Friday, December 29, 2017

996: Also sees in a big way --- Senior Sister

ATG :: VOLUME #9 众神之界
#996: Also sees in a big way --- Senior Sister
Comments 212
In Snow Song Realm, whom Realm King wants dead, no­body can not die, no­body dares not dead.
The un­ex­pected calamity of this day falling, lets whole body of Mu Sushan sud­denly in the de­spair ice-cold, he knew that today was im­pos­si­ble to main­tain a liveli­hood, the whole body bends down, plead­ing said: „Sect Mas­ter, please see Sushan these on 6000 loy­alty, kindly treats the Sushan fam­ily mem­ber.”
„You could rest as­sured that after you die, this king meets Soul Search­ing. The telling fam­ily mem­ber who so long as you should not say, this king is also dis­in­clined to de­liver them to ac­com­pany you.”
Mu Sushan heav­ily ko­tows: „Thanked Sect Mas­ter... the Saint gra­cious­ness!”
Under this knocks on, Mu Sushan then sta­tic there, white fog ex­plodes from him, bring­ing his life aura to be de­feated and dis­persed to go...
Alien­ates one­self heart ar­ter­ies Pro­found Vein dead.
„No... No... Sect Mas­ter for­gives... Sect Mas­ter for­gives...”
re­treat of Mu Feng­shu in weak, then neighed, the div­ing pos­ture, if did not have a fly to fly to flee to a di­rec­tion to go.
„!” A palm gen­tly fin­ger after ice mist.
A light sound, the Mu Feng­shu sound and per­sonal ap­pear­ance sud­denly stop, the whole per­son had been frozen in to­gether cold ice, is freez­ing her panic-stricken to the scary face.
„This also plans to keep your com­plete corpse, since such is un­ap­pre­cia­tive...”
cold ice to­gether with the body of Mu Feng­shu, changes to every­where ice pow­der in the flash...
On the same day in the Cold Snow Palace per­son, Mu Feng­shu and Mu Sushan once had par­tic­i­pated in Pro­found God Con­fer­ence, there­fore once had seen Star God's Bro­ken Shadow. There­fore, they must die!
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The mat­ter that in Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake has, Yun Che com­pletely does not cer­tainly know that stands be­side Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake for­ma­tion, he quite a while has not moved the foot­steps, a face com­pels ig­no­rant.
I... How I should go back Ah!!
Comes time, is rides the Mu Bingyun con­trol Ice Boat. Now makes him go back... His road may not look for Qing.
At this mo­ment, sky wisp of cold qi, a pe­tite blue form, be­fore con­trol­ling piece of Ice Boat to fly his body, sud­denly.
Above Ice Boat is Mu Xi­aolan, looks at Yun Che, she has not ap­proached, among the fa­cial ex­pres­sions is bring­ing the ob­vi­ous dis­tur­bance: „clouds... Se­nior Brother Yun Che... Hon­ored Mas­ter makes me wait for you here... Re­turns to Ice Phoenix Palace to­gether.”
„...” Yun Che stared, sud­denly walks, a fin­ger ball on the Mu Xi­aolan fore­head.
„Oh Ah!” Mu Xi­aolan calls out in alarm, cov­ers the fore­head to shout the pain: „Your you... Do you do!”
„I also want to ask you!” The Yun Che mouth awry said: „Just be­fore me was im­pos­ing se­ri­ous, how to see me today, saw the cat with the mouse, weren't you will take the wrong med­i­cine?”
„You... You took the wrong med­i­cine. My good in­ten­tion by cold you, you ac­tu­ally shoots my head here.”
Im­me­di­ately re­al­ized own ex­pres­sion is not right, her sound in­stan­ta­neous weak: „You... Now but Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple. Yes... Se­nior Brother... all dis­ci­ple, must shout you Se­nior Brother. I...”
„...” Yun Che traces the tip of the nose, talked to one­self: „di­rect dis­ci­ple is so fierce.”
„Nat­u­rally was fierce.” Mu Xi­aolan small sound track: „Can side Sect Mas­ter, nat­u­rally be... No one dares to annoy, wants to make any­thing to make any­thing...”
„What wants to make to make what? Such fierce?” Yun Che stares the big eye, then sud­denly is star­ing at Mu Xi­aolan, in­com­pa­ra­bly earnest talk­ing to one­self: „Then, if I make Sect Mas­ter kindly give me to be the warm bed girl you, should not have the issue?”
„~! @#¥%...”
The small face of Mu Xi­aolan is in­stan­ta­neously red a piece, then the beau­ti­ful teeth bite, fi­nally the anger erupts, a foot tram­pled on the Yun Che's but­tocks: „The man in your this de­spi­ca­ble lower reaches! Be­came Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple rigid­ity had not changed, knows that bul­lied the girl! Who wants, when your warm bed girl... Has a dream!!”
Yun Che was tram­pled from Ice Boat by a foot, he touches the but­tocks, de­pressed mum­bled: „I ca­su­ally said that as for such big anger. Yeah, this Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple is also it seems like not much, must be bul­lied by you.”
„...” Mu Xi­aolan looked at his a while, sud­denly „pū chī” has smiled.
„Should you not take the wrong med­i­cine re­ally?” The Yun Che's vi­sion has been full of the con­cern.
Ice Boat starts, Mu Xi­aolan said from out of the blue in a soft voice: „I sud­denly dis­cov­ered that you have the merit.”
He He... This lit­tle girl, prais­ing me to praise me, what mean­ing „” was?
„Thinks that you be­came Sect Mas­ter's di­rect dis­ci­ple, will be cer­tainly awe-in­spir­ing, I some­what feared that be­fore saw you. Has not thought that you were the same with be­fore, I also scolded you to hit you a mo­ment ago, you were not angry, did not talk back... Um, is that Yun Che Lit­tle Ju­nior Brother.”
„This, must be di­vided the per­son. If oth­ers dare to kick me, foot breaks off to him. But you... After is Se­nior Sis­ter, can only en­dure.” Yun Che re­signed-look­ing [say / way].
Mu Xi­aolan white his eyes, was sud­denly happy: „Was right! Has not held the ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher cer­e­mony, you now or Ice Phoenix Palace dis­ci­ple, my also your Se­nior Sis­ter! These seven days, you want obe­di­ently lis­tens to my this Se­nior Sis­ter words!”
„Knew.” Yun Che does not have the strength... Can it be that this did lit­tle girl lose re­calls? Had I lis­tened to her words be­fore?
„Has not thought that you so will be un­ex­pect­edly fierce... Is fiercer than Se­nior Brother Hanyi, today's mat­ter, seems like hav­ing a dream to be the same sim­ply.”
Above Ice Boat, Mu Xi­aolan some­what ab­sent-minded low was read­ing.
More is far away from Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, cold qi is then lighter. When will soon ar­rive at the Ice Phoenix City metro, the front pre­sented an­other piece of Ice Boat, more­over is sta­tic there, seems wait­ing for any­thing.
Sees Yun Che on Ice Boat, that sta­tic Ice Boat moved sud­denly, fast close to be­fore their bod­ies, above Ice Boat, is two Yun Che sev­eral had seen other day the face.
Mu Yizhou and Mu Lu­o­qiu!
„Se­nior Brother Yizhou, Lu­o­qiu mas­ter...”
Mu Xi­aolan has not sent re­gards that Mu Yizhou has fallen down di­rectly in front of Yun Che, but is... Kneels down!
„clouds... Se­nior Brother Yun Che,” the Mu Yizhou sound is trem­bling, the body is also trem­bling, that face in­deed is the face of Mu Yizhou, be­fore but also has the least bit seven day, fear­ful Wei ice, some only have the fear and plead­ing: „Days be­fore I... I have eyes but fail to see, over­reach one­self, un­ex­pect­edly... Af­fronts Se­nior Brother Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly im­po­litely, ask­ing Sir Se­nior Brother Yun Che to be mas­sive, the Sir did not cross the vil­lain, I later... Does not dare.”
„...” Yun Che stares. Side, Mu Xi­aolan is sur­prised... But is not ex­tremely sur­prised.
In Snow Song Realm King de­clared per­son­ally when will re­ceive Yun Che is di­rect dis­ci­ple, Mu Yizhou in­deed is al­most scared.
On that day what if con­flicted is Mu Hanyi, but Mu Hanyi be­came di­rect dis­ci­ple, he so will not be ter­ri­fied, be­cause Mu Hanyi is a gen­tle­man. But strong dis­po­si­tion and fear­ful method that Yun Che... his day dis­plays, ab­solutely is the Lord of seek­ing re­venge for the slight­est griev­ance.
After leav­ing Nether­frost Heav­enly Lake, Mu Yizhou each breath is at the courage wants the con­di­tion of crack, he does not have chap­ter of Ice Phoenix Palace, but is the Mu Lu­o­qiu same place, that the eye stares here.
„Se­nior Brother Yun Che, Lu­o­qiu... knew mis­tak­enly.” A Mu Lu­o­qiu piti­ful neat ap­pear­ance, dur­ing the speeches, is the tear­ful eyes is tear­ful, in the pupil splits the peach blos­som...
Un­ex­pect­edly is the sug­ges­tion that naked lets Monarch to pick... Not, clear in­struc­tions!
„Realm King di­rect dis­ci­ple” sta­tus might, liv­ing de­vel­op­ment in Yun Che at pre­sent. He turned the head to look to Mu Xi­aolan, in­quired: „Should Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan, what to do?”
Has not thought that Yun Che will ask it­self un­ex­pect­edly sud­denly, but also is in front of their to shout one Se­nior Sis­ter, Mu Xi­aolan have gawked star­ing, then weak [say / way]: „The day of... Was not has av­er­aged...... Even if...”
„,” Yun Che nods: „Since Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan said that that. You go, for­merly mat­ter, I have for­got­ten.”
Mu Xi­aolan lip micro... She again pure slow, should un­der­stand, this is Yun Che in de­sir­ably, for she wins over the favour.
Mu Yizhou such as hears im­mor­tal sound, still some have not been able to be­lieve that such „con­sid­er­ing as fin­ished”, he hastily puts out the jade box that al­ready arranged, holds in front of Yun Che: „Thanked Sir Se­nior Brother Yun Che to be mas­sive, thanked Se­nior Sis­ter Xi­aolan... this is I and Lu­o­qiu re­gard, please must ac­cept, later, some Se­nior Brother Yun Che but in­struc­tion, Yizhou cer­tain will­ing to risk one­self through ten thou­sand death.”
„Oh,” Mu Lu­o­qiu nods, that day Mu Lu­o­qiu is ar­bi­trary, today is ac­tu­ally pass­ing to the sound to the look from the im­pos­ing man­ner ten­derly soft del­i­cate: „Later, so long as is the re­quest of Se­nior Brother Yun Che, Lu­o­qiu... any­thing is will­ing to com­ply.”
Yun Che: „~! @#¥%...”
Mu Xi­aolan: „~! @#¥%...”( How can like this!)
Apol­o­gized, has com­pen­sated the thing, fi­nally thanked pro­fusely left... Yun Che pinches the chin, whis­pered: „This sta­tus, re­ally so was fierce.”
„That nat­u­rally.” Mu Xi­aolan said: „They can ask you to apol­o­gize, I will not feel strange. Do not say them, later, even if were these em­per­ors saw you, was po­lite.”
„Such ex­ag­ger­a­tion.” Yun Che spoke thought­lessly to say.
„Does not ex­ag­ger­ate!” Mu Xi­aolan nat­ural [say / way].
Ice Boat dri­ves the per­son Ice Phoenix City ter­ri­tory, ar­rives at 36 palaces quickly.
Be­fore Ice Phoenix 36 palaces, is peace­ful like the or­di­nary day, but Mu Xi­aolan is ac­tu­ally a face doubts the color, talked to one­self: „Strange, so to be how peace­ful... Prop­erly speak­ing, should have many peo­ple to come to be right.”
After all, Yun Che be­came Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple, today should have many peo­ple to visit 36 palaces to be right. But looks, trace that ac­tu­ally com­pletely no­body vis­its.
„Yun Che, you look for Hon­ored Mas­ter first, Hon­ored Mas­ter has cer­tainly many mat­ters to con­fess you, I lay aside Ice Boat.”
Mu Xi­aolan laid aside Ice Boat, Yun Che from air­borne falls, en­tered in Ice Phoenix Palace, but the mood, the na­ture and for­merly had the change of over­turn­ing the heav­ens scope.
Is think­ing the Snow Song Realm King words, while step slow walk­ing into Main Palace, quick, un­usual aura and fla­vor, mak­ing his foot­steps stop, raised the head...
Also in si­mul­ta­ne­ously, his the front, a fe­male form has turned around slowly, bright-col­ored local prod­ucts, se­duc­tive to does not bite the face of heart to ap­pear suf­fi­ciently in­stan­ta­neously in the Yun Che's eye.
Even if not first time sees, Yun Che still in­stan­ta­neous heart or­a­to­rio, eye of drunk god fan... Be­fore see­ing her, Yun Che never be­lieves that he di­rect ab­sent-minded will be in­sane un­ex­pect­edly be­cause of an ap­pear­ance of woman so the de­gree.
The first time so, the sec­ond time... Un­ex­pect­edly is so.
The pre­sent per­son, is that day de­liv­ers Lotus Rhyme Cold Dew im­pres­sively, says „Mu Xu­anyin” fe­male.
The white blue long hair sprin­kles spook­ily, not hav­ing the bright light to shine, as be­fore is ac­tu­ally re­flect­ing splen­did light of water jade. Still that day snow clothes, but has as if con­t­a­m­i­nated some water vapor, presently is dim.
The Yun Che's vi­sion, com­pletely is un­con­trolled falling in her front... The Ice Phoenix chart mark, is the Ice Phoenix Palace most sa­cred sym­bol. But her front was sup­ported the Ice Phoenix chart mark of dis­tor­tion pushes, the re­lease lets any en­tice­ment of man de­sire out-of-con­trol suf­fi­ciently.
„Big chest... Se­nior Sis­ter...” Yun Che to yell slow.
be­witch­ing woman child lip angle micro check, pupil, if au­tumn wa­ters, soft soft [say / way]: „Lit­tle brother, your this time... Is in­ten­tional? The big courage, links me to dare to sex­u­ally ha­rass un­ex­pect­edly.”
For­merly, Yun Che sev­eral times shouted „under Big Breasted Se­nior Sis­ter” in­deed was in­sane the slip of the tongue, be­cause he al­though at that time thought that but surely did not have the guts sex­u­ally ha­rassed „God Hall” dis­ci­ple. But this time, he also is re­ally in­ten­tion­ally!
Be­cause he but now Sect Mas­ter di­rect dis­ci­ple... who has not dared to sex­u­ally ha­rass!!
More­over her pre­vi­ous time un­ex­pect­edly... Un­ex­pect­edly ac­knowl­edged that she called Mu Feixue! Harmed him lost a face in front of Mu Xi­aolan and Mu Bingyun ma­li­ciously.
This does not sex­u­ally ha­rass him in­ten­tion­ally!
There­fore sex­u­ally ha­rasses also should be.


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