Sunday, December 24, 2017

1402: Mystical Underground Base!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1402: Mystical Underground Base!
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South African local time, in Jan­u­ary twenty day, around 9 : 00 pm.
Com­pass Area, six Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], De­stroy the blue brick tile-roofed houses of all Re­pub­lic of China styles, have dis­cov­ered a sil­ver-white metal plate af­ter­ward.
This sil­ver-white metal plate, the whole pre­sents the rec­tan­gle, the length has more than four me­ters, the width ex­ceeds three me­ters, looks like seems a Un­der­ground feeder open­ing.
Ye Feng uses [Dawn]'s Alloy Heavy Sword, cuts to strike on the sil­ver-white metal plate, merely only has ac­tu­ally cre­ated one sword im­print. And, this sword im­print, cur­rently re­stores at a naked eye ob­vi­ous speed to­gether.
Only less than a half minute, sword im­print on sil­ver-white metal plate, van­ished with­out the trace. The sil­ver-white metal plate, re­stored the smooth sur­face.
The Shi Lei com­plex­ion is slightly ugly, „Mem­ory Metal!”
Right, the sil­ver-white metal plate, in­deed is Mem­ory Metal . More­over the per­for­mance is good, in the so short time, then re­gained the orig­i­nal state. Mean­while, its de­fense in­ten­sity is very big, Alloy Heavy Sword that for­mi­da­ble strength, is un­able to shake it.
„Boss, do I try again?” Ye Feng pleads to say.
Shi Lei had pon­dered slightly, then shakes the head the de­nial, „does not need to try again, the re­sult is the same, this Mem­ory Metal per­for­mance very Out­stand­ing, only if... Wait / Etc., A'Feng, your this time, do not use Alloy Heavy Sword, tries with Alloy Shield!”
„Good!” Ye Feng Alloy Heavy Sword, in­serted in the land, af­ter­ward both hands worked on Alloy Heavy Shield, ar­rived at the sil­ver-white metal plate side, both hands has gripped Alloy Heavy Shield, by the shield base. To sil­ver-white metal plate, ef­fort has pounded!
„kuāng dāng ~ wēng ~”
sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal and Alloy Heavy Shield, have made the dif­fer­ent sounds. On the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board. The Alloy Heavy Shield base, pounded deep hol­low it.
The scope that this time, gets down hol­lowly, at least has two cen­time­ters!
Ye Feng looks that Alloy Heavy Shield at­tack has func­tion, im­me­di­ately lifts Alloy Heavy Shield, again layer on layer has pounded, Alloy Heavy Shield base. at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board same place.
„kuāng dāng ~ wēng ~”
The sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, has ex­uded the fierce sound once more. The de­gree of hol­lowly get­ting down is big­ger, ac­cord­ing to the [Dawn]'s op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion, the Cen­ter hol­low depth has been 2.4 cen­time­ters.
In the Shi Lei heart shocks in the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal in­ten­sity and duc­til­ity, si­mul­ta­ne­ously had dis­cov­ered [Izual] gives the warn­ing of Ye Feng. But hadn't Ye Feng as if dis­cov­ered?
„A'Feng, stops!” Shi Lei looks that Ye Feng will soon start third time at­tack, is­sues the order rapidly.
Ye Feng stopped, „Boss, how...” He in­quired half, then has ter­mi­nated, be­cause on [Dawn] in­ter­nal hud Mon­i­tor, is demon­strat­ing re­lated warn­ing in­for­ma­tion.
Alloy Heavy Shield at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board time, the strength of for­mi­da­ble counter- shak­ing. Let Alloy Heavy Shield has made ‚hum­ming sound’ sound.
This in­stead shakes the strength, lets the [Dawn] in­ter­nal Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment, has been in the short ex­hausted time. If con­tin­u­ously, uses the Alloy Heavy Shield at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, will drive the pilot in cabin to [Dawn], causes the dam­age of cer­tain ex­tent.
Some mys­te­ri­ous place, [Amon] and [Am­du­sias] through the dis­play wall, look at the [Dawn] at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board. Their com­plex­ions are not at­trac­tive.
Mem­ory Metal that „.rise has, un­ex­pect­edly is so for­mi­da­ble? [Amon]. Re­lated in­for­ma­tion data, do you know?” [Am­du­sias] was in­quir­ing [Amon].
[Amon] shakes the head di­rectly, „do I pos­si­bly know? .rise these fel­lows, are very strict to our pro­tec­tion, I their Un­der­ground Base have not gone, even does not know that they have the Mem­ory Metal tech­nol­ogy.”
[Am­du­sias] shriv­elled a lower jaw, „like this said that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group has helped us, un­der­stands our part­ners?”
„Should Yes!” [Amon] not un­der­stand the hu­mor­ous re­sponse to say.
„[Amon], you guessed, waited a while Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group these Metal Ex­oskele­ton, how broke through .rise de­fense .rise to deal?” [Am­du­sias] seems car­ing about Zhou Zem­ing Safety, very in­ter­ested ask­ing.
„This...” [Amon] sud­denly fell into the pon­der, does not know how .rise will deal with Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn].
Under sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board .rise Un­der­ground Base.
Zhou Zem­ing face whiten looks at the same time the dis­play wall, demon­strated in­for­ma­tion that he in­quired: „Lit­tle Tao, how long can we also in­sist?”
Named Lit­tle Tao mid­dle-aged man, anx­ious is star­ing at Mon­i­tor, looks at the above demon­stra­tion data in­for­ma­tion, „El­derly Zhou, if the op­po­site party con­tin­ues the be­fore­hand at­tack in­ten­sity, the el­e­va­tor en­trance can only in­sist ap­prox­i­mately for four min­utes. After four min­utes, the Mem­ory Metal duc­til­ity reaches the limit, will then be bro­ken through by the op­po­site party.”
Ac­tu­ally also has an­other sit­u­a­tion, Lit­tle Tao has not said. That sit­u­a­tion, is too awful.
„Damn Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group! They think that we are. Devil that Evil Or­ga­ni­za­tion?” Zhou Zem­ing de­pressed com­plained. „Damn. Devil, does not know that their steal Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group any data, has let pur­su­ing that the op­po­site party has no fear of great dis­tances un­ex­pect­edly to Com­pass, must ask them to do ac­counts!”
Or­ga­ni­za­tion that Devil, ex­actly as stated [Amon] and [Am­du­sias] are, trans­lates the Xia Na­tion lan­guage is ‚Solomon Dev­ils’, but in fact, their Or­ga­ni­za­tion name, should be ‚End­less Abyss’.
All mem­ber code num­bers and Angel Par­lia­ment are just the op­po­site, com­pletely in the name of fiend. ‚[Amon]’, is ‚[Am­du­sias]’, com­pletely is the fiend real name.
Stands be­hind Angel Par­lia­ment, is End­less Abyss. That is known as World God [Je­ho­vah], is End­less Abyss [Satan], es­tab­lishes Angel Par­lia­ment, and mem­ber in the name of Angel, com­pletely is a wicked in­ter­est.
Out­side sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board. Be­sides Shi Lei, five Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] are sur­round­ing the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, com­plete both hands grip Alloy Heavy Shield.
They pre­pare by clock­wise strat­egy of mi­gra­tion. In turn in turn at­tack sil­ver-white gene metal plate. Also in other words, when Ye Feng First after the Alloy Heavy Shield at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, fol­lows in Ye Feng fol­low­ing Zheng San­pao, Ye Feng Sec­ond at­tack.
Af­ter­ward is Third Ma Liang, again is Fourth Chen Xin­grui, as well as last Zhu Mingx­uan, then re­turns to the zero point. Also is Ye Feng.
at­tack, ef­fec­tively al­le­vi­ated Alloy Heavy Shield one after an­other in turn in­stead shakes the strength!
Five Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s ef­fi­cien­cies. Has gone far be­yond an ef­fi­ciency of Ye Feng per­son. Orig­i­nally, prob­a­bly takes four min­utes, can break the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board de­fense, but now less than one minute. sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board hol­low po­si­tion, al­ready down­ward hol­low over 15 cen­time­ters.
Shi Lei looks at the hol­low de­gree of sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, in the heart is pon­der­ing, wait­ing a while must find this sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal for­mula.
Be­cause, this toy de­fense strength is not only for­mi­da­ble, duc­til­ity Out­stand­ing, but also to a cer­tain ex­tent, has pre­vented the laser un­ex­pect­edly. Even if that has used the prin­ci­ple of op­ti­cal scat­ter­ing.
„kā ~”, when Ma Liang pounds down Alloy Heavy Shield fiercely, the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board has made the sound of being un­able to with­stand the load fi­nally. The hol­low place pre­sented a tiny crack.
Shi Lei changed the strat­egy im­me­di­ately, opens the mouth say­ing: „Use laser tries! Lo­cates at­tack from the crack!”
Ye Feng the im­ple­ment order, uses Ruby Laser Ar­tillery im­me­di­ately. Aims at Sys­tem ac­cord­ing to [Izual]'s aux­il­iary, has locked the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board crack place.
This time, the Ul­tra-high Tem­per­a­ture laser, per­forms good deeds fi­nally, melted the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board eas­ily, but was not scat­tered again.
Looks at the daz­zling red laser. Melts the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, Shi Lei sud­denly dis­cov­ered. He had just made a mis­take.
Good that the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal per­for­mance, he has not es­ti­mated in fact from the be­gin­ning, re­sists the laser the strat­egy, in the sur­face, has car­ried on scat­ter­ing of light pro­cess­ing merely.
Also in other words, once de­stroyed scat­ter­ing of light pro­cess­ing of sur­face, then can break the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, re­sists the laser the mech­a­nism.
Said sim­ply, ex­actly as stated first time at­tack sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board time, so long as the Shi Lei order by laser at­tack that sword im­print, can melt the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board to­gether.
Has say­ing that some­times, Shi Lei will also vi­o­late silly, but [Izual]'s Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule, en­dures com­pared with hu­man­ity merely, but does not have the elab­o­ra­tive fac­ulty of hu­man­ity.
There­fore [Izual] has not re­minded the Shi Lei sim­pler dis­posal plan!
Ul­tra-high Tem­per­a­ture red laser, the sil­ver-white Mem­ory Metal board, com­plete in­ci­sion. Huge, ver­ti­cal down­ward cave en­trance ap­pears.
In cave en­trance a dark­ness, with­out any ray. Even if star light of Op­ti­cal Dis­place­ment Layer de­flec­tion, has il­lu­mi­nated merely a wee bit dis­tances.
Ye Feng is dri­ving No. 2 [Dawn], ap­proached cave en­trance to ob­serve, but low light level night vi­sion de­vice, was help­less!
„Boss, fol­low­ing sit­u­a­tion un­known!” The Ye Feng re­port said that af­ter­ward told: „San­pao, throws a flare to have a look!”
Zheng San­pao from the ex­ter­nal tac­ti­cal waist­band, took down a flare, after burnt, has thrown into jet black cave en­trance, then through op­ti­cal de­tec­tion Sys­tem ex­am­i­na­tion.
„Boss, the cave en­trance depth ex­ceeds 100 me­ters, a deeper sit­u­a­tion, is un­able to sur­vey.” The Zheng San­pao re­port said.
[Dawn] of Zheng San­pao dri­ving in the sur­vey, [Izual] nat­u­rally started Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine to an­a­lyze the sit­u­a­tion in cave en­trance, [Izual] re­ports to say to Shi Lei: „Sir, after Sys­tem con­trastive analy­sis, this cave en­trance for lift well.”
[Izual] on hud Mon­i­tor, demon­strated the image in cave en­trance, and all around ver­ti­cal axle will have la­belled, these were the tracks that the el­e­va­tor op­er­ated.
„A'Feng, San­pao, [Izual] con­firmed, this cave en­trance is the lift well. This in­di­cated that that Zhou Zem­ing that we dis­cov­ered be­fore, should ride the el­e­va­tor to flee to this se­cret Un­der­ground Base.” Shi Lei was ex­plain­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
Ye Feng said im­me­di­ately: „Boss, I can get down sur­vey!”
En­ters the depth to ex­ceed 100 me­ters, sit­u­a­tion un­known Un­der­ground Base, is re­ally too Dan­ger, this is Ye Feng ex­presses the heart­felt best way...


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