Sunday, December 24, 2017

1409: Silver War God!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1409: Silver War God!
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'Dragon Rise' Plan se­cret Un­der­ground Base, in Safety bunker, Un­manned Room.
Zhou Zem­ing looks at some­what angry Wu Shaobai, says with a smile: „Shaobai, do you want to main­tain a liveli­hood?”
„I think cer­tainly!” Wu Shaobai with one type look that looks at Idiot, looks at Zhou Zem­ing , do some peo­ple on own ini­tia­tive go to?
If Shi Lei hears these words, cer­tainly will tell Wu Shaobai, that is Wu Shaobai does not know [Raphael]. If Wu Shaobai knows [Raphael], he knows, ac­tu­ally some peo­ple, will also go to re­ally on own ini­tia­tive.
When a per­son has lost hope, did not have seek­ing live­hood *, the death in­stead was an ex­tri­ca­tion. Not?
The event has so the sit­u­a­tion, Zhou Zem­ing has to spread out the card in a hand, „Shaobai, in the Safety bunker, has es­cape pas­sage!”
„What?” Be­cause Wu Shaobai is ex­cited, the sound has in­creased a point.
Zhou Zem­ing has made one im­me­di­ately ‚breath­ing out’ the move­ment, hints Wu Shaobai low voice, he ex­plained: „This es­cape pas­sage, is the se­cret in se­cret, only then I know.”
Wu Shaobai calm, looks at Zhou Zem­ing say­ing: „Why do you want to tell me?”
The over­tones of these words is, Zhou Zem­ing why do not run away, mak­ing Wu Shaobai keep Safety bunker Mod­er­ate dead. Zhou Zem­ing also said in any case, Com­pass Area is place of in­for­ma­tion seal, died in Com­pass Area, was im­pos­si­ble to give any mes­sage.
Zhou Zem­ing says with a smile: „Shaobai, if I said that does not want to make you die here. You def­i­nitely do not be­lieve that isn't that right?”
Wu Shaobai had not replied, but the an­swer is ob­vi­ous.
„Shaobai. Per­haps you do not be­lieve that but has not re­lated. Walks, I lead you to go to es­cape pas­sage!” The move­ment that Zhou Zem­ing has made in­vi­ta­tion, sup­ple­ments af­ter­ward said: „You take a mil­i­tary use note­book to come, we need it!”
Wu Shaobai ex­pres­sion slightly one anx­ious, „do not drop out me!”
Zhou Zem­ing hā hā smiles, „Shaobai. If I must drop out you, why told you these?”
Wu Shaobai thinks. Prob­a­bly is this truth, if Zhou Zem­ing wants to drop out him, why told him these mat­ters? Doesn't that do the un­nec­es­sary, moves un­nec­es­sar­ily?
Less than three min­utes. Wu Shaobai then takes a mil­i­tary use note­book to come back, sees Zhou Zem­ing re­ally in he, in his heart re­laxed, the ex­pres­sion also be­came well. „El­derly Zhou, the mil­i­tary use note­book brought!”
Zhou Zem­ing opened mil­i­tary use Note­book Com­puter, in the above fast input a se­ries of codes, has pressed down the def­i­nite but­ton af­ter­ward.
On the mil­i­tary use note­book screen, demon­strated that a pic­ture, that is se­cret Un­der­ground Base. But looks like not big, merely only then bas­ket­ball court gen­eral size.
In Un­der­ground Base of bas­ket­ball court size, two huge sil­ver-white Steel and Iron Robot silent stand erect. sil­ver-white Robot. High De­gree has ex­ceeded ten me­ters, about 12 me­ters, the Steel and Iron sole is sim­i­lar to a sedan car is about com­mon.
sil­ver-white Steel and Iron Giant and Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] is the same, has huge Alloy Sword, huge Alloy Shield. Alloy Sword, is Alloy Shield. Com­pletely with fuse­lage same sil­ver op­ti­cal scin­til­la­tion.
Zhou Zem­ing ex­plained low voice, „this is the Metal Ex­oskele­ton pro­ject of our se­cret de­vel­op­ment. Code num­ber Sil­ver War God. The High De­gree 12 me­ters, 31 tons in weight, has used spe­cially-made In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine and fluid drive. The bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, is the de­fense strength, is very splen­did!”
Wu Shaobai sur­prised looks at the mil­i­tary use Note­book Com­puter screen, in­quired the doubts in heart, „El­derly Zhou, since we de­velop such for­mi­da­ble op­er­a­tional weapon, why can give up? I think Sil­ver War God in any case, re­gard­less of which as­pect, must sur­pass Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier not to have the sev­eral fold. Even if the name, a war-god, a sol­dier, sim­ply the dif­fer­ence of heaven and earth!”
Zhou Zem­ing has smiled bit­terly, „why can give up? Be­cause Sil­ver War God has a fatal flaw!”
„What flaw?” In the idea of Wu Shaobai, Sil­ver War God and Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn] com­pares, [Dawn] com­pletely is malde­vel­op­ment small child. Sil­ver War God only takes a minute of minute, can the sec­ond kill [Dawn]!
Wu Shaobai re­ally can­not think, so per­fect does Sil­ver War God, what flaw have?
But Zhou Zem­ing as be­fore smiles bit­terly, „this is Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group the place of su­pe­ri­or­ity! Sil­ver War God Power Source re­ceived re­stric­tion(s), al­though has used spe­cial man­u­fac­ture In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine, pro­vides the huge power. How­ever, be­cause In­ter­nal Com­bus­tion En­gine tech­nique of man­u­fac­ture re­stricted, sup­plies the en­ergy way issue, as well as the space of stor­age fuel, the Sil­ver War God op­er­a­tional time, has the twenty minute merely. Once started Sil­ver War God, how re­gard­less to save the fuel, most can also use for a half hour. Per­haps if the in­tense fight, can only main­tain ten min­utes of fight time, has the pos­si­bil­ity mat­ter.”
„...” Wu Shaobai flipped the su­per­cil­ious look, this in­deed is fatal issue. Ini­tially, the great state head did, how lose the war?
Al­though the rea­son is very com­plex, but is un­able to ne­glect the rea­son that is the state head Steel and Iron army, did not have the suf­fi­cient fuel oils, is un­able to par­tic­i­pate in the fight.
Sil­ver War God looks like very for­mi­da­ble very pow­er­ful, may not have power Sil­ver War God, is only a stay still iron lump, how wants to dev­as­tate how to dev­as­tate.
„The Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier bat­tle ef­fi­ciency, can con­tinue for over 72 hours, day and night the con­tin­u­ous fight, con­quers own 100 times of quan­tity above en­e­mies, why we do not give up Sil­ver War God, but choice Slaugh­ter Dragon Sol­dier?” Zhou Zem­ing asked.
Wu Shaobai said being dumb­founded.
Zhou Zem­ing has pat­ted the shoul­der of Wu Shaobai, „, but, Shaobai, we op­por­tu­nity, makes up for the Sil­ver War God flaw op­por­tu­nity now. Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, is hav­ing one set of spe­cial en­er­giz­ing Sys­tem ob­vi­ously, if we ob­tained it, the Sil­ver War God flaw, no longer will be the flaw.”
The breath short­ness of Wu Shaobai, „I un­der­stood, El­derly Zhou, so long as we ob­tained the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton en­er­giz­ing plan, even though this 'Dragon Rise' Plan Se­cret Base, thor­oughly by De­stroy, ab­solutely does not have any re­la­tions. After all. We have not needed 'Dragon Rise' Plan, right?”
„Yes!” Zhou Zem­ing af­fir­ma­tive nod. „Walks! Dri­ves Sil­ver War God with me, let­ting us Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton. Grasps com­pletely, let them un­der­stands that ac­tu­ally any­thing is the me­chan­i­cal strength!”
Wu Shaobai some­what scru­ple said: „El­derly Zhou, I have not dri­ven Sil­ver War God, Ok?”
„Relax! Sil­ver War God dri­ving Sys­tem is ad­vanced, in the Sil­ver War God in­te­rior, in­te­grated a move­ment to con­duct Sys­tem. Through ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion plan, you in the Sil­ver War God in­ter­nal move­ment. The com­plete con­duc­tion ex­te­rior, passes Sil­ver War God im­ple­ment.” Zhou Zem­ing an­swered.
This dri­ving plan, in some sim­i­lar Pa­cific Rim, that giant mecha dri­ving plan. Al­though is not most ad­vanced ex­is­tence. But at least can also com­pare fa­vor­ably with the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s dri­ving plan.
„So good!” Wu Shaobai has put down the worry.
Zhou Zem­ing guides in front, they ar­rived at the Safety bunker deep place to­gether, Room of stack junks, in this Room, Zhou Zem­ing opened a dark check, has placed above the right hand, through fin­ger­print iden­ti­fi­ca­tion con­fir­ma­tion.
„Shaobai, you also con­firm!” Zhou Zem­ing ex­pres­sion in­dif­fer­ent say­ing, „wants to open two Sil­ver War God. Needs the fin­ger­print ver­i­fi­ca­tions of two peo­ple.”
In fact, is not true!
This set of safely es­cape Sys­tem, al­though only then high­est per­son-in-charge of base knows. But must high­est per­son-in-charge and Sec­ond per­son-in-charge agreed to­gether that can open.
This is also Zhou Zem­ing draws in the Wu Shaobai rea­son, oth­er­wise, who man­ages the Your Mother Wu Shaobai life?
As the fin­ger­print ver­i­fi­ca­tion of high­est per­son-in-charge and Sec­ond per­son-in-charge passes, a spe­cially nar­row and small chan­nel ap­pears, this chan­nel will has about half meter. Has an or­bital car(riage) of sim­i­lar mine car in the chan­nel, but above has the seat.
Zhou Zem­ing and Wu Shaobai have seated the or­bital car(riage) of sim­i­lar mine car. Hur­ries to the Sil­ver War God hangar fast. About after three min­utes, they en­tered the Sil­ver War God hangar.
Zhou Zem­ing is start­ing the re­lated equip­ment im­me­di­ately deftly, si­mul­ta­ne­ously told: „Shaobai, note­book Wire­less net­work, in the con­nec­tion two Sil­ver War God, their Wire­less net­work id code num­ber is Sil­ver War God Num­ber One and No. 2.”
Wu Shaobai is not com­puter Lit­tle Bai, he re­sponded: „Good, El­derly Zhou!” Wu Shaobai ac­cord­ing to the in­struc­tion of Zhou Zem­ing, through Wire­less net­work, Gen­eral has con­nected with the note­books and two Sil­ver War God.
Zhou Zem­ing hap­pen to ar­rives at the Wu Shaobai side, has op­er­ated in the mil­i­tary use note­book, only sees on the note­book screen, con­firm in­for­ma­tion, fast by the Zhou Zem­ing input pass­word, was passed af­ter­ward.
Ap­prox­i­mately less than one minute, Zhou Zem­ing opens the mouth say­ing: „We need to self-check Sil­ver War God, takes three min­utes prob­a­bly. Shaobai, you warm up first, so as to avoid en­ters in dri­ving the cabin, the body does not adapt to the move­ment.”
The Wu Shaobai hon­est start makes some sim­ple warm­ing-up ex­er­cises, Zhou Zem­ing looks at self-check­ing in­for­ma­tion on note­book screen. Luck­ily, Sil­ver War God has had the main­te­nance, the sit­u­a­tion of not hav­ing pre­sented the strike.
After three min­utes, Zhou Zem­ing greeted: „Shaobai, pre­pares to enter in dri­ving the cabin!” Say­ing, Zhou Zem­ing in the mil­i­tary use note­book, has pressed down the enter con­firmed but­ton.
Two sil­ver bright Steel and Iron Giant, the cock­pit was shot to open, the rope lad­der fell to­gether, Wu Shaobai some­what is in a daze ob­vi­ously, so ad­vanced Steel and Iron Giant, en­ters in dri­ving the cabin, un­ex­pect­edly use rope lad­der?
How­ever the ad­van­tage of rope lad­der is very ob­vi­ous, will not have ter­rain re­stric­tion(s) and me­chan­i­cal break­down, what is most im­por­tant, will not take the inner space!
They crawled the rope lad­der to enter in dri­ving the cabin, Zhou Zem­ing started on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, the di­rec­tion said: „Shaobai, see­ing the ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form Right? to stand, en­tered the ma­chin­ery to pass to the plat­form the both feet card, then both hands also card went in!”
„Good, El­derly Zhou!” Wu Shaobai ac­cord­ing to the di­rec­tion of Zhou Zem­ing, ac­com­plish en­tered the ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form.
Zhou Zem­ing looks at Mon­i­tor in cock­pit, dis­cov­ered after Wu Shaobai en­ters the ma­chin­ery con­duc­tion ser­vice plat­form suc­cess­fully, im­me­di­ately di­rects to say once more: „Now Sil­ver War God still in the hangar, the fuel of con­sump­tion can sup­ple­ment at any time that you can the con­trol foot­steps of small range move, can con­trol the arm move­ment. The at­ten­tion, do not break off the back oil trans­porta­tion con­trol!”
Wu Shaobai has at­tempted sim­ply, dis­cov­ered that Sil­ver War God Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem is re­ally sim­ple, or does not need any tech­nol­ogy, wish makes Sil­ver War God make any move­ment, the body makes same move­ment ex­actly as stated.
If not the oil trans­porta­tion man­ages re­stric­tion(s), Wu Shaobai even wants to make a move­ment of back­ward som­er­sault!
„El­derly Zhou, I pre­pared ac­com­plish, the op­er­a­tion of Sil­ver War God was con­ve­nient. We now, can give Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, came to teach lit­tle? I felt that I can make into the small cake cake them!” Wu Shaobai con­fi­dent say­ing.
But is Sil­ver War God, vic­to­ri­ous re­ally [Dawn]? This issue, no one can reply that has Sil­ver War God and [Dawn], the gen­uine show­down, can di­vide one high under!


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