Monday, December 25, 2017

1437: [Snow Silver Metal] and [Dawn]!

HK :: VOLUME #15
#1437: [Snow Silver Metal] and [Dawn]!
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In Jan­u­ary Twenty-seven day, 3 : 00 pm.
Shi Lei ar­rived at the Li Cai tem­po­rary re­search and makes Cen­ter, is Emer­ald Lake Build­ing. Shi Lei wants to un­der­stand, about the Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn]'s progress.
Ob­tained Sil­ver War God data and [Snow Sil­ver Metal] for­mula from Com­pass Area, Shi Lei im­me­di­ately through Neu­trino net­work, trans­mit­ted to Li Cai, mak­ing Li Cai study to use [Snow Sil­ver Metal] to make the [Dawn]'s pos­si­bil­ity.
„Big Brother Stone, you came!” When Shi Lei ar­rives at Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, Li Cai hap­pen to out­ward walked, has met Shi Lei.
Shi Lei said cu­ri­ously: „Lit­tle Plum, where do you want to go to?”
Li Cai wears a jean, in hand is also tak­ing a span­ner, must knock the rhythm of per­son.
„...” Li Cai puts down the span­ner hastily, af­ter­ward said: „Big Brother Stone, I am look­ing for in­spi­ra­tion!”
„Looks for the in­spi­ra­tion?” Shi Lei strange looks at Li Cai, „Lit­tle Plum, what in­spi­ra­tion do you look for? Right, be­fore trans­mit­ted to your [Snow Sil­ver Metal] for­mula, can it make [Dawn]?”
In­quired that with ma­chin­ery re­lated issue, Li Cai came the spirit im­me­di­ately, de­lighted say­ing: „Nat­u­rally Pos­si­ble! not only yes, but also is ap­pro­pri­ate! Big Brother Stone, I have say­ing that ac­tu­ally you from where, did ob­tain so the Out­stand­ing Mem­ory Metal ma­te­r­ial? This metal, is [Dawn]'s matches sim­ply cer­tainly!”
„Oh?” Shi Lei is puz­zled, why is [Snow Sil­ver Metal] [Dawn]'s matches cer­tainly?
Li Cai turned around to guide, en­tered re­search and man­u­fac­ture work­shop, told: „[Izual], pro­jects all data!”
„Good, Mr. Li.” Li Cai was [Izual] has es­tab­lished a calm mid­dle-aged per­son voice. Per­fectly con­forms to iden­tity of Lab­o­ra­tory as­sis­tant.
[Izual] all data, pro­jects to their 1 ip Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor in im­me­di­ately, Li Cai was ex­plain­ing these data.
„Big Brother Stone. [Snow Sil­ver Metal] has the good de­gree of hard­ness, ac­cord­ing to the grad­u­a­tion of Mohs Hard­ness, [Snow Sil­ver Metal] has been 9 de­grees un­ex­pect­edly, this means that [Snow Sil­ver Metal] has with the Sap­phire same de­gree of hard­ness. Be­sides few goods, for ex­am­ple Di­a­mond and Moissan­ite, in de­gree of hard­ness as­pect [Snow Sil­ver Metal], other goods. Leaves the trace in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face very much dif­fi­cultly.” Li Cai was in­tro­duc­ing ex­cit­edly.
Shi Lei ac­tu­ally frowned, „is not right! Lit­tle Plum, this is not right! I re­mem­ber. [Dawn]'s Alloy Heavy Sword, in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face, has left be­hind very ob­vi­ous scratch!”
Be­fore Com­pass Area, [Dawn] faced [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sev­eral times. In­deed in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face. Has left very ob­vi­ous trace.
Li Cai hā hā said with a smile: „Big Brother Stone, do you know the [Dawn] Alloy Heavy Sword ma­te­r­ial?”
„Does not know.” Shi Lei does not know very much ob­vi­ously.
„[Dawn]'s Alloy Heavy Sword, has used Ce­mented Car­bide and Chromium Alloy mixes the ma­te­r­ial, Mohs Hard­ness sim­i­larly reaches as high as 9!” Li Cai said with a smile.
In the sit­u­a­tion of same level de­gree of hard­ness, [Dawn]'s Alloy Heavy Sword, can cer­tainly leave the trace in the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] sur­face!
Shi Lei has coughed two, con­ceals is in it­self the ma­chin­ery Lit­tle Bai fact. „Lit­tle Plum, since both's Mohs Hard­ness is the same. Why said that [Snow Sil­ver Metal] and [Dawn] do match cer­tainly?”
„Be­cause [Snow Sil­ver Metal] is Mem­ory Metal, and has the spe­cial phys­i­cal prop­erty. Or has the com­pletely op­po­site at­tribute.” Li Cai was say­ing ex­cit­edly.
But is Shi Lei the be­wil­dered ap­pear­ance, Shi Lei pos­si­bly un­der­stands these east and west|thing com­pletely?
Li Cai ex­plained hastily: „Big Brother Stone, I cite an ex­am­ple, nor­mally, the flame is un­able to burn in the water, isn't that right?”
Shi Lei nods, nor­mally, in­deed is such sit­u­a­tion. Nat­u­rally, some spe­cial sit­u­a­tions, even though in water, can burn. For ex­am­ple Ao Ya Na­tion doesn't Olympic Games, have one that in the water ig­nites?
„[Snow Sil­ver Metal] ex­ists is sim­i­lar to the water the op­po­site na­ture of com­bus­tion flame! [Snow Sil­ver Metal] has reaches as high as 9 Mohs Hard­ness, but it also has to en­dure de­lay­ing and tenac­ity that Metal Sil­ver is the same. Metal Sil­ver Mohs Hard­ness only then 2.5-3, it has good de­lay­ing and tenac­ity. This means that [Snow Sil­ver Metal] like Sap­phire, will not have the high de­gree of hard­ness, but very easy shat­ter, al­most does not have any bent-re­sis­tant abil­ity.” Li Cai ex­plained a big pile.
But Shi Lei as if as be­fore not clear ap­pear­ance.
Li Cai has pat­ted the fore­head, has taken Shi Lei this ma­chin­ery Lit­tle Bai, has by more vivid ex­am­ple ex­pla­na­tion.
„Big Brother Stone, you know that Sap­phire Right? for­get about it, did not say Sap­phire, you were not def­i­nitely clear. We said the glass, con­ven­tional glass Mohs Hard­ness is among 6-6.5, is lower than this de­gree of hard­ness the ob­ject, wants to leave the trace in the sur­face of glass, ba­si­cally is im­pos­si­ble. How­ever, the glass is very frail, even if with Mohs Hard­ness, only then 2-3 ice pieces, we can also break the glass, isn't that right?” Li Cai also ex­plained.
Shi Lei these time un­der­stood ac­tu­ally, the de­gree of hard­ness of glass crossed the ice piece, but the ice piece can also break the glass. „What did this ex­plain?”
Li Cai was ex­plain­ing pa­tiently, „we now be­come the glasses the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] imag­i­na­tion, then used the ice piece to pound [Snow Sil­ver Metal]. Al­though the strength of ice piece, enough breaks the glass, but the glass can­not break to pieces, but sud­denly changed the phys­i­cal prop­erty, as if the magic is the same, had soft like the Sil­ver same tenac­ity. Mean­while, but also had the Mem­ory Metal re­silience. Also in other words, even if [Dawn]'s Alloy Heavy Sword, were hit with the di­a­mond by the enemy pre­sented the gap, Alloy Heavy Sword will not break, more­over self-re­cov­ery.”
Shi Lei is slightly dis­ap­pointed, Li Cai ex­plained such larger part day, un­ex­pect­edly such minor func­tion?
Li Cai as if saw Shi Lei's is dis­ap­pointed, he con­tin­ues say­ing: „Per­haps Big Brother Stone, you be­lieve that the func­tion of [Snow Sil­ver Metal] is very minor? If, we [Dawn]'s whole, do use [Snow Sil­ver Metal] to make com­pletely? Es­pe­cially Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment! Once used [Snow Sil­ver Metal] to make the Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment, will again not pre­sent the [Dawn]'s Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stall­ment break or dam­age issue. Changes a view, that is sim­i­lar to on­line game, has Equip­ment that will never dam­age and never wear.”
„Damn?” Shi Lei has shown sur­prised look fi­nally, „Lit­tle Plum, haven't you cracked a joke?”
Li Cai shook the head, af­ter­ward from work table, took up one to en­dure com­pared with the silk equally thin spring, „Big Brother Stone, this was I uses [Snow Sil­ver Metal], man­u­fac­ture model.”
„This is toy use­ful?” Shi Lei puz­zled [say / way].
Li Cai both hands have held on thin such as the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] spring of silk, al­though it merely only then the silk is so tiny, but be­cause has the high de­gree of hard­ness, wants to pull open it, needs to con­sume the strength.
„Big Brother Stone, you fa­vored, Sap­phire, Ce­mented Car­bide and Chromium Alloy same level de­gree of hard­ness, are ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to have sim­i­lar na­ture.” Li Cai is pulling the spring, the length of spring, crosses three times of prim­i­tive length, when the spring is close to the limit grad­u­ally, Li Cai has not stopped as be­fore.
Thin such as the spring of silk was elon­gated to orig­i­nally six times of length, smil­ing of Li Cai hā hā, „does Big Brother Stone, see? The per­fect union of tenac­ity and de­gree of hard­ness, this is the im­pos­si­ble fresh mat­ter, but in our eyes pre­vi­ous ex­is­tence!”
Shi Lei is ma­chin­ery Lit­tle Bai, does not un­der­stand mean­ing.
Both hands of Li Cai con­tinue to make an ef­fort, draws thin such as the spring of silk fiercely, has car­ried on the change the struc­ture of spring, until drew string the spring, stopped mak­ing an ef­fort.
„Big Brother Stone, then, is wit­nesses Mir­a­cle the time!” Li Cai takes up such as silk string with a hand thin, as a re­sult of the strong de­gree of hard­ness, it has not been sim­i­lar to the silk equally is soft, but is straight is stand­ing erect.
If this [Snow Sil­ver Metal] silk, treats as weapon to be the same, pricks the human body, that ab­solutely does not have issue.
[Snow Sil­ver Metal] silk on Li Cai, lived the change slowly, from the straight con­di­tion, slowly was curv­ing, had the spi­ral shape, a mo­ment later, the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] silk turned into spring orig­i­nally.
Shi Lei these shocked re­ally!
„[Izual], it re­stores shape orig­i­nally, how much time has spent?” Shi Lei through 1 ip Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, was in­quir­ing [Izual].
„[Sir], just Sixty sec­ond. Li Cai has per­formed the mul­ti­ple ex­per­i­ment, the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] re­cov­ery time, com­pletely is the Sixty sec­onds.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Even if Shi Lei again is ma­chin­ery Lit­tle Bai, now also un­der­stood the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] value.
Sim­i­lar to Li Cai says, the most basic ap­pli­ca­tion, makes Cold Weapon with [Snow Sil­ver Metal], such Cold Weapon can achieve the per­ma­nent sharp con­di­tion, has not lost, does not have last­ing re­stric­tion(s).
If makes the kitchen knife, then 100 years, are 200 years, or in 1000, this han­dle kitchen knife will be for­ever sharp. No mat­ter chops the bone with this han­dle kitchen knife, chops the floor. So long as is not used to chop Di­a­mond, has cre­ated the main body dam­age flaw, at­tribute that re­ally never will wear.
How­ever, uses [Snow Sil­ver Metal] to make Cold Weapon, but also is re­ally the ap­pli­ca­tion of most foun­da­tion. More­over, such is the Out­stand­ing ma­te­r­ial, how pos­si­bly used to make Cold Weapon mas­sively?
Shi Lei slightly calm a mood, has pat­ted the arm of Li Cai, praised: „Lit­tle Plum, does well!”
Li Cai flex­ure scratch­ing the head, „Big Brother Stone, you ob­tained data of com­plete set. Oth­er­wise, I am def­i­nitely im­pos­si­ble to make [Snow Sil­ver Metal] this Mir­a­cle same metal.”
„Was right, Lit­tle Plum, en­tire [Dawn]'s all spare parts, can use [Snow Sil­ver Metal] Right?” the Shi Lei in­quiry to say.
If there is [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture [Dawn], in Com­pass Area, Shi Lei, Ma Liang and Zheng San­pao [Dawn], will not have the sit­u­a­tion that Shock Ab­sorp­tion in­stalls the per­ma­nent dam­age.
Mean­while, if Fourth Gen­er­a­tion Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery and Ruby Laser Ar­tillery, uses the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture, that No. 5 Ex­per­i­men­tal Body, is un­able to pose the threat to them!
The Li Cai af­fir­ma­tive nod, „Big Brother Stone, I have made the pre­lim­i­nary de­sign pro­posal, Third Gen­er­a­tion [Dawn], def­i­nitely will use the [Snow Sil­ver Metal] man­u­fac­ture.”
„Lit­tle Plum, I need an an­swer, if uses [Snow Sil­ver Metal], makes [Dawn], what per­for­mance then [Dawn] does have?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing Li Cai.


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