HK :: VOLUME #15
#1494: disorder with emerging!
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Xia Nation, on February 15, 0 : 12 am.
Shi Lei through SedIWN, united the [Izual] same place, accomplish to the invasion of entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid Management System. According to the Shi Lei's technological means that Nanchao Nation Power Grid System, wants fully to restore, at least takes over 12 hours.
But from the Nanchao Nation Stock Market opening price, less than eight hours!
The Power Supply interrupt, telephone communication interrupt and the network interrupt Nanchao Nation, entire Nation(s) fell into Dark and disorder.
Nanchao Nation Government opened the national urgent plan, national all Police Force and information Security Department personnel, put into during the work of public security management. Even, Nanchao Nation army, is standing by.
Luckily, Nanchao Nation Power System and Communications System of Government and army, had not been invaded by Hacker. In fact, Shi Lei wants to invade, no, should be the large-scale invasion, and destroys network and electric power of Nanchao Nation Official and military, basically does not have the too big possibility.
Otherwise according to the Shi Lei's disposition, meets absolutely not politely Nanchao Nation projects on the bottom, attacks and sinks thoroughly!
The Nanchao Nation situation is awful, in the middle of the night in dark situation, there are numerous people to produce the rebellion, almost captured the entire World attention.
But instigator Shi Lei, has actually had a yawn, spoke thoughtlessly to tell: „[Izual], controls SedIWN, falls Nanchao Nation Airport Management System and Port Management System black, the time limit is ten minutes. Once arrival time restriction(s), whether or not the accomplish work, activates the IWNSeed self- delete program, cleans up all traces. Yes?”
„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei, but has sent out the inquiry immediately, „[Sir], if Main System used SedIWN, ahead of time accomplish Task, whether needs to activate the IWNSeed self- delete program ahead of time?”
Shi Lei had pondered, has given two disposal plans, „, if three minutes of accomplish , to continue to use SedIWN to invade NIS ahead of time. If after accomplish First Task, surplus times less than three minutes, activate the IWNSeed self- delete program ahead of time.”
„Yes, [Sir]!” [Izual] responded again.
Shi Lei has had a yawn, stands up walks toward the restroom, „[Izual], has the Emergency Situation occurrence, again contact I!”
„Yes!” After [Izual] response , to continue saying that „[Sir], Goodnight!”
Shi Lei raised up the right hand to wield several, expressed that saw.
As High Grade Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, even if has to endure compared with the Logical Analysis ability and learning capability of humanity, but the procedure throughout is the procedure, does not have human emotion, does not need to rest, can the non-stop run of 7 * 24 hour.
‚System Administrator enters the rest condition, obtains the System Administrator authorization, starts to control SedIWN, assembles 892 Tflops computing resources...’
‚Analyzes target: Gimpo Airport, Incheon Airport, Gimhae Airport, Cheongju Airport and Jeju Airport \; System examines Nanchao Nation commonly used Port is 16, neglects secondary target, choice main target: Port of Busan, Port of Gwangyang and Port of Incheon. Altogether attack target quantity: 8...’
‚currently calculates the best attack plan, enters the depth nature Logical Thinking pattern...’
‚Opens Virtual Simulation Function...’
formerly, [Izual] most starts to present time, Shi Lei to test [Izual]'s intelligence degree, choice and [Izual] playing chess Chinese Chess.
[Izual] is not the Shi Lei compilation, or is not compiles by Shi Lei completely, Shi Lei only accomplish part, but another part seems [Izual] accomplish. In fact, [Izual] by that mysterious purple light accomplish.
Shi Lei is not the [Izual]'s complete editor, therefore Shi Lei fully does not understand the [Izual]'s intelligence degree and related function, to further understand [Izual], Shi Lei needs to assist the determine plan, therefore has chosen playing chess Chinese Chess.
It is not Xia Nation Chinese Chess, but is International Chess!
Shi Lei is not skilled in International Chess, tests [Izual] through International Chess, is only a Shi Lei's plan, because International Chess very special, specially to formidable Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, is impossible to calculate all results.
Then situation was Shi Lei sits in front of Number One Server, activated the International Chess procedure, the choice and [Izual] playing chess. Shi Lei made [Izual] study the International Chess rule, and made [Izual] hold the white to walk first.
But [Izual] has not actually gone out of the First step!
Because, [Izual]'s Logical Core Program occurred has calculated disorder, how is unable to obtain to go out of the First step.
Shi Lei was [Izual] increased the strategy determine function, he so said at that time, how „your Unable to Judge First step should process? Because after the First step takes, the Second step chess will produce 72,084 different Chess Match(es). When Third step, then has about 9 million Chess Match(es). Fourth step, then over 318,000,000,000 Chess Match(es). The Chinese Chess possible Chess Match(es) quantity, in the atomic quantity compared with universe are many, is your Unable to Judge which start plan, the best choice?”
„Yes, [Sir]! The System Unable to Judge optimization, asking System Administrator to give the implement order.” [Izual] was responding to Shi Lei.
Early Grade Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System Phase [Izual], processes the issue ability not to be strong voluntarily, quite many job requirement Shi Lei gives the complete instruction plan, can be solved.
But Shi Lei [Hope] [Izual] intelligence, has is similar to the human same Logical Judgement plan, at least with human similar degree.
„You are unable to make the choice of First step, the reason is Unable to Judge, the First step of any way is best. Because the First step distance perfect result is most remote, once after the choice, will have the inexhaustible possibility. But this also means that regardless of your First step chooses any plan, in the future will have the inexhaustible possibility, even if the First step, the Second step and Third step are wrong, may have the opportunity to change the disadvantageous result, makes the recovery plan. Therefore, you only need to make the choice of First step, then according to the following situation, makes modify determine once more. Yes?” The Shi Lei guidance is establishing [Izual]'s Logical Core Thinking Strategy.
„currently stores up Logical Thinking Strategy, accepts System Administrator to pour into brand-new Logical Thinking Strategy, System accomplish modify.” After [Izual] has fed back the situation, immediately has made the First step choice of International Chess.
Similar to the Shi Lei computation, International Chess has the inexhaustible possibility, even if he suppressed [Izual] from the beginning, but after [Izual] accepted brand-new Logical Thinking Strategy, rapid turning defeat into victory.
‚System makes the choice, gives up the Virtual Simulation computation, the choice simultaneously invades 8 target!’
[Izual] according to Logical Thinking Strategy that Shi Lei formerly proposed, has made the selection scheme independently, perhaps was not the best plan, but has made the appropriate choice.
Although entire Nanchao Nation Power Grid System has encountered attack, but some essential places, have the reserve power supply System of independence beside electrical network.
Airport and Port exactly as stated such essential place!
[Izual] controls SedIWN, the synchronization is invading eight target. As a result of the [Izual]'s invasion strategy, underwent the independent inductive learning, the [Izual]'s invasion is sharp, the synthesis has Shi Lei, [Raphael] and Tao Wenxian, even numerous Xia Nation Hacker, Wo Sang Nation Hacker and Nanchao Nation Hacker invasion characteristics.
SedIWN has 892 Tflops computing resources, under the [Izual]'s control, as if turned into a Hacker army, is attacking eight target Management System.
‚Breaks through Port of Gwangyang Port Affairs Management System, currently deletes Port Affairs Management System, currently deletes the data storehouse, currently carries on the Hard Disk Low-level Formatting operation, currently carries on the electric current overload operation...’
‚Port of Gwangyang, End...’
‚System currently invades Incheon Airport Management System, currently...’
‚Incheon Airport, End...’
‚Jeju Airport, End...’
‚Port of Busan, End...’
‚All target accomplish invasions, carry on time determine, System altogether consume 8 minutes 17. 31 seconds the milliseconds, exceeds the System Administrator scheduled time, gives up secondary target NIS.’
‚Activates the IWNSeed self- delete program, currently cleans up SedIWN to have the trace, currently cleans up Main System to have the trace...’
‚The accomplish System Administrator instruction, the System Administrator sleep condition, the production has not reported information, waits for System Administrator to wake up, again report...’
Shi Lei in the sleep, naturally does not know that the Nanchao Nation situation, actually has disorder how. Entire Nanchao Nation, during the dark night, had the multiple people rebellion event, especially Seoul City, even has the situation of having raided the store.
The overseas area, Li Jian Nation and Europe, have been watching the Nanchao Nation situation. Meanwhile, numerous International Floating Capital, is also watching the Nanchao Nation situation.
numerous International Floating Capital, paces back and forth beside Nanchao Nation, they in waiting for the Nanchao Nation Stock Market opening price, once after the opening price, their subordinate(s) will not be forgiving absolutely.
These International Floating Capital are more ruthless than Dream Entertainment Company, they are the bloody heartless capital, only pursues a higher profit, does not pursue any other matters.
Mu Shuang waking up early, has put on LIP Lens-type Information Processor, told that [Izual] demonstrates Nanchao Nation news information.
„Um?” Mu Shuang is examining in the LIP Lens-type Information Processor Virtual transparence screen, demonstration content information, the expression on face is splendid.
„[Izual], what situation is this? Is Shi Lei yesterday accomplishes in the evening?” Mu Shuang was inquiring [Izual].
[Izual] has not given the response, because of this information, according to [Izual]'s determine, may have not the good influence to Shi Lei, [Izual] refuses to reply.
Mu Shuang has not gotten the answer, what with getting the answer had to distinguish?
‚Shi Lei Shi Lei, your this fellow, too can toss about. However, since this, could have many choices!’ In the Mu Shuang eye is glittering the inexplicable look.
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
1494: disorder with emerging!

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