Saturday, January 13, 2018

1715: Hello, [Jehovah]!

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1715: Hello, [Jehovah]!
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In­ter­na­tional chil­dren's day, New York street.
The [Je­ho­vah] com­plex­ion is some­what ugly, he guessed, the ting of pub­lic tele­phone booth, should have issue, even aims at his.
Oth­er­wise, why he ar­rives at where, does the ting of pub­lic tele­phone booth then re­sound?
[Je­ho­vah] ob­served around, the com­plex­ion is uglier, he has dis­cov­ered keenly, the sur­round­ing traf­fic lights, have the con­trolled pos­si­bil­ity.
The ting of pub­lic tele­phone booth is still con­tinue ring, a black per­son young man, strange looked at a pub­lic tele­phone booth, then walked to men­tion the tele­phone re­ceiver, the ex­pres­sion ex­ag­ger­a­tion said: „Who is that side?”
If the [Je­ho­vah] vi­sion has looks to the black per­son young man who re­sem­bles not to have, the mus­cle shrinks slightly tightly, [Je­ho­vah] High De­gree has been vig­i­lant that pre­pared for at any time has dealt with un­usual cir­cum­stance.
The black per­son young man, the left hand is grasp­ing the pub­lic tele­phone re­ceiver, looks di­rectly to [Je­ho­vah] that af­ter­ward said loudly: „Hey, looks for your tele­phone!”
[Je­ho­vah] com­plex­ion one stiff, in the eye flashes through wipes the panic-stricken look, he con­trols force­fully is want­ing the idea that turns around to de­part, but moved to­ward the black per­son young man, took the pub­lic tele­phone.
[Je­ho­vah] was not wor­ried that black per­son young man sticks out sud­denly sud­denly in­jures him, if the black per­son young man is threat­en­ing, or tele­phone an­other fel­low, wants to in­jure him, does not need so trou­ble­some.
„Here is Stan­somm Dou­glas.” [Je­ho­vah] sent out own Raised Iden­tity, al­though is some­what un­nec­es­sary, but [Je­ho­vah] brings to wipe the ex­pec­ta­tion faintly.
How­ever, in the tele­phone, has broad­cast the Shi Lei's sound, the di­rect pour­ing ex­tin­guished [Je­ho­vah] in the heart [Hope]!
„[Je­ho­vah], hello!” The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion is bring­ing teas­ing. „Called you for De­part­ment Head Ji! Dear De­part­ment Head Ji. I have not re­ally thought that Angel Par­lia­ment Founder, was known as World God First Giant, un­ex­pect­edly is you!”
The [Je­ho­vah] com­plex­ion is very ugly, orig­i­nally ruddy skin. Be­com­ing pale.
„Shi Lei!” [Je­ho­vah] clenches teeth to re­spond, in the heart can­not help but mul­ti­plied the alarmed and afraid mood. Al­though [Je­ho­vah] is the high-rank­ing, and founded Angel Par­lia­ment tal­ented, but [Je­ho­vah] has not met the set­back, is al­ways run­ning free with the cur­rent.
Now meets the Hacker biggest cri­sis sud­denly, how could [Je­ho­vah] to keep cool?
„Yes! is I! De­part­ment Head Ji. Does not know that your has had free time? If there is free time, wel­come Shuangqing City, did our Bing can­dles well talk in the night?” The Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion, has been full of the teas­ing fla­vor as be­fore.
[Je­ho­vah] in the heart is flur­ried, even has had one type im­me­di­ately the idea of hang up the phone. But [Je­ho­vah] un­der­stands that Shi Lei dares to call him di­rectly, in­di­cated that Shi Lei has arranged the sure card.
„Shi Lei, are you what kind of?” [Je­ho­vah] has dis­re­garded Shi Lei's issue, in­stead pro­posed own issue.
Shi Lei says with a smile lightly: „De­part­ment Head Ji, my for­merly is also your stu­dent(s), I am only [Hope] you come back, we chat­ted some issue well.”
„Do you think the pos­si­bil­ity?” [Je­ho­vah] sneers to say. „More­over, I am Ji Mingye, but Ji Mingye is not I!”
„Èn! we know. Ji Mingye is your Clone Body!” Shi Lei has ex­posed the re­la­tions of [Je­ho­vah] and Ji Mingye, mak­ing [Je­ho­vah] in the heart rest­less.
[Je­ho­vah] forces it­self to calm down, al­though [Je­ho­vah] bore the psy­cho­log­i­cal qual­ity of set­back and pres­sure is bad lit­tle, but the [Je­ho­vah] analy­sis ca­pa­bil­ity was very strong, since Shi Lei con­tact he, that ex­plained. Shi Lei did not plan that the First time kills him.
„Shi Lei, I am very cu­ri­ous. Ac­tu­ally have you how ex­plained my iden­tity?” After [Je­ho­vah] is calm, starts to try to change from guest to host. Oc­cu­pies ini­tia­tive sta­tus.
Shi Lei does not care about the [Je­ho­vah] ac­tion, in­stead replied with a smile: „Be­fore, you, when frames Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, we have dis­cov­ered your petty ac­tion, and had found your [Old Nest] log­i­cally. Then, nat­u­rally knew your Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion.”
[Je­ho­vah] is star­tled slightly, he still in sus­pect­ing [Raphael], he sim­ply has not thought that he when frames Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, sud­denly ac­ci­den­tally has ex­posed Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion!
‚Damn!’ [Je­ho­vah] in the heart is very de­pressed, framed Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group plan, lets [Je­ho­vah] un­usual sat­is­fac­tion, even if the re­sult is not won­der­ful, but, through fram­ing Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, sup­pressed the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group de­vel­op­ment mo­men­tum, mak­ing [Je­ho­vah] very joy­ful.
Now [Je­ho­vah] knows, his iden­tity ex­po­sure, ex­actly as stated, be­cause frames Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, in ad­di­tion the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group tri­fling thing does not have, isn't he pos­si­bly also de­pressed?
„Shi Lei, said that what mat­ter do you ask me to have?” [Je­ho­vah] is sneer­ing the in­quiry, „also has, what ad­van­tage can I ob­tain?”
An­other head of tele­phone.
Shi Lei lis­tens to the reply of [Je­ho­vah], the look mean­ing of dis­dain­ing to flash past.
„De­part­ment Head Ji, if you and I co­op­er­ate, you can ob­tain en­tire World most pre­cious thing!” The Shi Lei mouth­ful put satel­lite to say.
[Je­ho­vah] ac­tu­ally does not be­lieve Shi Lei, „said a re­al­ity, how?”
Shi Lei hēi hēi sneers, „ac­tual? Your life! Re­gard­ing you, is en­tire World most pre­cious thing? De­part­ment Head Ji, if you are will­ing to co­op­er­ate with me, your life your.”
„If doesn't want?” [Je­ho­vah] does in­ten­tion­ally strong cold -ly snorted and said.
Shi Lei said in a soft voice: „De­part­ment Head Ji, I think that is it pos­si­ble that I ar­tic­u­lated Right?, in the De­part­ment Head Ji eye, your life, by no means en­tire World most pre­cious thing? Then, is ac­tu­ally what, being worth De­part­ment Head Ji you giv­ing up the life, re­fuses to balk?”
[Je­ho­vah] nat­u­rally most cares about own life!
„Said use­lessly! Shi Lei, if you can hold me, I nat­u­rally am will­ing to co­op­er­ate with you. How­ever, you in Shuangqing City, I in New York City, we have been sep­a­rated by most Earth, how do you hold me?” [Je­ho­vah] was taunt­ing the [say / way].
„Holds you?” Shi Lei sighed, „that was re­ally too sim­ple! De­part­ment Head Ji, you do not know that our Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, does have Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine? Al­ter­na­tively, you think that through the clone per­son, can avoid Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine de­ter­mine?”
„hā hā hā!” [Je­ho­vah] has smiled loudly, low­ers the sound say­ing: „Can't the clone per­son, in­deed ex­plain Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine? Your de­ter­mine de­ter­mine I and Shuangqing Uni­ver­sity Ji Mingye data char­ac­ter­is­tics? Is com­pletely con­sis­tent?”
Shi Lei had af­firmed the in­quiry of [Je­ho­vah], „, you said right, you are con­sis­tent with the Ji Mingye De­part­ment Head data char­ac­ter­is­tics. You think this, can't we hold you?”
„That comes!” The [Je­ho­vah] strong reply, „Shi Lei, pre­sents to your in­for­ma­tion again, so as to avoid you lost, why also does not know!”
„I am lis­ten­ing!” Shi Lei cold snort|hum, as if re­ally lost was the same.
„You were too young a point, even if you were...” [Je­ho­vah] stopped sud­denly, af­ter­ward changes the topic: „Shi Lei, even if you knew my real iden­tity is also what kind of? I in Li Jian Na­tion, do not ex­pect that Li Jian Na­tion will make you dis­solute. More­over, I will choose to join Li Jian Na­tion NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency. I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, how you in NSA under the pro­tec­tion, make any­thing to me!”
Shi Lei has not paid at­ten­tion to the provo­ca­tion of [Je­ho­vah], but was de­lib­er­ately con­sid­er­ing that [Je­ho­vah] has not said that is ac­tu­ally any opin­ion. As, joins Li Jian Na­tion NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency that [Je­ho­vah] said that Shi Lei tem­porar­ily does not have Gongfu (ef­fort) to care.
After [Je­ho­vah] said that has not heard Shi Lei's to reply, but also thinks that is his news, mak­ing Shi Lei eat shriv­elled. There­fore, [Je­ho­vah] ex­pres­sion pleased said: „Shi Lei, don't you want my life? I here, you know po­si­tion, I wait for you to take my life!”
Shi Lei takes back the thoughts, the ex­pres­sion said in­dif­fer­ently: „NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency? CIA Cen­tral In­tel­li­gence Agency and FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion up­per-level de­part­ment?”
„Good!” [Je­ho­vah] af­fir­ma­tive say­ing.
„NSA does Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, how pos­si­bly admit you? Your iden­tity, can­not with­stand to de­lib­er­ate!” Shi Lei did in­ten­tion­ally not spare a glance is say­ing.
The [Je­ho­vah] taunt has smiled two, „you only know its one not to know its two! My iden­tity, in­deed can­not stand up to de­lib­er­ate, re­gard­less of I use any Raised Iden­tity, im­pos­si­ble per­fect cover. NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, would look­ing up some clues the clue. In order to avoid such sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­rence, I con­fessed real iden­tity to NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency on own ini­tia­tive.”
Here, [Je­ho­vah] ex­pres­sion pleased, „you un­der­stand that World Sum­mit Grade Hacker value Right? con­fessed in the iden­tity sit­u­a­tion on own ini­tia­tive, you think that NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency is will­ing to admit me?”
Shi Lei is silent, is sim­i­lar to [Je­ho­vah] said that if [Je­ho­vah] con­fessed iden­tity on own ini­tia­tive, as World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency def­i­nitely will have guar­an­teed [Je­ho­vah].
Re­gard­less of [Je­ho­vah] for­merly has made any­thing, so long as [Je­ho­vah] is will­ing to be­come NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency staff per­son­nel, even if not whole­hearted, so long as ac­cord­ing to NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency order im­ple­ment Task, his value is also im­mea­sur­able.
There­fore, [Je­ho­vah] will re­ally ob­tain the asy­lum of NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency!
This is one of the [Je­ho­vah] cards in a hand, time un­less it is ab­solutely es­sen­tial, [Je­ho­vah] will not choose this chess. After all, while ob­tain­ing the NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency pro­tec­tion, means by NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency re­stric­tion(s) per­son Free­dom.
Such sit­u­a­tion, al­most means thor­ough lost Free­dom priv­i­lege.
Said strict heav­ier by a point, even though [Je­ho­vah] goes to bath­room, some peo­ple with the [Je­ho­vah] same place, but does not de­fend out­side the re­stroom!
Life that type loses Free­dom, what sig­nif­i­cance but also there is?
Nat­u­rally, that life, has at least left be­hind the life!
„De­part­ment Head Ji, if be­cause of the pro­tec­tion of NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, you dares to re­volt. Then, I told you, you should bet­ter awaken im­me­di­ately, will re­call me soon to kill your de­ci­sion!” Shi Lei has sneered.


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