at­tribute prin­ci­ple is thor­ough, to the con­trol abil­ity of ice at­tribute strength is for­mi­da­ble, then nat­ural on ex­ceed not by the repel of Heav­enly Lake ice spirit, sub­se­quently may try to ex­change with it, at­tracts them again grad­u­ally... If the ice at­tribute strength con­trol strength is for­mi­da­ble enough, even can con­trol these ice spirit to use for one­self.
In com­par­i­son, cul­ti­vates with Pro­found Dao that it cor­re­sponds to not ex­tremely be in­stead im­por­tant.
But al­ways, Realm King des­ig­nated when di­rect dis­ci­ple did not re­gard as im­por­tant then cul­ti­vat­ing is. Be­cause tem­po­rary cul­ti­vat­ing for merely is tem­po­rary cul­ti­vat­ing is, the prin­ci­ple com­pre­hen­sion and con­trol abil­ity, the de­ci­sion is the upper limit that the prac­tice speed and fu­ture can be!
This are also why strength of Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue in God Hall au­di­ences dis­ci­ple only oc­cupy the mid­dle reaches, is the recog­ni­tion most has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions be­comes Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple two.
How­ever, this nat­ural tal­ent high per­son, cul­ti­vates in the per­son of same age group to nat­u­rally can­not lower. Sim­i­larly is Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, their cul­ti­vat­ing are in the en­tire Snow Song Realm con­tem­po­raries, no­body may. After all nat­ural tal­ent and strength, book par­al­lel.
Does not need the re­minder of Mu Yun­zhi, on Mu Hanyi is the blue light fluc­tu­ates, counts breaths, then re­volved the strength of own cold ice the limit, rich and pure cold qi has his soul strength to spread to go to the sur­round­ings.
An­other side, Mu Feixue beau­ti­ful pupil closed, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion peace­ful is bring­ing the snow lotus ho­li­ness, in dis­tances of her the front three hun­dred feet, ice spirit that must fly from sud­denly slow, then grad­u­ally stops, after for a very long time silent­ness, re­sem­bled is bring­ing hes­i­tant, light and lively and slow fly­ing has ap­proached Mu Feixue.
At­tracts ice spirit nat­u­rally does not have Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue. Nearly all God Hall dis­ci­ple fully have re­leased their pro­found strength and soul strength... Al­though knows the hope to be un­cer­tain, but if can be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, will reach the sky in a sin­gle bound with­out doubt. Even if hopes again small, they must try fully.
The Heav­enly Lake pool of water in pro­found array in falling of a lit­tle bit, is lead­ing pass­ing of time. Above Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, a strug­gle Duot­ian pond ice spirit fierce bat­tle starts to per­form, is very peace­ful, is very in­tense.
The Heav­enly Lake pool, the Yun Che's con­scious­ness sank com­pletely, the sen­sa­tion does not ar­rive at the out­side any ex­ists, com­pletely does not know that the fierce com­bat of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, Snow Song Realm King for­merly spo­ken lan­guage did not have to know.
In his five senses elu­sive, Heav­enly Lake cold qi emerges the speed of his body, is his side Mu Xi­aolan dozens times. To purely to only, ac­cu­mu­lated under ex­tremely high strength prin­ci­ple cold qi, pro­found qi of Yun Che's within the body is lead­ing the cold qi fast turn-around, is hav­ing change qui­etly in rev­o­lu­tions.


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