Saturday, January 13, 2018

1732: Shield, discovery!

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1732: Shield, discovery!
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The or­ange flame, from the sky has de­lim­ited an ex­quis­ite arc, threw to [Raider]. 『 <\;=,
How­ever, the fly­ing speed of matches quick?
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider] on the land, the quick­est speed can be 300 km per hour, this can move 83 me­ters on be­half of [Raider] every sec­ond.
Al­though [Raider] from sta­tic ac­cel­er­a­tion to quick­est, re­quires cer­tain time, but draws sup­port from sshp High En­ergy Motor, 1200 horse­power that pro­vides, this time, only take less than ten sec­onds.
The matches have not made a shot [Raider]!
[Izual] in flash that the matches burn, then counts for­get about it to come out, just splashed not the well-known liq­uid on [Raider], def­i­nitely may the com­bus­tion liq­uid.
There­fore, when the matches throw, [Izual] then con­trols [Raider] to shunt!
How­ever, [Raider] has in­deed shunted matches, but the matches crash in the ground, ac­tu­ally be­fore ig­nit­ing, splashes the sput­ter­ing in the ground may the com­bus­tion liq­uid.
What is more awful, that type un­known may the com­bus­tion liq­uid, the fire in­ten­sity spread be rapid, ig­nited four [Raider] un­ex­pect­edly.
Four [Raider] im­me­di­ately have be­come four hot peo­ple!
That wears kind of per­son crea­ture of black tight-fit­ting cloth­ing/tak­ing, looked at four [Raider], af­ter­ward then starts re­treat. How­ever, [Raider], for the right leg of that kind of per­son crea­ture, is using Fifth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery to open fire.
„suo ~”
To­gether after light sound, wore kind of per­son crea­ture of black tight-fit­ting cloth­ing/tak­ing, the right foot calf com­pletely van­ishes, throws down on the ground.
[Izual] re­ports to say in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor: „Sir, Fifth Floor dis­cov­ers sus­pi­cion per­son­nel. Four [Raider] are with­stand­ing flame at­tack, but the tem­per­a­ture of flame. Prob­a­bly in 400-500 de­grees, will not cause the sub­stan­tial­ity to in­jure to [Raider]. How­ever. [Raider] clothes and Sil­ica Gel sim­u­la­tion skin, as well as man-made hair. Will be burnt down com­pletely.”
The nod that Shi Lei shows nei­ther ap­proval nor dis­ap­proval, the so small loss, sim­ply has not placed in the Shi Lei's eye, „im­me­di­ately fights fire!”
Ex­cep­tion­ally di­vides fifth floor of build­ing, be­cause of may the rea­son of com­bus­tion liq­uid, burn at this time. If not con­trol the fire in­ten­sity, then, 100% will at­tract the warm-hearted cit­i­zen alarm.
Shi Lei con­firmed Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal had issue, is will­ing to make the New York City Fire Fight­ing de­part­ment in­volve?
Four are burn­ing [Raider]. Par­tic­i­pated in the fire fight­ing, they have not opened spray­ing Sys­tem of ceil­ing, but on the cor­ri­dor chan­nel, is seek­ing for the Fire Fight­ing box.
But the com­bus­tion liq­uid ob­vi­ously is an oil class, if the use sprays the Sys­tem fire fight­ing, ef­fect at all not!
Only the use dried noo­dles type fire ex­tin­guisher, can sup­press the oil class ef­fec­tively may the com­bus­tion liq­uid.
Thank Li Jian Na­tion Out­stand­ing law!
The Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal Fire Fight­ing mea­sure does very per­fectly, in the Fire Fight­ing box has the pow­der fire ex­tin­guisher, four [Raider] first spurted to ex­tin­guish their flame. Af­ter­ward uses the pow­der fire ex­tin­guisher, has con­trolled the fire in­ten­sity fast.
When the flame was sup­pressed, Third Floor and Fourth Floor search [Raider], hap­pen to ar­rived at Fifth Floor. Third Floor and Fourth Floor. Not any un­usual cir­cum­stance.
How­ever, when 14 [Raider] gather at Fifth Floor, just by [Raider] at­tack. Wears kind of per­son crea­ture of black leo­tard, un­ex­pect­edly van­ished mys­ti­cally!
In­struc­tion of Shi Lei face darken: „Looks along the blood­stain!”
„Good!” [Izual] is con­trol­ling [Raider]. Opens on-board ul­tra­vi­o­let ray light source, is search­ing the blood­stain in Dark. Under the il­lu­mi­na­tion of ul­tra­vi­o­let ray light source. Blood­stain that even if the naked eye is un­able to dis­cover, pre­sents.
Just the right leg of that kind of per­son crea­ture struck off by [Raider], the blood of nu­mer­ous will come out from the right leg class, if did not un­dergo stop bleed­ing pro­cess­ing, per­haps will bleed the death.
But even if adopted stop bleed­ing pro­cess­ing, will not be easy to stop to bleed!
Through the method of ul­tra­vi­o­let ray trac­ing blood­stain, the trail of ef­fec­tive find­ing op­po­site party!
14 [Raider] are fol­low­ing the blood­stain, ar­rived at a hos­pi­tal ward. How­ever, the blood­stain in the hos­pi­tal ward, van­ished base­less, as if has not ap­peared has been same.
„Sir, Sys­tem is un­able to find the mul­ti­thread­ing!” The [Izual] re­port said.
Shi Lei cold sound told, „com­pre­hen­sive scan­ning en­tire hos­pi­tal ward!”
„Yes!” [Izual] is con­trol­ling [Raider], is scan­ning each inch cor­ner of hos­pi­tal ward care­fully.
[Raphael] in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, opens the mouth say­ing that „[Stone], can be other Ge­net­i­cally Mod­i­fied Fighter, has wrapped the en­tire right leg of in­jured per­son­nel, thus made the blood­stain in­ter­rupt?”
Shi Lei was pon­der­ing this pos­si­bil­ity, the af­fir­ma­tive nod, „has the pos­si­bil­ity af­ter­ward!”
Tao Wenx­ian through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, is ex­am­in­ing [Raider] scan­ning, dis­cov­ery that he is sharp-eyed a clue.
„Big Brother Stone, you have a look, does the ven­ti­la­tion duct road junc­tion of ceil­ing, have the blood flu­o­res­cence re­sponse?” The Tao Wenx­ian re­minder said.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling [Raider], the ul­tra­vi­o­let ray light source di­rec­tion of fire ven­ti­la­tion duct road junc­tion, re­ally has the flu­o­res­cent re­sponses of a wee bit blood­stain there!
[Raider] stepped in both hands of an­other [Raider], took down the steel mesh of ven­ti­la­tion duct road junc­tion, af­ter­ward was sur­vey­ing the ven­ti­lat­ing duct in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion.
The ven­ti­lat­ing duct, has more blood­stains to re­main!
„It seems like enemy with ven­ti­lat­ing duct as route of with­drawal! [Izual], demon­strates the struc­ture draw­ing of ven­ti­lat­ing duct where has a look among pro­cess­ing of ven­ti­lat­ing duct!” Shi Lei told.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, demon­strates im­me­di­ately that among pro­cess­ing of ven­ti­lat­ing duct, un­ex­pect­edly in Un­der­ground!
„Base­ment?” The Shi Lei com­plex­ion changes, „[Izual], just didn't the re­sult of [Raider] Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem feed­back, have the Un­der­ground space?”
„Yes.” Re­sponse of [Izual] as be­fore ex­pres­sion ice-cold un­feel­ing.
Shi Lei angry [say / way]: „Damn! Sonar De­tec­tion shield­ing mea­sure! Our fooled, enemy in the Un­der­ground space!”
Tao Wenx­ian was in­quir­ing at the same time: „Big Brother Stone, do we get down? Through ven­ti­lat­ing duct?”
„No!” Shi Lei shakes the head di­rectly the de­nial, „ven­ti­lat­ing duct is do­main of enemy, we can­not guar­an­tee whether in the ven­ti­lat­ing duct has Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem. If the enemy has dis­cov­ered [Raider], dif­fi­cult in­sur­ance not in the exit / to speak pre­in­stall any­thing Great De­struc­tive Force de­fense mea­sure. Ac­cord­ing to the nar­row en­vi­ron­ment of ven­ti­lat­ing duct, in the event of Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, [Raider] sim­ply does not have the means to avoid!”
„We...” Tao Wenx­ian opin­ion is, how [Raider] should enter the Un­der­ground space.
Shi Lei has sneered, „rides the el­e­va­tor!”
„But, we just did not scan the el­e­va­tor, doesn't have the pro­ce­dure to Un­der­ground space? If there is Un­der­ground space, and el­e­va­tor can enter the Un­der­ground space, in the con­trol pro­ce­dure of el­e­va­tor, def­i­nitely has source code of cor­re­spon­dence!” Tao Wenx­ian was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
„In­de­pen­dent phys­i­cal con­trol key!” Shi Lei said bright way, „sim­ple con­trol method of in­de­pen­dence be­yond con­trol pro­ce­dure, does not need to pro­gram, was only a sim­ple cir­cu­lar telegram but­ton.”
[Izual] is con­trol­ling 14 [Raider], be­fore ar­riv­ing at the el­e­va­tor door, [Raider], di­rectly uses Laser Weapon, cuts the el­e­va­tor door.
Af­ter­ward, uses Laser Weapon, has shut off the steel wire of el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box. Stopped an el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box in build­ing to con­tinue falling down­ward.
[Raider] does not dread fifth floor High De­gree, two plunged into the elec­tric­ity stair­well, their sole spots, sprayed the pale-blue flame, was de­lay­ing the speed of drop.
Ap­prox­i­mately after twenty sec­ond, two [Raider] over­took the el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box. Al­though lost the haul­ing of steel wire, but the emer­gency brake strat­egy of el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box, mak­ing the el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box fix on the el­e­va­tor frame.
[Raider] de­ter­mine a depth of el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box dis­tance build­ing, prob­a­bly is only ten me­ters. How­ever, [Raider] through Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, has dis­cov­ered the Un­der­ground space.
Ob­vi­ously, tests Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem in this depth, did not have the Sonar De­tec­tion shield to exist.
Two [Raider] use Laser Weapon once again, has shut off emer­gency brake Sys­tem of el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box, mak­ing the el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box con­tinue to slide.
After two sec­onds, el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box touches the bot­tom, has made the sound of col­li­sion!
Two [Raider] pur­sued, through Laser Weapon, the crown el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box cuts, en­tered in the el­e­va­tor sedan the­ater box. Be­cause, through Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, [Raider] dis­cov­ered that they ar­rived in the Un­der­ground space.
El­e­va­tor door close, ob­vi­ously is being the way of be­cause en­ter­ing is not right, the el­e­va­tor door will not open. But such sit­u­a­tion, can­not block [Raider].
Laser Weapon that [Raider] pro­vides, be­cause ob­tained based on [N235 Metal] Third Phase Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan, man­u­fac­ture Power Source Core, has pro­vided pow­er­ful in­com­pa­ra­ble Power Sup­ply. The Laser Weapon out­put is very big, the tem­per­a­ture is also high.
What cuts el­e­va­tor door sim­i­larly, rad­i­cally is not the mat­ter, just wasn't has cut?
Two [Raider] through Laser Weapon, are cut­ting the el­e­va­tor door. When the el­e­va­tor door cuts, they pre­pare from in­side the el­e­va­tor door draws back, dis­cov­ers the el­e­va­tor door from in­side but ac­tu­ally.
Not is only the el­e­va­tor door, ten sev­eral highly ex­plo­sive anti-tank grenades!
[Izual] has dis­tin­guished the highly ex­plo­sive anti-tank grenade, im­me­di­ately con­trols two [Raider] to lift off, avoids the highly ex­plo­sive anti-tank grenade col­lec­tive ex­plo­sion, but dam­age [Raider].
Al­though ac­cord­ing to the [Raider] Body Struc­ture de­sign pro­posal, as well as the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Out­stand­ing per­for­mance, sev­eral highly ex­plo­sive anti-tank grenades, is un­able thor­oughly dam­age [Raider]. But lets the ex­te­rior struc­ture de­for­ma­tion dam­age of [Raider], is not the dif­fi­cult prob­lem.
[Raider] of de­for­ma­tion dam­age, needs to wait for slowly the self- restora­tion of [Snow Sil­ver Metal], these days, the [Raider] bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, is un­able to ob­tain any guar­an­tee.
In order to avoid the tragedy oc­cur­rence, [Izual] con­trols [Raider] use in­te­gra­tion hy­dro­gen fuel to ad­vance Sys­tem, flew to get up the avoid­ance highly ex­plo­sive anti-tank grenade.
„hōng hōng hōng ~”
The fierce ex­plo­sion trans­mits, shock-wave wreaks havoc in the elec­tric­ity stair­well, mak­ing two fly­ing sta­tus [Raider] blow hot and cold.
Shi Lei through the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, looks at the flame of el­e­va­tor In­aida unit shoot­ing up to the sky, on the face has shown the smil­ing face.
Is Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, re­ally one of the Or­ga­ni­za­tion Bio­genet­ics Lab­o­ra­tory?


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