Sunday, December 24, 2017

1425: Shocking

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1425: Shocking!
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4000 seven Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high tem­per­a­tures, are very fatal!
The human known melt­ing point high­est ma­te­r­ial is hafnium alloy, five car­bonize four tan­ta­lum hafnium, the melt­ing point has been 4215 de­grees. How­ever, even though at pre­sent the ma­te­r­ial of known most high MP, is un­able to re­sist the sud­den 4000 seven Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high tem­per­a­tures.
Just, why does this high tem­per­a­ture sud­denly ap­pear?
Shi Lei in­quired again: „[Izual], 4000 seven Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high tem­per­a­tures, du­ra­tion how long?”
ul­tra-high tem­per­a­ture, if du­ra­tion is too short, will not have any too big threat. For ex­am­ple, the aer­o­batic dis­plays of some Xia Na­tion places, bare­foot the char­coal fire that passes through to blush.
Char­coal fire tem­per­a­ture of blush­ing reaches as high as three Baidu|hun­dred de­grees, the human def­i­nitely ir­re­sistibly three Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high tem­per­a­tures. How­ever, why actor of aer­o­batic dis­play not by char­coal fire burn?
It is not the actor of aer­o­batic dis­play has the ex­tra­or­di­nary phys­i­cal func­tions, is not the char­coal fire tem­per­a­ture is in­suf­fi­cient, be­cause of the actor of aer­o­batic dis­play, has good per­for­mance tech­nol­ogy, bare­foots to con­tact the char­coal fire the time to be short. The ul­tra-short time, mak­ing the char­coal fire also with­out enough time burn bare­foot­ing of aer­o­batic dis­play actor.
[Izual] was in­quir­ing the In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor record, around Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], pre­sented the high-tem­per­a­ture the time, to time record that the high tem­per­a­ture van­ished.
„Sir, ac­cord­ing to the In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor record, the high-tem­per­a­ture du­ra­tion has amounted to for 4.7 sec­onds.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Per­haps nor­mally, less than five sec­onds is not wor­thy of men­tion­ing. But in 4000 seven Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high tem­per­a­ture en­vi­ron­ments, let alone is 4.7 sec­onds, ex­actly as stated 0.7 sec­ond, enough Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] in­te­rior Elec­tronic Equip­ment pre­sents issue.
Shi Lei thought 4000 seven Baidu|hun­dred de­grees high-tem­per­a­ture du­ra­tions, but is dozens 1 sec­onds, but the sit­u­a­tion is not ob­vi­ously right.
Con­tin­ues for 4.7 sec­onds, let alone is Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], ex­actly as stated Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]. Also is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to es­cape death by a hair's breadth. Per­haps 0.7 sec­ond, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] may also es­cape!
Devil se­cret Un­der­ground Base.
Re­gard­ing No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, [Amon], al­though was pre­pared. But No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body fierce de­gree, has sur­passed [Amon] is un­ex­pected.
‚No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body. Ac­tu­ally does at­tack Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group that put up Lit­tle Air­plane in what way?’ [Amon] is sim­i­lar to Shi Lei is the same, has not un­der­stood the No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body at­tack way.
[Am­du­sias] watches the No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body vic­tory from the dis­play wall, ap­pears un­usual sat­is­fac­tion, „the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­truder, lost the final air ef­fort and long-dis­tance strength, how are they pos­si­bly our matches?”
[Amon] shakes the head say­ing: „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], al­though Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Metal Ex­oskele­ton, is not our matches. How­ever. If they must es­cape, we could not pre­vent Right?”
Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s data. Devil has al­most an­a­lyzed clearly, the [Dawn]'s trav­el­ing speed is quick, No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body can­not over­take [Dawn]'s.
[Am­du­sias] hā hā has smiled, „the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­truder does not dare to run away! [Amon], you think that Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­vested that many in Xia Na­tion, can they leave Xia Na­tion eas­ily? Once we Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, De­stroy 'Dragon Rise' Or­ga­ni­za­tion at the Com­pass Se­cret Base mat­ter, told to mr.​jia. You guess how mr.​jia will process Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group?”
The [Amon] ex­pres­sion stares, hā hā has laughed af­ter­ward.
„, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group in­truder. Only then meets the tough head-on with tough­ness with us. They are doomed by our De­stroy, right?” [Amon] has not con­sid­ered. issue of Devil fail­ure.
Al­though pow­er­ful No. 4 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body and No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, al­ready by Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron] De­stroy, but [Amon] by the great strength of No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, had been given the suf­fi­cient con­fi­dence.
[Am­du­sias] had not con­sid­ered se­cret that issue of fail­ure, [Am­du­sias] knows are more, he does not think. Devil will de­feat by Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group.
„Yes, Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group is doomed to be de­feated!” [Am­du­sias] happy was singing.
[Amon] looks at the [Am­du­sias] happy look, he in­quired: „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias]. What gene No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has in­jected, what at­tack method had it just used? Un­ex­pect­edly flash on De­stroy Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Lit­tle Air­plane. Re­ally is too fierce.”
The [Am­du­sias] right hand pinches the chin, look is hav­ing a smile. Had con­sid­ered slightly, then the de­ci­sion dis­closed in­for­ma­tion to [Amon].
„No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has in­jected a gene of ma­rine an­i­mal, this ma­rine an­i­mal named Pis­tol Shrimp. Length of body 5 cen­time­ters, but the length of big chela has 2.5 cen­time­ters mar­cru­ran crus­taceans.” [Am­du­sias] ex­plained issue.
Has not waited for [Am­du­sias] to reply, No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has used any way at­tack time, [Amon] un­der­stands, ask­ing of his look il­lu­mi­na­tion: „Un­ex­pect­edly is Pis­tol Shrimp! Merges using the big chela fast, forms the high-speed water jet, si­mul­ta­ne­ously causes the ultra low pres­sure air bub­ble to be empty, is the so-called cav­i­ta­tion. Through ultra low pres­sure air bub­ble that the cav­i­ta­tion forms, from form­ing only takes the One Bil­lion 1 sec­onds to the break­age merely, the tem­per­a­ture at the time of the ex­plo­sion has achieved close Five Thou­sand, isn't that right?”
[Am­du­sias] looked at [Amon] sur­pris­edly, he has not thought that [Amon] so is wealthy in knowl­edge un­ex­pect­edly, knows quite de­tailed data in­clud­ing Pis­tol Shrimp.
„Yes! No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body ac­cord­ing to the at­tack prin­ci­ple of Pis­tol Shrimp, at­tack that starts. How­ever, as a re­sult of the vol­ume of No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body big chela, has gone far be­yond the Pis­tol Shrimp big chela vol­ume. There­fore, in at­tack, the No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body at­tack range is broader, the at­tack might is also more pow­er­ful.” [Am­du­sias] has af­firmed the guess of [Amon].
[Amon] is in­ter­ested asked again: „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], can the big chela of No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, ac­tu­ally achieve what de­gree?”
Al­though Pis­tol Shrimp is very fierce, but Pis­tol Shrimp life in sea. The sea and land have a biggest dif­fer­ence, that was the sea has filled sea­wa­ter, but the land has filled the air.
sea­wa­ter and air are two types of flu­ids, the sea­wa­ter re­sis­tance greatly are com­pletely more than air. The big chela of Pis­tol Shrimp, can cre­ate the Great De­struc­tive Force ultra low pres­sure air pocket ef­fect in the sea­wa­ter high re­sis­tance en­vi­ron­ment, in air is it pos­si­ble that also?
[Am­du­sias] is [Amon] re­leases to be puz­zled, „No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body par­tic­u­larly strength­ened the con­trol­ling gene of big chela, the closed po­si­tion of big chela, can make sev­eral near vac­uum small bub­ble in the flash. This vac­uum small bub­ble from form­ing to an­ni­hi­la­tion, is sim­i­lar in the ultra low pres­sure air bub­ble of seabed man­u­fac­ture with Pis­tol Shrimp, in 1 sec­onds ac­com­plish in One Bil­lion. Fi­nally has cre­ated the air of high quan­tity of heat, and du­ra­tion is longer, enough De­stroy any ob­ject.”
[Amon] calls out in alarm one, „was that in­vin­ci­ble?”
„In some sense, No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body is in­deed in­vin­ci­ble. But the short­com­ing is also ob­vi­ous, the No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body at­tack dis­tance, most can only be 500 me­ters \; The mo­tion speed is also quite slow, most also can only be sim­i­lar to the Or­di­nary per­son \; Phys­i­cal abil­ity as­pect is bad, con­tin­u­ally op­er­a­tional time not over 12 hours.” [Am­du­sias] some­what said with a sigh.
[Amon] frowns to ask: „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], I had doubts, No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body have poured into Sharp-tailed Swift and Chee­tah gene, ob­tained speed ul­tra-fast, the keen nerve re­sponded, ac­cu­rate vi­sion \; No. 6 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body has poured into Japan­ese Rhi­noc­eros Bee­tle, Titan Bee­tle and Amer­i­can Cock­roach gene, ob­tained the for­mi­da­ble strength, sta­ble de­fense, as well as en­durance of last­ing com­bat. Such being the case, why does not syn­the­size these genes, molds more per­fect crea­ture Ex­per­i­men­tal Body?”
[Am­du­sias] sev­eral points of re­gret­table singing: „mod­ify of gene level, how does not want mod­ify, how mod­ify! [Amon], told you top-se­cret data, you must be care­ful, do not say care­lessly.”
[Amon] nods hastily, „Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], you could rest as­sured that I joined Or­ga­ni­za­tion to sur­pass for ten years, was not does not di­vide the weight ab­solutely Idiot.”
Heard the guar­an­tee of [Amon], [Am­du­sias] to open the mouth to sing: „Our for­merly at­tempts to fuse No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body and No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, but has car­ried on seven ex­per­i­ments, has en­coun­tered com­pletely the fail­ure.”
[Am­du­sias] looks at [Amon] not car­ing some ex­pres­sions , to con­tinue say­ing: „[Amon], you think the triv­ial seven ex­per­i­ments, not what? Then, I told you, the No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body train­ing suc­cess ratio, was about 0.7%, in other words, in 1000 in­di­vid­u­als, can train seven No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body. The No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body train­ing suc­cess ratio is lower, has achieved 1/1000 re­luc­tantly.”
The [Amon] com­plex­ion dras­tic change, the fu­sion ex­per­i­ments of seven No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body and No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, that was not equiv­a­lent to has used 8000 peo­ple, ac­com­plish train­ing of prim­i­tive Ex­per­i­men­tal Body?
„Sir Duke [Am­du­sias], we... We... These many ex­per­i­ment vol­un­teers who where comes?” [Amon] uses ‚has tested vol­un­teer’ the noun as con­ceal­ing.
But in fact, this ex­per­i­ment, pos­si­bly are some peo­ple how vol­un­tary?
[Am­du­sias] says with a smile: „Li Jian Na­tion had close 900,000 miss­ing pop­u­la­tion last year, our vol­un­teers have.”
In [Amon] heart one cold, has not con­tin­ued to in­quire. The Li Jian Na­tion miss­ing pop­u­la­tion re­cent, in­creased sud­denly. 1980 time, Li Jian Na­tion one year of miss­ing pop­u­la­tion about 250,000. To 2005 time, each year of miss­ing pop­u­la­tion is about 900,000.
This 900,000 miss­ing pop­u­la­tion, over 500,000 young peo­ple, were ma­jor­ity under 18-year-old.
[Amon] can­not help but is think­ing, the Li Jian Na­tion miss­ing pop­u­la­tion rapidly in­creases, be­cause ex­actly as stated the sit­u­a­tion of sim­i­lar crea­ture re­search are get­ting more and more?
Com­pass Area ground, be­cause only [The Steel and Iron], very bad luck was de­stroyed. Six [Dawn], take No. 3 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body not to have what means tem­porar­ily.
„Boss, per­haps, I have the means to deal with that fel­low!” Zheng San­pao in on-board Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem, opens the mouth to say sud­denly.


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