Wednesday, January 3, 2018

1511: They are the Nanchao people!

HK :: VOLUME #16
#1511: They are the Nanchao people!
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Is Hacker, as Net World's God, what most afraid?
Vir­tual World's God, nat­u­rally most is afraid the cor­ro­sion of real world!
Even if om­nipo­tent in vir­tual world sum­mon wind and rain, once faced with the cor­ro­sion of real world, most Vir­tual Gods, will face the total de­struc­tion.
For ex­am­ple Angel Par­lia­ment Sec­ond Giant [Archangel Leader Gabriel], or is Third Giant [Hell­fire Uriel], Shi Lei's friend, Angel Par­lia­ment Fourth Giant [Raphael].
Again Top Hacker, only if sim­i­lar Shi Lei is the same, has the for­mi­da­ble strength in real world. Oth­er­wise, once after Hacker iden­tity was ex­posed, ab­solutely will wel­come the sor­row­ful plot.
Al­though Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment does not sat­isfy tri­par­tite se­cu­rity per­son­nel, un­ex­pect­edly had not found Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem se­cu­rity risk issue, but [Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team had dis­cov­ered two net­work threat posts issue per­son iden­tity, pours is also an­other com­fort.
If Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment, held has is­sued the net­work threat post se­cret Hacker, then by Hacker threat Nu­clear Power Plant issue, was the way so­lu­tion of crooked line of na­tional sal­va­tion.
Wo Sang Na­tion, Tokyo Pre­fec­ture, Chiy­oda Dis­trict, Na­gat­achō.
In the Na­gat­achō some­where se­cret con­fer­ence room, the Wo Sang Na­tion great per­son gath­ers, has in­cluded Prime Min­is­ter Joro Sanemi, mem­ber of nu­mer­ous cab­i­net mem­ber and mil­i­tary.
In the se­cret con­fer­ence room, Prime Min­is­ter Joro Sanemi sits is going to the first place, the cab­i­net mem­ber minute sits in the Joro Sanemi two sides. For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Bu­reau Chief, [Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team per­son-in-charge, sits in the Joro Sanemi op­po­site.
[Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team per­son-in-charge, named Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, he looks like as if a Or­di­nary mid­dle-aged of­fice worker, no one can look, he is con­trol­ling the [Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team pow­er­ful fig­ure un­ex­pect­edly.
Joro Sanemi false smile looks at Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, is bring­ing the in­ter­ro­ga­tion lan­guage gas chan­nel: „Group Leader Fa­gaki. What sit­u­a­tion the pre­sent is?”
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa calmly [say / way]: „Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, we, al­though in Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, has not dis­cov­ered any un­usual cir­cum­stance. How­ever. We have de­ter­mined Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion of post per­son!”
„De­ter­mi­na­tion?” Joro Sanemi does not un­der­stand Net­work Tech­nol­ogy ac­tu­ally com­pletely, at least clearly knew op­po­site party iden­tity. Then can hold the truth of op­po­site party.
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa af­fir­ma­tive say­ing, „99% as­sur­ances! We have locked real ip ad­dress of post per­son, real ip ad­dress of post per­son in Nan­chao Na­tion, we have the rea­son to be­lieve that the post per­son is the Nan­chao Na­tion per­son!”
Joro Sanemi cold snort|hum, „did you have the rea­son to be­lieve? Which per­son are you con­crete had not de­ter­mined?”
„Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, ac­cord­ing to all sorts of ev­i­dence, in­di­cated that these time in­vades the net­work ter­ri­fy­ing ac­tiv­ity of Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant. Is the Nan­chao Na­tion per­son dis­turbs in the back.” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa re­peat­edly ex­pressed own opin­ion, he not be­cause of the in­ter­ro­ga­tion of Joro Sanemi, but change own ex­cuse.
„Group Leader Fa­gaki, you now tell me, we knew the op­po­site party is the Nan­chao Na­tion per­son, is use­ful? I tele­phone to Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent now, mak­ing the op­po­site party tell me, their Na­tion(s) which is Hacker, in­vad­ing our Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant?” Joro Sanemi says with a smile coldly.
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa af­fir­ma­tive nod, „. Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, you can tele­phone to Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent, mak­ing the op­po­site party ap­peal in Nan­chao Na­tion. In­vades Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant Hacker, stops in­vad­ing the work.”
Joro Sanemi does not get angry in­stead smiles, looks at Fa­gaki Raku­gawa with a look of ridicule, „Group Leader Fa­gaki, you think that Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent so will be silly? You think Hacker that hides, will obey the in­struc­tion that Nan­chao Na­tion al­ways lis­tens to?”
opin­ion of these words im­plies Nan­chao Na­tion Of­fi­cial, or­der­ing Hacker to in­vade Wo Sang Na­tion Nu­clear Power Plant. But, Nan­chao Na­tion Of­fi­cial def­i­nitely will not ac­knowl­edge.
The Fa­gaki Raku­gawa ex­pres­sion is calm. „Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, I thought. If Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent, [Hope] does not cause our two Na­tion(s) Hacker. Cease­less Cyber War strug­gle that and has no scru­ples, she will cer­tainly urge that Nan­chao Na­tion that in­vades Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant Hacker, ceases any harm­ful mo­tion.”
The Joro Sanemi com­plex­ion gawks slightly, „do you have the big as­sur­ance?”
„It is not quite def­i­nite! How­ever, Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, I thought that at least has 80% as­sur­ances. Ac­cord­ing to our analy­ses, in­vades Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant Hacker, does not seek profit for one­self, but is Nan­chao Na­tion seeks profit. And, Hun­dred-bil­lion US Dol­lar, is only ask­ing price of op­po­site party first time.” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa is a re­al­is­tic per­son, does not like de­scrib­ing too hap­pily the sit­u­a­tion.
Joro Sanemi knows ac­tu­ally the Fa­gaki Raku­gawa man­ner, he nods say­ing: „Group Leader Fa­gaki, said that your analy­sis, I con­sid­ered!”
Lan­guage that Fa­gaki Raku­gawa speeds up fast, stated own analy­sis, „Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, this Hacker in­vades Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant two times net­work to threaten in­for­ma­tion, ac­tu­ally con­tained a lot of con­tents.”
Joro Sanemi has not spo­ken, but looks at Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, was wait­ing for Fa­gaki Raku­gawa con­tin­ues to an­a­lyze.
„Amount that First, the op­po­site party ex­torts is too big, Hun­dred-bil­lion US Dol­lar, such huge sum fund, ex­cept for State Ap­pa­ra­tus and Ex­ceed Grade Fi­nan­cial Group, sim­ply does not have other in­flu­ences to di­gest.” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa said First sus­pi­ciously.
„Sec­ond, in Sec­ond Net­work In­tim­i­da­tion Post, the op­po­site party ex­pressed that was we have dis­ap­pointed them, has caused the heavy losses to them. As far as I know, the eco­nomic sys­tem of Nan­chao Na­tion, was en­coun­ter­ing the fierce im­pact of In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal cou­ple days ago, but our Na­tion(s) as if is also in­volved. And, the op­po­site party en­coun­ters the In­ter­na­tional Float­ing Cap­i­tal at­tack rea­son, seems Xia Na­tion pro­motes in the back. The rea­son is, in­clud­ing our Na­tion(s), many Na­tion(s) Hacker al­lied armies, has made the Ter­ror­ist At­tack time in Shuangqing City.” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa also said one has seemed like not re­lated in­for­ma­tion.
But this in­for­ma­tion ac­tu­ally and ex­torted Hun­dred-bil­lion US Dol­lar large amount con­tact in one, the eco­nomic sys­tem of Nan­chao Na­tion pre­sented big issue, thus lost the huge in­com­pa­ra­ble fund, they in­deed needed the fund to sup­ple­ment.
„Third, the most es­sen­tial point, is the most eas­ily ne­glected point.” Flag wooden gong bed both eyes are glit­ter­ing dan­ger ra­di­ance, „Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem, truly has some issue. But even if our [Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group, wants to in­vade Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­dus­try Sys­tem, is the count­less suf­fer­ings and hard­ships, even is im­pos­si­ble. Since the op­po­site party can in­vade Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, this ex­plained that they are very fa­mil­iar with Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant, and there is a huge team, sup­ports their in­va­sions.” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa also said an ev­i­dence.
„Group Leader Fa­gaki, these data proof ef­forts are in­suf­fi­cient!” Joro Sanemi un­emo­tion­ally is say­ing.
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa stands up, has given Joro Sanemi a folder, „, if adds on this data? Mr. Prime Min­is­ter!”
Joro Sanemi re­ceived data, read fast, along with read­ing, the Joro Sanemi com­plex­ion is get­ting more and more ugly. Fi­nally, Joro Sanemi nu­mer­ous pat­ted folder on the table.
„Damn! Damn Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany! One crowd of Idiot! Such im­por­tant data lost, un­ex­pect­edly is not up­ward re­ports!” Joro Sanemi cursed an­grily.
Be­cause in the folder, recorded Tokyo Elec­tric­ity Com­pany to lose data about Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant. And, steals the data sus­pi­cion ob­ject, is the Nan­chao Na­tion per­son.
„Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, I thinks that now should to Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent, make a phone call to ven­ti­late Right?” the Fa­gaki Raku­gawa re­minder say­ing that „the pre­sent is 11.07, our time are not much!”
For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Bu­reau Chief Fu­jishita Masato, is open­ing the mouth to say at the same time: „Prime Min­is­ter, we told that Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant staff per­son­nel, pre­pares Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant at any time, cuts into com­pletely the hand con­trol pat­tern. So long as en­tered the hand con­trol pat­tern, even if Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant in­ter­nal in­dus­try Con­trol Sys­tem, in­deed pre­sented issue, Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant will not be af­fected.”
For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency and be­tween [Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team, be­longs to the com­pet­i­tive re­la­tions, es­pe­cially For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency [Am­at­erasu] Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Group, is the [Ya­mata] Se­cu­rity Team sworn enemy.
There­fore, Fu­jishita Masato gives Fa­gaki Raku­gawa to cause the short rope used to bind an­i­mals sud­denly.
Fu­jishita Masato opin­ion is very ob­vi­ous, if Joro Sanemi can­not lag be­hind the face to look for Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent, then does not need to lag be­hind the face, in any case Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant issue, is not can­not be solved!
The Fa­gaki Raku­gawa look be­comes ice-cold is star­ing at Fu­jishita Masato, but the Fu­jishita Masato half minute does not let stared, they no one fear any­one, their bat­tle very long time, no one how any­one.
‚This Idiot Fu­jishita Masato, every time wants the bad good deed!’ Fa­gaki Raku­gawa in the heart was curs­ing Fu­jishita Masato se­cretly, wished one could Fu­jishita Masato to go out on the traf­fic ac­ci­dent.
Fu­jishita Masato also has al­most same idea!
‚To ren­der mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice? Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, how Prime Min­is­ter will choose!’ Fu­jishita Masato knew about Joro Sanemi very much, Joro Sanemi is not Prime Min­is­ter time, Fu­jishita Masato knows Joro Sanemi, he knows that Joro Sanemi cares about the face very much.
Is sim­i­lar tele­phones to Nan­chao Na­tion Pres­i­dent, the re­quest op­po­site party ap­pealed to our Hacker, stopped in­vad­ing the Wo Sang Na­tion Nu­clear Power Plant mat­ter, looked like in Joro Sanemi in hum­ble ask­ing oth­ers for help of los­ing face.
If can avoid such mat­ter, Joro Sanemi will avoid ab­solutely!
The fact is re­ally sim­i­lar to the Fu­jishita Masato guess, Joro Sanemi frowns to shoot a look at Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, ob­vi­ously is dis­con­tented Fa­gaki Raku­gawa, pro­posed that sweeps prepar­ing food of face.
„Bu­reau Chief Fu­jishita, your sug­ges­tion is very good, our Na­tion(s) Safety, must grasp in own hand, can­not hand over in the hands of other peo­ple.” Joro Sanemi pulled the Na­tion(s) Safety prin­ci­ple of right­eous­ness.
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa in the heart sighed, ac­tu­ally made Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant enter the hand con­trol pat­tern the method, Fa­gaki Raku­gawa does not know? He knows!
Fa­gaki Raku­gawa also knows that lets the Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant op­er­a­tional pro­ce­dure, cuts the con­trol model, is very likely to cause the se­ri­ous con­se­quence.
„Mr. Prime Min­is­ter, my [Hope] you con­sid­ers my propo­si­tion!” Fa­gaki Raku­gawa ag­gra­vated the sound, earnest looks at Joro Sanemi.
Joro Sanemi with a smile shakes the head!
An­other side, Xia Na­tion Shuangqing City.
Shi Lei through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, had dis­cov­ered the Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant un­usual cir­cum­stance, [Izual] is also prompt­ing Shi Lei.
„Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem that sir, Fukushima Nu­clear Power Plant stands, had dis­cov­ered Nu­clear Power Plant staff per­son­nel, pre­pares to enter com­pletely the hand con­trol pat­tern at any time!”
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion re­vealed has wiped to sneer, did the hand con­trol pat­tern have the ef­fect?


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