Saturday, January 13, 2018

1727: Kills Summit again

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1727: Kills Summit again!
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ps: Looks at be­hind the «Hacker» ex­clu­sive story, lis­tens to you to novel sug­gested that the at­ten­tion pub­lic num­ber( micro let­ter in­creases friend - in­creases the pub­lic num­ber - in­puts dd then), told me on the quiet!
The Li Jian Na­tion time, on June 1, 3 : 00 pm just passed \; Xia Na­tion Time, al­ready crossed the night 3 : 00 am scale di­vi­sions. ∈♀,
Nor­mally, at 3 : 00 am time, Shi Lei early fell into the sleep.
But today's sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent!
Today, not only has killed Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant [Je­ho­vah], but also has the pos­si­bil­ity, soon will kill an­other hos­tile World Sum­mit Grade Hacker!
New York City, south­ern­most Hud­son River, Bat­tery Park.
[Am­du­sias] very in­tel­li­gent det­o­na­tion Bomb, has made dis­or­der, thus es­capes from the Un­der­ground space. How­ever, the [Am­du­sias] strat­egy only has only suc­ceeded half.
Be­cause, the Shi Lei's re­ac­tion rate is quick, or­ders [Raider] rapidly, has blocked the Un­der­ground space river course both sides po­si­tion, dies of suf­fo­ca­tion [Am­du­sias] the road of es­cap­ing thor­oughly.
[Am­du­sias] is dor­mant bot­tom of Hud­son River, he in the op­por­tu­nity that the wait­ing es­capes. Just, ex­plo­sion of [Am­du­sias] man­u­fac­ture, not only helped [Am­du­sias] es­cape from the Un­der­ground space, ac­tu­ally also had other func­tion!
That is [Hope] through the ex­plo­sion, at­tracts the New York Of­fi­cial strength, es­pe­cially at­ten­tion of New York City Po­lice De­part­ment NYPD, if also at­tracts the swat Spe­cial-type tac­tic army, that is the good sit­u­a­tion.
Al­though [Raider] has closed off the river course, so long as [Am­du­sias], in­sisted that NYPD or is swat ar­rives, his then es­capes [Hope].
NYPD Ex­plo­sives Ex­pert. cur­rently han­dles the urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work in­ter­nal ex­plo­sion, when Bat­tery Park here Hud­son River. After hav­ing the ex­plo­sion, im­me­di­ately has the warm-hearted cit­i­zen alarm.
If Bat­tery Park here Hud­son River. in­de­pen­dent had sit­u­a­tion of doubt­ful ex­plo­sion, per­haps NYPD ex­tremely in at­tach­ing great im­por­tance. But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is quite sen­si­tive, be­fore the urban Un­der­ground sewage pipe net­work had the ex­plo­sion, now Bat­tery Park here Hud­son River doubt­ful has the ex­plo­sion, NYPD High De­gree at­tached great im­por­tance, im­me­di­ately has dis­patched Spe­cial­ist and Po­lice of cor­re­spon­dence, catches up to Bat­tery Park.
„Sir, Sys­tem dis­cov­ered in New York City po­lice ser­vice net­work that NYPD dis­patched to sur­pass the twenty fa­mous po­lice forces. Goes to Bat­tery Park.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei com­plex­ion is calm, as if did not worry the po­lice forces who NYPD sends, „[Izual], dis­patch four [Raider] again, en­ters the Un­der­ground space, searches the [Am­du­sias] where­abouts.”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] con­trols is stand­ing in four [Raider] of Bat­tery Park Xi­ao­ma­tou, has jumped down Hud­son River di­rectly, af­ter­ward sets out to the Un­der­ground space.
Four [Raider] suc­ces­sively adopt the di­am­e­ter about one meter cir­cu­lar chan­nel. En­tered the Un­der­ground space. Through the scan­ning of four [Raider], [Izual] feeds back to Shi Lei.
„Sir, the Un­der­ground space, does not have any kind of per­son crea­ture body.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
Shi Lei did not sus­pect that [Izual]'s feeds back in­for­ma­tion. Be­cause of the [Izual]'s scan­ning, con­tained many sur­vey pat­terns, the pos­si­bil­ity of mis­take is low.
In ad­di­tion just ex­plo­sion. Had very huge sus­pi­cion ob­vi­ously, Shi Lei both hands has pinched tightly the fist. cold snort|hum, „[Am­du­sias] ran away!”
„Ah?” the Tao Wenx­ian com­plex­ion is sur­prised. „Big Brother Stone, how does the fel­low es­cape?”
„Was just ex­plo­sion?” [Raphael] has guessed cor­rectly key ac­tu­ally.
„Right! Should with the aid of just ex­plo­sion, [Am­du­sias] run away from the Un­der­ground space. How­ever, he should also in our en­cir­clement ring scopes. I just guessed, he may use the trick. Hēng! I must have a look but ac­tu­ally, when [Am­du­sias] can hide!” Shi Lei cold snort|hum.
„[Izual], both banks re­tain [Raider] re­spec­tively, other [Raider] fully enter Hud­son River, searches the [Am­du­sias] po­si­tion. More­over, blocks river course both sides six [Raider] do not move!” Shi Lei told.
Hud­son River both banks, the [Raider] col­lec­tive plunged into the river, starts to search the [Am­du­sias] where­abouts.
[Izual] through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, sends out the prompt to Shi Lei, „Po­lice Force that sir, NYPD dis­patches, at three min­utes from 30 sec­onds to four points of twenty sec­ond, will ar­rive in Bat­tery Park.”
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth re­veal wipe to dis­dain, „pays at­ten­tion to make [Raider] in east bank hide iden­tity, the crowds that pre­tends not to un­der­stand the true sit­u­a­tion, min­gle among the crowd! West bank that side [Raider], hide­away as far as pos­si­ble!”
West bank [Raider], be­cause fords from the east bank, the whole body has soaked, mixes in the crowd, very con­spic­u­ous. There­fore, West bank [Raider], needs to hide, but east bank [Raider], can mix in the crowd.
„Yes , sir.” [Izual] once more af­fir­ma­tive re­sponse.
Hud­son River.
[Am­du­sias] lay on the river bed, as far as pos­si­ble was main­tain­ing the stay still stance. The goal of so mak­ing has two, its one, main­tains the body low ac­tive mass, re­duces the con­sump­tion of oxy­gen, ex­tends the Dis­pos­able Air In­ter­nal Cir­cu­la­tion time. Oth­er­wise, only then ten min­utes of Dis­pos­able Air In­ter­nal Cir­cu­la­tion time, once the time sur­passes, the waste gas treat­ment will trans­fer the ex­te­rior ex­change. By that time, air bub­ble that the [Am­du­sias] breath puts out, di­rect ex­po­sure his po­si­tion.
Sec­ond goal, is avoids the move­ment being over­sized, thus was dis­cov­ered by [Raider]!
The diver's suit of [Am­du­sias] cloth­ing, had the func­tion of Anti-in­frared Ther­mal In­duc­tion sur­vey, but does not have the Op­ti­cal Stealth func­tion.
[Raider] in­deed is un­able to dis­cover [Am­du­sias] through In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, but if [Am­du­sias] moves about, ab­solutely by the op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem dis­cov­ery of [Raider].
‚Damn NYPD, just hadn't that huge ex­plo­sion sound, why sent for?’ [Am­du­sias] in the heart was curs­ing the NYPD low ef­fi­ciency.
How­ever, [Am­du­sias] does not know that NYPD ar­rived at Bat­tery Park.
After NYPD ar­rived in Bat­tery Park, the fast de­ter­mi­na­tion has the ex­plo­sion the po­si­tion, im­pres­sively near Xi­ao­ma­tou. They have sealed off the Small-scale wharf im­me­di­ately.
Keeps Bat­tery Park [Raider], pre­tends the Or­di­nary cu­ri­ous passer-by to be the same. Is sur­round­ing out­side. In fact, [Raider] in ob­ser­va­tion river sur­face. Pre­vented [Am­du­sias] to by­pass in the river search, sought for the Signed In point to come ashore.
„Big Brother Stone, [Am­du­sias] re­ally also in our seals in the lock­ing ring range?” Some Tao Wenx­ian wor­ried ask­ing.
Shi Lei nods, „Yes! the range that al­though we sur­round is not big, but [Am­du­sias] def­i­nitely in in­side. If he came ashore, keeps [Raider] of both banks, can not dis­cover? Only then keeps Hud­son River, has pos­si­bil­ity not to be dis­cov­ered tem­porar­ily. Ac­cord­ing to my in­fer­ence, [Am­du­sias] should hide in the river. If no what con­tin­gency. We will dis­cover quickly [Am­du­sias]!”
„But, can these New York Po­lice De­part­ment fel­lows, to our plan, what cause to af­fect?” Tao Wenx­ian some­what wor­ried that was say­ing.
Shi Lei chuckle, „they? hē hē!”
[Raphael] also says with a smile: „Does not need to be wor­ried, once NYPD searches on the Bat­tery Park land, does not have what the trace of ex­plo­sion, then meets the con­tact coast guard, trans­mits the in­ves­ti­gate power to the coast guard. This process. At least takes one hour. As for one hour, I think that com­plete enough [Izual] has con­trolled [Raider], our en­cir­clement rings. Re­peated search up­side down Right?”
Bat­tery Park Small-scale wharf.
NYPD Po­lice Force, is sim­i­lar to the [Raphael] ex­pec­ta­tion, they searched around the Small-scale wharf sim­ply. Then di­rectly gave up the search.
Be­cause they dis­cover the Hud­son River river water, un­usual pol­lu­tion. Ob­vi­ously was in Hud­son River had ex­plo­sion. There­fore, NYPD lead Po­lice Force. Starts the con­tact coast guard.
With the aid of sur­round­ing [Raider], the Shi Lei three peo­ple are lis­ten­ing clearly, Po­lice Force and wran­gling of that coast guard NYPD leads. NYPD wants to make the Sea Guard unit han­dle this mat­ter ob­vi­ously, how­ever, the coast guard [Hope] NYPD vol­un­tar­ily processes the so­lu­tion.
After both sides pass through one shifted re­spon­si­bil­ity onto oth­ers, fi­nally the coast guard is mainly re­spon­si­ble for pro­cess­ing, but NYPD aux­il­iary co­or­di­na­tion. NYPD does not think
Hud­son River bot­tom, [Am­du­sias] com­plex­ion faint some flood white, he has been con­trol­ling the breath, re­duces in­tak­ing of oxy­gen dili­gently, as far as pos­si­ble ex­tends the Dis­pos­able Air In­ter­nal Cir­cu­la­tion time.
How­ever, when he is dor­mant after the river bot­tom has hid­den the 12 minute, Dis­pos­able Air In­ter­nal Cir­cu­la­tion Mech­a­nism fi­nally died in bed of old age!
[Am­du­sias] in the heart called the brewer's grain se­cretly, he was clear, once the Dis­pos­able Air In­ter­nal Cir­cu­la­tion Mech­a­nism time limit ar­rived, he ab­solutely wanted the tragedy!
[Am­du­sias] feel­ing suf­fo­cated dili­gently, is mak­ing striv­ing for suc­cess of putting up a last-ditch strug­gle. How­ever, the ob­tu­ra­tion time of nor­mal Or­di­nary hu­man­ity, very dif­fi­cultly over two min­utes.
Once [Am­du­sias] sup­pressed the limit, the in­stinct urged he breathed, [Am­du­sias] will di­rectly ex­pose own po­si­tion!
[Am­du­sias] has put to­gether feel­ing suf­fo­cated of short re­main­ing life, fi­nally has held in more than for one minute!
‚Gū lū lū ~’
A se­ries of air bub­bles brave from the Hud­son River bot­tom, two [Raider] First time have dis­cov­ered the air bub­ble, [Izual]'s Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, the di­rect de­ter­mine com­ing out air bub­ble be­longs to the breath of hu­man­ity, has the phe­nom­e­non that in the water body.
There­fore, [Izual] ac­cord­ing to the path of air bub­ble rise, the re­ver­sion cal­cu­lates the ap­prox­i­mate po­si­tion range that the air bub­ble has braved. The ap­prox­i­mate po­si­tion that two [Raider] first one step to cal­cu­lat­ing goes for­ward, dur­ing many [Raider] cur­rently ap­proach.
When Twenty-third sec­ond of [Izual] dis­cov­ery air bub­ble, two [Raider] sank to the Hud­son River bot­tom, starts to search the [Am­du­sias] po­si­tion.
[Am­du­sias] in the heart is panic-stricken ex­tremely, but the in­stinct of hu­man­ity, is un­able to be re­strained by fright­ened, es­pe­cially breathes, this human in­grained in­stinct!
‚Gū lū lū ~’
Also is one string of air bub­bles braves!
Two [Raider] lock the po­si­tion that air bub­ble has braved di­rectly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously throws to the tar­get po­si­tion.
[Am­du­sias] sim­ply has not re­volted against the abil­ity, was held by two [Raider] di­rectly, [Izual] re­ports to Shi Lei im­me­di­ately, „sir, [Raider] holds sus­pi­cion tar­get, Sys­tem Log­i­cal Judge­ment, over 90% pos­si­bil­i­ties, are Tar­get Per­son [Am­du­sias].”
Shi Lei gives a calm smile, such re­sult, is com­pletely ex­pected in Shi Lei's.
„[Izual], gen­tle takes off the Tar­get Per­son diver's suit head­gear, mak­ing us have a look, ac­tu­ally the op­po­site party is who!” Shi Lei told.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling [Raider], has taken off the head­gear of diver's suit cau­tiously, mak­ing [Am­du­sias] plunge in the Hud­son River water di­rectly!
„Sir, after Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine de­ter­mine, tar­get was [Am­du­sias], the match­ing has achieved 100%!” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, „that lets [Am­du­sias], be­comes Hud­son River big fam­ily's a mem­ber!”
[Am­du­sias] was being con­trolled by two [Raider], be­cause the head­gear of diver's suit was taken down, [Am­du­sias] is un­able to breathe, he goes all out is strug­gling, wish breath in­stinct that the re­sis­tance body sends out.
How­ever, the strengths of two [Raider] im­mo­bi­liza­tions are huge, is [Am­du­sias] can work loose?
After close two min­utes, Or­ga­ni­za­tion, World Sum­mit Grade Hacker [Am­du­sias], no longer con­tin­ues to strug­gle, does not have any breath and heart­beat char­ac­ter­is­tics!
On June 1 the chil­dren's day, Shi Lei has killed two hos­tile World Sum­mit Grade Hacker con­tin­u­ously!
This is one re­sists the Or­ga­ni­za­tion ex­cel­lent be­gin­ning...


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