Friday, December 29, 2017

981: Has no time Feixue

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#981: Has no time Feixue
Comments 47
The date of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake open­ing, en­tire Ice Phoenix God Sect such as was frozen, at­mos­phere un­prece­dented dig­nity.
Be­cause, today was Great Realm King des­ig­nates the date of di­rect dis­ci­ple... Mil­len­ni­ums di­rect dis­ci­ple, once can be­come Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple, not only the sta­tus rises steep, cul­ti­vates for also one day ten thou­sand li (0.5km), will also ob­tain a drop of pure Ice Phoenix source blood, is the Snow Song Realm most un­sur­passed glory.
The Ice Phoenix Realm north­ern upper air, Ice Boat pierces the cold wind ex­tremely, the ex­tremely fast the line. Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan well-man­nered is built on the Ice Boat two wings, the front, is snow clothes float­ing Mu Bingyun. To here, has been away from Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake not to be al­ready far.
„Has not thought re­ally that I can also enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake un­ex­pect­edly, for these days, every day like hav­ing a dream, when the prac­tice room, is good to fear that the dream awoke sud­denly.”
Al­though al­ready past many days, but Mu Xi­aolan im­merses in ob­vi­ously as be­fore in­tensely ex­cited and ex­cited... It is es­ti­mated that other Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple are also sim­i­lar. After all, can enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, in the past al­ways only then God Hall dis­ci­ple, is pre­cisely most out­stand­ing God Hall dis­ci­ple has the great honor that.
„More­over, not only can see God Hall au­di­ences Se­nior Brother Se­nior Sis­ter as well as the au­di­ences Palace Mas­ter elder, but also en­ergy... Also can...” Mu Xi­aolan has swal­lowed small saliva gen­tly, under three points of an­tic­i­pa­tion has seven points of anx­i­ety: „Also can see again/good­bye ar­rive at Great Realm King! Quite anx­ious.”
„Has any­thing to be quite anx­ious, she will not elect you, when di­rect dis­ci­ple... oh, it is es­ti­mated that looked that will not look at your one eyes.” The Yun Che mouth in­ex­pen­sive at­tack said.
„Snort!” The Mu Xi­aolan vi­tal­ity said: „You de­ceive my mat­ter I not to ask you to do ac­counts, un­ex­pect­edly also dares to laugh at me.”
„Which my de­ceived you?” Yun Che flipped the su­per­cil­ious look.
„Is thick the fa­cial skin not to ac­knowl­edge that” a Mu Xi­aolan face de­spises: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, he de­ceived me to say on that day un­ex­pect­edly that is Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue for Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew that we de­liver. Snort, lies not, every year pro­vides Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew was al­ways God Hall dis­ci­ple of new pro­mote, the Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue such fierce char­ac­ter, her dis­po­si­tion, how may do this mat­ter, daily knows caused trou­ble and de­ceives me.”
„You be­lieve it or not.” After Yun Che both hands pil­low to brain, is dis­in­clined to ex­plain.
„Feixue?” Mu Bingyun looks askance: „Yun Che, you should not see Feixue, why knows that is she?”
„She told me.” Fac­ing Mu Bingyun, an hon­esty of Yun Che face: „In leg­end the en­tire sects topest dis­ci­ple af­ter-wed­ding meet­ing de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew orig­i­nally, I am also very ac­ci­den­tal.”
„She... Told you her to call Mu Feixue per­son­ally?” If the Mu Bingyun eye the quiet cloud, the pupil light deep place is pass­ing a strange­ness of wip­ing dif­fi­cult so­lu­tion.
„This ac­tu­ally, she pos­si­bly to tease me at first played, told my an­other name, but she knew me and Mu Yizhou mat­ter un­ex­pect­edly, in ad­di­tion... Some other rea­sons, I guess cor­rectly her likely am Mu Feixue that Mu Hanyi adores, after I said that she also ac­knowl­edged.” Hon­est Yun Che 1510 [say / way].
Mu Bingyun: „...”
„Does Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue... tease you to play?” Mu Xi­aolan „pū” smiles to make noise, then an­other face vi­tal­ity: „You de­ceived me, un­ex­pect­edly dares to de­ceive in­clud­ing Hon­ored Mas­ter, went too far!!”
Yun Che pulled under the shoul­der, being dis­in­clined has man­aged her, then said: „Right Palace Mas­ter, rea­son that she af­ter-wed­ding meet­ing de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew orig­i­nally, should while con­ve­nient, the main pur­pose be sees you, I told her you on sev­eral days not in the palace, does not know that af­ter­ward had to find you.”
„Sees me?” Mu Bingyun looks askance once more: „Is this also she per­son­ally says?”
Yun Che thinks that said: „She said that she de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew is also sees a per­son, al­ways pos­si­bly is not Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan, pos­si­bly is not I, only then pos­si­bly is Palace Mas­ter...”
Sees the Mu Bingyun some­what un­usual look, he has hes­i­tated, weak [say / way]: „She should un­able... Re­ally looks for Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan? But I re­mem­ber Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan and her not fa­mil­iar Eh?”
„...” Mu Bingyun re­turns the vi­sion, in the snow pupil flood sev­eral waves of anom­alous rip­ples, said in a soft voice: „Hun­dred breaths, then ar­rived at Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake again. At­ten­tion rev­o­lu­tion pro­found qi re­sists ice-cold.”
The Mu Bingyun voice just fell, cold world ther­mal shock, more for­warded sud­denly, is the cold pierc­ing, en­tire world also even more is then qui­eter, as if in­clud­ing sound al­ready frozen.
Re­gion that Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is, is the en­tire Snow Song Realm cold­est place.
„Open­ing of Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake so de­gree, be­longs in the Snow Song Realm his­tory for the first time.”
„Not only Great Realm King ar­rives, God Hall 72 El­ders, Ice Phoenix 30 six Palace Mas­ter, Hanxue (cold snow) Chief Hall Mas­ter with al­ways man­ages, the Ice Phoenix God Sect top­most level will ar­rive all.”
„Young one gen­er­a­tion, is God Hall two thou­sand dis­ci­ple to, Ice Phoenix Palace each palace se­lects hun­dred most out­stand­ing dis­ci­ple, 3500 hun­dred dis­ci­ple, equal 5500 hun­dred dis­ci­ple, the quan­tity, un­prece­dented. But this ad­mit­tance Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake 5500 hun­dred dis­ci­ple, they are con­trol­ling the Snow Song Realm fu­ture.”
Mu Bingyun these words, do not ex­ag­ger­ate. Be­cause Ice Phoenix God Sect is the con­trol of Snow Song Realm, but in Ice Phoenix God Sect most out­stand­ing young one gen­er­a­tion, with­out a doubt will then be the Snow Song Realm fu­ture con­trol.
The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace awk­ward, be only two dis­ci­ple, the quan­tity can achieve 5600 peo­ple ob­vi­ously.
In other words, ini­tially Snow Song Realm shortly after Yun Che, today, can one time see Ice Phoenix God Sect all high lev­els, as well as all high­est plane/level dis­ci­ple!
On this point , be­fore Yun Che suf­fi­ciently could be called was only , does not have the fu­ture.
„The mat­ter of today, slightly may, its sig­nif­i­cance heavy be in­es­timable. There­fore, after en­ter­ing Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, can not have any words and deeds of going off course.”
Mu Bingyun these words, said lis­tens ob­vi­ously to a Yun Che per­son. For­merly con­tin­u­ally caused trou­ble re­gard­ing Yun Che, she never blamed, but this Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake grand meet­ing can­not have any mis­take, she must give the Yun Che heav­i­est warn­ing.
„Xi­aolan, Yun Che, after en­ter­ing Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, you must fol­low closely me to lean, if the agree­ment of al­tru­ism, can not have any spo­ken lan­guage, can not have any change, all must com­ply with my order.”
The Mu Bingyun rare re­veal­ing ex­tremely aus­tere heavy fa­cial ex­pres­sion, as if as be­fore did not feel re­lieved to the abil­ity that Yun Che courts dis­as­ter that she faces di­rectly Yun Che, heav­ier urg­ing: „Yun Che, your per­son­al­ity along with na­ture, this, al­though is not a mis­de­meanor, but is un­usual today, can­not have any ac­tion of cross­ing the bor­der. Es­pe­cially... Sect Mas­ter per­son­al­ity ex­treme, so grand oc­ca­sion, if were en­raged, the con­se­quence is dread­ful, do not say me, even if the col­lec­tion 72 El­ders and 30 six Palace Mas­ter strength , is also im­pos­si­ble to stop, you want cau­tious it surely.”
„Yes, I firmly fol­low cer­tainly be­hind Palace Mas­ter, Palace Mas­ter makes me make any­thing to make any­thing, does not make me make any­thing not to make any­thing ab­solutely.” The Yun Che clever guar­an­tee said that si­mul­ta­ne­ously read at heart darkly: This I can annoy to have an ac­ci­dent, today can enter Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake is var­i­ous types ** oss, in all peo­ple my strength sec­ond from the bot­tom, ex­cept for first that from the bot­tom, no one can stir up from the start. De­pended you in se­cret in side re­sent­ment re­sent­ment Mu Yizhou, Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake this type all was **, in­clud­ing the place that Great Realm King ar­rived at... I am not live is im­pa­tient.
First that from the bot­tom is Mu Xi­aolan.
There­fore , Great Realm King and Mu Bingyun in­deed are sis­ters af­fec­tion­ate. The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace al­ready sur­vived in name only, but dur­ing these mil­len­ni­ums, 36 palaces not only has re­tained, will also never have any dis­tin­guishes be­tween other Ice Phoenix Palace treat­ments. This time also ob­sti­nately lets 36 palace only Yun Che and Mu Xi­aolan these two drags the oil ** also to­gether ad­mit­tance Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake.
The air is get­ting more and more cold, Mu Xi­aolan has opened the pro­found qi re­sis­tance, the body also slightly shrinks tight­ened a point, first time hears Mu Bingyun so se­ri­ously spoke to Yun Che, she has bal­anced fi­nally lit­tle, peeped the Yun Che's time, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that he was the fa­cial color is un­ex­pect­edly usual under the cold wind, and has not re­leased the pro­found qi re­sis­tance com­pletely, blurted to ask: „Hello! Lit­tle Ju­nior Brother, aren't you cold?”
„Cold?” Yun Che looked at a Mu Xi­aolan ap­pear­ance, im­me­di­ately se­ri­ous nod: „Is a lit­tle cold.”
„Snort, likes sup­port­ing by hard and stub­born ef­fort, when look at you to sup­port.” Mu Xi­aolan talked over one, pro­found qi has thick­ened one: „Passes the lit­tle while sees Great Realm King time, you should bet­ter lower the head, can­not look ran­domly. Great Realm King likes liv­ing alone ex­tremely, ex­cept for Hon­ored Mas­ter, is never will­ing to see any­body, even if the elder and Palace Mas­ter, only if there is a spe­cially im­por­tant mat­ter, oth­er­wise the usual over a hun­dred years can­not see her one time. Your this time is to fol­low Hon­ored Mas­ter, walked the huge good luck, may not prob­a­bly surely... Achoos!”
Under cold wind that is near sud­denly, Mu Xi­aolan by sud­denly frozen sneez­ing, she in­stan­ta­neously from cheeks as red as the nape of the neck, has turned away, is not will­ing to look at Yun Che again.
„! Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple will sneeze un­ex­pect­edly.” Yun Che had not fol­lowed one ex­tremely tact­fully, is joined to the enough sur­prised ex­pres­sion.
„Who... Who said that we can­not sneeze!” Talk­ing back of Mu Xi­aolan in­dig­na­tion, but face red­der sev­eral points.
Was born in the ice-cold world, life on prac­tice ice at­tribute Pro­found Arts, in ad­di­tion nat­ural tal­ent is ex­tremely high, gen­eral se­verely cold can­not cer­tainly af­fect Mu Xi­aolan..., but Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake re­gion, re­ally is ex­tremely cold.
Not only lim­ited to Snow Song Realm, said that it is the en­tire God Realm cold­est place, is not over­rated.
„To.” Ice Boat speed at this time slow, but cold qi heavy was in the bru­tal de­gree. pro­found prac­ti­tioner under Di­vine Dao, even if were such as fell hell Sov­er­eign to here me­trop­o­lis, even if used fully, could the tiny step be dif­fi­cult to move.
Al­though Mu Bingyun has not re­viewed, ac­tu­ally felt that Yun Che aura is steady as usual, the whole body does not have pro­found qi to wind around, in the heart passes the deep sur­prise im­me­di­ately, she has not said a word, con­trols Ice Boat to lean to fall.
Yun Che's vi­sion firmly is star­ing at the front, the dis­tant place of line of sight, im­pres­sively is huge deep blue for­ma­tion, above for­ma­tion ice glow cir­cu­la­tion, if there are in­nu­mer­able stars to glit­ter.
„In for­ma­tion, is Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake said in” the Mu Bingyun light lan­guage: „It seems like, we come ear­lier.”
The Ice Boat speed is ex­tremely fast, orig­i­nally is re­mote deep blue for­ma­tion counts breaths then al­ready the close at hand, for­ma­tion the front is spa­cious, other God Hall and Ice Phoenix Palace peo­ple have not ac­tu­ally ar­rived.
„! We un­ex­pect­edly are first!” Yun Che to yell. Pours also no won­der, their 36 th palace on him and Mu Xi­aolan two dis­ci­ple, does not need any­thing to fit out.
„Pours is also not first.” Mu Bingyun said sud­denly.
But while the Mu Bingyun speech, Yun Che also saw, in the for­ma­tion the front snow and ice world, is stand­ing still im­pres­sively a snow white form, that is a form of fe­male, pure color, silent, re­gard­less of her aura, is her form, re­sem­bled and snow and ice world of sur­round­ings melts one com­pletely, Yun Che in see­ing her flash, at pre­sent un­ex­pect­edly is in­stant ab­sent-minded, re­sem­bled to see un­ex­pect­edly in the world ice lotus that only in the snow and ice world put proudly or­phaned.
This per­son... Good pure snow and ice aura! Is she a per­son? Or is snow and ice elf that here peak ice-cold is preg­nant!?
The ex­cla­ma­tion in the Yun Che heart, Ice Boat silent fell, the fe­male in stand­ing still snow and ice has also turned around at this time... That is one such as to pure to the snow and ice of sparkling stone con­cen­trate the beau­ti­ful ap­pear­ance, the beau­ti­ful let­ting per­son holds the breath , the cold let­ting per­son soul is cold, ac­tu­ally her eye, is Wang peak is likely limpid, the pure-heart bit­ing cold cold deep pool, is ac­tu­ally map­ping suf­fi­ciently per­son Soul freeze ice-cold.
„dis­ci­ple Mu Feixue, has seen Palace Mas­ter Bingyun.”
But her Yingy­ing rit­ual, but, she did not have a fine dust and on the micro flaw ice face ac­tu­ally could not find any emo­tion, her sound such as the ice fell the cold lake, each char­ac­ter, each lan­guage, in­dif­fer­ent not slightly tem­per­a­ture, slightly sen­ti­ment.
On her left shoul­der, that is glit­ter­ing beau­ti­ful blue light Ice Phoenix En­graved Jade, is prov­ing her God Hall dis­ci­ple aloof sta­tus.
„... Im­pe­r­ial con­cu­bine... Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue.” Has not thought after the ar­rival , the per­son who first sees, meets un­ex­pect­edly has high­est nat­ural tal­ent in en­tire sect dis­ci­ple, the most hon­ored sta­tus, the achieve­ment of fu­ture might ex­tremely not under her Hon­ored Mas­ter Mu Feixue, the Mu Xi­aolan tight heart will be timid, does not dare to ask the lan­guage for­ward, will only have to stand in same place ex­cited fear­ful chant­ing in a low voice.
But Yun Che, ac­tu­ally in­stan­ta­neously tar­ries.
Mu Feixue...
Mu Feixue?
She called Mu Feixue!?!?
wait wait!!
She is Mu Feixue... that that four days goes to de­liver the big chest of Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew...! Who that sim­ply like Se­nior Sis­ter that the fe­male mon­ster be­witches is!?


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