Monday, January 15, 2018

1760: Feigns death, raid!

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1760: Feigns death, raid!
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Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict, some pub.
True [Duke], took down one from the head has been sim­i­lar to mo­tor­cy­cle hel­met toy, if were not the color is dif­fer­ent, then this toy mod­el­ing and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group vr Game Hel­met, very sim­i­lar.
Ac­tu­ally, this hel­met and func­tion of vr Game Hel­met is very in­deed sim­i­lar.
vr Game Hel­met is mainly the game vi­sion feel­ing that Gamer pro­vides to ex­pe­ri­ence per­son­ally, but [Duke] wears is Bi­o­log­i­cal Sense-trans­mis­sion hel­met, through this hel­met, [Duke] can com­pletely con­trol the mo­tion of Clone Body.
Now, Shi Lei started the elec­tro­mag­net­ism in­ter­fer­ence equip­ment, has in­ter­rupted [Duke] and Clone Body con­tact, [Duke] was un­able to con­nect Clone Body, nat­u­rally does not need Bi­o­log­i­cal Sense-trans­mis­sion hel­met.
Has placed on Bi­o­log­i­cal Sense-trans­mis­sion hel­met bed con­ve­niently, [Duke] long sigh­ing, thought aloud: „see you again later, Shi Lei! So makes the per­son dread, match who also so does not aban­don! It is not right, should be parts for­ever!”
[Duke] is clear, the gene of Clone Body trans­plant is any­thing, the toxic gas that the se­cre­tion pro­duces is any­thing, that toxic gas func­tion in nerve Sys­tem of hu­man­ity, once has in­haled the toxic gas, is im­pos­si­ble also to have [Hope] of treat­ment.
„[But­ler], mo­men­tar­ily watches the Shuangqing City sit­u­a­tion to change!” [Duke] some­what un­scrupu­lous in­struc­tion, in sit­u­a­tion that if Shi Lei had not died, [Duke] nat­u­rally does not dare to tell [But­ler] splen­did sur­veil­lance Shuangqing City.
Be­cause, h Or­ga­ni­za­tion under the Shi Lei's co­he­sive force may counter-at­tack [But­ler], will cre­ate cer­tain con­flict to [But­ler].
Now, [Duke] [Hope] ob­tains the Shi Lei's death news!
„Good, Sir [Duke]. Sys­tem starts to at­tempt to in­vade Shuangqing City So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem.” [But­ler] was re­spond­ing to [Duke].
In black jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle.
Clone Body [Duke] died, three Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Raider], sim­ply have not come under any in­flu­ence. The so-called toxic gas, is fatal re­gard­ing the crea­ture body, but re­gard­ing me­chan­i­cal body. So long as is not the cor­ro­sive­ness or is the Ul­tra-high Tem­per­a­ture gas, or has the for­mi­da­ble De­stroy strength gas sim­i­larly, how can the triv­ial toxic gas the me­chan­i­cal body?
„[Izual], con­tact Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled)!” The Shi Lei di­rect in­struc­tion said.
Al­though [Duke] Clone Body died, but Shi Lei not care­less, no one can af­firm. In the jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, ac­tu­ally to have any toxic gas to exist. There­fore, spe­cial­ized issue, needs to give spe­cial­ized per­son­nel pro­cess­ing.
After 30 sec­onds, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) con­nects LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
Shi Lei briefed the sit­u­a­tion in de­tail. Opens the mouth say­ing: „Wushuang (Un­par­al­leled), should the toxic gas in car(riage), how process Safety?”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has con­sid­ered evil ways: „Boss, you do not need to be wor­ried ac­tu­ally. Ac­cord­ing to de­scrip­tion of [Duke], the sta­bil­ity of that type of un­known toxic gas is very ob­vi­ously bad, per­haps once with the wide scope air con­tact, will dis­si­pate in the air. The sim­plest pro­cess­ing mode, opens the glass di­rectly. Let the air in car(riage) ex­change with the ex­te­rior at­mos­phere, then can process the un­known toxic gas with ease.”
Shi Lei de­nied this dis­posal plan, „is not good! If the toxic gas re­veals. Has caused other per­son­nel ca­su­al­ties?”
„Such being the case, we trade a dis­posal plan. Boss, you told them, ar­rived at the re­mote place all -ter­rain ve­hi­cle, I processed per­son­ally in the past.” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) more de­tailed an­swered, „only needed cer­tainly to neu­tral­ize the re­solver. Sprays with the at­om­iza­tion way, then can thor­oughly elim­i­nate these un­known toxic gas.”
„Pos­si­ble! I will tell. This all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, stops that side the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany train­ing base. You over­take im­me­di­ately!” Shi Lei told.
„Good!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has not re­fused to say.
The after mat­ter of jeep all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle prop­erly processes, Shi Lei has shut off with the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) com­mu­ni­ca­tion, af­ter­ward has pat­ted clap­ping, opens the mouth say­ing: „Zifeng, after 15 min­utes, the small range dis­sem­i­nates my death news, must strictly con­trol the dis­sem­i­na­tion speed. More­over, dis­patches all Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany and co­op­er­a­tive force, searches en­tire Shuangqing City un­clear iden­tity per­son­nel, searches var­i­ous small inns and black inns with em­pha­sis, pro­vides the lodg­ing the mas­sage shop, as well as re­lated recre­ation area.”
Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany co­op­er­a­tive force, ex­actly as stated Shuanghu Dis­trict ash-gray in­flu­ence. In fact, ex­cept for the Shuanghu Dis­trict ash-gray in­flu­ence, the ash-gray in­flu­ences of other re­gions, sub­mit­ted to the under foot of Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, ac­cu­rate, should com­pro­mise to Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany.
Shuangqing City Grey Power and Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany main­tained the good re­la­tions of co­op­er­a­tion, the ash-gray in­flu­ence ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's cus­tom man­age­ment, Shi Lei will not break the basic rule of ash-gray in­flu­ence.
„This is tar­get that you must seek for!” Shi Lei is point­ing on mo­tion room large screen the [Duke] pic­ture, „any sim­i­lar tar­get per­son­nel, finds the way to con­trol com­pletely, then brings back to Shuanghu Dis­trict! Yes?”
The Li Zifeng se­ri­ous nod, „I un­der­stand! Does Boss, how that side Po­lice process?”
Shi Lei smiled, „felt re­lieved that the Po­lice strength and we are the part­ners of same strip ship!”
„Good, Boss, I process im­me­di­ately!” Li Zifeng turns around to leave the mo­tion room, rapid im­ple­ment Shi Lei's order.
Shi Lei told that [Izual] tele­phones to Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Bai Qiang Bu­reau Chief, Shi Lei needs with Bai Qiang com­mu­ni­ca­tion(s) this mat­ter. Nat­u­rally, is not 1510 com­plete con­fes­sion, but is the se­lec­tive say­ing fact.
„Buddy Shi?” Bai Qiang has con­nected the call, some­what sur­prised ask­ing. Be­cause, Shi Lei some­time, with his con­tact, in ad­di­tion had not had news hearsay Shi Lei to leave Shuangqing City, Bai Qiang thinks Shi Lei not in Shuangqing City!
Shi Lei get right to the point was say­ing, „Old Brother Bai, Shuangqing City had trou­ble­some!”
Bai Qiang had a scare by the Shi Lei so di­rect way, nor­mally, Shi Lei al­ways that tact­ful. „buddy, do not frighten me, what has to trou­ble?”
„Shuangqing City hid For­eign ter­ror­ist!” The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion was say­ing se­ri­ously, „this For­eign ter­ror­ist dan­ger, ac­cord­ing to our in­ves­ti­gate, he has the wide scope to kill Bio­chem­i­cal Weapon, should be a toxic gas. If we do not hold him, per­haps he in Shuangqing City, will cause the huge harm!”
Lis­tens to Shi Lei's to de­scribe that the Bai Qiang com­plex­ion was all of a sud­den white!
„Buddy Shi, this mat­ter can­not crack a joke! Do not frighten me, if there is this fel­low to mix, Old Bro I may un­able to eat the bag to walk!” The Bai Qiang forced smile was say­ing.
The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion is se­ri­ous, the man­ner said earnestly: „Old Brother Bai, you think that I am crack­ing a joke?” Mat­ter that Shi Lei de­scribed at­tack sim­ply, and ex­pressed feign­ing death plan, mak­ing Bai Qiang keep se­cret.
„Buddy Shi, you may prob­a­bly help me!” Al­though Bai Qiang is Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief, but some­thing, Bai Qiang has not ex­pe­ri­enced even­tu­ally, es­pe­cially faces the wide scope to kill the threat of Bio­chem­i­cal Weapon, Bai Qiang nearly wants the di­rect con­tact Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency rhythm.
Luck­ily, Bai Qiang also un­der­stands that Shi Lei should with the aid of the Po­lice strength, sur­rounds and cap­tures that so-called ‚ter­ror­ist’.
„Relax! Old Brother Bai, if not pre­pare to help you, my why con­tact you? I have dis­patched the nu­mer­ous strength, hunts down in en­tire Shuangqing City. My [Hope], your Po­lice also searches, your hunt­ing zones, main cen­tral­ized in reg­u­lar Guest­house and each res­i­den­tial area. This time, you must one after an­other goes to in­ves­ti­gate per­son­ally, So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem has not dis­cov­ered the op­po­site party, the op­po­site party has the means to avoid So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem.” Shi Lei was ex­plain­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
Grey Power that Shi Lei grasps, can in­deed search some small Guest­house and black ho­tels, most recre­ation areas, will not re­volt against the search of ash-gray in­flu­ence.
But these reg­u­lar Large-scale Guest­house and chain-like hotel, the in­hab­ited area, ac­tu­ally will not have bought the ash-gray in­flu­ence the ac­count, nat­u­rally needs the Of­fi­cial strength to send out.
Why this is also, Shi Lei needs to trans­fer the Shuangqing City Po­lice rea­son.
Bai Qiang rub­bish com­plies, „I un­der­stood, I tell im­me­di­ately! Right, tar­get that we must look , do you have the tar­get pic­ture?”
Shi Lei says with a smile: „I have trans­mit­ted passed, your tech­ni­cal per­son­nel should re­ceive.”
After ten min­utes, en­tire Shuangqing City Grey Power and Of­fi­cial Po­lice Force strength, in the way of spring­ing up every­where, has started the com­pre­hen­sive searche in Shuangqing City.
Such sit­u­a­tion, the First time was dis­cov­ered by [Duke]!
Al­though [But­ler] does not have com­pre­hen­sively to grasp So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem, but grasped part of Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era. Through the image that these Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era pro­vide, [Duke] knows that his trou­ble came!
„Shi Lei Shi Lei, you also are re­ally a huge trou­ble, has been dying ob­vi­ously, ac­tu­ally can also mo­bi­lize the so for­mi­da­ble strength! Just, I do not want to be buried along with the dead to you!” [Duke] thought aloud that was say­ing.
„Sir [Duke], ac­cord­ing to the analy­sis of Sys­tem, the search strength of enemy, will ar­rive in our po­si­tion in 30-42 min­utes, please im­me­di­ately shift!” [But­ler] was re­mind­ing [Duke].
The image pic­ture of Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era feed­back smil­ing of [Duke] self-ridicules, through con­trolled, [Duke] un­der­stands that now es­capes rad­i­cally hope­lessly!
Be­cause the search strength of out­side is too crowded, the pos­si­bil­ity that So­cial Pub­lic Safety Sys­tem that in ad­di­tion Shuangqing City had, wants to es­cape had died of suf­fo­ca­tion thor­oughly.
Only then re­mains, has a slim chance of sur­vival!
[Duke] was cal­cu­lat­ing the Shi Lei's death time, was spec­u­lat­ing after Shi Lei died, ac­tu­ally to cre­ate what vi­bra­tion in Shuangqing City.
‚Most ten min­utes, Shi Lei will also die! Once after Shi Lei died, nu­mer­ous issue will con­cen­trate to erupt. In­clud­ing h Or­ga­ni­za­tion and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group lead­er­ship, the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group wealth, ac­tu­ally should be ob­tained by whom. When the time comes, dur­ing Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group will fall into thor­oughly fights, will not pay at­ten­tion to me, at that time was I leaves the Shuangqing City good op­por­tu­nity!’ [Duke] in the heart un­der­stands own sit­u­a­tion.
Also, [Duke] also had the card in a hand!
[Duke] dares to enter Shuangqing City, nat­u­rally has own self-con­fi­dent with card in a hand, if rash clashes, how could it not be does equal to bring upon one­self the blind alley?
„Sir [Duke], Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, Sys­tem ex­am­ines to sur­pass twenty doubt­ful Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group per­son­nel, sur­rounds pub that you were at!” [But­ler] was re­mind­ing [Duke].
The [Duke] ex­pres­sion stares slightly...


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