Sunday, January 14, 2018

1743: Dual undercovers?

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1743: Dual undercovers?
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Be­fore dawn close five points, Roo­sevelt Is­land. 『,
The Li Jian Na­tion major in­for­ma­tion vi­o­lence or­ga­ni­za­tions gather to­gether, was dis­cussing the Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal ex­plo­sion case.
Fac­ing the in­ter­ro­ga­tion of Ema­jen Draxis, dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity per­son-in-charge Gale Gane replied: „Draxis Sec­tion Head, ac­cord­ing to the in­for­ma­tion that we col­lect, the Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal back­ground has issue. The Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal re­cent three months of fi­nance, have very big change. After our spec­u­la­tions, ex­ter­nal force af­fected this hos­pi­tal.”
„I am lis­ten­ing!” Ema­jen Draxis not salty did not say pale, but in his in the heart, un­der­stands Gale Gane must say any­thing.
„After our depth in­ves­ti­gate, a se­ries change of Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal, com­pletely be­cause of named Ferns Com­pany. This Com­pany is mys­ti­cal, be­sides the name, we have not looked up its man­age­ment ad­dress, reg­is­ters the rep­re­sen­ta­tive, even does not know this Com­pany busi­ness scope. Only by our in­ves­ti­gate in­sider, after we leave mys­ti­cally died.” Gale Gane was say­ing the sit­u­a­tion fast.
„Your opin­ion is, this ex­plo­sion and Ferns is Com­pany re­lated?” The Ema­jen Draxis ex­pres­sion faint in­quiry said.
In fact, Ferns Com­pany is Or­ga­ni­za­tion con­trol Com­pany, it is Biotech­nol­ogy Com­pany. This time, Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal fi­nan­cial issue, in­deed is Ferns pro­motes in the back, mainly to pur­chase some re­lated re­search in­stru­ments.
„Yes!” Gale Gane def­i­nitely was say­ing.
FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Crim­i­nal In­ves­ti­ga­tion De­part­ment Sec­tion Head Des­ima Gor­don, spoke to sec­ond the mo­tion say­ing: „Our also in­ves­ti­gate to sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion. Ferns Com­pany is one is en­gaged in Com­pany of Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy re­search and de­vel­op­ment, we sus­pected that they take Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal as the shield. Is con­duct­ing the Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy re­search of se­cret and tests.”
Ema­jen Draxis in the heart sneers se­cretly, in the sur­face is very calm. „Right? Bio­genet­ics re­search? Prob­a­bly does not have what re­la­tional Right? I to need more de­tailed in­ves­ti­gate with the ex­plo­sion! More­over, an­a­lyzes around Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal all Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing video records.”
„Yes. Se­nior Of­fi­cer!” The front di­rects in Cen­ter, all peo­ple were re­spond­ing to Ema­jen Draxis.
After all peo­ple left, Ema­jen Draxis strange smiles, the way of af­ter­ward to med­i­tat­ing starts talk­ing, seemed pray­ing se­cretly pleaded God to bless is the same.
But in fact, Ema­jen Draxis is Or­ga­ni­za­tion [Eligor], does he pos­si­bly trust ‚God’?
Now, [Eligor] through Bone-sense Trans­mis­sion Ear­piece, cur­rently and [Agares] ex­changes. „Did Se­cu­rity Mon­i­tor­ing video record study?”
„Yes, I and [But­ler] find­ings con­trast al­ter­nately, de­ter­mine Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, al­to­gether dis­patched 30 Robot to join the mo­tion, but only re­treated the Twenty-eight frame. This means that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot, lost two in Lab­o­ra­tory, we have the op­por­tu­nity to ob­tain Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot!” [Agares] was say­ing ex­cit­edly.
[Agares] and Dr. Revan are dif­fer­ent, he is not in­fat­u­ated with Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy. Es­pe­cially Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Me­chan­i­cal Tech­nol­ogy, sup­pressed Bi­o­log­i­cal Gene Tech­nol­ogy of Dr. Revan re­search and de­vel­op­ment after faintly, [Agares] likes the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group tech­nol­ogy ac­tu­ally.
If seized Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Robot, they then have the op­por­tu­nity to ex­plain Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Me­chan­i­cal Tech­nol­ogy. Do not think. Has the Xia Na­tion re­ver­sion en­gi­neer­ing tech­nol­ogy is very fierce. Ac­tu­ally, the re­ver­sion en­gi­neer­ing of Li Jian Na­tion is fiercer, is only the op­por­tu­nity of use is few.
„Yes! If we have solved Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group the rid­dle of Power Source tech­nol­ogy. We will solve the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group biggest card in a hand!” The [Eligor] re­sponse said.
„[Eligor], when do we move?” [Agares] in­quired.
„Tonight! I have looked at the sit­u­a­tion in scene. To clean up the North Wing ruins, at least takes over 18 hours. Tonight after ten o'clock. You pay at­ten­tion to the road map of de­liv­ery car, the mid­way in­ter­cept them!” [Eligor] has not tried to use the au­thor­ity, tem­porar­ily stops two [Raider] di­rectly.
If there is done, his iden­tity will also ex­pose, is re­ally not cost-ef­fec­tive.
„Good! When the time comes con­tact!” [Agares] has shut off con­tact on own ini­tia­tive.
The time, Coler-Gold­wa­ter Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal North Wing has cleaned up in a hurry, the major in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­i­ties, have dis­cov­ered the North Wing Un­der­ground space.
Shuangqing City, Emer­ald Build­ing Base­ment Fifth Floor.
„Sir, was stranded the op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem restora­tion of [Raider].” [Izual] sent out the prompt, the Li Jian Na­tion in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity has dug up the Un­der­ground space.
Shi Lei is hav­ing the yawn, while is drink­ing the thick cof­fee, al­though now is 10 : 00 am twenty, but Shi Lei felt as be­fore has not awaked to be the same.
„What sit­u­a­tion?” Shi Lei asked.
The LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, was demon­strat­ing was stranded [Raider] op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, in­for­ma­tion that feeds back.
Through image de­ter­mine, Shi Lei dis­cov­ered that Li Jian Na­tion ex­ca­va­tion per­son­nel, has dug up the Un­der­ground space, but has not dis­cov­ered [Raider] tem­porar­ily.
„Does sir, start non-con­ven­tional Self-de­struct Sys­tem?” [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Tao Wenx­ian was per­suad­ing at the same time: „Big Brother Stone, starts Self-de­struct Sys­tem! Big Brother Plum was not al­ready con­firmed, non-con­ven­tional didn't Self-de­struct Sys­tem, have the ex­plo­sion dan­ger?”
[Raphael] and Tao Wenx­ian opin­ion is the same, „, [Stone], we are best to start Self-de­struct Sys­tem. If [Raider] fell into the Li Jian Na­tion Of­fi­cial hand, ab­solutely does not have the good mat­ter re­gard­ing us.”
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally shakes the head say­ing: „Waits for Wait! again”
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] sighed, can only ac­com­pany Shi Lei to wait for to­gether.
About after more than ten min­utes, through [Raider] op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem feed­back, Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered the un­usual cir­cum­stance.
„[Jazz], you have a look at this fel­low, has to think that looks fa­mil­iar?” Shi Lei points at the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen to in­quire.
Tao Wenx­ian looks at the Vir­tual trans­parence screen, ex­pres­sion is star­tled slightly, „this is... This is Or­ga­ni­za­tion [Eligor]! in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion that [Je­ho­vah] pro­vides, has this fel­low! [Izual], looks up re­lated record!”
„tar­get match!” The [Izual]'s feed­back speed is quick, has af­firmed the an­swer di­rectly.
[Raphael] no won­der that: „Or­ga­ni­za­tion Core Mem­ber, un­ex­pect­edly ap­pear­ance of open and above­board? It seems like op­po­site party iden­tity is not sim­ple!”
Shi Lei both hands are rap­ping the key­board, starts to in­quire data about [Eligor], through in­for­ma­tion that [Je­ho­vah] pro­vides, Shi Lei is in­quir­ing Ema­jen Draxis back­ground data in­for­ma­tion.
This time in­ves­ti­gate and pre­vi­ous ex­actly the same, in net­work not any data about Ema­jen Draxis. Pre­vi­ous in­quiry time, Shi Lei only thinks that is [Je­ho­vah] lied.
But the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is dif­fer­ent, Shi Lei un­der­stands that is Ema­jen Draxis iden­tity has issue, his iden­tity data was pro­tected.
„[Izual], cell phone of in­va­sion scene, through cell phone mi­cro­phone, col­lects voice in­for­ma­tion, au­to­matic de­ter­mine Ema­jen Draxis iden­tity data.” Shi Lei told.
[Izual] through [Raider] on-board Sys­tem, at­tempts to in­vade scene per­son­nel cell phone, the in­va­sion is very smooth, at least in sur­face so.
Prob­a­bly passed through five min­utes of big data Log­i­cal Analy­sis, [Izual] got the an­swer fi­nally, „sir, after Sys­tem Log­i­cal Judge­ment, Ema­jen Draxis iden­tity, was NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency high-level per­son­nel.”
NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency is mys­ti­cal, not only re­gard­ing Or­di­nary per­son­nel, even if other Gov­ern­ment de­part­ments and in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­i­ties, did not un­der­stand NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency.
The Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment de­part­ment and in­tel­li­gence re­lated ac­tiv­ity, teased NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency fre­quently are ‚no.’, Ex­pressed that such or­ga­ni­za­tion, has not had NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency this or­ga­ni­za­tion.
Thus it can be seen, the NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency se­crecy is high!
As NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency staff per­son­nel, even may be high-level per­son­nel, Ema­jen Draxis Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion data, in­deed im­pos­si­ble to be in­quired in In­ter­net.
Shi Lei light snort|hum, „Or­ga­ni­za­tion Core Mem­ber, un­ex­pect­edly is the NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency high level! Good method! Good scheme! Big en­ergy!”
Tao Wenx­ian also sighed: „Yes! NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, is quite scary!”
„Looks quickly! [Raider] was dis­cov­ered that the [Eligor] cur­rently arrange­ment han­dles the [Raider] mat­ter!” The [Raphael] re­minder said.
Roo­sevelt Is­land.
[Eligor] looks at two sil­ver-white [Raider], his in the heart is ex­cited, but in the sur­face is very tran­quil, ex­pres­sion op­tional in­struc­tion: „What toy these two are? Robot?”
„Yes, Draxis Sec­tion Head.” the Gale Gane re­sponse of dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity said.
„Ships your dhs them, has dis­man­tled them in de­tail, look was any in­flu­ence has made them. Also, in­ves­ti­gate in­ves­ti­gate, they and ex­plo­sion con­tact of!” [Eligor] told.
The Gale Gane af­fir­ma­tive nod, „un­der­stands, Draxis Sec­tion Head.” After re­spond­ing to [Eligor], Gale Gane arranges re­lated per­son­nel im­me­di­ately, loads a car to move away the [Raider] prepa­ra­tion.
Al­though be­fore two [Raider], lost the ac­tion, but after the long re­cov­ery time, some­what re­stored some ac­tions. How­ever at the Shi Lei's re­quest, two [Raider] cam­ou­flaged to be ex­ploded De­stroy to be the same, what­ever dhs De­part­ment of Home­land Se­cu­rity staff per­son­nel ma­nip­u­lated the load.
Tao Wenx­ian through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor feed­back in­for­ma­tion, he some­what puz­zled in­quiry: „Big Brother Stone, what sit­u­a­tion is this? Doesn't [Eligor] want two [Raider]? Doesn't Or­ga­ni­za­tion want [Raider]? Said that [Eligor] is not Or­ga­ni­za­tion Core Mem­ber, but is NSA Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency, in­fil­trates the Or­ga­ni­za­tion High Grade un­der­cover?”


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