Friday, December 29, 2017

998: Flame god three Sect Master

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#998: Flame god three Sect Master
Comments 249
Starts not to re­main the less than half dou­ble-hour away the en­tire sect con­gress, Yun Che fol­lows Mu Bingyun from Ice Phoenix Palace, body side, nat­u­rally also with Mu Xi­aolan.
Has flown the Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory straight line to north, when close to Tem­ple, the rear area, a per­son's shadow cocur­rent flies.
Sees Yun Che, the form of that per­son has stag­nated, along with it speed­ing up speed, be­fore ar­riv­ing at their bod­ies.
A white cloth­ing, the abun­dant god is of out­stand­ing abil­ity, the whole body is re­leas­ing re­mark­ably the noble gas, is Mu Hanyi.
„Palace Mas­ter Bingyun, Ju­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan, Ju­nior Brother Yun Che...,” Mu Hanyi has not shaken the head with a smile: „Today, when was sym­met­ric by Se­nior Brother Yun Che.”
Mu Bingyun nods the head, Mu Xi­aolan re­turns a cour­tesy, Yun Che says with a smile: „Se­nior Brother Hanyi was po­lite, my age young in Se­nior Brother Hanyi, en­ters the sect is late many, re­ally does not dare to with­stand the Se­nior Brother title. Se­nior Brother Hanyi today how on a per­son?”
„For­merly was send­ing greet­ings be­cause of some triv­ial mat­ters with Im­pe­r­ial Brother con­sulted, thus has de­layed.” Mu Hanyi spoke thought­lessly the ex­pla­na­tion, then sin­cere [say / way]: „Has not con­grat­u­lated Ju­nior Brother Yun Che to be­come Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple. Em­bar­rassed say­ing that that day loses to the hand of Ju­nior Brother Yun Che, is greatly dis­ap­pointed, the con­tin­ual sev­eral days are ig­no­rant, were just now con­fi­dent until the day be­fore yes­ter­day. Now wants to come, al­though Ju­nior Brother Yun Che cul­ti­vated to be still shal­low, but if by the in­tel­li­gence, dived the Heav­enly Lake thou­sand zhang (3.33 m)... Feared that is with­out par­al­lel in his­tory is not over­rated, is Hanyi can­not com­pare, the de­feat is also nat­ural. That day Hanyi Over­reach gives prece­dence out of cour­tesy 80% un­ex­pect­edly, de­cid­ing was makes Ju­nior Brother Yun Che laugh.”
„Se­nior Brother Hanyi where words,” Yun Che said with a smile: „Later in sect, but must rely on Se­nior Brother Hanyi to look after many.”
Mu Hanyi shook the head with a smile, lifts the hand to bow with hands clasped, just about to says good­bye, has thought sud­denly of any­thing, along with it [say / way]: „Was right, was on the 15 th the Hanyi Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­days, Ju­nior Brother Yun Che from now on surely often will ac­com­pany again about Sect Mas­ter, if there is a leisure, but also please slightly make the trans­mis­sion to Sect Mas­ter.”
„Good, I knew.” Yun Che nods: „I will in­form this mat­ter in ap­pro­pri­ate op­por­tu­nity to Sect Mas­ter.”
Looks at the Mu Hanyi ap­pear­ance, ob­vi­ously is im­pos­si­ble to ex­pect that solemn Snow Song Realm King will ar­rive his Im­pe­r­ial Fa­ther mil­len­nium birth­day, but stems from the re­spect cour­tesy, but is try­ing the trans­mis­sion.
„Hanyi said good­bye, awaits calmly Ju­nior Brother Yun Che in the grace­ful bear­ing of sect con­gress.”
A Mu Hanyi heav­ily rit­ual, flies to the tem­ple di­rec­tion.
The Yun Che three peo­ple also set out to fly to the tem­ple. At this time, Mu Bingyun opened the mouth to say sud­denly: „Yun Che, how do you think Hanyi this per­son?”
Yun Che turns the head, thinks slightly that said: „As far as I know, he should have ex­tremely se­ri­ously to the di­rect dis­ci­ple sta­tus holds to read, more­over is quite con­fi­dent. Be­fore seven day , the dis­tance suc­ceeds only misses one, is ac­tu­ally de­feated be­cause of me... Short seven days, not only ac­cepts con­fi­dently, does not have the hos­til­ity fac­ing me, but also sent re­gards on own ini­tia­tive for­ward...”
„Said hon­estly, if changes me, I can­not achieve.”
„Right, Se­nior Brother Hanyi is re­ally a very good per­son.” Mu Xi­aolan nods.
Mu Bingyun looked at Mu Xi­aolan one, then said: „Ac­tu­ally, be­fore seven day, in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, that Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue the war of ice spirit, should be Mu Feixue has won.”
„Eh?” Mu Xi­aolan has pub­li­cized the lip sur­pris­edly.
„... Then, is Sect Mas­ter con­trols in se­cret?” Yun Che sur­prised [say / way]. By the Sect Mas­ter's strength, she wants to op­er­ate, rad­i­cally with hands down, and does not have the trace.
„Fact in­deed is so.” Mu Bingyun nods: „Above nat­ural tal­ent, Mu Feixue must ex­ceed Mu Hanyi one even­tu­ally, but Mu Hanyi dis­po­si­tion... Not to men­tion good or bad, is in­deed more suit­able into di­rect dis­ci­ple.”
„...” Yun Che is silent, but does not think sur­prised.
„But has not thought that under the mis­take aris­ing out of chance cir­cum­stances, has ac­tu­ally cho­sen you.” The Mu Bingyun vi­sion how­ever, sighed one quiet lightly: „Al­though Sect Mas­ter al­ready knows that your con­sti­tu­tion has dif­fer­ent, but you are the per­son of Lower Realm even­tu­ally, sev­eral years later whether or not to achieve the goal, will go back, has not kept Snow Song Realm, there­fore has never thought must ac­cept you are di­rect dis­ci­ple. Has not thought... This is also rea­son as if made by heaven.”
„More­over, rea­son that I feel her change the mind fi­nally, com­plied with this ‚mis­take aris­ing out of chance cir­cum­stances’ to choose you, the biggest rea­son was not your con­sti­tu­tion, but was your day dares to face di­rectly all elder Palace Mas­ter, courage that even talked back to her.”
„Should... Not?” Yun Che said in a low voice that then self-ridiculed smiles: „Said that is the courage... With­out the courage under enough strength, to put it bluntly was rash of act­ing reck­lessly, Sect Mas­ter also there­fore my cursed two.”
Mu Bingyun ac­tu­ally shook the head, but had not ex­plained that but said: „It seems like the Mu Hanyi mat­ter, does not need my many in ad­di­tion re­minders. Feixue, she most suited your per­son ac­tu­ally.”
„Oh? Most suits my per­son? What mean­ing?” Yun Che is star­tled to say.
„Should have more than enough on the sev­eral th, you will know.” Mu Bingyun shows a very pale smile.
Yun Che: „????”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, after Yun Che be­comes Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple,... Very dif­fi­cult see again/good­bye to?” Mu Xi­aolan asked sud­denly in a soft voice.
„Um.” Mu Bingyun nods the head gen­tly: „After today, Yun Che will re­side in the tem­ple along with Sect Mas­ter, should ex­tremely dif­fi­cult see again/good­bye.”
„.” Mu Xi­aolan ac­cord­ingly, low­ered the head slightly.
„Um? Xi­aolan mas­ter ~ the mas­ter, you should not be... Doesn't give up me?” Yun Che ap­proaches the face, [say / way] of smil­ing.
„Who... Who does not give up you!” Mu Xi­aolan hur­ries the re­treat less than half step, anx­ious sound track: „You walked me alone to ac­com­pany Hon­ored Mas­ter, happy also with­out enough time, snort|hum!”
„...” Yun Che face melan­choly ex­pi­ra­tion of: „Good good, I also planned to re­turn to Ice Phoenix Palace to have a look fre­quently, since you are so re­pug­nant I, I did not want the orig­i­nal work to go back sen­ti­men­tal.”
„You... You come back to see Hon­ored Mas­ter should be, I... Can­not block you.” Mu Xi­aolan sound all of a sud­den weak.
--- --- --- --- ---
The Ice Phoenix tem­ple, 10 : 00 am, re­cited along with Cold Ice Giant Dragon proud Kongchang, Snow Song Realm King dropped from the clouds, re­sides above the Saint place, the sect con­gress for­mally started.
The high level , the in­ter­me­di­ate level about half, dis­ci­ple 1 mil­lion, the en­tire tem­ple square is all fluc­tu­at­ing vast such as sea cold ice aura. But this sect con­gress more no­tice­able lead, is ac­tu­ally not Snow Song Realm King, but is Yun Che.
After be­fore Mu Huanzhi read out seven day se­lect­ing re­sult and di­rect dis­ci­ple law per­son­ally, in gaze that in all per­son mean­ing­ful glances vary, Yun Che went out grad­u­ally, ar­rived at Snow Song Realm King your pres­ence, se­ri­ous wor­ship­ping on bended knees under.
Today's Snow Song Realm King, does not have the dense fog when the body, Yun Che moves to­ward her, the heart rhythm and state of mind sim­ply chaotic in a com­plete mess.
Her ap­pear­ance such as ice jade carves, if beau­ti­ful the im­mor­tal is imag­i­nary, but under her vi­sion, Yun Che whole body each pore is pass­ing the pierc­ing chill in the air.
In Snow Song Realm, she can de­cide any per­son of life and death. Now, she be­came her Mas­ter..., but for­merly, one­self are ob­vi­ously near at hand with her, rude, dis­re­spects, un­ex­pect­edly also called sev­eral times „Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter”, the es­pe­cially last time, is naked sex­u­ally ha­rass­ing. /p >\;
Until now, Yun Che was un­able to­tally to ac­cept her un­ex­pect­edly is Snow Song Realm King --- „pow­er­ful” the ev­i­dence was he has sex­u­ally ha­rassed Snow Song Realm King after the spo­ken lan­guage... Mas­ter, un­ex­pect­edly for­tu­nately good was liv­ing!
„Yun Che, you, al­though en­tered the sect time to be still short, cul­ti­vate to su­per­fi­cially, but you have con­sti­tu­tion and cold ice of nat­ural tal­ent strange peo­ple, has the lim­it­less fu­ture.”
Snow Song Realm King makes noise in­dif­fer­ently, tem­ple square every­body bends down the ear to lis­ten at­ten­tively: „this king then re­ceives you today is di­rect dis­ci­ple, be­stows your Ice Phoenix blood­line, you must strictly ob­serve the law, the self-tor­ture my Ice Phoenix Pro­found Arts, can not have the half minute to idle, oth­er­wise, this king will fall surely per­son­ally pun­ishes in you.”
„Yes!” Yun Che se­ri­ous read Mu Bingyun to teach his words: „dis­ci­ple Yun Che de­cided does not lose this be­stowed by heaven great honor, does not dare to let Hon­ored Mas­ter and sect is dis­ap­pointed.”
„Gift given to a vis­i­tor!” Mu Huanzhi Ang sound dis­cussed that he looks at Yun Che, the look is quite com­plex.
Vi­sion gazes on Yun Che's, visit him to the rit­u­als of Mu Xu­anyin line of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher. En­vies, envy, sur­pris­edly, to be hard to ac­cept... Rec­og­nizes to be­come the Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple per­son, since con­tin­u­ously only then pos­si­bly is Mu Hanyi or Mu Feixue, who can think that can be un­ex­pect­edly just en­tered the sect, pro­found strength also ini­tially en­ters Di­vine Essence Realm dis­ci­ple.
He not only comes Lower Realm, but also ar­rives at Ice Phoenix God Sect , the short three months, ac­tu­ally have used this short three months, have stepped on Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue, have stepped on en­tire sects all dis­ci­ple, have achieved plane/level of sect most peak.
The Yun Che rit­ual fin­ishes, in the heart the tur­bu­lent dif­fi­cult draw, not to dare to look straight ahead Mu Xu­anyin as be­fore through­out, serves tea wishes one could to lower below the but­tocks... Fills the deep dis­tur­bance to worry to own fu­ture.
At this time, sud­denly cold wind howled, be­fore a palace, man­aged rapidly, but, wor­shipped on bended knees, speed way: „Re­ported Sect Mas­ter, Flame God Realm has guest seeks an au­di­ence... the per­son to ar­rive at out­side the tem­ple.”
„What? Out­side tem­ple?” The Mu Huanzhi com­plex­ion changes, the both sides el­ders also in abun­dance set out.
„Snort!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly snorted: „Can rush­ing not mak­ing a sound come here, it seems like it was that three old things comes per­son­ally.”
„Is Sect Mas­ter, is three peo­ple, is Flame God Realm three big Sect Mas­ter.” Be­fore the palace, man­ag­ing aus­tere sound track.
Flame God Realm three big Sect Mas­ter kiss to com­pletely!?
The shock­ing and un­usual fla­vor spreads in the cold wind in­stan­ta­neously.
„How many peo­ple did they lead?” Mu Huanzhi sink­ing sound track.
„Three Sect Mas­ter only led three peo­ple... More­over, is three aura very young peo­ple.”
„Six peo­ple? It seems like these three old bas­tard long guts.”
Mu Xu­anyin has not set out, ice-cold sound shakes sky: „Makes them come in!”
„Che'er, to is mas­ter side.”
The in­dif­fer­ent sound is hav­ing the ir­re­sistible dig­nity, but had the change to the Yun Che's name. Yun Che stares, then stands up, foot­steps care­ful trend Mu Xu­anyin, then stood her right.
Help­lessly looks that Yun Che stood un­ex­pect­edly the Snow Song Realm King side... These with are the dis­ci­ple per­son are ad­mire to want all, these sta­tus high­est elder and Palace Mas­ter eye pupil deep place clearly flashes through en­vies.
The cold wind stag­nates, sud­denly mixed out­side sev­eral shares the scald­ing hot air wave. Under the air wave, six peo­ple fly high to fall, along with the it three peo­ple be­fore, three peo­ple , the foot­steps slows down, treads the mid­dle ice road to move to­ward Mu Xu­anyin.
The place that they pass through, the air cur­rent in­stan­ta­neous chaos, burn the air/Qi to soar to the heav­ens all.


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