Sunday, December 24, 2017

1396: Angel Parliament? No!

HK :: VOLUME #14
#1396: Angel Parliament? No!
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The local time, the twenty day, missed in Jan­u­ary in the af­ter­noon for ten min­utes three points.
Two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], en­tered Com­pass Area Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer. Shi Lei re­gard­ing Com­pass Area, has filled cu­ri­ously.
But when two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], through the Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions link, have trans­mit­ted image data time, the Shi Lei brow wrin­kled, mouth micro, a sur­prised ap­pear­ance.
„This is...” Shi Lei shock­ing looks, the LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor Vir­tual trans­parence screen, is demon­strat­ing a big piece of build­ing.
Make Shi Lei sur­prised is not these build­ings has is mys­te­ri­ous, in­stead these build­ing very Or­di­nary, as if noth­ing spe­cial res­i­dents.
Truly those who make Shi Lei sur­prised is, the de­sign styles of these res­i­dents, un­ex­pect­edly are the styles of Re­pub­lic of China time blue brick tile-roofed house!
That is the Xia Na­tion style!
Shi Lei very clear Angel Par­lia­ment mem­ber, came from Li Jian Na­tion. More­over, Shi Lei is also clear, Com­pass Area, be­longs to Angel Par­lia­ment to have.
After all, showed ac­cord­ing to Angel Par­lia­ment that data that Angel Par­lia­ment has dis­patched many Se­cu­rity strengths in Com­pass. But why be­longs to Angel Par­lia­ment Com­pass Area, is the ar­chi­tec­tural style Xia Na­tion?
Res­i­dents who be­liev­ing of Shi Lei non- brain, Angel Par­lia­ment mem­ber, will def­i­nitely not like the Xia Na­tion style. Since here Large ex­panse has es­tab­lished the Re­pub­lic of China time blue brick tile-roofed house style res­i­dents, that has cer­tainly any issue! „[Izual], rapid de­tec­tion Com­pass basic sit­u­a­tion!” Shi Lei has is­sued the order.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], the fast sur­vey and is feed­ing back in­for­ma­tion. „[Sir], pre­lim­i­nary de­ter­mine, Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer is the bidi­rec­tional line of sight shield.”
Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered this con­clu­sion sim­i­larly. Be­cause of [The Steel and Iron] the image of op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem feed­back, Shi Lei is also ex­am­in­ing in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], on di­ag­o­nal has launched round of Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery by the big el­e­va­tion angle. The launch di­rec­tion, is [The Steel and Iron] en­ters the Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer di­rectly op­po­site.
When Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery alloy pro­jec­tile, fast after shoot­ing, [The Steel and Iron] op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem, is trac­ing the po­si­tion of cor­re­spon­dence.
„[Sir]. In pre­lim­i­nary de­ter­mine Com­pass Area Sec­tion Head, has been 7.7 kilo­me­ters. Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer High De­gree, is about the twenty five me­ters.” [Izual] re­ports to say once more.
This group of data. ex­actly as stated ac­cord­ing to alloy pro­jec­tile of Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery launch, but com­pu­ta­tion data. Hits the Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer time through the speed, vol­ume , the air drag, el­e­va­tion angle and alloy pro­jec­tile alloy pro­jec­tile, data that thus the syn­the­sis cal­cu­lates.
„[Izual], Com­pass Area inner space. Is a reg­u­lar cir­cu­lar?”. Shi Lei in­quired. [Izual] ice-cold un­feel­ing sound. Re­sponded again: „please wait a mo­ment, [Sir], Sys­tem will de­ter­mine once more.”
Two [The Steel and Iron], to an­other two di­rec­tions, have launched Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery once more, thus ob­tains many data com­pu­ta­tions, de­ter­mine Com­pass in­ter­nal sit­u­a­tion.
„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to ini­tial re­sult com­pu­ta­tion. The Com­pass Area in­te­rior is the cir­cu­lar.” [Izual] through Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery, cal­cu­lated the re­sult.
Shi Lei nod­ded slightly. Has not said any­thing.
[Izual] con­tin­ued to test the Com­pass Area sit­u­a­tion, [Izual] was trans­fer­ring Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor.
By Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, so long as in 7.7 kilo­me­ters range, there is any in­frared source, can sur­vey.
How­ever, the sit­u­a­tion is very strange, en­tire Com­pass Area, does not have the in­frared in­frared source un­ex­pect­edly!
But be­fore­hand [The Steel and Iron] out­side, ob­vi­ously sur­veyed Com­pass Area to have two hu­man­ity, now pos­si­bly van­ishes?
„[Izual], care­ful, the Com­pass Area in­te­rior has the strange­ness!” Shi Lei first sus­pected that ex­actly as stated that Large ex­panse of Xia Na­tion Re­pub­lic of China time style blue brick tile-roofed house.
‚Is it pos­si­ble that do these build­ings have what mys­te­ri­ous strength?’ Shi Lei has to to­ward the mys­te­ri­ous strength as­pect pon­der. Oth­er­wise, build­ing that a Angel Par­lia­ment se­cret place, how pos­si­bly con­structs the Xia Na­tion style?
Com­pass Area, a mys­te­ri­ous place, on a dis­play wall, is demon­strat­ing two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron].
Is bring­ing the eye­glasses, wears the golden long gown, the fa­cial fea­tures Or­di­nary Cau­casian mid­dle-aged man, looks at two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], on the face is hav­ing the light happy ex­pres­sion.
On the dis­play wall, by two Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] im­ages, is la­belling the ex­pla­na­tion writ­ing.
‚Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, the [The Steel and Iron] se­ries fol­low­ing work, has pro­vided Laser Weapon and Elec­tro­mag­netic Weapon, has the un­known Power Source plan doubt­ful, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is for­mi­da­ble, the de­fense strength is weak, con­trols per­for­mance Out­stand­ing.’
The Cau­casian mid­dle-aged man be­hind, sits a whole body to bind the per­son of black robe, both have formed the strik­ing con­trast. As if the mid­dle-aged Cau­casian is the Gold war-god, but the black robe mys­te­ri­ous per­son is dark Death God.
„Yo oh, [Amon], Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group that kid, had sud­denly found Com­pass!” Way that the black robe mys­te­ri­ous per­son spoke, as if with singing to be the same. From the tim­bre res­o­lu­tion of sound, this black robe mys­te­ri­ous per­son clearly is young­ster, but called Shi Lei for the kid un­ex­pect­edly.
golden gown mid­dle-aged Cau­casian [Amon], turned around to stare a black robe mys­te­ri­ous per­son, cold -ly snorted and said: „[Am­du­sias], you did not speak, no­body thinks that you were a de­ceased per­son! I am re­pug­nant your this dis­gust­ing speech way!”
[Am­du­sias] does not care about the taunt of [Amon] , to con­tinue with singing the same tune said: „[Amon], how do you plan to process this kid?”
„Pro­cess­ing? Hēng!” [Amon] cold snort, „bor­rowed the Xia Na­tion proverb, you think that per­son is the soft per­sim­mon? To pinch pinches? Angel Par­lia­ment failed, be­sides [Satan], no­body es­capes. Such re­sult, did you guess be­fore?”.
[Satan] ex­actly as stated Angel Par­lia­ment First Giant, that is known as World God [Je­ho­vah]. The same per­son has two dif­fer­ent Sock­pup­pet.
[Je­ho­vah] is Angel Par­lia­ment Sock­pup­pet, but [Satan] is this Mys­te­ri­ous Or­ga­ni­za­tion Sock­pup­pet.
[Am­du­sias] brings to wipe the chuckle, was singing the [say / way] with the happy sound: „Such re­sult, what re­la­tions also there is? Angel Par­lia­ment? Noth­ing but is the toy that [Satan] does bored.”
„Right?”. [Amon] smiled, does not have many ex­pla­na­tions.
„[Amon], ac­tu­ally do you plan to process? These two [The Steel and Iron], how also to pass through that mat­ter bar­rier?” [Am­du­sias] is bring­ing singing of doubts.
[Amon] help­less shak­ing the head, „[But­ler], re­lated data will pull and read.”
„Yes, Sir Mar­quis.” The voice of mid­dle-aged per­son re­sounds to­gether, but is not hu­man­ity sends out. Be­cause, [But­ler] is sim­i­lar [Izual] same Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem.
for­merly, [Amon] unites [But­ler], Su­per­com­puter Amon13, has de­feated Angel Par­lia­ment Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem [Ab­diel].
Along with the in­struc­tion of [Amon], on dis­play wall, demon­strates se­ries data. And, has in­cluded Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, pur­chases DIP Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Re­search Com­pany, Armed Un­manned Pa­trol Boat car­ry­ing Laser Weapon wait / etc. data.
„Does [Am­du­sias], un­der­stand now?”. The [Amon] ex­pres­sion is not ge­nial, some­what im­pa­tient fla­vor.
„Well? Is Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy? The Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group kid, has bold­ness ac­tu­ally!” [Am­du­sias] does not mind the [Amon] ex­pres­sion. „[Amon], I order, shoots down that two [The Steel and Iron].”
The speech is sim­i­lar to sings to be the same, [Am­du­sias] of few minute of proper ap­pear­ance, is un­ex­pect­edly higher than [Amon] on sta­tus!
[Amon] has a mind to re­fute, but nods say­ing: „Yes!”...
After say­ing, [Amon] on touch­ing Mon­i­tor of dis­play wall cor­re­spon­dence, the click has se­lected two [The Steel and Iron], and in touch­ing se­lec­tion menu that from shoot­ing, two times have se­lected the order of De­stroy.
Touch­ing of [Amon] op­er­a­tion con­trols Sys­tem, is ab­solutely more sci­en­tific than win8 of later gen­er­a­tion!
When [Amon] op­er­ates ac­com­plish, after hav­ing is­sued the or­ders of De­stroy two [The Steel and Iron], Com­pass Area, in some Re­pub­lic of China style blue brick tile-roofed house, ex­tends four Mis­sile Launcher.
Care­fully looks, these Guided Mis­sile un­ex­pect­edly are Full-sized Sur­face-To-Air Guided Mis­sile! And, should be force­fully mod­ify the im­prove­ment work of launch pro­gram!
When Mis­sile Launcher Guided Mis­sile, has locked two [The Steel and Iron] time, the in­ci­sive alarm sound, re­sounds in LIP Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor that Shi Lei wears.
„[Sir], [The Steel and Iron] was locked!” [Izual] just warned ac­com­plish, Com­pass Area, on four Mis­sile Launcher, four Full-sized Guided Mis­sile, the di­rect point­ing has locked the [The Steel and Iron] launch!
More­over, be­sides these four Full-sized Guided Mis­sile, ten sev­eral Medium to Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, from sev­eral di­rec­tions, gath­ers round [The Steel and Iron] to fly.
Two [The Steel and Iron] in the south Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer edge, four Full-sized Guided Mis­sile prob­a­bly have about four kilo­me­ters from [The Steel and Iron], other ten sev­eral Medium to Small-scale Guided Mis­sile dis­tances, al­most be­tween three kilo­me­ters to six kilo­me­ters.
Four Full-sized Guided Mis­sile, the fly­ing speed has ex­ceeded 800 m per sec­ond ab­solutely, in other words, only takes five sec­onds merely, they will then hit [The Steel and Iron].
[Izual] to Shi Lei has is­sued the warn­ing at the same time, then started Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery and Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, pre­pares Guided Mis­sile that shoots down to fly.
Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery ther­mal en­ergy stor­age time, al­though only takes 0.9 sec­ond merely. But at pre­sent this sit­u­a­tion, even if 0.9 sec­ond, ap­pears in­com­pa­ra­bly long.
Two [The Steel and Iron] as if are un­able to pre­vent to sur­pass twenty Guided Mis­sile!
The First sec­ond, two [The Steel and Iron] Ruby Laser Ar­tillery ther­mal en­ergy stor­age ac­com­plish, have wrecked two Full-sized Guided Mis­sile.
At the same time, two Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery alloy pro­jec­tiles pro­ject, but has only hit Full-sized Guided Mis­sile. Be­cause, the Full-sized Guided Mis­sile flight tra­jec­tory is not the straight-line flight, a alloy pro­jec­tile and Full-sized Guided Mis­sile par­tic­i­pates.
The next sec­ond, Ruby Laser Ar­tillery makes up blade ac­com­plish, at the last minute Full-sized Guided Mis­sile was wrecked!
It looks like, Dan­ger has as if re­lieved, but in fact, the sit­u­a­tion by far is not such sim­ple ....


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