Thursday, December 28, 2017

1502: Shuanghu District unclear personnel!

HK :: VOLUME #16
#1502: Shuanghu District unclear personnel!
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Emer­ald Build­ing Base­ment Fifth Floor, on Feb­ru­ary 15, 9 : 00 pm twenty.
Shi Lei cur­rently and Wu Tian dis­cussed issue that Task de­tail issue, Wu Tian pro­posed truly ex­isted, but Shi Lei had the so­lu­tion.
„What op­por­tu­nity?” Wu Tian asked.
„First, you do not need com­puter, then can use the USB.” Shi Lei pulls out own Super Source Cube, places the con­trol to watch to Wu Tian. „This is any­thing, I think that you know Right?”
„LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Super Source Cube!” Wu Tian def­i­nitely was re­ply­ing, „, but Super Source Cube did not have the usb con­nec­tion, isn't that right?”
„Gives Super Source Cube that you pre­pare, will pro­vide the usb con­nec­tion. You only need the Tar­get Per­son USB, in­serts in Super Source Cube, then de­lays time, then ac­com­plish Task! Re­gard­less of the Tar­get Per­son USB, has Pass­word Pro­tec­tion, Super Source Cube can han­dle!” Shi Lei was il­lus­trat­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
Stopped slightly, Shi Lei has thought issue, „was right, Wu Tian, you must ex­am­ine the Tar­get Per­son USB, had to read in the pro­tec­tion! If the read-in pro­tec­tion of hard­ware way, you need to open read in the pro­tec­tion. Reads in the pro­tec­tion, usu­ally is mov­ing switch, only needs to move, then un­ties to read in the pro­tec­tion.”
By read-in pro­tec­tion that the hard­ware way re­al­izes, wants to untie through soft­ware, ba­si­cally is im­pos­si­ble. After all, the read-in pro­tec­tion of hard­ware way, that is can con­trol in the hard­ware switch way.
„Does not have issue! Boss, when should I begin?” Wu Tian in­quired again.
Shi Lei has badly smiled two, „is sim­i­lar , the con­crete im­ple­ment process that you said that should the im­ple­ment per­son vol­un­tar­ily process. Super Source Cube solved has op­er­ated USB sound big issue, when should begin, how should begin. That was your issue! Wu Tian, I think that you should know. Is when most ap­pro­pri­ate, isn't that right?”
Duan De makes up the blade to say in the god at the same time: „Big Bro. In­di­cated ac­cord­ing to data that Boss pro­vides, so long as you have con­quered Tar­get Per­son, leads into Tar­get Per­son hotel, when your to­gether In­ves­ti­gate The Suc­ceed­ing Gen­er­a­tion issue, Tar­get Per­son will then relax vig­i­lantly, that is you best op­por­tu­nity!”
The Wu Tian ex­pres­sion is help­less.
Duan De con­tin­ues say­ing: „Big Bro, you think, you and Tar­get Per­son in In­ves­ti­gate The Suc­ceed­ing Gen­er­a­tion. You have ex­isted in the line of sight of Tar­get Per­son, the vig­i­lant heart of Tar­get Per­son can re­duce to the min­i­mum de­gree. This is a very good op­por­tu­nity, Tar­get Per­son will not dis­cover.”
„Shut up!” Wu Tian can­not bear fi­nally, is star­ing the Duan De loud [say / way].
Duan De ac­tu­ally care­less shrug­ging, „Big Bro, re­laxes it­self!”
Su Xian was say­ing at the same time wind dis­cour­ag­ing talk, „Yes, Boss, I want to re­place you, fi­nally is not good!”
Shi Lei has pat­ted clap­ping. Hints all peo­ple to shut up, „Wu Tian, do you have issue? If no issue. That goes back to pre­pare, to­mor­row will em­bark Wo Sang Na­tion, first and Tar­get Per­son trains the sen­ti­ment, striv­ing makes Tar­get Per­son put aside the vig­i­lance.”
To steal to use the Iijima Sora USB, nat­u­rally im­pos­si­ble first time date to move, Wu Tian needs to carry on the ad­vanced prepa­ra­tion, best with Tar­get Per­son date sev­eral times, main­tains the good re­la­tions with Tar­get Per­son, wins the trust of Tar­get Per­son.
Wu Tian frowns say­ing: „Boss. I have issue!”
„What issue?” Shi Lei looks at Wu Tian.
„This... This... Boss, ac­cord­ing to the data demon­stra­tion. Tar­get Per­son passes and out in hotel fre­quently, she. Um, can have some quite strange issue? You know that Boss, some issue are very trou­ble­some.” The Wu Tian coy in­quiry said.
Shi Lei hā hā said with a smile: „You say aids?”
Wu Tian has coughed, nods say­ing: „Yes, Boss, if there is this issue, I can­not ab­solutely im­ple­ment Task.”
„Relax! Tar­get Per­son com­pared with you were wor­ried that this issue, Tar­get Per­son Safety Mea­sures does very well, more­over re­ported ac­cord­ing to the Tar­get Per­son phys­i­cal ex­am­i­na­tion, does not have ex­is­tence of this issue.” Shi Lei has pat­ted the arm of Wu Tian, „en­joys well!” After say­ing, Shi Lei walks to­ward the Core Ma­chine Room re­gion, has not given the time of Wu Tian speech again.
Wu Tian re­laxed, is pat­ting the chest tastes: „For­tu­nately, for­tu­nately!”
Duan De is crack­ing a joke to say at the same time: „Big Bro, your luck is re­ally good! Was only a pity that I do not have this op­por­tu­nity!”
„The sec­ond child, next time has sim­i­lar Task, I will rec­om­mend to Boss ab­solutely your!” Wu Tian cold hum said.
The Core Ma­chine Room re­gion, Shi Lei ar­rives at Se­cu­rity Room that Tao Wenx­ian was.
Tao Wenx­ian sits in front of com­puter, both hands build on the key­board, is rap­ping fast, ar­rived at him in­clud­ing Shi Lei be­hind, Tao Wenx­ian had not dis­cov­ered.
„ke ke ~” Shi Lei ex­udes cough sound, prompts Tao Wenx­ian, he came.
The Tao Wenx­ian whole body shakes, turns around to look at Shi Lei, „oh , sh.​it! Big Brother Stone, do you walk to have a sound? In a big way fright­ens me one to jump!”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „[Jazz], sit­u­a­tion how?”
„Big Brother Stone, truly speak­ing, the Tro­jan Horse Virus progress is few, I had just com­piled a Sub­sys­tem frame, I think me un­able the ac­com­plish work.” Tao Wenx­ian looks at Shi Lei to say.
Shi Lei sat by Tao Wenx­ian, started an­other com­puter, „good good, I and your to­gether ac­com­plish!”
„That was too good! Big Brother Stone, some Sub­sys­tem, es­pe­cially tam­per with the in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem op­er­at­ing mode, I am not very fa­mil­iar, you come to be bet­ter.” Tao Wenx­ian re­laxed to say.
The Shi Lei multi- idle talk, „En, we have not started! Strives for tonight ac­com­plish!”
„One in the evening?” Tao Wenx­ian in­spired but ac­tu­ally, „Big Brother Stone, can you en­gag­ing in fierce bat­tle night?”
„Nat­u­rally! The time press, we need a bit faster the ac­com­plish work!” Shi Lei front com­puter starts ac­com­plish, the work­ing con­di­tions arrange­ment that [Izual] will cor­re­spond im­me­di­ately is ap­pro­pri­ate, lets the Shi Lei in­vest­ment work any­time and any­where.
Two World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, wholly ab­sorbed work, in ad­di­tion [Izual]'s co­or­di­na­tion, job sched­ule ac­com­plish quickly.
Time in a hurry, on Feb­ru­ary 16, 6 : 00 am Twenty-seven.
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian they have en­gaged in fierce bat­tle a night, but com­piles one in view of closed in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem Tro­jan Horse Virus, in­deed is not an easy mat­ter, even if two World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, add on one to en­dure ratio 100 Soft­ware En­gi­neer High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem again, does not have ac­com­plish to work.
„~” Shi Lei has had a yawn. In both eyes cov­ered en­tirely blood­shot, sound said ex­haust­edly: „[Jazz], for­get about it. We rested first, wait to awake con­tin­ued to process issue!”
Tao Wenx­ian also quite ex­hausted. He nods as­sent say­ing: „Good, Big Brother Stone, I in­deed could not shoul­der, the day be­fore yes­ter­day and pre­vi­ous the day be­fore yes­ter­day, I and Lit­tle Jian also stayed up late to boil very much late.”
„Rests, I told that [Izual] con­tin­ues the han­dle work!” Shi Lei beck­oned with the hand, hints Tao Wenx­ian to rest first.
After Tao Wenx­ian leaves, Shi Lei told: „[Izual]. Is com­plete Core Frame­work code sup­ple­ment that we es­tab­lish. More­over, has any Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, im­me­di­ately in­forms me!”
„Sir, in­clud­ing Shuanghu Dis­trict, Shuangqing City re­sumes power sup­ply, whether Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group does start to go to work nor­mally?” [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, now is around 6 : 00 am, if in­forms per­son­nel to go to work tem­porar­ily, is not an in­ti­mate de­ci­sion.
„[Izual], in­forms all per­son­nel. This af­ter­noon a o'clock starts to go to work of­fi­cially.” Shi Lei has made the de­ci­sion, if some per­son­nel in Shuangqing City, they will not be ini­tia­tive con­tact Com­pany. [Izual] will give them to an­swer that but does not need Shi Lei every­thing to do per­son­ally.
„Yes , sir.” The [Izual] af­fir­ma­tive reply, „sir, Shuanghu Dis­trict dis­cov­ered that two Un­known Iden­tity per­son­nel, dis­patch Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany per­son­nel to go to seize, or in­forms Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion pro­cess­ing?”
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion stares, „did Shuanghu Dis­trict pre­sent Un­known Iden­tity per­son­nel?”
The Shuanghu Dis­trict be­fore­hand power cut, the So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem sus­pen­sion op­er­ates. Some un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, can in­deed while this time. En­ters Shuanghu Dis­trict.
But after Shuanghu Dis­trict re­sumes power sup­ply, these un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel. Also keeps Shuanghu Dis­trict, is this wants to court death?
„Yes!” [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strated po­si­tion that two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, was.
Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing the po­si­tion of cor­re­spon­dence, un­ex­pect­edly in Jingya Gar­den!
„Does [Izual], have un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel image in­for­ma­tion?” Shi Lei in­quired.
[Izual] has given the neg­a­tive an­swer, „sir, was sorry very much, be­cause un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel has worn duck­bill cap, Sys­tem is un­able to with­draw tar­get Fa­cial Fea­ture.” [Izual] demon­strated that sev­eral pic­tures, have not pho­tographed the face com­pletely.
Shi Lei has pinched tightly the fist, „damn! Does [Izual], when dis­cover these two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel? They whether also in Jingya Gar­den?”
„Sir, Sys­tem be­fore two min­utes, dis­cov­ery two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, the op­po­site party drove a van to ar­rive in Jingya Gar­den. Sys­tem has ver­i­fied ve­hi­cle owner in­for­ma­tion of this van, but the Sys­tem analy­sis, two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel stole the ve­hi­cles.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Shi Lei cold snort, he wanted to sleep very much ex­haust­edly. But the ap­pear­ances of these two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, mak­ing Shi Lei the plan that at­tempts to sleep be dis­il­lu­sioned.
Re­gard­ing these two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, Shi Lei is def­i­nitely im­pos­si­ble to in­form Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice, be­cause the Jingya Gar­den po­si­tion is very spe­cial, Shi Lei for­merly a long time, lives in Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei needs to clar­ify these two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, goes to the Jingya Gar­den goal is any­thing.
„[Izual], these two un­clear iden­tity do per­son­nel, what po­si­tion make con­crete in Jingya Gar­den?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Jingya Gar­den as Shi Lei for­merly hous­ing [Old Nest], Shi Lei has arranged many cam­eras in Jingya Gar­den, al­most can be said as cov­er­age of all-around No-Dead-An­gle.
„Sir, Sys­tem ex­am­ines two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, en­tered the Un­der­ground garage, but the op­po­site party de­stroyed Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era of Un­der­ground garage, Sys­tem is un­able to ob­tain de­tailed data.” [Izual] is feed­ing back in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei is sneer­ing the in­struc­tion, „[Izual], in­forms Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron, dis­patch­ing two Squadron to solve issue, grasps that two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, lives to see the per­son, dies to see the corpse!”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] con­veyed the Shi Lei's order, two un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, in Jingya Gar­den, are in­escapable!


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