Saturday, January 13, 2018

1724: Is drown to death?

HK :: VOLUME #18
#1724: Is drown to death?
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ps: Looks at be­hind the «Hacker» ex­clu­sive story, lis­tens to you to novel sug­gested that the at­ten­tion pub­lic num­ber( micro let­ter in­creases friend - in­creases the pub­lic num­ber - in­puts qdread then), told me on the quiet!.
Bat­tery Park Small-scale wharf.
Four [Raider] opened Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem and In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, is scan­ning each inch land of Small-scale wharf, tries to dis­cover any un­usual sit­u­a­tion.
The Shi Lei three peo­ple are ex­am­in­ing four [Raider] feed­backs data, al­though had con­cluded the Small-scale wharf has issue, but through data of [Raider] sur­vey, sim­ply does not have any un­usual cir­cum­stance.
Tao Wenx­ian and [Raphael] ex­pressed again, [Am­du­sias] has the pos­si­bil­ity very much al­ready through the Small-scale wharf, went by boat to leave Bat­tery Park, but Shi Lei as be­fore tena­cious con­tin­u­a­tion in­ves­ti­gate.
The range of Small-scale wharf is small, four [Raider] scanned re­peat­edly three times, feed­back data did not have any un­usual cir­cum­stance as be­fore.
Shi Lei that in­sisted tena­ciously, grad­u­ally also starts to sus­pect. How­ever, at this time, [Izual] has sent out the prompt.
„Sir, Sys­tem ex­am­ines un­known data flow, en­ters New York City Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, and cur­rently pulls and reads Bat­tery Park in­ter­nal Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era in­for­ma­tion.” [Izual] was re­mind­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei look one bright, im­me­di­ately hā hā has laughed.
Al­though [Izual] in­di­cated that is un­known data flow, en­tered New York City Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, but Shi Lei al­most can 100% af­fir­ma­tions, enter New York City Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, im­pres­sively is [Am­du­sias].
„Big Brother Stone, what do you smile?” Tao Wenx­ian puz­zled ask­ing.
The [Raphael] thoughts are more ex­quis­ite than Tao Wenx­ian, he guessed the an­swer, „[Jazz]. Now such sit­u­a­tion, un­known data flow en­ters New York City Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, and points to Bat­tery Park Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, ex­cept for [Am­du­sias], but who can also be?”
Tao Wenx­ian is some­what puz­zled. „Why?”
Shi Lei turned roll one's eyes, is dis­in­clined to ex­plain any­thing, Tao Wenx­ian in the com­puter as­pect tal­ent, rarely has the per­son enemy se­ri­ously. But this fel­low in other as­pect com­pre­hen­sion fac­ulty, in­deed lets per­son dri­ven mad some­times.
„[Izual], takes the Small-scale wharf as the Cen­ter point. Whether nearby the search has the se­cret Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era!” The Shi Lei di­rect in­struc­tion said.
Since is four [Raider], after ar­riv­ing at the Small-scale wharf, brought in [Am­du­sias] to enter New York Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem. This in­di­cated that [Am­du­sias] should in the Small-scale wharf, arrange se­cret Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era. Sees four [Raider] to get sus­pi­cious, wants the sit­u­a­tion of hav­ing a look at other Bat­tery Park re­gions, in­trudes New York City Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem.
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] is con­trol­ling four [Raider] im­me­di­ately, told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that takes the Small-scale wharf as Cen­ter, starts to search whether has the se­cret Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era.
[Am­du­sias] of mys­te­ri­ous hid­ing place, after hav­ing dis­cov­ered four [Raider] sit­u­a­tions. The com­plex­ion be­comes very ugly, he sim­ply has not thought that Shi Lei re­sponded un­ex­pect­edly so rapidly.
‚Must!’ [Am­du­sias] in the heart sud­denly one cool. He arranges Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era around Small-scale wharf, for guar­an­tee Safety as far as pos­si­ble, used phys­i­cal line to trans­mit data.
Trans­mits the data plan through spe­cial-pur­pose phys­i­cal line, in­deed 100% guar­an­tees data Safety, but also has a fatal flaw.
Once were dis­cov­ered phys­i­cal line, that. Only needs to fol­low up a clue along phys­i­cal line, then can dis­cover the [Am­du­sias] hid­ing place with ease.
[Am­du­sias] started to pon­der issue that es­capes. But [Am­du­sias] was pon­der­ing, suc­cess ratio and sur­vival rate of es­cap­ing high.
While [Am­du­sias] in­de­ci­sive time. And [Raider], has dis­cov­ered se­cret Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era.
Shi Lei dis­cov­ered that the se­cret Se­cu­rity Sur­veil­lance Cam­era, con­nected phys­i­cal line un­ex­pect­edly, the Shi Lei First time guessed the rea­son.
„hā hā hā, Heaven Help Me, Heaven Help Me! [Izual], a bit faster along phys­i­cal line, found the phys­i­cal line end point!” Shi Lei told.
[Raphael] has also smiled, „looks like, we have dis­cov­ered the [Am­du­sias] hid­ing place!”
Tao Wenx­ian has not let per­son dri­ven mad fi­nally, say­ing of clear as: „Piti­ful fel­low, uses phys­i­cal line un­ex­pect­edly, wasn't this equal to has given us the guide­post?”
Four [Raider] along the phys­i­cal line search, re­turned the Small-scale wharf rapidly, and through de­ter­mine, phys­i­cal line ex­tended to enter Hud­son River.
In [Am­du­sias] of mys­te­ri­ous hid­ing place, looks that four [Raider] stayed in Hud­son River side, his in the heart raised a faint hope, [Hope] four [Raider] will not enter in the water.
How­ever, next quar­ter, hope evap­o­rate of [Am­du­sias]!
Be­cause of four [Raider], straight plunged into Hud­son River. Al­though June New York, the weather is not burn­ing hot, but [Raider] is not true hu­man­ity, they do not dread coldly. So long as the am­bi­ent tem­per­a­ture in the nor­mal op­er­at­ing re­gion sec­tor, [Raider] will then not strike be­cause of the tem­per­a­ture.
Shi Lei looks at four [Raider] move­ments, the ex­pres­sion sud­denly sees the light, „orig­i­nally in water! No won­der can shield In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor and scan­ning of Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem!”
The mys­ti­cal­ness of [Am­du­sias] hides, in­deed in Hud­son River!
The nu­mer­ous river water, stopped the sur­vey of In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, even though Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, the stop be­cause of water body, pre­ci­sion also sig­nif­i­cantly drops.
How­ever, four [Raider] plunged into Hud­son River, through pat­tern that phys­i­cal line fol­lows up a clue, has de­ter­mined the phys­i­cal line end point fast, im­pres­sively in the Hud­son River base.
„Sir, feeds back in­for­ma­tion through [Raider] Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, bot­tom of Sys­tem de­ter­mine Hud­son River, about 30 me­ters depth, has the Un­der­ground con­struc­tion. Be­cause in more de­tailed data cur­rently Ex­plor­ing, the dis­trib­uted re­gion and area of Un­der­ground ar­chi­tec­tural com­plex, Sys­tem cur­rently fur­ther cal­cu­lates, please wait a mo­ment...” [Izual] is feed­ing back in­for­ma­tion.
On the Shi Lei face has shown the smil­ing face, „[Izual], dis­patches 50% [Raider], goes to the Hud­son River op­po­site, forms the sur­round­ing stance in both banks!”
„Yes!” [Izual] con­trols 13 [Raider] to plunge into Hud­son River im­me­di­ately, swims away to the river op­po­site shore, basic, no mat­ter their be­hav­iors, whether will cause sur­round­ing of passer-by.
How­ever. Such mat­ter, is very dif­fi­cult to cause to sur­round in Li Jian Na­tion!
The Hud­son River bot­tom, four [Raider] through Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, are scan­ning the sit­u­a­tion of Un­der­ground con­struc­tion. About after two min­utes, [Izual] in the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen. Demon­strated the over­all sit­u­a­tion of Un­der­ground con­struc­tion.
The Un­der­ground con­struc­tion sit­u­ated in the Hud­son River bot­tom three 12 meter po­si­tions , the length has about 10 me­ters, the width is only 4 me­ters, the High De­gree 3 me­ters, is al­most 40 squares big Room.
Ap­proach­ing the Bat­tery Park Small-scale wharf, there is a di­am­e­ter about one meter cir­cu­lar chan­nel. Has con­nected the Un­der­ground space sit­u­ated in three 12 meter depths.
In­quiry that Shi Lei smiles: „Phin­ney, you said that what way we should use, breaks the tor­toise­shell of [Am­du­sias]?”
[Raphael] op­tional re­ply­ing: „Any way Pos­si­ble! bor­rows the old say­ing of Xia Na­tion, [Am­du­sias] is the dead pi­geon. Most Safety hid­ing place, in­stead be­came his bur­ial ground, pours is also good.”
The Shi Lei chuckle, „said right! After all, so the quiet place, died also no­body to dis­turb, the total ratio died with­out good Right? of bur­ial ground”
Tao Wenx­ian points at the cir­cu­lar chan­nel say­ing: „Big Brother Stone, we give this chan­nel. How opens a hole?”
Shi Lei stares slightly, af­ter­ward strange looks at Tao Wenx­ian, his idea. Sim­ply is the cruel move!
Thinks, place that [Am­du­sias] hides, is the Hud­son River bot­tom three 12 meter places, through a di­am­e­ter about one meter cir­cu­lar chan­nel, en­ters the Un­der­ground space from the river bed.
If opens a hole on the cir­cu­lar chan­nel, that. Hud­son River river water, under the func­tion of own water pres­sure. Nat­u­rally will enter in the cir­cu­lar chan­nel, thus en­ters the Un­der­ground space.
Once the Un­der­ground space has fulled floaded op­er­a­tion the river water. Can [Am­du­sias] also not die?
Drowned to per­ish is very cruel death way!
In sit­u­a­tion when hu­man­ity in the water body, lacks the oxy­gen, the brain can make the wrong in­struc­tion, mak­ing hu­man­ity open mouth the breath, but pe­riph­ery is the water bod­ies, hu­man­ity can­not breathe the air, can only be poured into the liq­uid of lungs to choke, af­ter­ward re­al­izes in the suf­fer­ing van­ishes, fi­nally died.
[Raphael] has coughed, „[Jazz], your this idea, is some­what vir­u­lent! How­ever, I like!”
Tao Wenx­ian sorry for the in­con­ve­nience said: „That damn doesn't [Am­du­sias], like stay­ing in the river bot­tom? My this has not obeyed his opin­ion, mak­ing him for­ever stay with Un­der­ground?”
Shi Lei has not de­nied the propo­si­tion of Tao Wenx­ian, the di­rect order said: „[Izual], con­trols [Raider], chis­els a hole in the cir­cu­lar chan­nel!”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei, was con­trol­ling four [Raider], ar­rived at the cir­cu­lar chan­nel, a right arm of [Raider] [Raider], stretched out a sil­ver-white drill bit, that was the drill bit of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, not only had the strong de­gree of hard­ness, once sur­passed bore the pres­sure, will not cause the drill bit to dam­age, but was the spe­cial duc­til­ity, mak­ing the drill bit dis­tort.
But, [Snow Sil­ver Metal] had mem­ory na­ture, the even though drill bit dis­torted, ac­cord­ing to the Mem­ory Metal char­ac­ter­is­tics, [Snow Sil­ver Metal] turned the head, will re­store as be­fore.
The [Snow Sil­ver Metal] drill bit of [Raider] right arm, ar­rived on the metal chan­nel, af­ter­ward the sshp High En­ergy Motor for­mi­da­ble power drive the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] drill bit, was start­ing to drill down.
The de­gree of hard­ness of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] drill bit has sur­passed ti­ta­nium alloy, with the for­mi­da­ble ki­netic en­ergy sup­port, the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] drill bit breaks the outer layer of cir­cu­lar chan­nel fast.
Hud­son River Un­der­ground space.
[Am­du­sias] through the sub­ma­rine cam­era, has dis­cov­ered [Raider] in the de­struc­tion cir­cu­lar chan­nel, be­cause al­though [Raider] mixed under water silt, under water cre­ates the en­vi­ron­ment pol­lu­tion, but [Am­du­sias] re­luc­tant de­ter­mine comes out, he soon by the re­sult that the Hud­son River flood­ing will die.
In order to avoid so the sad re­minder re­sult, [Am­du­sias] has to con­sider...


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