Sunday, December 31, 2017

1012: Shortcut

#1012: Shortcut
Comments 101
The Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow total Se­cret Art is mys­te­ri­ous and ob­scure, is con­tain­ing sev­eral thou­sand types of pro­found and ab­struse prin­ci­ples and changes, its pro­found qi rev­o­lu­tion way is com­pli­cated and di­ver­si­fied... More­over can only by the cold ice pro­found strength stim­u­la­tion of move­ment, if not cold ice pro­found strength, does not have the pos­si­bil­ity of build­ing cer­tainly.
Re­gard­less of its pro­found strength re­quests, is the rev­o­lu­tion way, is more com­plex than Star God's Bro­ken Shadow se­verely many... The prac­tice dif­fi­culty is on high sev­eral fold.
Here is the Ice Phoenix Realm tem­ple, will not have the sa­cred place that the by­stander ap­proaches. Here, Yun Che can achieve heart not to get off one's main sub­ject com­pletely. After the ini­tial crabbed­ness, the self-tor­ture that two dou­ble-hour do not stand still, his Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow trans­ferred from the em­bry­onic form slightly en­ters the ac­cess, only needs three breaths, can start one time to flicker the body, flick­ered the body speed by far for­merly, but will still leave be­hind the clear ice shade.
He every time in at­tempt­ing dozens from now on, to close the eye, per­ceives through med­i­ta­tion the total Se­cret Art the pro­found and ab­struse prin­ci­ples and change, in he may be called under the per­cep­tion and con­cen­trated force of ter­ror, al­most will have each time the new com­pre­hen­sion, dis­plays once more, will then have the es­pe­cially con­spic­u­ous ad­vance­ment.
Starts the speed to be get­ting quicker and quicker, the ice shade that re­mains is also get­ting more and more light.
This sud­den en­light­en­ment, to or­di­nary pro­found prac­ti­tioner, often may with, but can­not ask. Some high level com­plex pro­found Se­cret Art, often needs dozens years and sev­eral hun­dred years ex­tremely, even sev­eral thou­sand years of per­ceiv­ing through med­i­ta­tion in some in­stant shin­ing mirac­u­lous glow...
But Yun Che, only the to close both eyes with rapt at­ten­tion 12 quar­ters, will then have each time the new com­pre­hen­sion on av­er­age.
Frozen End Di­vine Art so, Yun Fam­ily Pur­ple Cloud Arts so, Golden Crow's Record of the Burn­ing World so... Now cul­ti­vates Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, as be­fore so.
After four dou­ble-hour, wiped the ice shade to ap­pear in the tem­ple, looks at Yun Che in con­geal­ing heart prac­tice silently.
Four dou­ble-hour, re­gard­ing prac­tice, with­out doubt short some time ex­tremely, but in line of sight, Yun Che dis­play­ing Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow com­pared with be­fore the it four dou­ble-hour com­plete had the sev­eral fold im­pres­sively fully, al­though as be­fore is only the em­bry­onic form, is im­pos­si­ble to be used in the ac­tual com­bat, but so as­ton­ish­ing ad­vance­ment, if main­tains, may one month ex­tremely then slightly be­comes, achieves ini­tial „Shad­ow­less” bound­ary.
More­over this process... As if not need her to teach in the side.
Once again „Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow” com­pletes, this time not only the speed is ex­tremely fast, but also has al­most not iced the shade rem­nant shade, but with for­merly demon­strated with Mu Xu­anyin com­pares as be­fore is the dif­fer­ence of heaven and earth.
Yun Che Lit­tle Shu one breath, one sud­denly, has screened the Mu Xu­anyin form at pre­sent sud­denly clearly. He for­wards im­me­di­ately: „Hon­ored Mas­ter!”
„Fol­lows me.” Mu Xu­anyin turns round.
Yun Che has hes­i­tated, started to speak but hes­i­tated, fol­lowed.
But Mu Xu­anyin ac­tu­ally sud­denly stopped the foot­steps at this time: „Did you have the words to say?”
Yun Che also stopped, in the brain or­ga­nizes to say a word fast, said earnestly: „Hon­ored Mas­ter, dis­ci­ple fully re­al­ized that cul­ti­vates the pro­found [say / way] to pro­ceed in an or­derly way, most death an­niver­sary fin­ishes in a hast, and Pro­found Arts Pro­found Tech­nique ad­vance­ment is some­times more im­por­tant than pro­found strength, but...”
„You want to ask that has what method to make you for mas­ter pro­mote in two years to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm?” Mu Xu­anyin cres­cent moon eye­brow sinks.
„Yes!” Yun Che nods: „dis­ci­ple fol­lowed the Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) se­nior to ar­rive at the Snow Song Realm rea­son, Hon­ored Mas­ter... should al­ready know. This mat­ter is very im­por­tant to dis­ci­ple. If can march into Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, has en­tered the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of Eter­nal Sky Realm, even if again la­bo­ri­ous... Even if must pay very big price, dis­ci­ple also surely can with­stand, but also asked Hon­ored Mas­ter to help.”
Al­though, mys­te­ri­ous in­com­pa­ra­ble Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow has brought back his enor­mous in­ter­est, but, can build Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow, to him not that im­por­tant. Be­cause he be­longs to Blue Pole Star, but does not be­long to God Realm, after achiev­ing wish, he for­ever will leave God Realm, re­turns to Blue Pole Star..., but he in the God Realm biggest hope, sees Jas­mine.
But wants to see that Jas­mine... he most needs, is pro­found strength, but is not Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex or Bro­ken Moon's Flick­er­ing Shadow.
He does obei­sance Mu Xu­anyin for the mas­ter force­fully, and re­strains the dis­po­si­tion, be­fore her well-man­nered, to not seek after Ice Phoenix blood­line, Pro­found Arts or di­rect dis­ci­ple sta­tus, but in this Snow Song Realm, if has a per­son to have the means to let him achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm re­ally be­fore Pro­found God Con­fer­ence... that only then pos­si­bly is Mu Xu­anyin.
Mu Xu­anyin turns round slowly, a pair of ice pupil only has as if time­less cold light: „You ini­tially enter Di­vine Essence Realm now, thinks that two years of break­through to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, where is so easy!”
„...” The Mu Xu­anyin words not only have not made Yun Che de­jected, in­stead mind shakes.
What be­cause she said is „where has is so easy”, but is not „is not cer­tainly pos­si­ble”!
This means... Per­haps she re­ally has any spe­cial means!
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, re­gard­less of any method, so long as there is a pos­si­bil­ity... My any­thing is will­ing to at­tempt!” Yun Che has not avoided the Mu Xu­anyin pupil light, cat­e­gor­i­cal [say / way].
„Is she to you, so re­ally im­por­tant?” Ask­ing of Mu Xu­anyin coldly.
„Yes.” Yun Che not any hes­i­tant nod.
„... Good.” Mu Xu­anyin nod slowly, ices the color in pupil not to have the slight change sud­denly: „Since you are so ir­ri­ta­ble, that is the mas­ter also can only help you.”
In Yun Che's dull sur­prised, be­fore body of Mu Xu­anyin, sud­denly the blue light reap­pears: „Huanzhi, allow you use tem­ple trans­mis­sion tem­porar­ily, in hun­dred breaths, mak­ing Feixue see this king to the tem­ple!”
The Mu Xu­anyin sound falls, the blue light also dis­si­pates. Yun Che Di­vine Dao: „Mu Feixue?”
„To stretch across Di­vine Dao two big Realm in the short two years, only if you can enter in Eter­nal Sky Pearl, oth­er­wise high nat­ural tal­ent, again the prac­tice of peak is im­pos­si­ble to achieve, al­though Snow Song Realm pill spirit med­i­cine are in­nu­mer­able, but de­cid­edly is im­pos­si­ble to reach the sky in a sin­gle bound.”
The Mu Xu­anyin voice trans­fers slightly: „But our Ice Phoenix God Sect, be­cause of the re­la­tions of Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex, pours can in­deed re­al­ize a short­cut!”
„Hon­ored Mas­ter, you... You said ‚short­cut’... Is it pos­si­ble that... Yes... Is...” The Yun Che's words be­come some­what stut­ter.
„You may know, why our Ice Phoenix God Sect nat­ural tal­ent, cul­ti­vates, sta­tus max­i­mum that level fe­male, mostly is sin­gle, some life-long do not marry.” Mu Xu­anyin asked.
„... dis­ci­ple hears, car­ries the Ice Phoenix blood­line fe­male, if lost Pri­mor­dial Yin, will re­pair for be­comes with the Pro­found Arts ad­vance­ment slow, be­fore being in­fe­rior. In ad­di­tion nat­ural tal­ent cul­ti­vates to be higher, the per­son­al­ity is chilly, there­fore...”
Yun Che very low voice reply. This is he from Mu Xi­aolan there hear. The Mu Bingyun sin­gle sev­eral thou­sand years, Mu Xu­anyin is ten thou­sand old... More­over, Mu Xi­aolan has said that car­ries di­rect line Ice Phoenix blood­line, nat­ural tal­ent is ex­tremely high Mu Feixue, should meet and Mu Bingyun is equally life-long sin­gle.
But now...
„Snort, orig­i­nally you knew.” In the ap­pear­ance of Mu Xu­anyin peer­less grace and tal­ent, lets the chill­i­ness that the sea freezes suf­fi­ciently: „But, this is only 50% rea­sons.”
„The [say / way] of dual cul­ti­va­tion, al­though de­spises for some af­fect­edly vir­tu­ous so-called hon­est pro­found prac­ti­tioner, but it is far from an evil way. If can enough agree with, Yin-Yang blends sup­ple­men­tar­ily, prac­tice to both sides pro­found strength and Pro­found Arts has the great­est ben­e­fit. Ice Phoenix blood­line that but our Ice Phoenix God Sect re­ceives is ex­tremely cloudy blood­line, cul­ti­vates Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex is also ex­tremely cold Pro­found Arts, meets ex­treme repel ex­ter­nal Yang en­ergy, is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to re­al­ize Yin-Yang to melt the mu­tual pro­mo­tion of the five el­e­ments. There­fore if Yin-Yang junc­tion. About not only will lose for­ever Pri­mor­dial Yin, but also can only be each time the man prof­its.”
Yun Che: „...”
„How­ever also be­cause of Ice Phoenix re­la­tions of blood­line and Ice Phoenix God Con­fer­ring Codex, Ice Phoenix fe­male other Sheng of by far fe­males of Pri­mor­dial Yin, will con­tain ex­tremely pure Ice Phoenix aura, if for man ob­tained, but pro­motes its pro­found strength to cul­ti­vate enor­mously is, but may also strengthen its cold ice con­sti­tu­tion.”
„So, can you un­der­stand?”
Yun Che opened the yawn, crossed some lit­tle time, the some­what crabbed [say / way]: „This was Hon­ored Mas­ter says... Short­cut? The Mu Feixue fin­ger is the dis­ci­ple dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion, is... For...”
„Good!” Yun Che's re­sponded that makes Mu Xu­anyin knit the brows slightly: „To break through within the short two years to Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm, seizes short­cut that Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin is then most likely to re­al­ize!”
„Enough many... Pri­mor­dial Yin...” The Yun Che's cor­ners of the mouth in twitch­ing slightly, he shook the head, does not know that stem­ming from any psy­chol­ogy, how­ever asked ig­no­rant: „That... How many Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin wants prob­a­bly, can ar­rive at Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm?”
Mu Xu­anyin silent lit­tle, then light [say / way]: „In this gen­er­a­tion of Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple, Feixue has most su­pe­rior Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin. If such as Feixue so, 1000, per­haps then enough.”
„One... 1000!?” A Yun Che yawn, has al­most bit­ten own tongue.
Re­sponded re­gard­ing Yun Che's that Mu Xu­anyin does not change coun­te­nance: „But Mu Feixue only then, in the young gen­er­a­tion can­not dis­cover to en­dure again with her com­par­ing. If di­vides the sect to se­lect in God Hall, Ice Phoenix Palace as well as major Ice Phoenix, at least wants 3000 to hold the Pri­mor­dial Yin Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple side to have the pos­si­bil­ity. Snort, al­though pos­si­bil­ity less than 10%, but should not have com­pared with this bet­ter method.”
Three... 3000!??
„~! @#¥%...” Yun Che creepy feel­ing, the both legs be­come ten­der: „Too... Too many...”
A words exit / to speak, Yun Che then un­ex­pect­edly awak­ens, shakes the head fully: „It is not good, this method, dis­ci­ple... is un­able to ac­cept.”
„Isn't able to ac­cept?!” The Mu Xu­anyin brow sinks sud­denly: „Why?”
The slight change of Mu Xu­anyin pupil light, causes the at­mos­phere sud­den change, cold qi from the Yun Che's foot heart straight flee­ing top of the head, Yun Che does not have to think the re­jec­tion that in­stan­ta­neously one blurted out will bring in the Mu Xu­anyin so fierce re­sponse un­ex­pect­edly, he can only brace one­self say­ing: „For a dis­ci­ple per­son of pro­found strength ad­vance­ment, lets that many same side Se­nior and Ju­nior Sis­ters nat­ural tal­ent buck­les... Also must sac­ri­fice their pure­ness, dis­ci­ple... can­not achieve.”
„Sac­ri­fice? Snort!” Mu Xu­anyin coldly said: „You are my Mu Xu­anyin di­rect dis­ci­ple, can be se­lected, that is their being hon­ored! what to come sac­ri­ficed!”
Yun Che has a dream has not thought that Mu Xu­anyin for him the hom­ing only short­cut, can be this grade of way un­ex­pect­edly. Two years... Three thou­sand Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin...
It is not able to imag­ine these two an­nual meet­ings sim­ply is any sit­u­a­tion...
Let alone also only then less than 10% pos­si­bil­i­ties, even if can achieve­ment Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm dur­ing two years... that and picks re­ally by one­self makes up the pos­i­tive sex fiend to have what dif­fer­ence cloudy! In Snow Song Realm, own rep­u­ta­tion will turn into any moral­ity moral char­ac­ter, if they are known by Lit­tle Demon Em­press and Xue'er...
And, Mu Feixue...
„It is not good,” Yun Che is still shak­ing the head: „dis­ci­ple can­not achieve. If the prac­tice of limit, is bru­tal, dis­ci­ple can with­stand. But, must use these many Se­nior and Ju­nior Sis­ters, dis­ci­ple...”
„Use?” Mu Xu­anyin dis­dains coldly snorted: „You save the Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) life, to not use her ar­rives at Snow Song Realm? You change the main force in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake sud­denly, re­quests me to be the mas­ter vig­or­ously, to not use me makes you break through Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm?”
„...” The Yun Che yawn, had noth­ing to say in reply.
„You may know, in Snow Song Realm, has the Ice Phoenix Pri­mor­dial Yin fe­male, even if a coun­try king does not dare to ex­pect bribes, ac­tu­ally per­mits you to se­lect for the mas­ter will­fully, no­body dis­obeys cer­tainly! Not only this is most likely to make you achieve the Di­vine Tribu­la­tion Realm method, the good for­tune in ro­mance that other peo­ple ten thou­sand th ex­trav­a­gant de­mands do not come, you ac­tu­ally must re­ject!?”
„Snort, do not think that does not know for the mas­ter, your age is in­fe­rior to half sixty-years cycle, had ac­tu­ally known how things stand Fang the wife in Lower Realm. Frozen Cloud (Bingyun) also once and has said for the mas­ter, your per­son­al­ity reck­lessly, never con­strains own de­sire, in Frozen Cloud As­gard that she es­tab­lishes, is Palace Mas­ter ac­tu­ally under ring­ing the day­time in the ac­tions of fe­male line of blas­phem­ing to the palace, now ac­tu­ally in in­stalls the sage for the mas­ter in front of!?”
„! @#¥%...” Yun Che dumb­founded... I go! Mu Bingyun how any­thing said with her...
„dis­ci­ple... dis­ci­ple and they are... Is two sen­ti­ments likes each other, and...”
At this mo­ment, wipes ice-cold gen­tle breeze to ap­proach slowly, a Mu Feixue snow clothes, float­ing snow, but.
Her ar­rival, mak­ing in the tem­ple just like has been in full bloom sud­denly an only beau­ti­ful, but ice-cold snow heart ice lotus.
„Feixue pays re­spect to Sect Mas­ter.”
She does obei­sance grace­fully in the Mu Xu­anyin body side, has not ac­tu­ally gone to look at Yun Che one, as if en­tire world sim­ply does not have his ex­is­tence.
„Feixue, you come just right.”
Mu Xu­anyin in ac­cord­ingly Mu Feixue, but vi­sion had not put aside from Yun Che. Her sound, at this time sud­denly slow... More­over is the in­com­pa­ra­ble gen­tle­ness: „Che'er, today is the first day that you ac­knowl­edge as teacher, you dare so not to lis­ten for the words of mas­ter un­ex­pect­edly.”


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