Friday, December 29, 2017

969: Dying self-torture

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#969: Dying self-torture
Comments 173
De­pends upon Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill, pro­found strength sig­nif­i­cantly pro­motes in a short time. But within the body pro­found qi ac­tu­ally in the some­what anx­ious tur­bu­lence, this is also the in­evitable side ef­fect.
Yun Che calls Heaven Smit­ing Sword, both hands grasps the sword hilt, but the sword blade ac­tu­ally sud­denly lets fall, pound­ing of heav­ily on the ground.
Al­though pro­found strength grows, but under the habit, is hard to con­trol as be­fore has thou­sands of jin (0.5 kg) Heaven Smit­ing Devil Slayer Sword fully.
The Yun Che look con­cen­trates, „Pur­ga­tory” open­ing, body pro­found qi rises sud­denly, Heaven Smit­ing Sword rum­bles vi­o­lently, under the ter­ri­fy­ing sword pres­tige, the air cur­rent of the front big piece space was evac­u­ated by the flash, Yun Che bel­lows, the whole body ig­nites Golden Crow Di­vine Flame, Heaven Smit­ing Sword bran­dishes fully, the sword blade refers, rum­bles a piece by piece dis­as­ter sea of fire.
Rum­bling rum­bling...
The tem­per­a­ture of prac­tice room el­e­vates sud­denly, ice mist dis­si­pates, fast an­ni­hi­la­tion of ice spirit in star­tled, thun­ders along with the last flame, Yun Che knees down all of a sud­den, Heaven Smit­ing Sword also heav­ily pounds on the ground, nearly lets go to de­part.
67 swords!
pro­found strength pro­motes three small Realm, let­ting him under „Pur­ga­tory” con­di­tion and Golden Crow Fire in ad­di­tion holds, bran­dishes the Heaven Smit­ing Sword 67 times fully. This is the enor­mous progress, if faces Ji Han­feng at this mo­ment, he does not open Rum­bling Heaven, there is an enough as­sur­ance to de­feat him.
But, such progress com­pares in as re­mote as the eye may not and goal, is too as be­fore small is too small.
„If... Can con­trol Heaven Smit­ing Sword under the habit freely...” Yun Che puffs, was think­ing aloud in a low voice.
His raised the head, has thought of the space storm under past Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark sud­denly... As well as in space storm body and leap of pro­found strength in­ten­sity nearly qual­i­ta­tive change.
He af­ter­ward knows that the ini­tial space storm shut­tles back and forth from the Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark's space, but space storm that later in­ten­si­fies un­ceas­ingly, is came from Jas­mine in­ter­fer­ence of de­sir­ably... For takes times to tear his limit.
After each tear­ing limit „re­birth”, is a break­through.
Tear­ing... Limit...
The Yun Che's pupil deep place, fierce flash­ing through wipes the dif­fer­ent glow.
He sets out, took out one to glit­ter glow of stars Star Pluck­ing Stone of square shape won­der stone --- from Sky Poi­son Pearl from Mu Sushan.
Yun Che leapt gen­tly, leaps above Star Pluck­ing Stone, then sat down slowly, im­me­di­ately, cool air cur­rent welled up from Star Pluck­ing Stone, the cage to his whole body, let his mind clear(ly) slowly, the ex­hausted feel­ing of whole body faintly dis­ap­peared ac­tu­ally.
This type of air cur­rent will be quite strange to other peo­ple and mys­te­ri­ous, but Yun Che is ac­tu­ally fa­mil­iar... Be­cause this clearly is the world spir­i­tual en­ergy!
Its func­tion, gath­ers the air/Qi of world un­ex­pect­edly!
For­merly some frag­men­tary nar­ra­tion about Star Pluck­ing Stone, mak­ing Yun Che think that its func­tion can speed up the cir­cu­la­tion of pro­found qi, has not thought that was gath­ers the air/Qi of world un­ex­pect­edly... Worthily is the won­der stone that the glow of bathing stars forms!
This dis­cov­ery, mak­ing Yun Che pleas­antly sur­prised. He con­denses mind im­me­di­ately, starts rev­o­lu­tion Great Way of the Bud­dha Art.
The God Realm world spir­i­tual en­ergy com­pared with the it Lower Realm pure rich sev­eral fold, in ad­di­tion the Star Pluck­ing Stone mys­te­ri­ous gath­er­ing abil­ity, emerged the world spir­i­tual en­ergy of Yun Che within the body such as the mighty cur­rent gen­eral, rapidly re­stores pro­found strength that he is in debt im­me­di­ately.
After two quar­ters, Yun Che has opened the eye.
pro­found strength that the short two quar­ters, he is in debt then fully re­stored!
Such speed, sim­ply may be called earth­shak­ing, makes Mu Sushan such pow­er­house dumb­founded suf­fi­ciently.
Leaps Star Pluck­ing Stone, Yun Che works on Heaven Smit­ing Sword, the look be­comes re­nounces sud­denly with raw hate.
„Rum­bling Heaven!!”
An en­tire prac­tice room air cur­rent con­fu­sion that the sound that pro­found qi blasts out fierce such as the moun­tain avalanche, the berserk strength stirs, Yun Che such as changed to vi­o­lent anger wild beast, Heaven Smit­ing Sword has rum­bled crazily, brought the night­mar­ish dis­as­ter hard­ship storm.
A shock­ing bang, the prac­tice room ground blasts open sud­denly, the crushed stone flut­ters about, under the sec­ond sword, the ground raises di­rectly, the crushed stone that the third sword, just de­flected was de­stroyed the small frag­ments com­pletely.
Al­though merely three swords, the Yun Che's both arms then ap­peared crack, in­fil­trates makes a debut a blood thread, but Yun Che does not have the mean­ing that must stop slightly, the look such as the die wolf is as be­fore cut-throat, the fourth sword, on Heaven Smit­ing Sword the vine had the scar­let-red flame, rum­bles in­stant, the the front sev­eral li (0.5km) changed to a death sea of fire in­stan­ta­neously.
Bang! Bang!! Rum­bles ---
Each sword, is his strength peak, each sword, seems fac­ing the enemy of life and death.
After en­tire seven swords, Yun Che fi­nally stuffy, berserk pro­found qi re­leases com­pletely com­pletely, Heaven Smit­ing Sword waves the arms about to de­part, his whole per­son also heav­ily knees down, the whole body trem­bles crazily, sev­eral hun­dred blood streams flow out from each spot of his body, dyes his whole body fast.
„Rum­bling Heaven” con­di­tion is far from pre­sent he can con­trol, under con­di­tion rum­bles fully in „Rum­bling Heaven” seven swords, the load that with­stands may think, but. Yun Che whole body does not have one now is not the painful pen­e­trat­ing heart, all bones as if have dis­rupted, each mus­cle, in fierce is twitch­ing, the merid­i­ans, have bro­ken about 30%.
„... cough cough...” Yun Che sup­ports the ground, spits sev­eral blood clots con­tin­u­ally.
Such wound, falls on oth­ers, is half de­ceased per­son.
To Pro­found Vein, is the ir­re­versible heavy losses.
Yun Che paral­y­sis there, slow some lit­tle time, dif­fi­cult mov­ing body, near­ness Star Pluck­ing Stone bit by bit, along with his mov­ing, be­hind towed a more and more long blood­stain.
Al­though the body twitches in the ex­treme pain, but his look is ac­tu­ally pass­ing nearly the ex­cite­ment of dis­tor­tion. His hand moved on Star Pluck­ing Stone, then again did not have the strength to move the half minute, panted for breath, be­came es­pe­cially weak.
Is this...
Is this type... Tear­ing limit... Came to the verge of death the feel­ing!
Yun Che has smiled un­ex­pect­edly, his paral­y­sis after there some lit­tle time, sud­denly the tooth bites, a hoarse low hǒu, the body rose all of a sud­den Star Pluck­ing Stone, then sits well by a stance of dis­tor­tion dif­fi­cultly, starts rev­o­lu­tion Great Way of the Bud­dha Art. Under the Star Pluck­ing Stone mys­te­ri­ous strength, the world spir­i­tual en­ergy gath­ers fast, rushes the Yun Che's body, is restor­ing the Yun Che's body and Pro­found Vein.
These time with is just now com­pletely dif­fer­ent. For­merly was only ex­haus­tion of pro­found strength, but this time, was the body in­com­pa­ra­bly se­ri­ous wound, as well as se­ri­ous over­draw­ing of pro­found strength.
Ini­tially fac­ing Moon Slaugh­ter Devil Sov­er­eign opened Rum­bling Heaven in first of Moon Slaugh­ter Devil Nest, the con­se­quence was he uses the en­tire seven tal­ents fully to re­store.
More­over all over the world, only has him to be able from such con­di­tion fully to re­store, and does not have any reper­cus­sions. Trades to be other peo­ple, let alone can fully re­store, can not die is the mir­a­cles. Even if can pre­serve the life, can be the body and Pro­found Vein com­pletely dis­abled re­sult.
But this time...
After a dou­ble-hour, the Yun Che's com­plex­ion di­verged palely, tends to be ruddy.
After two dou­ble-hour, his aura es­pe­cially was then steady.
After four dou­ble-hour,... Yun Che has opened the eye slowly, two wipe any vir­tual state cold glow not to flash past.
The short four dou­ble-hour, his wound, pro­found strength, is the com­plete restora­tion!
When Yun Che jumps down from Star Pluck­ing Stone, falls, Heaven Smit­ing Sword has grasped in the hand, also once more blasts out the wild air wave.
Just now causes in the night­mare con­se­quence that to re­store from „Rum­bling Heaven”, he then once more opens „Rum­bling Heaven”.
The strength flash be­comes in­com­pa­ra­bly huge, thou­sands of jin (0.5 kg) Heaven Smit­ing Sword be­comes in the hand es­pe­cially light and lively, but at the same time, each cell of whole body shiv­ers under the heavy pres­sure, as if may rup­tur­ing any­time.
The Yun Che look is cut-throat, Heaven Smit­ing Sword is con­dens­ing the strength bang of his com­plete will and most limit... opens „Rum­bling Heaven” to the front each time, al­most will put in cer­tainly. Every one time shells fully, will let it­self to death abyss about one step.
He is fight­ing tooth and nail, under the cloth­ing/tak­ing Jade Sink­ing Ice Soul Pill fights tooth and nail force­fully, now fights tooth and nail as be­fore. But he so goes all out, but in order to have one side op­por­tu­nity see again/good­bye Jas­mine.
Be­cause that is Jas­mine, there­fore, being worth him not hes­i­tat­ing all. Even if only an op­por­tu­nity of meet­ing.
Heaven Smit­ing Sword de­parts by far, Yun Che falls down again, the body in shiv­er­ing cow­ers, under the body the quick vine draws out a Datan blood.
This time, is still seven swords, under the last sword, is flame in ad­di­tion holds, con­sump­tion hugest „ex­tin­guishes the day cer­tainly”, lets the blood ves­sel and merid­i­ans al­most com­pletely Beng of Duan his both arms, es­pe­cially the right arm, the blood stream such as the foun­tain sprin­kles gen­er­ally.
The line of sight be­comes ab­sent-minded, even if whole body se­vere pain, is un­able to pre­vent him to re­al­ize fast fuzzy, he bites the tip of tongue fiercely, doom by own stu­por, was not being dri­ven al­most not own body, moves to Star Pluck­ing Stone.
„Oh... I can... Being able to sup­port... I cer­tain... Can...”
Al­most hung final one breath, Yun Che was climb­ing up Star Pluck­ing Stone, en­tered once more re­gained the con­di­tion.
The same mat­ter, hap­pens on other pro­found prac­ti­tioner, merely one time, body and Pro­found Vein, even if not dis­card com­pletely, will dis­card most.
The re­silience that the body of Dragon God, the strength of Rage God brings, as well as... in this world can fight tooth and nail from Evil God's Pro­found Vein in this man­ner will­fully, only has Yun Che.
After four dou­ble-hour, Yun Che re­stores once more. He leaves the Star Pluck­ing Stone ear­li­est pos­si­ble time, „Rum­bling Heaven” then once more opens...
„Rum­bling Heaven” under con­di­tion, only need the ex­tremely short time, then make his pro­found strength be in debt ex­tremely, whole body heavy losses to being on the verge of death, if has slightly care­lessly, or the Yun Che will col­lapses, but re­cov­er­ing, he will be very likely dead an un­timely death with­out enough time at the scene.
In the past in Pri­mor­dial Pro­found Ark, he were more, is the pres­sure on body, the pres­sure on pro­found strength is rel­a­tively smaller.
But this time, is ac­tu­ally on the body and Pro­found Vein dual cer­tainly.
Cul­ti­va­tion room de­stroyed sores all over the eye, under the Heaven Smit­ing Sword resid­ual de­struc­tion strength, be­comes in­clud­ing the speed of self- re­pair some­what slow. Yun Che like this in opens Rum­bling Heaven, re­leases the strength to being on the verge of death crazily, draws sup­port from strength of re­cov­er­ing Star Pluck­ing Stone and Rage God again, opens Rum­bling Heaven again, again re­cov­er­ing...
Time and time again, day-by-day, one month of an­other month, starts once again.
The great suf­fer­ing and des­per­ate feel­ing of ac­com­pany, as well as have care­lessly the tragic death fear­ful con­se­quence slightly, he as if com­pletely looks but not see, likely is the lu­natic who was sud­denly fas­ci­nated, is prac­tic­ing in the bru­tal way of this in­hu­man crazily...
He does not know that the con­se­quence of such prac­tice can be any­thing. But, wants to achieve that ex­tremely re­mote goal, he must tear his limit ma­li­ciously... This is Jas­mine teaches his thing, is the only method that he can think of now.


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