Friday, December 29, 2017

992: Heavenly Lake Goddess ( Part 3 )

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#992: Heavenly Lake Goddess ( Part 3 )
Comments 25
As his fast ap­proach­ing, that wipes the re­flec­tion also be­comes even more brightly how­ever, is far from an mis­con­cep­tion. But the front the bot­tom of Heav­enly Lake, started some bro­ken sands, each such as the glit­ter­ing and translu­cent carv­ing pearl, was re­flect­ing the blue light vi­sion­ally. Yun Che takes up sev­eral con­ve­niently, im­pli­ca­tion cold qi, mak­ing him not doubt to freeze ten thou­sand li (0.5km) sea area in­stan­ta­neously.
Along these jade bro­ken sands, that wipes the ex­cep­tion­ally ra­di­ant blue light to be get­ting more and more near, the Yun Che's speed sped up sev­eral points, then sees clearly quickly, that im­pres­sively is to­gether cold ice.
In the Heav­enly Lake water that under so ter­ri­fy­ing cold qi an­cient does not con­geal, how to have an ice?
Looks from afar that this pack ice ap­pears the reg­u­lar water chest­nut shape, less than three feet, is widely long one zhang (3.33 m), po­si­tion that its is , is just Heav­enly Lake Cold Veins cen­ter. Al­though floats in the water, but peace­ful in­laid in this ice-cold world likely.
Vi­sual this cold ice, Yun Che is ap­proach­ing slowly, but the vi­sion, was ac­tu­ally be­comes the delay.
Be­cause in cold ice, re­ally has a per­son's shadow...
A young girl form vi­sion­ally.
Young girl jade bracelet knee, the broad and hand­some fore­head buries in the knees, en­tire had the lus­ter of the skin to shrink one group. Her whole body a wisp, beau­ti­ful white leg Bai Ying is slen­der, jade foot ex­quis­ite like lotus, even if the ex­posed flesh out­side is away from cold ice, still clear Yu Run con­gealed likely the splen­dor of star moon/month.
The long hair hangs loose, sends such as the ice gen­eral shin­ing white, is pass­ing slightly light blue... With that day said „Mu Xu­anyin” be­witch­ing woman looks like very much, each, likely is turn­ing round snow and ice cold light.
ice jade sends the silk to cam­ou­flage her fa­cial fea­tures, has cov­ered up the spring scenery of young girl most taboo.
Yun Che dull looks, at pre­sent, looks like an only beau­ti­ful such as the pic­ture scroll of dream, al­though is un­able to see the fa­cial fea­tures of young girl, no mat­ter what no one will sus­pect that only has to let the ap­pear­ance that the snow and ice change col­ors, can match on is so beau­ti­ful, if il­lu­sion lus­ter of the skin.
Who is this girl?
Why will be sealed un­ex­pect­edly in ice, seals in the bot­tom of this Heav­enly Lake?
Had she been sealed here how long? Hun­dred years? Mil­len­ni­ums? Ten thou­sand years? 100,000 years... Is longer?
Is the Ice Phoenix God Sect per­son?
Can ap­proach Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, per­son who also only has Ice Phoenix God Sect... This girl is some Ice Phoenix God Sect gen­er­a­tion of very im­por­tant char­ac­ters, seals in the ice, sinks to Heav­enly Lake, for after she died per­ma­nent seals her re­mains?
It is not right! By the Snow Song Realm cli­mate, as well as Di­vine Dao cold ice pro­found strength, must per­ma­nent seal the re­mains, does not need to sink to Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake --- let alone Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake not to allow by the minor fault to be dyed.
More­over, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake com­pletely is not the or­di­nary basin, sinks to the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake con­se­quence not to sink to Chi Di grad­u­ally, more­over be­comes the ni­hility by cold qi de­struc­tion of ex­treme ter­ror­ist.
But this cold ice, the young girl in cold ice... Ac­tu­ally is com­plete, un­ex­pect­edly is com­pletely not by here cold qi in­flu­ence.
Yun Che is try­ing near­ness, ar­rived at cold ice the front. The near at hand ice myo- lus­ter of the skin lets he un­ex­pect­edly un­con­scious mov­ing away line of sight, does not dare to blas­pheme with the vi­sion. The palm stretched out slowly, moves above cold ice.
The spot that the fin­ger and cold ice move, wipes the blue light to dodge lightly, along with it dis­si­pa­tion. In ad­di­tion, with­out any un­usual feel­ing.
Also does not have the sen­sa­tion to any life aura or Soul aura.
Who she is... Why can here?
Is oc­cu­py­ing the in­tense cu­rios­ity and ques­tion at heart. But, in only has the bot­tom of ice-cold and quiet Heav­enly Lake, his nowhere looks for the an­swer rad­i­cally.
Yun Che does not have to for­get own sit­u­a­tion at this mo­ment, his re­treat sev­eral steps, put aside the vi­sion fi­nally com­pletely... He asked for ad­vice Snow Song Realm King to rule by force to the per­son­al­ity that let­ting the per­son is afraid of cal­lously. To prove it­self to her, sneaks was then enough to thou­sand feet, but he too wants to find the ex­tremely fast to pro­mote the pro­found strength pos­si­bil­ity, in ad­di­tion to the cu­rios­ity of bot­tom of Heav­enly Lake, thus en­ters Chi Di, has taken very big risk, if stays again is too long, by Snow Song Realm King that fear­ful per­son­al­ity, the con­se­quence is in­con­ceiv­able.
The Yun Che light in­spi­ra­tion, then must be about to leave, sud­denly, his Soul deep place, has re­sounded a voice of young girl un­ex­pect­edly.
„Who are you?”
„Why... Can you come here?”
This sound is elu­sive, if goes through the spring be­tween hearts, Yun Che's body fierce one stiff, turns round like light­ning, the vi­sion stares, in had been sealed on the young girl in ice: „Is you... Was speak­ing with me?”
He just searched to know, in cold ice does not have slight life aura and Soul aura..., but, here ex­cept for one­self, she is only ex­is­tence. More­over in her voice men­tioned that clearly is „here”.
The young girls had not replied that the water of sur­round­ing Heav­enly Lake ex­pe­ri­enced the slight fluc­tu­a­tion sud­denly, gen­tle such as water di­vine sense cov­ered to Yun Che.
Yun Che has not re­sisted... Be­cause this di­vine sense does not have the hos­til­ity, be­cause this di­vine sense, al­though is tem­per­ate, ac­tu­ally huge, if the bound­less sea, is he is un­able to re­volt.
The bot­tom of Heav­enly Lake, in cold ice, she ac­tu­ally has the con­scious­ness, but can also re­lease so ter­ri­fy­ing di­vine sense.
She... Ac­tu­ally is who!?
Mo­ment, huge di­vine sense then leaves from Yun Che, in his soul, re­sounds the voice of young girl once again: „Orig­i­nally... You are in­her­it­ing the Evil God's strength un­ex­pect­edly, no won­der you can come here.”
Yun Che fierce raise one's head: „... Are you Ice Phoenix Di­vine Spirit?”
As­cer­tain­ment own aura, can dis­tin­guish to in­herit the Evil God's strength merely, but can achieve this point, for­merly only had Phoenix, Dragon God and Golden Crow these to have an­cient times True God mem­ory Spirit!
The young girls have not re­sponded to his these words, but for a very long time silent, af­ter­ward, sud­denly ask­ing gen­tly: „I... Can have a look at your mem­ory?”
Spirit of god Yun Che meets be­fore this al­though the per­son­al­ity varies, but is all bring­ing the ar­ro­gance of god, but at pre­sent this may be ex­is­tence of Ice Phoenix Spirit ex­tremely, fac­ing his one hu­man­ity that is dis­re­spect­ful to in­trude, not only the sound such as the water gen­er­ally is gen­tle, but also the po­lite­ness sought in­for­ma­tion his opin­ion sin­cerely.
Ini­tial Golden Crow Spirit, but crude read his mem­ory force­fully.
But just now that huge in­com­pa­ra­ble di­vine sense, showed that at pre­sent may be the Ice Phoenix Spirit young girl ex­tremely, her soul strength Golden Crow Spirit for­mi­da­ble too many are too more, if reads his mem­ory force­fully, is com­pletely easy, he does not have the abil­ity of re­volt cer­tainly... But her ex­pres­sion, is ac­tu­ally the sup­ple in­quiry.
„Good.” Was read to re­mem­ber that with­out doubt one­self all se­cret naked ex­po­si­tions, is the taboo that any­body is un­able to ac­cept, but Yun Che is un­able to re­ject.
The wave rip­ples, vast di­vine sense cov­ers Yun Che once more, leisurely entry to his Soul deep place. Yun Che's con­scious­ness im­me­di­ately a blank.
How long has not known, Yun Che lit­tle restora­tion con­scious­ness, that di­vine sense, van­ished with­out the trace.
„Blue Pole Star... Phoenix... Dragon God... Golden Crow... Sky Poi­son Pearl... Mir­ror of Sam­sara... Moon Slaugh­ter Devil Sov­er­eign...” Young girls gen­tly was read­ing lowly: „Short life, your body, ac­tu­ally had these many mat­ters.”
„You... Has not replied me, are you Ice Phoenix Spirit?” Yun Che pur­sues asks.
„Yes, is not.”
„?” Young girl's reply, mak­ing Yun Che stunned.
„I and you have seen Phoenix Spirit, Dragon God Spirit as well as Golden Crow Spirit are not same. They leave be­hind in Shi, hop­ing after one­self an­ni­hi­late the Soul frag­ment that the strength in­her­its, I also once sep­a­rated the Soul frag­ment, but, long ago, it will grant Snow Song Realm after the final strength and blood­line, then dis­si­pated.”
„That... Are you?”
„I who you see at pre­sent, is the mas­ter of Soul frag­ment.”
Sound gen­tle in­con­ceiv­able of young girl, Yun Che has gawked as be­fore a while, along with it com­plex­ion sud­den change, star­tled sound track: „You... You are the Ice Phoenix main body!!”
She is not the Soul frag­ment, but is the mas­ter of frag­ment... Also is the Di­vine Spirit true body! Is the Ice Phoenix main body!
Not death True God!
Moon Slaugh­ter Devil Sov­er­eign, is True Devil that has not died... by his slaugh­ter under Heaven Smit­ing Sword. But here, ac­tu­ally has True God that has not died!!
„You do not need to be sur­prised,” young girl knows in the Yun Che heart to think: „I, al­though ex­ists as be­fore, com­pared with Moon Slaugh­ter Devil Sov­er­eign that but is un­able to meet with you by far. He still had the pos­si­bil­ity of restor­ing, but I, am only re­tain­ing the life source and soul source of most fine pow­der, not only will never re­store, but also can never leave this Cold Veins. The main body was un­able to re­store, can only main­tain the shape of per­son in light of this.”
„With thor­ough with­er­ing away, was al­most nondis­tinc­tive.”
„Said... You al­ready here 1 mil­lion years?” Shock in Yun Che heart as be­fore in­tense in­com­pa­ra­ble, is im­placa­ble.
Even if only re­mains most fine pow­der the life source soul source, god but who True God of her after all not truly com­pletely with­er­ing away... True God Ah! and he for­merly ran into rem­nant spirit, is the en­tirely dif­fer­ent con­cept! En­tirely dif­fer­ent ex­is­tence!
„Yes..., That dis­as­ter crossed sud­denly for 1 mil­lion years. Dur­ing these 1 mil­lion years, I once wish more than once in light of this dis­si­pated, ended this base and low mud­dling through life ig­nobly and eter­nal alone­ness. But, I ac­tu­ally want to look whether with own eyes on that day will ar­rive re­ally...”
„The day of? Which day?” Yun Che whole face ques­tion.
„On the day of 1 mil­lion years of years, I have not waited, has ac­tu­ally waited till you, this is also the arrange­ment of des­tiny... No, this is the Evil God's di­rec­tion. He has aban­doned the Cre­ation God god name, was called as the most evil in­tent, most ec­cen­tric Di­vine Spirit... ac­tu­ally sev­eral peo­ple know, he is great­est Di­vine Spirit.”
Young girl was re­lat­ing to Yun Che, was think­ing aloud, Yun Che hear.
„Yun Che,” young girl is call­ing his name lightly: „In your body load bear­ing the strength of Evil God, came from drop of Evil God In­de­struc­tible Blood. Other Di­vine Power that he and you ob­tain are dif­fer­ent, your Phoenix, Dragon God and Golden Crow Di­vine Power, all from few Di­vine Blood, but Evil God In­de­struc­tible Blood, has ac­tu­ally given birth to com­plete Evil God Pro­found Vein in your body, is the Evil God com­plete source of strength, its sig­nif­i­cance, com­pletely is no com­par­i­son be­tween them with your other Di­vine Power.”
Yun Che nods. This point, his clear aware­ness. His strength, is cen­tered on the strength of Evil God rea­son that through­out, other Di­vine Power can co­ex­ist, and dis­plays to sur­pass the limit the might, be­cause of ex­is­tence of Evil God Pro­found Vein.
„You may know, Evil God must leave be­hind this drop of In­de­struc­tible Blood, is how not easy... He not only need an­ni­hi­late him­self thor­oughly, but must over­draw at least 600,000 years of life. In other words, that time Evil God, al­though in body ‚Life Ex­tin­guish­ing Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions’, but by his for­mi­da­ble Di­vine Power, but can also at least sur­vive for 600,000 years.”
„But he gave up under con­tinue sur­vive for 600,000 years in Life Ex­tin­guish­ing Myr­iad Tribu­la­tions ’ by Di­vine Power ‚, but all Di­vine Power and lives, was used to con­geal that to drop Evil God In­de­struc­tible Blood. For leaves be­hind own source of strength... Final of life, was ac­tu­ally being wor­ried ar­rival of that day, and does not hes­i­tate by own life, has left be­hind the only hope for the later gen­er­a­tion. Per­haps, only has him, matches is called great­est Di­vine Spirit.”
„... Your words, I can­not un­der­stand com­pletely. You said ‚on that day’, ac­tu­ally to refer to what? Why can Evil God leave be­hind the com­plete source of strength force­fully?”
Since is say­ing Evil God, was cer­tainly re­lated with him. But the words of young girl, he in­deed com­pletely is un­able to un­der­stand.


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