Saturday, January 13, 2018

1720: Heaven's Elegy — Final

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1720: Heaven's Elegy — Final
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ps: Looks at be­hind the «Hacker» ex­clu­sive story, lis­tens to you to novel sug­gested that the at­ten­tion pub­lic num­ber( micro let­ter in­creases friend - in­creases the pub­lic num­ber - in­puts dd then), told me on the quiet!
Each World Me­trop­o­lis, has the huge and com­plex urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work sys­tem. ∷,
If no ad­vanced urban Un­der­ground sewage treat­ment Sys­tem, processes an urban man­u­fac­ture the sewage? The Large-scale city that type does not have urban Un­der­ground sewage treat­ment Sys­tem, can­not be counted mod­ern­ized Me­trop­o­lis.
The huge and com­plex urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work, was [Je­ho­vah] has brought a slim chance of sur­vival. But Shi Lei does not want let go [Je­ho­vah] ob­vi­ously, be­cause of any rea­son, Shi Lei is will­ing to kill [Je­ho­vah].
[Je­ho­vah] is liv­ing, vari­able too much that has, the mi­nac­ity is too big!
„[Izual], arranges First Group [Raider], in the First hunt­ing zone edge, in­stalls hot In­duc­tion to con­firm Bomb!” Shi Lei was telling in­dif­fer­ently.
Hot In­duc­tion con­firms Bomb, was not used to block the urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work, but is used for re­stric­tion(s) [Je­ho­vah] life Free­dom.
This Bomb very sin­is­ter and ruth­less!
Its trig­ger mode has two types, be­sides hot In­duc­tion, move­ment In­duc­tion. Hot In­duc­tion, nat­u­rally sur­veys the human body warm­ing up ra­di­a­tion, then au­totrig­ger Bomb start-up pro­ce­dure. The sim­i­lar truth, even though sur­veys Equip­ment through Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion, has shielded the body warm­ing up ra­di­a­tion, so long as by move­ment In­duc­tion, were sur­veyed the state of mo­tion, will trig­ger the Bomb starter as be­fore.
After hot In­duc­tion con­firms the Bomb start-up pro­ce­dure was trig­gered, will enter Phase that the wait­ing ex­plodes, this Phase al­to­gether has 15 sec­onds.
Do not think that 15 sec­onds are very long. Be­cause 15 sec­onds have been di­vided into two de­ter­mine stan­dards.
First, if in 15 sec­onds of standby pe­riod. Hot In­duc­tion con­firmed Bomb to re­ceive con­fir­ma­tion in­for­ma­tion of cor­re­spon­dence. Then, its start-up pro­ce­dure will then stop. En­ters Phase that the wait­ing trig­gers once more.
Sec­ond de­ter­mine way, is purely to kill enemy. If 15 sec­onds, trig­ger Bomb hu­man­ity, have not launched the cor­re­spond­ing con­fir­ma­tion in­for­ma­tion, then hot In­duc­tion con­firms Bomb, will then enter mo­men­tar­ily ex­plo­sion Phase, only needs to wait for that trig­gers Bomb hu­man­ity, en­tered the kill zone, it au­to­mat­i­cally will ex­plode. Mean­while. If in 15 sec­onds, does not launch to con­firm in­for­ma­tion, and tries to con­firm Bomb across hot In­duc­tion. Then, hot In­duc­tion con­firms Bomb, will jump over the standby pe­riod, di­rect ex­plo­sion.
„Sir, Sys­tem through the data com­pu­ta­tion of Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem feed­back, the cur­rent urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work en­vi­ron­ment, is un­able to with­stand hot In­duc­tion to con­firm the Bomb ex­plo­sion power. Once hot In­duc­tion con­firms the Bomb ex­plo­sion. 67.45% pos­si­bil­i­ties, will cre­ate to pass through dan­ger of avalanche.” [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei.
In the event of such sit­u­a­tion, the New York City over­top struc­ture, will have bad luck ab­solutely. Thus. Brings to the at­ten­tion of Li Jian Na­tion, causes the losses of [Raider].
Shi Lei light snort|hum, „im­ple­ment order!”
„Yes. sir!” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
30 Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], in urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work sys­tem. Starts to arrange hot In­duc­tion to con­firm Bomb. The edge of First hunt­ing zone, each pipeline. Arranges hot In­duc­tion to con­firm Bomb.
If [Je­ho­vah] through the re­gion of cor­re­spon­dence, def­i­nitely will cause hot In­duc­tion to con­firm the ex­plo­sion of Bomb!
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
[Raphael] hes­i­tant mo­ment, opens the mouth say­ing: „[Stone], do you want to kill [Je­ho­vah] re­ally?”
„Yes!” Shi Lei un­der­stands that [Raphael] opin­ion, „Phin­ney, we and [Je­ho­vah] are the en­e­mies, we do not need to keep the promise! [Je­ho­vah] also un­der­stand that we are im­pos­si­ble to keep the promise. There­fore, [Je­ho­vah] es­capes! Be­cause he knows, once after he does not have Ex­ploit Value, time that ex­actly as stated he died!”
[Raphael] sighed, „I have not planned to let off him! Be­fore, I also to stand firm [Je­ho­vah]. How­ever, [Stone], [Je­ho­vah] should also know data that some you are in­ter­ested, we no longer do ask?”
„Does not use, some of my al­most ideas! More­over, re­gard­less of we asked that with did not ask, fi­nally is the same, [Je­ho­vah] will not say. The rea­son re­turned to the be­gin­ning, he said that we will also kill him, he did not say that we will kill him. Ac­cord­ing to the [Je­ho­vah] tem­per, he will not tell us the an­swer.” Shi Lei quite help­less feel­ings.
[Raphael] silent, he knows that [Je­ho­vah] in­deed is such per­son, fac­ing the as­pect that must die, [Je­ho­vah] will choose to bring se­cret dead ab­solutely to­gether.
„hōng lóng ~~ huā lā ~~ huā lā ~”
LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor broad­cast the fierce ex­plo­sion sound sud­denly, Shi Lei asked hastily: „What hap­pened?”
„Some hot In­duc­tion con­firmed Bomb to have the ex­plo­sion, the po­si­tion that be­cause ex­ploded was quite ideal, Sys­tem es­ti­mated pos­si­bil­ity that col­lapsed, not over 17.6%.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
About after 15 sec­onds, [Izual] re­ports to say once more: „Sir, con­firms in­for­ma­tion de­ter­mine of Bomb feed­back through hot In­duc­tion, causes the ex­plo­sion tar­get, is not [Je­ho­vah].”
Be­fore hot In­duc­tion con­firms Bomb ex­plodes, will spring one by the small spher­oid of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, be­fore in­side pack­age holds hot In­duc­tion to con­firm Bomb ex­plodes, ac­quired sim­ple in­for­ma­tion.
By the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Out­stand­ing na­ture, hot In­duc­tion con­firms the ex­plo­sion of Bomb, is un­able the dam­age small spher­oid and in­ter­nal stor­age in­for­ma­tion chip.
There­fore, [Raider] can ob­tain sim­ple ex­plo­sion be­fore­hand in­for­ma­tion.
An­other end of urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work sys­tem, [Je­ho­vah] also heard the fierce ex­plo­sive sound, his com­plex­ion slightly changes, has thought nat­u­rally chas­ing down per­son­nel that Shi Lei dis­patches, en­tered the urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work.
‚Damn Shi Lei, damn [Raphael], one day, I will make you live to might as well die!’ [Je­ho­vah] image at this mo­ment is some­what dis­tressed, but to es­cape, [Je­ho­vah] has not cho­sen.
[Je­ho­vah] is walk­ing, while guess just ex­plo­sion, was ac­tu­ally any spe­cial de­tails. Walks is walk­ing, [Je­ho­vah] sud­denly dis­cov­ered that on the main­te­nance chan­nel of urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work, is plac­ing a sil­ver-white metal box.
That sil­ver-white metal box. Very ex­quis­ite, looks like, only then the 1/2 sizes of cig­a­rette case. But [Je­ho­vah] High De­gree is anx­ious.
Urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work, is the en­vi­ron­ment that year to year suf­fers in­jus­tice. If in the rev­o­lu­tion nor­mal sit­u­a­tion, one month is also only a rou­tine in­spec­tion.
This type is al­most under the Un­manned en­vi­ron­ment, sud­denly pre­sented a fab­ri­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy has looked like very pre­cise man, ab­solutely was not the good mat­ter.
[Je­ho­vah] lifts the left hand, to that sil­ver-white metal box, the right eye ball retina was pre­sent­ing dense and nu­mer­ous data in­for­ma­tion again.
Waited for about one minute, the [Je­ho­vah] fore­head, has emit­ted the com­pact cold sweat!
„Damn! Un­ex­pect­edly is Bomb!” The wrist|skill of [Je­ho­vah] left hand, has worn a metal wrist belt. Through the metal wrist belt in­ter­nal sweep unit, [Je­ho­vah] de­ter­mine comes out, the sil­ver-white metal box is the ex­plo­sive ma­te­r­ial.
In fact, that is hot In­duc­tion con­firms Bomb!
[Je­ho­vah] hes­i­tates to ad­vance, if be­fore , has not heard the ex­plo­sion, [Je­ho­vah] def­i­nitely to take risk to lead the way, but through just ex­plo­sion sound, in­de­pen­dent im­po­si­tion Bomb here, [Je­ho­vah] has guessed cor­rectly very many in­for­ma­tion.
At least. Bomb has the self- de­ter­mine ex­plo­sion mech­a­nism!
The [Je­ho­vah] poor life only then, he does not dare to put to bet the table his poor life, stands a trial of time luck. In this case, is [Je­ho­vah] will­ing to bet the life? After all. Re­gard­ing that sil­ver-white metal small box, [Je­ho­vah] does not know any in­for­ma­tion com­pletely.
But [Je­ho­vah] also knows, if not leave as soon as pos­si­ble. He will be dis­cov­ered quickly!
„Sir, First hunt­ing zone. Dis­cov­ers sus­pi­cion tar­get!” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei, [Raider] not only arranged hot In­duc­tion to con­firm Bomb. Also will sur­vey Sys­tem through hot In­duc­tion, sur­veys any sus­pi­cious po­si­tion.
[Je­ho­vah] in hes­i­ta­tion, then by a Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] dis­cov­ery. Ac­cu­rate, should be, some Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], in the pipeline of next door, was away from the wall to dis­cover the human heat ra­di­a­tion image, fed back in­for­ma­tion to [Izual] af­ter­ward.
Shi Lei in­vests the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen the vi­sion again, is ex­am­in­ing [Izual] re­minder in­for­ma­tion.
[Izual] has as­sem­bled sus­pi­cion tar­get sur­round­ing three [Raider], goes to sus­pi­cion tar­get sur­round­ing. The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing the count­down.
One point of Forty sec­ond, First puts up [Raider] to con­tact with sus­pi­cion tar­get!
One point of Forty sec­ond places usu­ally, that is very short time, but placed this time, made Shi Lei think very long.
Time one minute one sec­ond of out­flow, First put up [Raider] fi­nally to ar­rive in the sus­pi­cion tar­get po­si­tion, Shi Lei through the image of [Raider] feed­back, the First time has dis­cov­ered that sus­pi­cion tar­get was [Je­ho­vah]!
Shi Lei has cut Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor and [Raider] am­pli­fy­ing Sys­tem links, opens the mouth to say af­ter­ward: „[Je­ho­vah], gives up re­sist­ing!”
[Je­ho­vah] tran­quil looks at [Raider], „minia­tur­ized [Dawn] of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group mass pro­duc­tion, how does it enter Li Jian Na­tion?”
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, the [Raider] both feet spouts the pale-blue flame, „un­der­stood?”
„In­di­vid­ual Flight Equip­ment!” The [Je­ho­vah] ex­pres­sion is very sur­prised, „has say­ing that your Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group can al­ways bring pleas­antly sur­prised. Now, Shi Lei, I am will­ing to tell you, all that I know!”
The Shi Lei chuckle, has not paid at­ten­tion to [Je­ho­vah], but said to [Raphael]: „Gave you!”
[Raphael] has sneered, „[Je­ho­vah], was sorry very much that be­fore I de­ceived you, I wanted to kill you!”
[Je­ho­vah] se­ri­ous loudly ex­claimed: „Shi Lei, you do not want to know that ac­tu­ally you are what life ex­pe­ri­ence? You do not want to know that ac­tu­ally Shi Wen does have what goal?”
„Does not think!” Shi Lei in­dif­fer­ent reply, „Phin­ney, you also in what?”
„Lit­tle Angel, I have re­venged for you, I de­liv­ered Hell fiend, my Lit­tle Angel, you for­tu­nately?” The [Raphael] sound twit­ter­ing, was wield­ing the right hand.
Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of [Raider] car­ry­ing, aims at the fore­head of [Je­ho­vah], launch with­out hes­i­ta­tion!
The Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery might, has sur­passed Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, the fore­head of short-range fire [Je­ho­vah], mak­ing the head of [Je­ho­vah] be sim­i­lar to wa­ter­melon same blast­ing open.
Solemn Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant, was known as that World God [Je­ho­vah], died in the gloomy urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work un­ex­pect­edly, died in the cor­ner that a no­body knew!
God, falls from the sky fi­nally!
Angel Par­lia­ment, ends, be­comes the his­tory!
see you again later, [Je­ho­vah]...


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