Friday, December 29, 2017

962: Ice Phoenix Palace lord

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#962: Ice Phoenix Palace lord
Comments 90
„Hon­ored Mas­ter!” Looks air­borne falls gen­tly, but below im­mor­tal shade, the Mu Xi­aolan great hap­pi­ness makes noise.
„Frozen Cloud (Bingyun)... Palace Mas­ter!” Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­ple shouted lightly.
Hears „Palace Mas­ter Bingyun” the name, sur­round­ing new pro­mote dis­ci­ple stares in a big way the eye. Re­gard­ing pro­found prac­ti­tioner that Snow Song Realm grows up, Ice Phoenix Realm 36 Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter com­pletely are the myth char­ac­ters, they do not have to think one ini­tially are en­ter­ing Cold Snow Palace this day, then can wit­ness a Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter ce­les­tial or an­gelic ap­pear­ance for­tu­nately.
„Washes... Ice... clouds!?” Mu Feng­shu raised the head, the brow twists, in the eye is ex­tremely deep sur­prised and un­be­liev­able.
Mil­len­ni­ums ago, her cul­ti­vat­ing to be well below Mu Bingyun, but dur­ing these mil­len­ni­ums, Mu Bingyun was cor­roded by flame poi­son deeply, not only may per­ish any­time, pro­found strength also fee­ble to less than 10%, but cul­ti­vat­ing of these mil­len­nium Mu Feng­shu to are ac­tu­ally the day and night strive, al­though is in­fe­rior to as be­fore mil­len­nium ago Mu Bingyun, ac­tu­ally suf­fi­ciently eas­ily frus­trates Mu Bingyun under flame poi­son.
But just now that [say / way] deep blue multi-col­ored sun­light, al­though does not have the ag­gres­siv­ity, ac­tu­ally com­pletely blocks all her strengths, but must achieve this point, pro­found strength cul­ti­vates to at least must win her half big Realm.
There­fore when see­ing the fu­ture un­ex­pect­edly is Mu Bingyun, she can­not be­lieve her eye.
Mu Bingyun such as was held by the gen­tle breeze, fell gen­tly, stands in Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan body side. Her ap­pear­ance, just likes to­gether soft light light flash, all peo­ple be­cause of the Mu Feng­shu anger and killing in­tent fresh fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive in van­ishes with­out the trace qui­etly, the ice-cold pres­sure that what re­places it is an in­de­scrib­able warmth and gen­tle, on Mu Feng­shu re­lease, as if com­pletely could not feel.
Stays in the main hall mostly was just through in­spec­tion new pro­mote dis­ci­ple, they are first time see Cold Snow Palace Chief Hall Mas­ter ba­si­cally, is first time has seen Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter in leg­end. But, merely is such one in­stant, they then clearly felt Cold Snow Palace main and Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter if still heaven and earth dis­par­ity.
Mu Feng­shu makes them awe... But what are more is dreads.
But drops from the clouds Mu Bingyun, lets them if still saw to the high high­est sage, only may pros­trate one­self, can­not ap­proach day error God­dess that and be blas­phemed. The ap­pear­ance, aura and ce­les­tial or an­gelic ap­pear­ance, flung not to know in the deep silt Mu Feng­shu all.
„Shouted, good.” Mu Sushan shouted the one breath lightly, he was feel­ing Mu Bingyun aura, on the face along with the it re­veal­ing ex­tremely deep star­tled color. Today's Mu Bingyun, did not have the past weak mor­bid state un­ex­pect­edly, his look, as if saw un­ex­pect­edly the mil­len­ni­ums ago that tem­per­ate, but Wei ice Palace Mas­ter Bingyun.
Mu Bingyun looked at Yun Che, then the pupil light has trans­ferred, sup­ple how­ever light lan­guage: „Mu Feng­shu, you are Hanxue (cold snow) Chief Hall Mas­ter, ac­tu­ally starts to a later gen­er­a­tion, did not fear that lost the sta­tus?”
„Snort!” Al­though Mu Feng­shu in heart sur­prised, but in front of Mu Bingyun, how could she to lose the im­pos­ing man­ner: „Mu Bingyun, you also feel all right to in­ter­ro­gate me. The per­son who you lead first was the ma­li­cious se­vere wound my nephew, was in front of my, the out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple se­vere wound of my Hanxue (cold snow) first palace to dis­abled, was re­ally bold, the crime may not! For these years, never has the per­son to dare in my Cold Snow Palace so to act un­ruly, does not place in my Cold Snow Palace the eye sim­ply, with court­ing death not dif­fer­ent!”
„Today, not only he must as­sign to rec­om­pense, you must give me a con­fes­sion!”
„It is not, at is not this.” Mu Xi­aolan hur­ries up the sound track anx­iously: „Ob­vi­ously is...”
„Xi­aolan, does not need to ex­plain.” Mu Bingyun is ac­tu­ally in a soft voice breaks her: „Be­fore the Ice Pro­found Realm in­spec­tion ended, I then ar­rived here, the later mat­ter, I look com­pletely in the eye.”
„Eh??” Mu Xi­aolan is dumb­founded im­me­di­ately, but the body was ac­tu­ally „hey” has laughed in one's heart in her Yun Che one.
„Mu Feng­shu,” the Mu Bingyun sound is sup­ple, if the light wil­low tree, brings to let the dig­nity that the per­son can­not help but holds the breath: „The mat­ter of today, which is right and which is wrong, you are well aware. But even if Yun Che has the mis­take, has not been one's turn your Cold Snow Palace to pun­ish.”
„Yun Che, you have not needed to enter Cold Snow Palace. From in­stantly starts, I re­ceive you for Ice Phoenix Palace of­fi­cial dis­ci­ple, en­ters the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace along with me.”
The sound falls, white hands of im­pec­ca­ble char­ac­ter stretch out, ca­resses lightly above the Yun Che's shoul­der, flashes be­fore along with the blue light, a sky blue pre­cious jade in­lays be­fore the Yun Che's shoul­der.
Sky blue, this is proves the Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple sta­tus Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade! Above en­graves „Yun Che” clearly two char­ac­ters.
De­clin­ing of nee­dle main hall may hear that only has throat that un­ceas­ing re­sounds „gur­gle” sound, ad­mire vi­sion star­ing of peak stub­bornly on Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade be­fore Yun Che shoul­der... Can enter Cold Snow Palace, is all kinds is not easy, brings honor to an­ces­tors. But Ice Phoenix Palace, that is the sa­cred palace that they al­most do not dare to ex­pect!
Must enter Ice Phoenix Palace, must achieve­ment Di­vine Soul Realm be­fore 40 years old, be qual­i­fied for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the in­spec­tion... But also merely is qual­i­fied for par­tic­i­pat­ing in the in­spec­tion.
If Mu Xi­aolan so is only sev­eral years old thus spe­cially per­mits into Ice Phoenix Palace few of ex­tremely on achieve­ment Di­vine Essence Realm, but en­ters Ice Phoenix Palace by Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm, in the Ice Phoenix Palace his­tory never has!
If this mat­ter hears, no mat­ter what every­one will re­gard only a huge joke. But the per­son of pres­ence, al­though shocks, but al­most no­body thought un­ex­pect­edly is un­ac­cept­able.
Be­cause they wit­ness, Yun Che by the strength of Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm, con­tin­u­ously caused heavy losses to Di­vine Essence Realm Third Level Li Mingcheng and Di­vine Essence Realm Sixth Level Ji Han­feng!!
Al­though his pro­found strength can­not meet the Ice Phoenix Palace stan­dard by far, but by this in­cred­i­ble nat­ural tal­ent, is def­i­nitely en­ti­tled!
Also is be­cause wit­nessed Yun Che today's per­for­mance, Mu Bingyun to in­te­grates the mat­ter of Ice Phoenix Palace to be again stress-free him.
„Yes.” Yun Che looked at own Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, said ac­cord­ingly.
„Mu Bingyun, you... You un­ex­pect­edly...” Fac­ing the del­i­cate mil­len­ni­ums, sud­denly be­comes today pow­er­ful Mu Bingyun, Mu Feng­shu some­what loses pres­ence of mind for a while.
„In 1000,” Mu Bingyun sighed leisurely, these mil­len­ni­ums were what vi­cis­si­tudes, no­body en­ergy shall be grate­ful as a per­sonal favor: „Mu Feng­shu, dur­ing these mil­len­ni­ums, you in­tent think, the ac­tions, I am clear, I have con­fessed has the shame to you, thus never punc­tures, never in­ves­ti­gated. Even if Great Realm King must fall pun­ishes in you, under I block for you.”
Mu Feng­shu fierce raise one's head, eye of dew star­tled color.
„These many years pass by, enough that I to your ‚shame’ also re­paid, will have again not a deficit to you from now on. My flame poi­son, Great Realm King had al­ready found the law of pu­rifi­ca­tion for me, now al­ready to re­cover com­pletely, pro­found strength also re­stored most, then, I will rally the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace. If you want ‚to con­fess’, may come to the Ice Phoenix 36 palaces to look for me at any time.”
„, If from now on has the cruel ac­tion again, I will not feign ig­no­rance again... De­cides does not for­give!”
The Mu Bingyun sound falls, looks steadily in the ice pupil of Mu Feng­shu to flash through sud­denly wipes the pro­found blue light.
This wipes in­stant, Mu Feng­shu that the blue light flashes be­fore such as was struck by light­ning, whole per­son in a panic re­treat, the com­plex­ion flash be­comes pale like the paper, her my­dri­a­sis, lip big, slow could not speak for a long time.
Mil­len­ni­ums drea­ri­ness, the mil­len­ni­ums fee­ble­ness, mak­ing the Ice Phoenix God Sect per­son for­get her grad­u­ally is in the past Ice Phoenix 30 six Palace Mas­ter pro­found strength strongest, pres­tige heav­i­est, sta­tus lofti­est, most re­ceives the dis­ci­ple ad­mi­ra­tion and re­spect Ice Phoenix Palace Mas­ter.
At that time, Mu Feng­shu be­fore her is al­ways re­spect­ful, does not dare to have the least bit hur­riedly. More­over is pro­ceeds from the re­spect of soul she.
In pupil that cow­ers fiercely, her clear see­ing, quiet mil­len­ni­ums Palace Mas­ter Bingyun... came back.
„Xi­aolan, Yun Che, we walk.” Mu Bingyun has turned around.
„Yes, Hon­ored Mas­ter.” Mu Xi­aolan joy­ful ac­cord­ingly, ex­cited dou­ble pupil with tears.
„... wait wait.” Yun Che is holds the Mu Xi­aolan small hand, has not for­got­ten to feel the young girl pleas­antly warm smooth beau­ti­ful white skin while con­ve­nient, he par­tic­u­larly earnest [say / way]: „Al­though, I do not need to reen­ter Cold Snow Palace, but, should be­long to my re­ward, I must take away! That is I must come with great dif­fi­culty.”
„That... Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, Star Pluck­ing Stone...”
The Mu Bingyun im­mor­tal shade an­chors, im­me­di­ately is speech­less.
Mu Xi­aolan „” opens he ob­vi­ously dis­hon­est palm.
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” Mu Sushan laughs to make noise, looks like the mood is ex­tremely good: „Said right, should be­long to your re­ward, nat­u­rally can­not fall.”
Mu Sushan puts out a hand to grasp, that Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill hikes up from Ji Han­feng im­me­di­ately, then has flown in his hand, by him to­gether with the Star Pluck­ing Stone same place, had been pushed to Yun Che.
Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill and Star Pluck­ing Stone ar­rive at around the Yun Che body, then likely lightly was being held by the in­vis­i­ble thing, stopped di­rectly there. The short dis­tance feels their ex­is­tences, in the Yun Che heart an ex­cla­ma­tion and tuck dive... The ray or aura, are far from Pro­found Sky Con­ti­nent and Il­lu­sory Demon Realm can have, Yun Che care­ful re­ceived them, in­te­grates in Sky Poi­son Pearl, re­spect­ful [say / way]: „Thanked Se­nior Sushan.”
„Does not need to thank me, this is you earns.” Mu Sushan [say / way] with a laugh, then throws a mean­ing­ful look to Mu Bingyun: „Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, con­grat­u­lated. It seems like the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace is pros­per­ous, is just round the cor­ner.”
Mu Bingyun nods the head slightly, then floats to empty, is bring­ing Mu Xi­aolan and Yun Che treads leaves spa­tially.
„Feng Mo, this is my sound trans­mis­sion mark, the mat­ter that if later is un­able to solve in Cold Snow Palace bit­ter ex­pe­ri­ence any­thing, can try to send greet­ings to me.”
Has the com­plex emo­tion to gaze after near the Feng Mo ear that Yun Che leaves to re­sound Yun Che's to send greet­ings sud­denly, his whole body shakes, the look is tur­bu­lent for a very long time.
Yun Che es­caped the strength com­pletely, is un­able the im­pe­r­ial spa­tial flight. But gen­tle breeze from Mu Bingyun gen­tle is lead­ing him, lets his whole body com­fort­ably.
Left Cold Snow Main Hall, Mu Xi­aolan some had still not re­turned to the soul to come, she straight was star­ing at Yun Che: „Orig­i­nally you un­ex­pect­edly... Un­ex­pect­edly is so fierce.”
„That is nat­ural.” The Yun Che whole face is fa­vorite: „Now knows that your Heav­enly Tribu­la­tion did hold my Se­nior Mas­ter Murong is the how dan­ger­ous mat­ter? Was good was at that time clever be­cause of you, im­me­di­ately has let loose my Se­nior Mas­ter Murong, words that did not dare, I must dig up the light clothes to throw in the snowy area you.”
„Your your you...” The small face of Mu Xi­aolan all of a sud­den be­comes red, is in­stan­ta­neous to that wor­ship that Yun Che just had: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, you look at him! He is re­ally ob­scene vil­lian... has not changed.”
But Mu Bingyun shakes the head, the light re­spon­si­bil­ity said: „Yun Che, Xi­aolan is young, dis­po­si­tion is pure, do not speak this kind of undis­guised words to her.”
„Oh.” Yun Che ac­cord­ingly.
„Hate­ful!” The Mu Xi­aolan anger stared Yun Che one, then also very dili­gently to far a point and his dis­tance, con­tin­ues [say / way] an­grily: „You, al­though thinks me is fiercer, but you are re­ally too stu­pid, was too im­pul­sive! The Li Mingcheng sta­tus you are not do not know that you de­feat him, so are that's the end heavy, Ji Han­feng why must in­jure is also! If not Hon­ored Mas­ter rushes promptly, you def­i­nitely have not as­signed.”
„He is not im­pul­sive.” Yun Che had not an­swered that Mu Bingyun has soft­ened how­ever makes noise: „Yun Che, al­though gets angry ex­tremely, but has not lost the rea­son through­out, from be­gin­ning to end has not ex­posed the flame that he most ex­cels. But rea­son that he dares to cause heavy losses to Li Mingcheng and Ji Han­feng, was he had al­ready dis­cov­ered my ar­rival.”
„Eh?” the Mu Xi­aolan whole face is puz­zled: „This... How can? How Yun Che he pos­si­bly dis­cov­ered that Hon­ored Mas­ter aura, ob­vi­ously had not de­tected in­clud­ing Feng­shu Hall Mas­ter and Se­nior Sushan.”


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