Tuesday, January 2, 2018

1508: So is unexpectedly simple?

HK :: VOLUME #16
#1508: So is unexpectedly simple?
Comments 1
Wo Sang Na­tion, Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant.
In Iijima Sora Of­fice, she work USB will in­sert in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem in­te­rior in­ter­face that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, made to let par­adise Virus, en­ters the in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem op­por­tu­nity that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stood!
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian, de­sign evil par­adise Virus. Under nor­mal con­di­tions, the equip­ment of usb con­nec­tion, con­nects Com­puter Sys­tem, Com­puter Sys­tem will pre­vent this equip­ment auto-run, only if has car­ried on spe­cial per­mis­sion of man­ual op­er­a­tion, will be con­nect­ing Com­puter Sys­tem au­to­mat­i­cally to per­mit.
How­ever, even if the auto-run, will have the op­er­a­tion prompt, dur­ing the back­stage op­er­a­tion list of Sys­tem, will pre­sent the cor­re­spond­ing prompt.
But par­adise Virus sin­is­ter break­through this rule!
In­fected par­adise Virus usb con­nec­tion Stor­age Equip­ment, when con­nects Com­puter Sys­tem, will not have any prompt, then sneak­ily op­er­ates in the Sys­tem back­stage, en­tire process, ac­com­plish in silent­ness.
What is more sin­is­ter, par­adise Virus when the Sys­tem back­stage op­er­ates, al­though is un­able to achieve the com­plete stealth, but it can cam­ou­flage the k dri­ver. Not only cam­ou­flages the k dri­ver in the name, but the ad­vance­ment of true in­jec­tion k dri­ver, lets par­adise Virus and k dri­ver shares an ad­vance­ment, thus es­capes the ex­am­i­na­tion of Safety strat­egy.
Hides in Iijima Sora work USB in­ter­nal par­adise Virus, suc­ceeds en­ters in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem, launched the rapid test mech­a­nism, and sends out to feed back in­for­ma­tion to the Iijima Sora work USB.
‚cur­rently ex­am­i­na­tion en­vi­ron­ment whether matches...’
‚The Sys­tem en­vi­ron­ment is Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem, matches pre­in­stall tar­get, starts to scan com­plete in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem. Starts to ex­am­ine all Hard­ware Sys­tem...’
‚The de­ter­mine Safety de­fense mech­a­nism, the de­ter­mine com­puter hard­ware re­sources, cur­rently gains High Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity...’
‚ac­com­plish in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem scan­ning. Match pre­in­stall plan \; ac­com­plish Hard­ware Sys­tem scan­ning, cur­rently analy­sis ac­tion plan \; ac­com­plish Safety de­fense mech­a­nism de­ter­mine. The suc­cess load ex­plains the Safety de­fense ma­chine-made plan \; Man­ages in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem com­puter equip­ment, com­put­ing re­sources only has 5 tflops, the cur­rently analy­sis cor­re­spon­dence plan \; Tem­porar­ily is un­able to gain High Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity, the cur­rently change strat­egy, cur­rently gains Early Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity...’
‚cur­rently opens De­com­pi­la­tion Sub­sys­tem, cur­rently tries the de­com­pile au­thor­ity man­age­ment so­lu­tion...’
par­adise Virus suc­cess­ful en­ters in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant has stood from the USB, and in Sys­tem, started the large-scale in­va­sion.
When­ever a par­adise Virus im­ple­ment order. Col­lects re­lated in­for­ma­tion time, par­adise Virus will then take re­lated in­for­ma­tion, trans­mits the Iijima Sora USB, lets the USB as the car­rier, at­tempts to trans­mit in­for­ma­tion.
in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem that par­adise Virus in Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, fast im­ple­ment De­com­pi­la­tion Sub­sys­tem, is try­ing to ex­plain the au­thor­ity man­age­ment so­lu­tion.
Shi Lei had ex­pected that this sit­u­a­tion, wanted in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem that in Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, the di­rect im­ple­ment hard­ware op­er­a­tion, must have most Higher Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity.
If un­able to ob­tain most Higher Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity. Then ex­plains on im­ple­ment, till ob­tain­ing high­est Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity.
The work of Iijima Sora is very sim­ple, but the ex­am­i­na­tion Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem. Au­to­matic re­port Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion.
If Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion had the un­usual cir­cum­stance, Iijima Sora then needs to re­port the higher au­thor­ity con­trol sec­tion. This work, not only then Iijima Sora in im­ple­ment, the other two in im­ple­ment, three peo­ple im­mo­bi­lizes and su­per­vises mu­tu­ally, pre­vents other peo­ple, be­cause the work ne­glects, but has not dis­cov­ered the Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion un­usual cir­cum­stance.
Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, be­cause will be tam­pered by Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany, Iijima Sora. An­other two Safety su­per­vise per­son­nel, is un­able to re­al­ize the Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion un­usual cir­cum­stance.
Iijima Sora is ex­am­in­ing Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion. The ex­pres­sion is quite re­laxed, be­cause of Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion as al­ways com­plete nor­mal. Has not pre­sented any issue.
The re­cent three years, Iijima Sora had not dis­cov­ered Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands. Even if the time con­tin­ues to pro­ceed to push, within re­cent five years, has not pre­sented any Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion.
Long time all nor­mal, lets the work of Iijima Sora, ap­pears some­what idle, but is needs Iijima Sora to de­fend.
„Does not know whether the work of Shimizu-kun is smooth?” Iijima Sora thought aloud that was say­ing.
After sev­eral days of con­tacts, im­pres­sion of Iijima Sora to Wu Tian was good. Al­though Wu Tian ap­pear­ance Or­di­nary, but his calm, con­forms to fond­ness of Iijima Sora. Mean­while, the hand­some gen­try de­meanor that Wu Tian dis­plays de­sir­ably, al­most made Iijima Sora be in­fat­u­ated with on Wu Tian.
A very es­sen­tial fac­tor, that is Wu Tian is very com­pe­tent, is very com­pe­tent, fre­quently can be 34 hours of fight time, sim­ply ex­is­tence of right and wrong hu­man­ity Level.
In ad­di­tion Wu Tian in graces, that wealthy at­ti­tude that the re­al­iza­tion comes out, how also to make Iijima Sora like?
„If I ac­tively pur­sue Shimizu-kun, does not know that Shimizu-kun can ac­cept me?” Iijima Sora some­what is swayed by per­sonal gains and losses, she is re­gret­ting faintly, her for­merly should not in­dulge it­self.
Al­though the Love Ac­tion Art Film in­dus­try of Wo Sang Na­tion is de­vel­oped, but in fact, the Wo Sang Na­tion Or­di­nary peo­ple, are not Love Ac­tion Art Film per­for­mance such, eas­ily was hood­winked by Love Ac­tion Art Film.
„Can make a phone call to Shimizu-kun?” The Iijima Sora first love seems to be same, sep­a­rately less than a day on in­com­pa­ra­ble think­ing.
Was a pity that Iijima Sora is doomed to be dis­ap­pointed!
Day of op­er­at­ing time, Iijima Sora ba­si­cally is in­ter­twin­ing with hes­i­tant, wants con­tact Wu Tian. In the evening five o'clock, Iijima Sora gets off work.
Iijima Sora has taken down own work USB, is tidy­ing up the per­sonal be­long­ings, is about to go home. If in the past, after Iijima Sora got off work, will then go to night­club to drink, and sought to con­form to the aes­thetic idea tar­get. But today, the Iijima Sora choice is a quiet fe­male. After get­ting off work, stays at home, and is try­ing prepar­ing food.
Ac­cord­ing to the idea of Iijima Sora, she must study to be a gen­tle­woman. In order to be ad­van­ta­geous for re­ally and Wu Tian after to­gether, they can happy lives to­gether.
In the evening seven o'clock. Iijima Sora fin­ished eat­ing the din­ner, work note­book will hug, in­serted the work USB. Rea­son that be­cause works, Iijima Sora work note­book, merely in the en­vi­ron­ment use of non- net­work, and is only data of han­dle work USB. Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant that if the work USB records stands does not have issue, then only needs the pho­to­graph piece, ac­cord­ing to re­quest­ing to trans­mit to Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany. Other data. Stores up in the local area.
Safety warn­ing in­for­ma­tion that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant that if the work USB records stands, had the un­usual cir­cum­stance, then needs to use the note­book the op­ti­cal disk drive, car­ries on com­pact disc record­ing. Re­lated un­usual cir­cum­stance in­for­ma­tion, record­ing will enter the com­pact disc, puts in other com­puter the com­pact disc again, reads data to trans­mit to Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany, thus has iso­lated the op­por­tu­nity of cross in­fec­tion, guar­an­tee work note­book Safety.
How­ever, Iijima Sora does not know. Her work USB pre­sented issue!
par­adise Virus from the work USB, en­tered work Note­book Com­puter, par­adise Virus record re­lated in­for­ma­tion. Also en­tered work Note­book Com­puter.
Ac­cord­ing to the par­adise Virus strat­egy plan, par­adise Virus is in­spect­ing the hard­ware sit­u­a­tion of note­book, had found been for­bid Wire­less net­work Mod­ule, but has not dis­cov­ered Blue­tooth Mod­ule.
How­ever, after in­quir­ing wi-fi Mod­ule, par­adise Virus at­tempted to solve switch close wi-fi Mod­ule. Under nor­mal con­di­tions, wi-fi Mod­ule does not have the hard­ware lock, but Sys­tem soft­ware is for­bid.
The Iijima Sora work uses Note­book Com­puter wi-fi Mod­ule, ex­actly as stated such sit­u­a­tion. par­adise Virus has un­tied wi-fi Mod­ule from the soft­ware level, and has shielded Note­book Com­puter table­top Sys­tem no­tice in­for­ma­tion.
After par­adise Virus Virus ob­tained the com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­trol of wi-fi Mod­ule. other wi-fi sig­nals within par­adise Virus fast search wi-fi Mod­ule Wire­less sig­nal cover.
The Wo Sang Na­tion pop­u­la­tion den­sity is very big, the av­er­age per per­son floor space is more mis­er­able than Xia Na­tion. Even if the work of Iijima Sora is quite good, but is as be­fore im­pos­si­ble to live in the alone yard. There­fore, par­adise Virus is con­trol­ling wi-fi Mod­ule, speed­ily had found other wi-fi net­work.
Al­though other wi-fi net­work have the net­work pass­word, but Shi Lei, when de­signs par­adise Virus, has al­ready thought this sit­u­a­tion, par­adise Virus starts to ex­plain the wi-fi net­work pass­word.
Be­cause the Iijima Sora work note­book per­for­mance is lim­ited, the cpu com­put­ing power is not big, if the full speed op­er­a­tion ex­plains the pro­ce­dure, is very likely to cre­ate the note­book the hy­per­pyrexia, and causes over­all Sys­tem to be slow, thus was dis­cov­ered by Iijima Sora. In order to avoid such sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­rence, the par­adise Virus ex­plain­ing progress is not quick, has spent close a half hour, has bro­ken other wi-fi net­work pass­words.
par­adise Virus through wi-fi Mod­ule, after hav­ing bro­ken other user wi-fi net­work, uses other user wi-fi net­work, in suc­cess­ful con­nec­tion In­ter­net.
This is In­ter­net era, in this era, in­for­ma­tion Safety is im­por­tant. Fac­ing fierce and tough Hacker, net­work user in­for­ma­tion Safety, ba­si­cally equal to zero safe­guard.
par­adise Virus fast through wi-fi net­work, ac­quired re­lated in­for­ma­tion, will trans­mit to [Izual]. Waited for the mo­ment, par­adise Virus re­ceived the [Izual]'s feed­back, par­adise Virus will have fed back in­for­ma­tion, read in the Iijima Sora work USB, was wait­ing for after next Iijima Sora in­serted in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem that the USB Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stood, re­lated in­for­ma­tion, will trans­mit to in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem in­ter­nal par­adise Virus.
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City.
Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is ex­am­in­ing [Izual] feed­back in­for­ma­tion.
„Sir, re­ceives the par­adise Virus feed­back in­for­ma­tion, par­adise Virus en­ters in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands suc­cess­fully, cur­rently ac­cord­ing to pre­in­stall plan im­ple­ment plan!” The [Izual] voice prompt said.
Shi Lei stares slightly, dif­fi­cult does the so mat­ter, carry on un­ex­pect­edly such smoothly?


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