Friday, December 29, 2017

982: great formation weaponry

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#982: great formation weaponry
Comments 312
Among the Yun Che gods, air­borne cold wind has stroked, an­other form falls from the day. This is a man, the hon­ored in­scrip­tion jade that pec­toral gir­dle sym­bol­izes the God Hall dis­ci­ple sta­tus, the white cloth­ing is float­ing, the abun­dant god is of out­stand­ing abil­ity, and is bring­ing the aloof noble gas and grace­ful­ness.
„Is Se­nior Brother Hanyi!” Mu Xi­aolan loses one's voice to yell.
God Hall..., is not the en­tire sects, and even en­tire Snow Song Realm is most out­stand­ing, only two pos­si­bly be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple such skill­ful ar­rives first. Has not en­tered Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, then first runs into these two peo­ple, sim­ply is the un­equalled luck.
Mu Hanyi float­ing falls, bows to Mu Bingyun re­spect­fully: „dis­ci­ple Mu Hanyi, sends re­spects to Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, hears the Palace Mas­ter Bingyun im­mor­tal body to be re­stored to health day after day, Hanyi likes in­fi­nitely.”
Mu Bingyun nods the head slightly: „The fruit of today, will de­cide that your life, can­not lightly neg­li­gent.”
„Yes.” Mu Hanyi ac­cord­ingly, then sets out se­ri­ously, to quiet such as quiet Tan's Mu Feixue, smiles ge­nially is bring­ing joy­fully: „Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, you come is so early, not with Great Elder they to­gether?”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi does not come is very early.” If Mu Feixue sound cold ice, cold pure-heart, al­though was re­ply­ing Mu Hanyi, the pupil light be­cause of his has not ac­tu­ally ap­proached to have the in­stant dis­place­ment.
„Thinks that the mat­ter of today, soul dif­fi­cultly is all night sta­tic, there­fore early came, hopes that here cold wind can make my many calmer. It seems like that my prac­tic­ing even­tu­ally is by far in­suf­fi­cient. Today, if can for­tu­nately be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, fin­ished hop­ing of life­time, if lost to Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue, I will also not have the slight un­will­ing­ness and re­gret­table, may such as like gen­er­ally.” Mu Hanyi sighed one lightly, spo­ken lan­guage was con­fi­dent, both eyes have been look­ing at Mu Feixue, did not have the vac­il­la­tion of mo­ment.
Al­though ice-cold pen­e­trat­ing heart, but re­leases this cold in­tent, is ac­tu­ally the ex­tremely beau­ti­ful scenery. If can re­sult in her to look about smiles, per­haps even if by the eter­nal frozen this place, will be will­ing.
Replied his, was ac­tu­ally the drea­ri­ness of Mu Feixue. She ices the pupil to shut lightly, quiet how­ever silent, no longer pays at­ten­tion to him un­ex­pect­edly, sim­ply did not have to lis­ten to his words... Even from be­gin­ning to end, has not looked at his one eyes.
Mu Hanyi smile as be­fore, but in fore­heads were many for sev­eral points sadly... Al­though he was al­ready fa­mil­iar with be so treated by Mu Feixue.
In Ice Phoenix God Sect, adores his fe­male to be count­less, so long as he wants, even if for the con­cu­bine is the maid, can all kinds be will­ing. But is only his in­ner­most feel­ings is the per­son, to him re­gards through­out , if no thing.
She treats any­body, is so. Car­ries the Ice Phoenix blood­line fe­male in­born, their soul as if birth, by strength of in­sti­tute to seal|con­fer Jie Ice Phoenix, never will be melted. Oth­er­wise, the male so, per­haps, should not be con­cerned with Yin-Yang of men and women.
An­other side, Yun Che is the same with Mu Hanyi, vi­sion con­tin­u­ously falling firmly on Mu Feixue, grad­u­ally, thor­ough crazy the past of un­ex­pect­edly look­ing.
Al­though Mu Feixue is ex­tremely beau­ti­ful, not under Mu Bingyun, but was also in­suf­fi­cient for­merly to say „Mu Xu­anyin” likely, if beau­ti­ful the im­mor­tal were imag­i­nary, flat­tered, if the fe­male of devil same made him lose the soul to be rude thor­oughly. He is un­able to put aside the vi­sion, even be­comes crazy hazy , be­cause she looks like a per­son very much.
Dis­tin­guishes be­tween Mu Bingyun „Qing” and „pale”, Mu Feixue is the limit „ice” and „cold”... Looked like in the past be­gin­ning when saw Chu Yuechan, same only de­pended on aura then to aloof, pupil light of same let­ting per­son soul freeze, same such as heav­enly palace Hanyue dust ce­les­tial or an­gelic ap­pear­ance...
Notes him to stare at Mu Feixue, the stu­pid ap­pear­ance, Mu Xi­aolan hur­ried does not fall to put out a hand be­fore him to shake con­tin­u­ally: „hey hey! Re­turns to the soul quickly, you looked like this are dis­re­spect­ful!”
„Ha,” Mu Hanyi walked, sprin­kles how­ever smiles: „Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue angel per­son, as long as first time saw that the Ju­nior Sis­ter Feixue man is the heart seizes all, the soul loses, is nor­mal.”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Mu Xi­aolan anx­ious salut­ing upon meet­ing, then se­cretly ma­li­ciously poked sev­eral Yun Che's waists with the small fin­ger im­me­di­ately. Al­though Mu Hanyi said that but he adores Mu Feixue, this was the mat­ter that the en­tire sects knew, Yun Che is in front of his to look to stay un­ex­pect­edly the eye, was re­ally... Good dis­graced Aaah!
„...” The Yun Che look grad­u­ally re­stores the focal dis­tance, dan­gles along with it vi­sion, ab­sent-minded whis­per­ing: „She even­tu­ally is not Lit­tle Fairy.”
„Yeah? What did you say? Lit­tle Fairy? What Lit­tle Fairy?” Mu Xi­aolan sub­con­scious ask­ing.
„Lit­tle Fairy is Lit­tle Fairy, in world unique Lit­tle Fairy, like this said that you did un­der­stand?” Yun Che re­signed-look­ing snort|hum said.
Mu Xi­aolan some­what ig­no­rant looks Yun Che that sud­denly goes crazy... she can un­der­stand is strange.
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi,” Yun Che said to Mu Hanyi on own ini­tia­tive: „Days be­fore by mood about, walks is es­pe­cially hur­ried, well has not ex­pressed grat­i­tude to you, today, then of­fi­cially thanks Se­nior Brother Hanyi the same day get­ting rid to as­sist.”
Mu Hanyi beck­ons with the hand gen­tly: „Is the same side, the slight ef­fort, does not need so the smalltalk.”
„He He, said that big sect, was sep­a­rated by the 7 th, then again met, it seems like we in­deed quite had the fate.” Mu Hanyi smiles, then put out a hand to pat gen­tly in the Yun Che's shoul­der said: „Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, al­though you come Lower Realm, pro­found strength still low­ered, but your nat­ural tal­ent strange peo­ple, multi- ad­di­tional words dili­gently, the achieve­ment will be surely ex­tra­or­di­nary in the fu­ture, blos­soms in ra­di­ant splen­dor in the sect. I be­lieve my eye­sight. Today, re­gard­less of I whether can for­tu­nately be­come Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, that day word will not ex­pire. Later if there is mat­ter of dif­fi­cult so­lu­tion, I will give you to help in the area of com­pe­tence surely, you must add dili­gently, do not waste your un­usual nat­ural tal­ent.”
„I will re­mem­ber the in­struc­tion of Se­nior Brother Hanyi.” Yun Che nod­ded.
„Um,” Mu Hanyi nods, taught: „Today can enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, but you are the golden op­por­tu­nity, must grasp surely well.”
Be­cause ap­proaches Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, here cold fear­ful­ness, Mu Xi­aolan al­most re­volved larger part pro­found strength to re­sist. In is too long, the south­ern sky cold wind sways, one team of peo­ple treadon Ice Boat, but in a flash.
„Ha Ha Ha Ha!”
An ex­tremely frank laugh­ter trans­mits from the sky, here bit­ter cold greatly scat­ters. In the big laugh­ter, a stature sturdy man falls from the day.
The men seem are late in life ages, the beard is gray, but the hair is ac­tu­ally jet black, on the face cov­ers en­tirely the fold, both eyes ac­tu­ally Jiong brave fighter, bold laugh­ing and com­pels the im­pos­ing man­ner of per­son quite some­what to con­tra­dict with ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts that Ice Phoenix God Sect cul­ti­vates.
He drops at the same time, with him 30 per­son also si­mul­ta­ne­ously en­tire falling that ac­com­pa­nies to come in his be­hind, on the shoul­ders of these peo­ple, brings to sym­bol­ize the God Hall dis­ci­ple in­scrip­tion jade im­pres­sively!
„Great Elder.” This time, is ac­tu­ally Mu Bingyun on own ini­tia­tive salutes.
„Big... El­ders!” Mu Xi­aolan also hastily draws Yun Che to for­ward, under Mu Hanyi also deep bow... Only has Mu Feixue, as be­fore quiet like snow, does not look askance.
Great Elder? The Yun Che vi­sion has sized up this im­pos­ing man­ner ex­tra­or­di­nary man one eyes fast... He is the Ice Phoenix God Sect arch pres­byter, un­ex­pect­edly is a male!
In Ice Phoenix God Sect, by the sta­tus, God Hall 72 El­ders and Ice Phoenix 30 six Palace Mas­ter is basic, but by the strength, the elder must win Palace Mas­ter slightly, but this strength dif­fer­ence be­cause of nat­ural tal­ent, but is the age. Be­cause above long live is the elder, but the Palace Mas­ter age mostly is only sev­eral thou­sand years old.
God Hall 72 El­ders most pri­mary in­ter­est, cul­ti­vates God Hall two thou­sand dis­ci­ple. Under a Ice Phoenix Palace Palace Mas­ter place is three thou­sand dis­ci­ple, but in God Hall, elder belt less than 30 dis­ci­ple, the treat­ment of Ice Phoenix God Sect to top layer dis­ci­ple can be in­ferred on av­er­age... But in any sect, ap­prox­i­mately so.
After all, con­tem­po­rary in­flu­ence has taken shape, is dif­fi­cult the change. De­cided that sect in the fu­ture, for­ever is young one gen­er­a­tion. If young gen­er­a­tion bad, sect will only have the de­cline in the fu­ture.
The Great Elder Mu Huanzhi stride for­wards, the voice was say­ing greatly: „Frozen Cloud (Bingyun), comes also is re­ally early.”
„Shortly after just ar­rived.” Mu Bingyun re­turns to say.
„Oh?” the Mu Huanzhi vi­sion fell on Yun Che: „This later gen­er­a­tion, should be you that per­son who leads from Lower Realm. I re­mem­ber that calls Yun Che, ha ha ha ha, heard that this boy can de­feat Cold Snow Palace dis­ci­ple by the strength of Sov­er­eign Pro­found.”
Al­though Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple are not many, but palace also 3000, must be called the name not eas­ily re­ally... The only Ice Phoenix 36 th palace, ex­cept for Mu Xi­aolan, nat­u­rally on re­main­ing Yun Che.
Yun Che said im­me­di­ately: „Great Elder knows un­ex­pect­edly the name of dis­ci­ple, re­ally feels ex­tremely flat­tered.”
The Mu Huanzhi big hand wields: „Your this baby was well known re­cently, after all Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) these many years, but brings back to you, Sov­er­eign Pro­found Realm de­feats Di­vine Essence Realm, re­ally great, is worth cul­ti­vat­ing well, the Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) vi­sion, how can miss.”
When shout­ing „Yun Che” this name, rear God Hall dis­ci­ple also went to him the vi­sion... Ob­vi­ously, his this pe­riod of time in­deed is quite fa­mous.
„... Thanked the Great Elder com­men­da­tion.” Be­cause the Ice Phoenix God Sect per­son cul­ti­vates ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts, the tem­per is mostly chilly, this Mu Huanzhi, is ac­tu­ally rare dif­fer­ent races.
„But, Frozen Cloud (Bingyun), these two ba­bies, al­though the in­tel­li­gence is good, but cul­ti­vated to be re­ally lower, feared can not the Heav­enly Lake pool of water.” Mu Huanzhi moves the brow.
„In­deed so.” Mu Bingyun nods the head slightly: „I had not planned that makes them con­t­a­m­i­nate the water of Heav­enly Lake, oth­er­wise not only use­less, in­stead is ex­tremely easy to be dam­aged. The sole ice mist cold breath, suf­fi­ciently makes them ben­e­fit greatly.”
„Ha Ha Ha Ha,” laugh­ing that Mu Huanzhi un­der­stand­ing clearly: „You look at my this brain, old is not mirac­u­lous, has you, my this is not the blind worry.”
„Hanyi, today to you, is the ex­tremely im­por­tant day.” Mu Huanzhi changed Mu Hanyi, the com­plex­ion with deep ven­er­a­tion sev­eral points: „Al­though Feixue is my grand­daugh­ter, but if you... I can also not rec­og­nize un­com­fort­ably, in brief, dili­gently. Our sect fu­ture, may shoul­der very much on you.”
Mu Hanyi deep rit­ual: „dis­ci­ple can surely whole-heart­edly.”
„cough cough, Feixue, grand­fa­ther def­i­nitely hopes that you can be­come Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, there­fore you want... Oh, Feixue...”
The Mu Feixue lotus strolled in the snow fully, has given a Mu Huanzhi more and more far back.
Mu Huanzhi takes back em­bar­ras­edly ex­tends 50% ex­perts, quite awk­wardly has rubbed the tip of the nose, is de­pressed: „This baby, the tem­per was re­ally more and more se­ri­ous. If be­comes does not get mar­ried like Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) that girl re­ally for a life­time... Oh, wor­ries the de­ceased per­son.”
Mu Bingyun: „...”
Mu Huanzhi was big­ger than over 6000 years old Mu Bingyun, the past years is her half Mas­ter, some qual­i­fi­ca­tions shouted her „girl” ab­solutely.
Is get­ting more and more near from the Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake open time, the au­di­ences God Hall elder and dis­ci­ple, as well as var­i­ous Ice Phoenix Palace also one after an­other ar­rive.
Two thou­sand God Hall dis­ci­ple by 72 El­ders to lead, be­fore re­sid­ing in most, 36 palaces by var­i­ous Palace Mas­ter to lead, re­side in the rear area. Al­though ahead of time calmed the mind for seven days, but au­di­ences Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple as be­fore is the ex­cite­ment that over the face is un­able to damp com­pletely. But today weaponry, all elder, Palace Mas­ter, God Hall dis­ci­ple all, even if qual­i­fi­ca­tions old­est dis­ci­ple, has never seen the so big scene.
In­clud­ing au­di­ences God Hall dis­ci­ple is also so.
With is dis­ci­ple, God Hall and Ice Phoenix Palace, al­though is dif­fer­ence of the so­cial stra­tum, has dif­fer­ence of Yun Ni . After re­sid­ing in all God Hall dis­ci­ple, au­di­ences Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple is anx­ious dis­turbed, does not dare to make an ef­fort the breath. They form 35 en­tire si­mul­ta­ne­ously line, the foot­steps look like nail tight in the ground, moves does not dare to move.
But re­sides in the cor­ner, only then 36 th of two peo­ple „team”, ap­pears es­pe­cially gar­ish, the Yun Che look is bright, un­ceas­ing looks at the sur­round­ings, feels bound­less such as il­lu­sion aura, in the heart ex­cla­ma­tion was sigh­ing that but Mu Xi­aolan ac­tu­ally par­tic­u­larly likes a cat on hot bricks, a small hand has been en­train­ing the Yun Che sleeves firmly.
The Ice Phoenix 36 palaces all ar­rive, Cold Snow Palace, Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan also to­gether ar­rive.
Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake open pre­vi­ous quar­ter, last God Hall elder but from out of the blue, fell on au­di­ences dis­ci­ple the front... said ac­cu­rately that fell on Mu Hanyi the front.
This is a stature is quite big, wear a look of se­ri­ous years vi­cis­si­tudes, but also the some­what ma­jes­tic fe­male, a pair of cold eye does not get angry but pres­tige. Her ar­rival, mak­ing sur­round­ing aura con­cen­trate.
God Hall 39th Elder --- Mu Yun­zhi!
But com­pares in three Nine­teenth Elder, sta­tus that her also en­tire sect in­sti­tute knows.
Mu Hanyi passes on Hon­ored Mas­ter!


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