Sunday, December 24, 2017

1399: The beginning of betrayal!

HK :: VOLUME #14
#1399: The beginning of betrayal!
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Com­pass Area, Zhou Zem­ing is wait­ing for the [Amon] an­swer, since [Amon] in­di­cated that [The Steel and Iron] is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, why Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, can dis­patch [The Steel and Iron] to come Com­pass Area?
This is the rea­son that is un­able to go round.
Com­pass Area is not a pub­lic­ity place, even is a mys­te­ri­ous shel­ter, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group [The Steel and Iron], im­pos­si­ble rush­ing for no rea­son.
[Amon] stops slightly, then opens the mouth say­ing: „Per­haps mr.​chow, the an­swer about this issue, you re­ally should up­date yixia your In­for­ma­tion Net­work. Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group re­ceived to keep Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), did you know?”
The Zhou Zem­ing ex­pres­sion is star­tled, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), doesn't he pos­si­bly know?
„[Amon], you de­ter­mined that this news is re­li­able?” Zhou Zem­ing asked. Mat­ter that al­though [Amon] said that prob­a­bly is that a mat­ter, but Zhou Zem­ing keen feel­ing mat­ter is not right.
„Nat­u­rally! Bor­rows an old say­ing of your Xia Na­tion, all has been said that puts best into it!” [Amon] un­der­stood that too much talk leads to error truth, he has hung up the Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion di­rectly.
Zhou Zem­ing frowns, se­cretly in the heart de­ter­mine [Amon] said that ac­tu­ally real, is Fake. Spoke the hon­est re­mark, Zhou Zem­ing en­tirely does not be­lieve [Amon], s.d Or­ga­ni­za­tion that they and [Amon] are, be­longs to the co­op­er­a­tion, more­over is that type holds in the back mu­tu­ally Knives, co­op­er­a­tion of seek­ing an im­pos­si­bil­ity.
‚Al­ways thought that has any­thing not to be right!’ In the Zhou Zem­ing heart some­what is faintly rest­less, but re­gard­less of this [The Steel and Iron] be­longs to Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict. Be­longs to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, loaded Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, Zhou Zem­ing knew a mat­ter. That was his iden­tity ex­poses!
Orig­i­nally, Zhou Zem­ing plans to wres­tle, shoots down [The Steel and Iron]. But the [The Steel and Iron] fol­low­ing move­ment, mak­ing Zhou Zem­ing post­pone Plan.
Be­cause that [The Steel and Iron], has not left the shield­ing layer un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, but stayed in the south edge of shield­ing layer, seemed wait­ing for any­thing.
Ac­cord­ing to the [The Steel and Iron] move­ment. Zhou Zem­ing de­ter­mine left some in­for­ma­tion, for ex­am­ple. This [The Steel and Iron] in­deed car­ried Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, there­fore does not need to leave the shield­ing layer, can trans­mit data to exit, more­over does not be­long to Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.
The rea­son lies . If Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict [The Steel and Iron], def­i­nitely will not pro­vide the Neu­trino tech­nol­ogy!
After de­ter­mine leaves [The Steel and Iron] be­longs to Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, Zhou Zem­ing had bolder de­ter­mine, he and Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group the non- in­jus­tice re­cently did not have the en­mity in those days, re­gard­ing what Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) mat­ter, be­fore Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, knows his iden­tity?
In ad­di­tion be­fore , [Amon] they launched Guided Mis­sile at­tack [The Steel and Iron], Zhou Zem­ing can­not help but have smiled, ‚[Amon] [Amon], Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group. Should looks for your tal­ent isn't that right? Was, was, you craved in steal­ing the ad­vanced tech­nol­ogy. But the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group tech­nol­ogy so is also ad­vanced, per­haps was you had con­flict Right?’
Zhou Zem­ing guessed 2-3 points the mat­ter, al­though was not cor­rect, but at least Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group tar­get, was [Amon] they.
But now, after Shi Lei has dis­cov­ered Zhou Zem­ing. Also has listed as one of the tar­get him, more­over is most im­por­tant tar­get. This is Zhou Zem­ing is un­able to think ab­solutely.
An­other side. [Amon] and [Am­du­sias] also on dis­play wall, saw the [The Steel and Iron] sit­u­a­tion. [The Steel and Iron] hides in Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer, is the shield­ing layer south end edge po­si­tion that [Amon] they said.
In this po­si­tion, if their at­tack [The Steel and Iron], [The Steel and Iron] must be sep­a­rated from the shield­ing layer. Has Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy [The Steel and Iron], can pass through the shield­ing layer, but Or­di­nary Guided Mis­sile, has used their in­te­rior spe­cial-pur­pose guid­ance scheme, once en­ters the shield­ing layer, out-of-con­trol chaotic will fly ab­solutely.
There­fore, [Amon] they are un­able to use Guided Mis­sile at­tack [The Steel and Iron]!
Also be­cause of [The Steel and Iron] for­mi­da­ble op­er­a­tional ca­pac­ity, they do not have the means to dis­patch armed per­son­nel, goes to shield­ing layer edge at­tack [The Steel and Iron].
„Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], we now what to do? From [The Steel and Iron] sit­u­a­tion de­ter­mine, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group should as­sem­ble the reen­force­ment strength. Once their reen­force­ment ar­rive, I es­ti­mated that they will enter Com­pass Area ab­solutely.” [Amon] an­a­lyzes very thor­oughly, [The Steel and Iron] is not will­ing to de­part . More­over the po­si­tion is also very sub­tle, this ex­plained that [The Steel and Iron] is mon­i­tor­ing Com­pass Area.
[Am­du­sias] sits on the com­fort­able chair, the right arm sup­presses the arm rest, a lazy ap­pear­ance, sang in a soft voice: „Does Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group reen­force in the wait­ing? What do they have to reen­force? Here is the Africa area, is not Xia Na­tion!”
Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group [Old Nest] in Xia Na­tion, this point their in­ves­ti­gate was been clear by [Am­du­sias]. Al­though Shi Lei has fic­tion­al­ized Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Head­quar­ters, even also fic­tion­al­ized a se­ries de­part­ment to come out, but has not cheated [Am­du­sias] they.
Wants from Xia Na­tion, or is Nanyue Na­tion, dis­patches the strength to the Africa area, ab­solutely is not the sim­ple mat­ter. Even if with air­plane, im­pos­si­ble in short three hours of ac­com­plish.
[Amon] ac­tu­ally light snort, „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], do not for­get, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group sub­or­di­nate(s) that Dark Hell, has also arranged a strength in the Africa area.”
„Right? That waited to favor!” [Am­du­sias] does not care say­ing that „[Amon], your best [Hope] Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group fel­low, dares to at­tack . If such, see­ing that you will be hon­ored, Com­pass Area, is ac­tu­ally hid­ing what se­cret.”
The [Amon] look slightly changes, Com­pass Area se­cret, merely only then ‚Duke’ knows that but is not the con­tent that ‚Mar­quis’ can know.
‚Right? Can I con­tact Com­pass Area se­cret fi­nally?’ In the [Amon] heart can­not bear an ex­cite­ment.
„[Amon], gives this Sir Duke, pre­pares feast, I must here, look at Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group that kid, can ac­tu­ally make what mat­ter.” The [Am­du­sias] melody, is hav­ing a teas­ing fla­vor.
[Amon] bears dis­con­tent­edly, can only nod say­ing: „Good, Sir Duke [Am­du­sias]!” [Amon] clenched teeth to say.
Al­though is Mar­quis, but the [Amon] tech­no­log­i­cal strength, or is other as­pect abil­i­ties, is not weak in [Am­du­sias]. Oth­er­wise, not by the Or­ga­ni­za­tion arrange­ment in Com­pass Area.
Night ar­rives, three hours in a hurry.
Shi Lei has paid at­ten­tion to in­for­ma­tion that [The Steel and Iron] is pass­ing on, is sim­i­lar to the Shi Lei guess, the blue brick tile-roofed house of that Re­pub­lic of China time style, re­ally ex­ists strangely.
They can shield In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor!
Ac­tu­ally as for is the sci­en­tific method to re­al­ize, is other meth­ods, Shi Lei does not know tem­porar­ily. Shi Lei sim­ply only knows that Zhou Zem­ing en­tered a blue brick tile-roofed house, then van­ishes from In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor.
„Merc Corps that A'Feng, you said?” Shi Lei looked at the time, is three hours 15, the reen­force­ment strength that but Ye Feng said that sim­ply has not ac­tu­ally come.
Ye Feng was also pon­der­ing that this mat­ter, „Boss, please wait a bit, my cur­rently con­tact they.”
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] has Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­ogy, in ad­di­tion [Izual]'s is aux­il­iary, through [Dawn]'s Neu­trino Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Mod­ule, in en­tire World any cor­ner, does not have the com­mu­ni­ca­tion dead angle.
How­ever, Ye Feng ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that that Small-scale Merc Corps that he is un­able on con­tact, he to grasp.
‚Strange, how is this mat­ter?’ In the Ye Feng heart pon­dered se­cretly that „[Izual], tries con­tact Jing Ke once more.”
Small-scale Merc Corps of Ye Feng con­trol, in­deed named Jing Ke, stems from Jing Ke to punc­ture the Qin King lit­er­ary ref­er­ence, means that can for tar­get, but gives up own life.
This is also Ye Feng es­tab­lishes the Jing Ke Merc Corps ini­tial goal, [Hope] gath­ers a group of peo­ple ready dead, but some reached(an agree­ment) goals.
„A'Feng, sit­u­a­tion how?” Waited for sev­eral min­utes, have not got­ten the re­sponse of Ye Feng as be­fore, Shi Lei have to in­quire again.
The Ye Feng forced smile said: „Per­haps Boss, pre­sented any issue, my con­tact not on Jing Ke Merc Corps.”
„Um?” A Shi Lei brow wrin­kle, in the heart raises sud­denly a rest­less­ness, at this crit­i­cal mo­ment, con­tact on Jing Ke Merc Corps, al­ways does not make Shi Lei think that sud­denly does not suit.
Ac­tu­ally, be­fore Ye Feng in­di­cated that Jing Ke Merc Corps in the, Shi Lei thinks some­what strangely. Be­cause the mat­ter was too as if skill­ful a point, be­cause Shi Lei does not know Jing Ke Merc Corps.
Shi Lei looked at Ye Feng faintly, not the won­der­ful ideas mul­ti­ply in the heart.
„Ac­tu­ally is what sit­u­a­tion?” Shi Lei light snort.
Ye Feng ex­plained: „Boss, I through [Izual], con­tact Jing Ke Merc Corps, but op­po­site party satel­lite tele­phone close, is un­able to con­nect on.”
In Shi Lei heart rest­less is get­ting stronger and stronger, „[Izual], locks the op­po­site party satel­lite tele­phone po­si­tion fast, feeds back the con­crete map.”
„Yes , sir!” [Izual] fast im­ple­ment the Shi Lei's order, was trac­ing the po­si­tion of Jing Ke Merc Corps satel­lite tele­phone. „Sir, the op­po­site party satel­lite tele­phone close, the last con­firmed po­si­tion has shown for the fol­low­ing.”
[Izual] the Jing Ke Merc Corps satel­lite tele­phone, the po­si­tion of lat­est entry, has demon­strated. That is away from Shi Lei they in the po­si­tion, east­ern South­ern about 30 kilo­me­ters place.
The sound that the Shi Lei use med­i­tates, told again: „[Izual], la­bels the Jing Ke Merc Corps line of march.”
[Izual] using the sig­nal record of satel­lite tele­phone, has la­belled the Jing Ke Merc Corps line of march, in­deed de­ferred to the place that Ye Feng said to catch up ac­tu­ally.
In the Shi Lei heart also se­cretly guessed that con­tact on Jing Ke Merc Corps, be­cause of Com­pass Area that Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer, hasn't pre­vented the satel­lite sig­nal?
In order to con­firm own idea, to sur­vey the Jing Ke Merc Corps po­si­tion, Shi Lei told [Izual], started gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem Third Grade Man­age­ment Au­thor­ity, trans­ferred gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem satel­lite, by In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, scanned the Com­pass pe­riph­eral area.
Shi Lei their pre­sent range Com­pass Area Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer, merely only then less than ten kilo­me­ters place, if gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem, can de­ter­mine that their po­si­tions, that ex­plained that the Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer area of in­flu­ence so is not broad.
Also ex­plained that con­tact on Jing Ke Merc Corps, def­i­nitely does not have issue!
Truly speak­ing, Shi Lei not [Hope] that sit­u­a­tion oc­cur­rence...


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