Sunday, December 24, 2017

1393: Compass /Compass

HK :: VOLUME #14
#1393: Compass /Compass
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On Jan­u­ary 17, 10 : 00 am.
Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict In­ter­na­tional Air­port, in freight trans­porta­tion air­plane of white paint­ing, Shi Lei sat in the cabin rel­a­tively the good po­si­tion, by Shi Lei was old ac­quain­tance Shi An, he was these time goes to Se­cu­rity Cap­tain of Kruger Na­tional Park team.
In the slightly crude cabin, be­sides Shi An, three old ac­quain­tances, is keep­ing Me­chan­i­cal Power Spe­cial­ist Lu Fang of goat beard sep­a­rately, com­plex­ion is se­ri­ous, the se­ri­ous in speech and man­ner mech­a­nism and Shock Ab­sorp­tion Spe­cial­ist Jin Da, as well as Kang Guangn­ian of face whiskers, he as­sisted to re­search and de­velop Land Com­bat Sys­tem.
This is freight trans­porta­tion air­plane, the cabin en­vi­ron­ment , is so crude, has no way with the pas­sen­ger trans­porta­tion air­plane First Class Cabin con­trast of In­ter­na­tional route, do not say pri­vate plane.
pri­vate plane that Shi Lei pre­pares to pur­chase, has let [Izual] con­tact Boe­ing Com­pany and Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Com­pany, com­pletely through the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany name, in­for­ma­tion that sends out.
Boe­ing Com­pany and Mod­i­fi­ca­tion Com­pany, re­sponded to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany com­pletely, Shi Lei al­to­gether needs to spend 2 3 Mil­lion US Dol­lar, then can ob­tain High De­gree cus­tom-made Boe­ing 757 pri­vate plane.
How­ever, needs to wait for six months ap­prox­i­mately, took on July 1 most quickly, can at­tain to be­long to his pri­vate plane. „Major Shi, these time trou­bled you!” Sits in Shi Lei op­po­site Lu Fang, opens the mouth to say with a smile.
Lu Fang is some He Zhen­bang Spe­cial­ist, fur­ther in­for­ma­tion that he knows this arms sale, knows that Shi Lei and Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, is only the co­op­er­a­tion, but is not the gen­uine ser­vice­man.
„Pro­fes­sor Lu. Said that these do do!” Shi Lei beck­ons with the hand say­ing that Lu Fang par­tic­i­pated in the [Dawn]'s re­search and de­vel­op­ment, he and Shi Lei's re­late well.
„Was right. Major Shi, our these time in Kruger Na­tional Park, big date stays for 10-12 days, you know” name Shi Lei that Right? Lu Fang has not taken ad­van­tage of own se­nior­ity is ‚Lit­tle Shi’, but was call­ing the Shi Lei's po­si­tion, avoided the awk­ward­ness of both sides.
The Shi Lei nod said: „I know. Al­though time long a point, but. Africa, should very in­ter­est­ing Right? Pro­fes­sor Lu. When the time comes, you as­sem­ble two [The Steel and Iron] first, in­stalls that eight fire­crack­ers, I must con­trol them to play every­where!”
Sits the fore­head sweats in Shi Lei Shi An im­me­di­ately. Eight fire­crack­ers? Your Mother! That is Small-scale Guided Mis­sile! Goes to the peat fire­crack­ers!
Shi An winks to Lu Fang wink­ing eye, but was ac­tu­ally seen by Shi Lei, Shi Lei said grate­fully: „Group Head Shi, were you eye en­tered the sand? How con­tin­u­ously wink­ing eye?” Lu Fang has made a help­less fa­cial ex­pres­sion to Shi An, ex­pressed that if not com­ply with Shi Lei, sim­ply does not have the means. Also, this mat­ter, He Zhen­bang also had tac­itly con­sented to that Lu Fang also does hold true by the stop?
„Good. Major Shi. Right, these east and west|thing com­pare Dan­ger, should bet­ter not to use in the nearby.” Say­ing of Lu Fang sense of humor: „Bor­rows clas­si­cal movie lines. If pounded flow­ers and plants any­thing, was not good!”
Shi Lei hā hā nods with a smile, „felt re­lieved! Pro­fes­sor Lu, I will def­i­nitely not play in the, if fright­ened these rare an­i­mals , not good was right?”
The peo­ple chat­ted. Freight trans­porta­tion air­plane takes off fi­nally, this is a long flight jour­ney. Prob­a­bly needs the twenty hour flight time.
Luck­ily, Shi Lei's LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, has used Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, the even though ten thou­sand me­ters al­ti­tude fly­ing , can def­i­nitely re­ceive real-time In­ter­net in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei is glanc­ing over Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, has a look to have any in­ter­est­ing post. But be­sides the Gamer ir­ri­ga­tion plac­ard, other posts, al­most guessed in the analy­sis that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, ac­tu­ally will issue what leisure game.
The Gamer thanks ac­tiv­ity of Cap­i­tal City, Shi Lei an­nounced that Dream En­ter­tain­ment will issue a brand-new leisure game, and in view of vr Game Hel­met user.
This in­for­ma­tion lets have vr Game Hel­met user to an­tic­i­pate in­com­pa­ra­bly, but Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany had not an­nounced that ac­tu­ally to issue any­thing to play, let them , etc. the tooth is itchy, in Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, dis­cus­sion of Crazy.
twenty hour of flight time, be­sides eat­ing meal and sleep­ing, Shi Lei looks at Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Gamer Forum, does not have fi­nally ex­tremely in bored.
Trans­vaal Province of Kruger Na­tional Park sit­u­ated in South Africa. In fact, this province in 1994, no longer ex­isted. But it as be­fore is a well-known ge­og­ra­phy noun, be­cause of Kruger Na­tional Park, but was men­tioned re­peat­edly.
The Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict pack­age of trans­porta­tion spe­cial planes, de­scend are being away from Kruger Na­tional Park re­cent Air­port, the spare part of en­tire 210 [The Steel and Iron], the spare parts of 11 [Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem, ship through the truck to­ward Kruger Na­tional Park.
In­deed is 210, be­cause, if in the process of as­sem­bly, had any un­usual cir­cum­stance, but needs to re­place the spare part, must need spare Right?
There­fore, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict trans­mit­ted the spare parts of ten [The Steel and Iron] to come. Nat­u­rally, once does not need these ten spare [The Steel and Iron], Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict greatly will not show the kind­ness of heart giv­ing Kruger Na­tional Park, but will re­cy­cle.
[Fear­less] Land Com­bat Sys­tem is also this truth.
Un­der­went a twenty hour of flight, as well as one hour of cargo load­ing, adds on two hours of truck trans­porta­tion again, now is Xia Na­tion Time on the morn­ing of Jan­u­ary 18 around 9 : 00 am.
But Kruger Na­tional Park time, to Xia Na­tion, late six hours. Changes a view, Kruger Na­tional Park, the pre­sent is around 3 : 00 am.
How­ever, be­cause of the rea­son of time dif­fer­ence, Shi Lei and the oth­ers does not have the sleepi­ness, want­ing the time to miss, prob­a­bly also re­quires two days.
With­out the peo­ple of sleepi­ness, is di­rect­ing Kruger Na­tional Park staff per­son­nel, starts to arrange the [The Steel and Iron] erect­ing shop. Kruger Na­tional Park, is the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict team, has pro­vided one about 300 squares ware­house, as tem­po­rary erect­ing shop.
Shi Lei does not have the in­ter­est to arrange the [The Steel and Iron] erect­ing shop, he made Har­vey pre­pare in­de­pen­dent Room for him, the ex­cuse in­di­cated to need to rest, how Har­vey pos­si­bly re­jected.
In in­de­pen­dent Room, Shi Lei puts out Note­book Com­puter, the sound that while through LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, the use med­i­tates, told: „[Izual], con­tact Ye Feng.”
Ye Feng has pro­vided LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor sim­i­larly, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] has pro­vided Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, Ye Feng and Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] in the same place, re­gard­less of he in any en­vi­ron­ment, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] can also in­for­ma­tion, switch over to LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor.
Waited for about one minute, Ye Feng has put through the com­mu­ni­ca­tion.
„A'Feng, where did you ar­rive at?” Shi Lei in­quired, he knows Ye Feng they have not ar­rived in South Africa. After all, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict pack­age of spe­cial planes fly, only needs the twenty hour, but Ye Feng they do not have such treat­ment, can only ride the ma­rine trans­porta­tion.
Be­cause Ye Feng they must trans­port six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], how re­gard­less of being un­able to ride air­plane.
„Boss, we still in sea, ac­cord­ing to the cal­cu­la­tion of LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, we prob­a­bly also re­quire two days, can ar­rive in South Africa.” Ye Feng is smil­ing bit­terly the reply, „such speed, is very quick, this ship is our ex­press steam­ers.”
The speed of ma­rine trans­porta­tion is in­deed slow, if Ye Feng they move with the com­mer­cial freighter, per­haps at least needs half a month, can go to the Africa South Africa from Nanyue Na­tion.
„A'Feng, your mo­tions, had not been dis­cov­ered Right?” Shi Lei dis­crete ask­ing.
Ye Feng af­firms say­ing: „Boss felt re­lieved, this point, I can guar­an­tee ab­solutely that we had not been dis­cov­ered by any­body.”...
„That is good! After you ar­rived in South Africa, again con­tact I!” After Shi Lei said that has hung up the tele­phone, both hands on Note­book Com­puter, is rap­ping fast, turned on the satel­lite map.
The Shi Lei prepa­ra­tion in­ves­ti­gates Com­pass Area once more.
Com­pass Area, in Angel Par­lia­ment data Sys­tem, the name of la­belling is not ‚Com­pass’, this is only the name that translit­er­ates.
The Com­pass true name is ‚pass’, this Eng­lish word, rep­re­sents ‚com­pass / com­pass / bound­ary’, can be named as the pass name, this place ab­solutely not Or­di­nary.
Shi Lei does not know that ac­tu­ally pass rep­re­sents what, is ‚com­pass / com­pass’, is ‚bound­ary’?
Along with Shi Lei fast op­er­a­tion of both hands on the note­book key­board, the satel­lite map that on the note­book screen demon­strates, is get­ting more and more clear.
This was Shi Lei trans­ferred gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem, sur­veyed Com­pass Area once more. Shi Lei wants to ex­per­i­ment, in the night, Com­pass Area can have any­thing to dis­cover.
the gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem op­ti­cal sound­ing set is ad­vanced, not only has the night vi­sion glim­mer equip­ment, in­frared hot In­duc­tion sen­sor, even also has ex­is­tence of Par­ti­cle De­tec­tor.
Shi Lei first trans­ferred night vi­sion glim­mer equip­ment, in the low-light-level de­tec­tion can only, be the same to the day­time that Com­pass Area dis­plays, with­out any un­usual cir­cum­stance, has shielded the op­ti­cal de­tec­tion di­rectly, has one group of fuzzy im­ages.
Not will­ingly Shi Lei, trans­fers the in­frared hot In­duc­tion sen­sor once more, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that Com­pass Area sim­ply does not have the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion, is com­pletely same to the sur­round­ing area.
Under has no al­ter­na­tive, Shi Lei only then the choice uses Par­ti­cle De­tec­tor!
Uses Par­ti­cle De­tec­tor to have the risk, some may be dis­cov­ered by gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem ad­min­is­tra­tor slightly care­lessly, once had dis­cov­ered the Shi Lei's be­hav­ior, Third Grade Con­trol­ling Right of Tao Wenx­ian con­trol, will be taken back ab­solutely.
How­ever, under the par­ti­cle de­tec­tion, Com­pass Area is tran­quil­ity as al­ways, it has shielded the par­ti­cle de­tec­tion di­rectly!
It is not able to ob­tain in the re­sult sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei can only clean up the op­er­a­tion trace in gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem fast, then waited for two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], after ar­riv­ing in South Africa, with the aid of Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, en­ters the Com­pass Area sur­vey.
Shi Lei guessed se­cretly, per­haps Com­pass Area, is hid­ing Angel Par­lia­ment big se­cret!


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