Monday, October 23, 2017

313: Advantage that South Ocean Plan trades!

Zhong Mukui by Zhong Muyuan, was seen SMS that should not look, boun­ti­ful as the Zhong Muyuan cousin, makes Zhong Mukui some­what awk­ward.
Zhong Muyuan, dis­plays ac­tu­ally or­di­nar­ily in­com­pa­ra­ble, a face in­dif­fer­ent ap­pear­ance.
‚dīng dīng dīng ~’

The SMS sound re­sounds once more, Zhong Mukui from the Zhong Muyuan hand, snatched cell phone, opens SMS to look.
‚Zhong Mukui, I give you a chance of win­ning pro­mo­tion and get­ting rich, what can you give me?’
This time SMS, is re­ally the [Mr. M] round!
The Zhong Mukui brow wrin­kled, as Cap­i­tal City Ranked be­fore Vice-mayor, his power and in­flu­ence did not say dread­fully, but is also quite scary.
After hav­ing the huge power and in­flu­ence, Zhong Mukui could not re­call to mind, ac­tu­ally how long the time, no­body di­rect start to talk wanted the ad­van­tage to him!

Zhong Mukui did not favor any [Mr. M] Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion. But this mo­ment [Mr. M] di­rectly asked that he wanted the ad­van­tage, Zhong Mukui to raise on the con­trary a an­tic­i­pa­tion.
The op­po­site party dares the fla­grant want­ing ad­van­tage, that ex­plained that the op­po­site party to that Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion, has the ab­solute con­fi­dence.

Zhong Mukui uses cell phone, is re­ply­ing [Mr. M] in­for­ma­tion, ‚what do you want?’
Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei sits in front of Num­ber One Server, looks on the com­puter screen, Zhong Mukui trans­mits, he wants any­thing, im­me­di­ately has pon­dered.
Ac­tu­ally does he need what?

Shi Lei is short of money at pre­sent, but does not ask for money Re­al­ity. First did not say money that must come, by CNS mon­i­tor­ing issue. Solely only said Zhong Mukui, as Cap­i­tal City Vice-mayor, how much money on he has out­wardly?
Wealth se­cretly, did not dis­cuss tem­porar­ily. Only ex­plained merely the money in sur­face, Zhong Mukui can­not put out many. He im­pos­si­ble se­cretly to take self-ex­plo­sion wealth its short, the dis­ci­ple an­noys trou­ble­some to him.
There­fore, money is in­ap­pro­pri­ate, gives up this op­tion.

This east and west|thing, is il­lu­sory than money, does Shi Lei dare to want the power? Doesn't con­firmed that walk into a trap, brings upon one­self the blind alley?
By [Mr. M] iden­tity, what priv­i­lege wants?
Was not grasped, serves for Gov­ern­ment force­fully, is thou­sand En ten thou­sand thanks, thank the Bod­hisattva, thanked God.
The money and power are use­less, what that can Shi Lei want?
As if hasn't cho­sen?

Ac­tu­ally, Shi Lei does not need these east and west|thing, Shi Lei true need east and west|thing, is data!
Ini­tially Shi Lei first went to the cap­i­tal, from Black Net that Un­der­ground se­cret re­search base of in­va­sion. Shi Lei needs that Un­der­ground Base data.

That se­cret Un­der­ground Base, Shi Lei does not know that called any­thing. More­over ac­cord­ing to real IP ad­dress in­for­ma­tion, in net­work ser­vice provider there, has not sought for the cor­re­spon­dence Re­al­ity ad­dress.
Even is the route se­r­ial num­ber, does not have the record. That should be Gov­ern­ment se­cret tests re­search in­sti­tute, all data are dur­ing the se­cu­rity. In­clud­ing the net­work ser­vice, uses ** ac­cess.

pre­vi­ous life, Shi Lei also looked up that se­cret re­search in­sti­tute, more­over data that looked up must be slightly more. What a pity, in­clud­ing data that pre­vi­ous life looks up, Shi Lei re­gard­ing that se­cret re­search in­sti­tute, does not have the least bit ac­cu­rate un­der­stand­ing.
‚I need Cap­i­tal City, in­for­ma­tion of Un­der­ground se­cret re­search base.’ Shi Lei in­for­ma­tion, trans­mit­ted to Zhong Mukui.
Zhong Mukui looks at in­for­ma­tion on cell phone, he frowned im­me­di­ately.
Al­though he is Cap­i­tal City Vice-mayor, but said that ex­tin­guishes one­self power and pres­tige the words, Cap­i­tal City is the Son of Heaven under foot, is the Xia Na­tion cap­i­tal.

Cap­i­tal City se­cret, Zhong Mukui does not know are many!
For ex­am­ple se­cret Un­der­ground Base, these mat­ters, pos­si­bly makes Zhong Mukui know?
Even though Zhong Mukui knows, but did he pos­si­bly say?
Knew from the Zhong Muyuan mouth the [Mr. M] fact, Zhong Mukui is guard­ing against [Mr. M] at times!

‚This con­di­tion, I can­not agree. If Cap­i­tal City Un­der­ground, has any se­cret re­search base , is also not me to man­age, I am im­pos­si­ble to know their in­for­ma­tion.’ Al­though Zhong Mukui has not ac­cepted the re­quest of [Mr. M], the ex­pres­sion that but he replies is very tact­ful. se­cret data that be­cause, Zhong Mukui pro­vides re­gard­ing [Mr. M], lit­tle ex­pec­ta­tion.
Shi Lei re­ceives the reply of Zhong Mukui, not too big sense of being lost and lonely. Zhong Mukui does not know very nor­mally, if Zhong Mukui knew that mys­te­ri­ous Un­der­ground re­search in­sti­tute, in that pre­vi­ous life, by Shi Lei in Angel Par­lia­ment sta­tus, per­haps al­ready in­ves­ti­gate to that Un­der­ground re­search in­sti­tute.

‚I need Cap­i­tal City Un­der­ground Pipe Net­work and sub­way route in­for­ma­tion, as well as the blue­print of Un­der­ground con­struc­tion. These east and west|thing, re­gard­ing you, sim­ply do not have what dif­fi­culty Right?, more­over these east and west|thing, is not High De­gree Con­fi­den­tial In­for­ma­tion.’

Shi Lei pro­posed that the lat­est re­quest, said like him, these east and west|thing were not High De­gree se­cret in­for­ma­tion. For ex­am­ple Un­der­ground Pipe Net­work Sys­tem, can gain data from mu­nic­i­pal ad­min­is­tra­tion \; Sub­way route in­for­ma­tion, can find state-run Com­pany of op­er­a­tion sub­way, searches their in­ter­nal data in­for­ma­tion \; Un­der­ground con­struc­tion blue­print, is these pub­lic Un­der­ground con­structs data.
With­out any same data is High De­gree se­cret in­for­ma­tion, but if Shi Lei seek , will be very trou­ble­some. More­over some data, even needs from Re­al­ity, to have the way to find.

[Mr. M] can­not ex­pose, Shi Lei own iden­tity, can­not be used to seek for these east and west|thing.
Zhong Mukui looks re­quest that Shi Lei puts for­ward newly, he had pon­dered se­cretly, ac­tu­ally these data have any­thing to af­fect. Fi­nally was con­nected the front re­quest.

‚Is it pos­si­ble that this [Mr. M], planned that with these data, what Un­der­ground se­cret re­search in­sti­tute po­si­tion car­ries on to cal­cu­late?’ In the Zhong Mukui heart has sneered.
If there is any Un­der­ground se­cret re­search base, only Un­der­ground Pipe Net­work and sub­way route and data of pub­lic Un­der­ground con­struc­tion, can cal­cu­late, that Un­der­ground se­cret re­search base, was not the se­cret re­search base!
After hav­ing thought through this point, in Zhong Mukui heart se­cret in­ten­tion, agrees with the re­quest of [Mr. M], but he needs to ex­am­ine [Mr. M] se­cret data first.

If [Mr. M] data, is help­ful to him, he then meets the re­quest of [Mr. M]. If [Mr. M] data, the basic least bit use does not have, that Zhong Mukui nat­u­rally will not ful­fill the com­mit­ment.
‚[Mr. M], I can ac­cept your re­quest. Just, I need to look first, data that you pro­vide.’ Zhong Mukui in the tele­phone, replies Shi Lei's in­for­ma­tion.

After Shi Lei re­ceives in­for­ma­tion, has replied the past di­rectly.
‚Gives you look, but my [Hope], your best per­son to look! After is im­por­tant, that se­cret data, less peo­ple know that is bet­ter! In­clud­ing Zhong Muyuan, can­not look to him!’ The reply that Shi Lei ex­horts, the South Ocean Plan mat­ter, must less peo­ple know that ab­solutely is bet­ter.
This is to avoid by cer­tain per­son­nel, trans­mit­ted to Wo Sang Na­tion, that snipe South Ocean Plan, then lost the un­ex­pected ef­fect.
Zhong Mukui looks in SMS, [Mr. M] is so pru­dent, he in SO Plan re­gard­ing USB, an­tic­i­pates more and more.

„Muyuan, Dong Zi, Qiang Zi, your sev­eral go to that side the sofa to drink tea!” Zhong Mukui and Wang Dong three peo­ple of re­la­tions are good, frankly said to them: „This [Mr. M] said that Plan in USB, can­not look to you!”
Wang Dong some­what com­plained: „Big Brother Kui, we are not the by­standers, looks to have any re­la­tions!”
Zhong Mukui smiles not to speak, after all this re­lates to an op­por­tu­nity of win­ning pro­mo­tion and get­ting rich, ar­rives at this po­si­tion, wants fur­ther how more dif­fi­cult?

If [Mr. M], can make him go a step fur­ther, that Zhong Mukui is will­ing to pay many prices.
„Dong Zi, you pass first. I have a look at this SO Plan, if can look to you that I look to you. If, do not ask!” Here, the Zhong Mukui ex­pres­sion, was some­what se­ri­ous.
Wang Dong and the oth­ers, al­though does not pre­fer, but obeyed the Zhong Mukui words.
Zhong Mukui sits in front of the com­puter, is prepar­ing to [Mr. M] round of in­for­ma­tion. That side Shi Lei, has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion to come to Zhong Muyuan.

‚Pass­word: South.​Ocean.​Japan’
Ac­cord­ing to the pass­word of SMS prompt, Zhong Mukui has input the pass­word. In Mon­i­tor, the South Ocean Plan sit­u­a­tion, has demon­strated im­me­di­ately in de­tail.
Zhong Mukui was read­ing the de­tails about South Ocean Plan fast, his com­plex­ion was get­ting more and more stern, per­haps if Wo Sang Na­tion ac­cord­ing to South Ocean Plan im­ple­ment, will bring the se­ri­ous in­com­pa­ra­ble in­jury to Xia Na­tion.
Looks at en­tire South Ocean Plan, Zhong Mukui dis­crete South Ocean Plan close, and has drawn back the USB, in pru­dent putting trouser pocket.
Com­pleted these not say­ing that Zhong Mukui also picked up the phone, a call to the Cap­i­tal City bu­reau.
„Hello? I am Zhong Mukui, in­form­ing He Liang to lead one team of elite spe­cial po­lice of­fi­cers, im­me­di­ately comes to my home!” The Zhong Muyuan sound some­what is slightly loud.

Wang Dong three peo­ple, sur­prised looks at Zhong Mukui, does not un­der­stand that this is any opin­ion.
In the Cap­i­tal City Gov­ern­ment yard, what also there is not Safety?
Ac­tu­ally, this is be­cause South Ocean Plan is im­por­tant, lets Zhong Mukui anx­i­ety can­not help but. Mean­while, this also be­cause of South Ocean Plan, very may make him win pro­mo­tion and get rich, Zhong Mukui quite at­taches great im­por­tance.
„Does Big Brother Kui, in that USB, ac­tu­ally have what data?” Zhao Qiang this whiskers guy, scratches the head ask­ing of face gruff con­di­tion.
„Qiang Zi, you leave asked. This mat­ter, you knew does not have what ad­van­tage!” Zhong Mukui un­der­stands that fierce of South Ocean Plan, it should be kept se­cret as far as pos­si­ble, can achieve the biggest ef­fect.
Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den, Shi Lei from Zom­bie Server, cleaned up the var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties trace, in the heart had re­laxed. Why can he just know the di­a­log of Zhong Mukui and Zhong Muyuan?

That is be­cause of the Zhong Mukui cell phone rea­son!
If Shi Lei said that he first in Cap­i­tal Gov­ern­ment, had found the Zhong Mukui tele­phone num­ber. Then ac­cord­ing to the tele­phone num­ber, uses the net­work tele­phone ac­count, to Zhong Mukui tele­phone trans­mis­sion SMS, has im­planted the code pro­ce­dure in SMS, the first Sys­tem type of de­ter­mine Zhong Mukui tele­phone.

6 years of cell phone, ba­si­cally on Nokia, or is Java Sys­tem, does not have later gen­er­a­tion An­droid and mo­men­tum of iOS half land­scape.
Shi Lei gained Zhong Mukui cell phone au­thor­ity with ease, turned on the cell phone re­ceiver, thus mon­i­tored the Zhong Mukui tele­phone.
‚Zhong Mukui, [Hope] you can ob­serve our agree­ments, oth­er­wise’.

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